このリストを維持するために、ISO 4-1972 "Documentation - International code for the abbreviation of titles of periodicals"とISDS"List of serial title word abbreviations"が使用されました。
- 2D Mater
- 2D Materials
- 3 Biotech
- 3 Biotech
- 3D Print Addit Manuf
- 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing
- 3D Print Med
- 3D Printing in Medicine
- A & A
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
- A F Z : Allg Fischwirtschztg Zentorg Fischwirtsch
- A F Z : Allgemeine Fischwirtschaftszeitung Zentralorgan der Fischwirtschaft
- AAPG Bull
- AAPG Bulletin
- AAPG Mem
- AAPG Memoir
- AAPS Journal
- AATCC Journal of Research
- ABB Rev
- ABB Review
- Abh Akad Wiss DDR
- Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR
- Abh Akad Wiss DDR, Abt Math, Naturwiss, Tech
- Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Abteilung Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik
- Abh Akad Wiss Lit Mainz Math-Natwiss Kl
- Abhandlungen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse
- Abh Math Semin Univ Hamburg
- Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg
- Abh Natwiss Ver Brem
- Abhandlungen Naturwissenschaftliche Verein zu Bremen
- Abh Senckb Naturforsch Ges
- Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft
- ACA Trans
- ACA Transactions
- Acad Forensic Pathol
- Academic Forensic Pathology
- Acad Radiol
- Academic Radiology
- Acat Zool Taiwan
- Acta Zoologica Taiwanica
- Acc Chem Res
- Accounts of Chemical Research
- Access Microbiol
- Access Microbiology
- Accid Anal Prev
- Accident Analysis and Prevention
- Accredit Qual Assur
- Accreditation and Quality Assurance
- ACH - Models Chem
- ACH - Models in Chemistry
- Achiev Life Sci
- Achievements in the Life Sciences
- ACI Mater J
- ACI Materials Journal
- ACI Struct J
- ACI Structural Journal
- ACIAR Proc
- ACIAR Proceedings
- ACM Comput Surv
- ACM Computing Surveys
- ACM Digital Threats: Res Pract
- ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice
- ACM J Comput Cult Heritage
- ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
- ACM J Data Inf Qual
- ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality
- ACM J Emerging Technol Comput
- ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing
- ACM J Exp Algorithmics
- ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
- ACM Trans Accessible Comput
- ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing
- ACM Trans Algorithms
- ACM Transactions on Algorithms
- ACM Trans Appl Percept
- ACM Transactions on Applied Perception
- ACM Trans Archit Code Optim
- ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
- ACM Trans Asian Lang Inf Process
- ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing
- ACM Trans Asian Low-Resour Lang Inf Process
- ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing
- ACM Trans Auton Adapt Syst
- ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems
- ACM Trans Comput Educ
- ACM Transactions on Computing Education
- ACM Trans Comput Logic
- ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
- ACM Trans Comput Syst
- ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
- ACM Trans Comput Theory
- ACM Transactions on Computation Theory
- ACM Trans Comput-Hum Interact
- ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
- ACM Trans Database Syst
- ACM Transactions on Database Systems
- ACM Trans Des Autom Electron Syst
- ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
- ACM Trans Econ Comput
- ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation
- ACM Trans Embedded Comput Syst
- ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
- ACM Trans Graphics
- ACM Transactions on Graphics
- ACM Trans Inf Syst
- ACM Transactions on Information Systems
- ACM Trans Inf Syst Secur
- ACM Transactions on Information and System Security
- ACM Trans Intell Syst Technol
- ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
- ACM Trans Interact Intell Syst
- ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
- ACM Trans Internet Technol
- ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
- ACM Trans Knowl Discovery Data
- ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
- ACM Trans Manage Inf Syst
- ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems
- ACM Trans Math Software
- ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
- ACM Trans Model Comput Simul
- ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
- ACM Trans Multimedia Comput Commun Appl
- ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications
- ACM Trans Parallel Comput
- ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing
- ACM Trans Program Lang Syst
- ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
- ACM Trans Reconfigurable Technol Syst
- ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems
- ACM Trans Sens Netw
- ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
- ACM Trans Software Eng Method
- ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
- ACM Trans Speech Lang Process
- ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing
- ACM Trans Storage
- ACM Transactions on Storage
- ACM Trans Web
- ACM Transactions on the Web
- ACOPS Yearb
- ACOPS Yearbook
- Acoust Imaging
- Acoustical Imaging
- Acoust Phys
- Acoustical Physics
- Acoust Res Lett Online
- Acoustics Research Letters Online
- Acoust Sci Technol
- Acoustical Science and Technology
- Acoust Today
- Acoustics Today
- ACS Appl Bio Mater
- ACS Applied Bio Materials
- ACS Appl Electron Mater
- ACS Applied Electronic Materials
- ACS Appl Energy Mater
- ACS Applied Energy Materials
- ACS Appl Mater Interfaces
- ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
- ACS Appl Nano Mater
- ACS Applied Nano Materials
- ACS Appl Polym Mater
- ACS Applied Polymer Materials
- ACS Biomater Sci Eng
- ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering
- ACS Catal
- ACS Catalysis
- ACS Cent Sci
- ACS Central Science
- ACS Chem Biol
- ACS Chemical Biology
- ACS Chem Health Saf
- ACS Chemical Health and Safety
- ACS Chem Neurosci
- ACS Chemical Neuroscience
- ACS Comb Sci
- ACS Combinatorial Science
- ACS Earth Space Chem
- ACS Earth and Space Chemistry
- ACS Energy Lett
- ACS Energy Letters
- ACS ES&T Eng
- ACS ES&T Engineering
- ACS ES&T Water
- ACS ES&T Water
- ACS Infect Dis
- ACS Infectious Diseases
- ACS Macro Lett
- ACS Macro Letters
- ACS Mater Lett
- ACS Materials Letters
- ACS Med Chem Lett
- ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
- ACS Nano
- ACS Nano
- ACS Omega
- ACS Omega
- ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci
- ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science
- ACS Photonics
- ACS Photonics
- ACS Sens
- ACS Sensors
- ACS Sustainable Chem Eng
- ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
- ACS Symp Ser
- ACS Symposium Series
- ACS Synth Biol
- ACS Synthetic Biology
- Act Passive Electron Compon
- Active and Passive Electronic Components
- Acta Acad Agric Tech Olst ,Protect Aquar Piscat
- Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis Protectio Aquarum et Piscatoria
- Acta Acad Agric Tech Olst, Geod Ruris Regul
- Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis Geodaesia et Ruris Regulatio
- Acta Acad Agric Tech Olst, Technol Aliment
- Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis Technologia alimentarum
- Acta Acad Agric Tech Olst, Vet
- Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis Veterinaria
- Acta Acust
- Acta Acustica
- Acta Acust united Acust
- Acta Acustica united with Acustica
- Acta Adriat
- Acta Adriatica
- Acta Agric Scand Sect A
- Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A: Animal Science
- Acta Agric Scand Sect B
- Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B: Soil and Plant Science
- Acta Amazon
- Acta Amazonica
- Acta Anat
- Acta Anatomica
- Acta Arct
- Acta Arctica
- Acta Astronaut
- Acta Astronautica
- Acta Autom Sin
- Acta Automatica Sinica
- Acta Biochim Biophys Sin
- Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica
- Acta Biochim Pol
- Acta Biochimica Polonica
- Acta Biol Cracov, Bot
- Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Serie Botanique
- Acta Biol Cracov, Zool
- Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Serie Zoologique
- Acta Biol Hung
- Acta Biologica Hungarica
- Acta Biol Jugosl, B
- Acta Biologica Jugoslavica Serija B Mikrobiologija
- Acta Biol Jugosl, E
- Acta Biologica Jugoslavica Serija E Ichthyologia
- Acta Biol Med Ger
- Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica
- Acta Biol Med Soc Sci Gedanensis
- Acta Biologica et Medica Societas Scientiarum Gedanensis
- Acta Biol Paran
- Acta Biologica Paranaense
- Acta Biol Venez
- Acta Biologica Venezuelica
- Acta Biomater
- Acta Biomaterialia
- Acta Bioquim Clin Latinoam
- Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana
- Acta Biotechnol
- Acta Biotechnologica
- Acta Biotheor
- Acta Biotheoretica
- Acta Boreal, A
- Acta Borealia A Scientia
- Acta Bot Fenn
- Acta Botanica Fennica
- Acta Bot Hung
- Acta Botanica Hungarica
- Acta Bot Neerl
- Acta Botanica Neerlandica
- Acta Chem Scand
- Acta Chemica Scandinavica
- Acta Chem Scand Ser A
- Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: Physical and Inorganic Chemistry
- Acta Chem Scand Ser B
- Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Acta Chim Hung
- Acta Chimica Hungarica
- Acta Chim Sinica
- Acta Chimica Sinica
- Acta Chromatogr
- Acta Chromatographica
- Acta Cienc Indica, Chem
- Acta Ciencia Indica Chemistry
- Acta Cienc Indica, Phys
- Acta Ciencia Indica Phyics
- Acta Cient Venez
- Acta Scientifica Venezolana
- Acta Crystallogr, Sect A: Found Crystallogr
- Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations
- Acta Crystallogr, Sect B: Struct Sci
- Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science
- Acta Crystallogr, Sect C: Cryst Struct Commun
- Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications
- Acta Crystallogr, Sect D: Biol Crystallogr
- Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography
- Acta Crystallogr, Sect E: Struct Rep Online
- Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online
- Acta Crystallogr, Sect F: Struct Biol Cryst Commun
- Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications
- Acta Ecol Sin
- Acta Ecologica Sinica
- Acta Entomol
- Acta Entomologica
- Acta Entomol Fenn
- Acta Entomologica Fennica
- Acta Farm Bonaerense
- Acta Farmaceutica Bonaerense
- Acta Faun Entomol
- Acta Faunistica Entomologica
- Acta Genet Sin
- Acta Genetica Sinica
- Acta Geod Geophys
- Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica
- Acta Geodyn Geomater
- Acta Geodynamics et Geomaterialia
- Acta Geol Leopold
- Acta Geologica Leopoldensia
- Acta Geol Lillo
- Acta Geologica Lilloana
- Acta Geol Pol
- Acta Geologica Polonica
- Acta Geol Sin
- Acta Geologica Sinica
- Acta Geophys
- Acta Geophysica
- Acta Geophys Sin
- Acta Geophysica Sinica
- Acta Geotech
- Acta Geotechnica
- Acta Histochem
- Acta Histochemica
- Acta Hortic
- Acta Horticulturae
- Acta Hydrobiol
- Acta Hydrobiologica
- Acta Hydrobiol Litu
- Acta Hydrobiologica Lituanica
- Acta Hydrobiol Sin
- Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica
- Acta Hydroch Hydrob
- Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica
- Acta Hydrochim Hydrobiol
- Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica
- Acta Ichthyol Piscat
- Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria
- Acta Mater
- Acta Materialia
- Acta Mech
- Acta Mechanica
- Acta Mech Sin
- Acta Mechanica Sinica
- Acta Mech Solida Sin
- Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
- Acta Metall
- Acta Metallurgica
- Acta Metall Mater
- Acta Metallurgica et Materialia
- Acta Metall Sinica
- Acta Metallurgica Sinica
- Acta Meteorol Sin
- Acta Meteorologica Sinica
- Acta Microbiol Hung
- Acta Microbiologica Hungarica
- Acta Microbiol Pol
- Acta Microbiologica Polonica
- Acta Micropalaeontol Sin
- Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica
- Acta Morphol Hung
- Acta Morphologica Hungarica
- Acta Morphol Neerl-Scand
- Acta Morphologica Neerlando-Scandinavica
- Acta Mus Maced Sci Nat
- Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium
- Acta Mus Morav
- Acta Musei Moraviae
- Acta Neuropathol
- Acta Neuropathologica
- Acta Neuropsychiatr
- Acta Neuropsychiatrica
- Acta Numer
- Acta Numerica
- Acta Oceanogr Taiwan
- Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica
- Acta Oceanol Sin
- Acta Oceanologica Sinica
- Acta Oceanolog Sin
- Acta Oceanologica Sinica
- Acta Odontol Scand
- Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
- Acta Oecol Int J Ecol
- Acta Oecologica International Journal of Ecology
- Acta Palaeobot
- Acta Palaeobotanica
- Acta Palaeontol Pol
- Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
- Acta Palaeontol Polonica
- Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
- Acta Pharmacol Sin
- Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
- Acta Phys Chim Debrecina
- Acta Physica et Chimica Debrecina
- Acta Phys Chim Sin
- Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
- Acta Phys Debrecina
- Acta Physica Debrecina
- Acta Phys Pol A
- Acta Physica Polonica A
- Acta Phys Pol B
- Acta Physica Polonica B
- Acta Phys Pol B Proc Suppl
- Acta Physica Polonica Proceedings Supplement
- Acta Physiol Scand
- Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
- Acta Phytogeogr Suec
- Acta Phytogeographica Suecica
- Acta Phytopathol Acad Sci Hung
- Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
- Acta Polym
- Acta Polymerica
- Acta Polytech Scand, Chem Technol Ser
- Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica - Chemical Technology Series
- Acta Protozool
- Acta Protozoologica
- Acta r Soc Sci Litt Gothobg, Zool
- Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum et Litterarum Gothoburgensis Zoologica
- Acta Sci Circumst
- Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
- Acta Sci Nat Univ Sunyatseni
- Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni
- Acta Sedimentol Sin
- Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
- Acta Seismol Sin
- Acta Seismologica Sinica
- Acta Soc Zool Bohemoslov
- Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovacae
- Acta Tech
- Acta Technica
- Acta Trop
- Acta Tropica
- Acta Vet Scand
- Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica
- Acta Zool
- Acta Zoologica
- Acta Zool Cracov
- Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia
- Acta Zool Fenn
- Acta Zoologica Fennica
- Acta Zool Hung
- Acta Zoologica Hungarica
- Acta Zool Lillo
- Acta Zoologica Lilloana
- Acta Zool Pathol Antverpiensia
- Acta Zoologica et Pathologica Antverpiensia
- Acta Zool Sin
- Acta Zoologica Sinica
- Actes Dir Rech Sci Tech (Que Prov)
- Actes Direction de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (Quebec Prov)
- Actes Soc Helv Sci Nat
- Actes de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles
- Actual Biol
- Actualidades Biologicas
- Actual Chim
- Actualite Chimique
- Ad Hoc Networks
- Ad Hoc Networks
- Addict Behav
- Addictive Behaviors
- Addict Behav Rep
- Addictive Behaviors Reports
- Addict Biol
- Addiction Biology
- Addit Manuf
- Additive Manufacturing
- Addit Polym
- Additives for Polymers
- Adhes Age
- Adhesives Age
- Adm Law Rev
- Administrative Law Reviews
- Adm Rep
- Administrative Report
- Adour Garonne
- Adour Garonne
- Adsorpt Sci Technol
- Adsorption Science and Technology
- Adv Acoust Vibr
- Advances in Acoustics and Vibrations
- Adv Aerodyn
- Advances in Aerodynamics
- Adv Agric
- Advances in Agriculture
- Adv Anim Biosci
- Advances in Animal Biosciences
- Adv Appl Ceram
- Advances in Applied Ceramics
- Adv Appl Math
- Advances in Applied Mathematics
- Adv Appl Math Mech
- Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
- Adv Appl Microbiol
- Advances in Applied Microbiology
- Adv Appl Probab
- Advances in Applied Probability
- Adv Archaeol Pract
- Advances in Archaeological Practice
- Adv Astron
- Advances in Astronomy
- Adv At Mol Opt Phys
- Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
- Adv Atmos Sci
- Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
- Adv Bio Regul
- Advances in Biological Regulation
- Adv Biochem Eng/Biotechnol
- Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology
- Adv Bioinf
- Advances in Bioinformatics
- Adv Biomarker Sci Technol
- Advances in Biomarker Sciences and Technology
- Adv Bionics Biokinet Biocybern
- Advanced Bionics, Biokinetics and Biocybernetics
- Adv Biophys
- Advances in Biophysics
- Adv Biosyst
- Advanced Biosystems
- Adv Bot Res
- Advances in Botanical Research
- Adv Bridge Eng
- Advances in Bridge Engineering
- Adv Build Energy Res
- Advances in Building Energy Research
- Adv Carbohydr Chem Biochem
- Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Adv Cem Based Mater
- Advanced Cement Based Materials
- Adv Cem Res
- Advances in Cement Research
- Adv Chem Phys
- Advances in Chemical Physics
- Adv Chem Ser
- Advances in Chemistry Series
- Adv Chromatogr
- Advances in Chromatography
- Adv Civ Eng
- Advances in Civil Engineering
- Adv Clim Change Res
- Advances in Climate Change Research
- Adv Colloid Interface Sci
- Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
- Adv Complex Syst
- Advances in Complex Systems
- Adv Compos Hybrid Mater
- Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials
- Adv Compos Mater
- Advanced Composite Materials
- Adv Comput Math
- Advances in Computational Mathematics
- Adv Condens Matter Phys
- Advances in Condensed Matter Physics
- Adv Control Appl
- Advanced Control for Applications
- Adv Cryog Eng
- Advances in Cryogenic Engineering
- Adv Damage Mech
- Advances in Damage Mechanics
- Adv Dev Biol
- Advances in Developmental Biology
- Adv Device Mater
- Advanced Device Materials
- Adv Drug Delivery Rev
- Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews
- Adv Ecol Res
- Advances in Ecological Research
- Adv Electron Mater
- Advanced Electronic Materials
- Adv Energy Mater
- Advanced Energy Materials
- Adv Eng Educ
- Advances in Engineering Education
- Adv Eng Inf
- Advanced Engineering Informatics
- Adv Eng Mater
- Advanced Engineering Materials
- Adv Eng Software
- Advances in Engineering Software
- Adv Environ Res
- Advances in Environmental Research
- Adv Environ Sci Technol
- Advances in Environmental Science and Technology
- Adv Enzyme Regul
- Advances in Enzyme Regulation
- Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol Biol
- Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology
- Adv Enzymol Relat Subj
- Advances in Enzymology and Related Subjects
- Adv Enzymol Relat Subj Biochem
- Advances in Ezymology and Related Subjects of Biochemistry
- Adv Filtr Sep Technol
- Advances in Filtration and Separation Technology
- Adv Food Nutr Res
- Advances in Food and Nutrition Research
- Adv Forensic Haemogenet
- Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics
- Adv Free Radical Biol Med
- Advances in Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- Adv Funct Mater
- Advanced Functional Materials
- Adv Fuzzy Syst
- Advances in Fuzzy Systems
- Adv Genet
- Advances in Genetics
- Adv Geophys
- Advances in Geophysics
- Adv Geosci
- Advances in Geosciences
- Adv Healthcare Mater
- Advanced Healthcare Materials
- Adv Heterocycl Chem
- Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry
- Adv High Energy Phys
- Advances in High Energy Physics
- Adv Hum Comput Interact
- Advances in Human-Computer Interaction
- Adv Ind Eng Polym Res
- Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research
- Adv Inorg Chem
- Advances in Inorganic Chemistry
- Adv Limnol
- Advances in Limnology
- Adv Lipid Res
- Advances in Lipid Research
- Adv Magn Opt Reson
- Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance
- Adv Manuf Polym Compos Sci
- Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science
- Adv Mar Biol
- Advances in Marine Biology
- Adv Mass Spectrom
- Advances in Mass Spectrometry
- Adv Mater
- Advanced Materials
- Adv Mater Forum
- Advanced Materials Forum
- Adv Mater Interfaces
- Advanced Materials Interfaces
- Adv Mater Opt Electron
- Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics
- Adv Mater Processes
- Advanced Materials and Processes
- Adv Mater Res
- Advances in Materials Research
- Adv Mater Sci Eng
- Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
- Adv Math
- Advances in Mathematics
- Adv Math Phys
- Advances in Mathematical Physics
- Adv Mech
- Advances in Mechanics
- Adv Mech Eng
- Advances in Mechanical Engineering
- Adv Med Dent Sci
- Advances in Medical and Dental Sciences
- Adv Med Sci
- Advances in Medical Science
- Adv Meteorol
- Advances in Meteorology
- Adv Modell Anal A
- Advances in Modelling and Analysis A
- Adv Modell Anal B
- Advances in Modelling and Analysis B
- Adv Mol Pathol
- Advances in Molecular Pathology
- Adv Mol Relax Interact Processes
- Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes
- Adv Multimedia
- Advances in Multimedia
- Adv Nat Appl Sci
- Advances in Natural and Applied Science
- Adv Nat Sci: Nanosci Nanotechnol
- Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Adv Neuroimmune Biol
- Advances in Neuroimmune Biology
- Adv Nonlinear Anal
- Advances in Nonlinear Analysis
- Adv Nonlinear Stud
- Advanced Nonlinear Studies
- Adv Numer Anal
- Advances in Numerical Analysis
- Adv Nutr
- Advances in Nutrition
- Adv Oceanogr Limnol
- Advances in Oceanography and Limnology
- Adv Oper Res
- Advances in Operations Research
- Adv Opt Mater
- Advanced Optical Materials
- Adv Opt Photonics
- Advances in Optics and Photonics
- Adv Opt Technol
- Advances in Optical Technologies
- Adv OptoElectron
- Advances in OptoElectronics
- Adv Org Geochem
- Advances in Organic Geochemistry
- Adv Org Synth
- Advances in Organic Synthesis
- Adv Organomet Chem
- Advances in Organometallic Chemistry
- Adv Photonics
- Advanced Photonics
- Adv Phys
- Advances in Physics
- Adv Phys Org Chem
- Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry
- Adv Polym Sci
- Advances in Polymer Science
- Adv Polym Tech
- Advances in Polymer Technology
- Adv Powder Metall Part Mater
- Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials
- Adv Powder Technol
- Advanced Powder Technology
- Adv Power Electron
- Advances in Power Electronics
- Adv Prod Eng Manage
- Advances in Production Engineering & Management
- Adv Protein Chem
- Advances in Protein Chemistry
- Adv Quantum Chem
- Advances in Quantum Chemistry
- Adv Quantum Technol
- Advanced Quantum Technologies
- Adv Radiat Oncol
- Advances in Radiation Oncology
- Adv Radio Sci
- Advances in Radio Science
- Adv Rob
- Advanced Robotics
- Adv Sci
- Advanced Science
- Adv Sci Lett
- Advanced Science Letters
- Adv Sci Res
- Advances in Science and Research
- Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res
- Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research
- Adv Space Res
- Advances in Space Research
- Adv Spectrosc
- Advances in Spectroscopy
- Adv Stat Climatol Meteorol Oceanogr
- Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography
- Adv Struct Eng
- Advances in Structural Engineering
- Adv Stud Theor Phys
- Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics
- Adv Synchrotron Radiat
- Advances in Synchrotron Radiation
- Adv Synth Catal
- Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis
- Adv Theor Math Phys
- Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- Adv Theor Simul
- Advanced Theory and Simulations
- Adv Transp Stud
- Advances in Transportation Studies
- Adv Tribol
- Advances in Tribology
- Adv Virol
- Advances in Virology
- Adv Water Res
- Advances in Water Research
- Adv Water Resour
- Advances in Water Resources
- Adv X-Ray Anal
- Advances in X-Ray Analysis
- Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev
- Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological Reviews
- Advis Serv Sea Grant Program South Calif Univ
- Advisory Services Sea Grant Program Southern California University
- Aegir/Sea
- Aegir/Sea
- Aeolian Res
- Aeolian Research
- Aeronaut J
- Aeronautical Journal
- Aerosol Air Qual Res
- Aerosol and Air Quality Research
- Aerosol Sci Eng
- Aerosol Science and Engineering
- Aerosol Sci Technol
- Aerosol Science and Technology
- Aerosp Med Hum Perform
- Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
- Aerosp Sci Technol
- Aerospace Science and Technology
- Aerosp Syst
- Aerospace Systems
- AEU Int J Electron Commun
- AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications
- Afr Entomol
- African Entomology
- Afr J Aquat Sci
- African Journal of Aquatic Science
- Afr J Biochem Res
- African Journal of Biochemistry Research
- Afr J Ecol
- African Journal of Ecology
- Afr J Environ Sci Technol
- African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
- Afr J Food Agric Nutr Dev
- African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
- Afr J Food Sci
- African Journal of Food Science
- Afr J Lab Med
- African Journal of Laboratory Medicine
- Afr J Mar Sci
- African Journal of Marine Science
- Afr J Plant Sci
- African Journal of Plant Science
- Afr J Range Forage Sci
- African Journal of Range and Forage Science
- Agal Res
- Agal Research
- Agra Univ J Res: Sci
- Agra University Journal of Research: Science
- Permanent inventory of Agricultural Research Projects in the Commission of European Communities
- Agric Agric Sci Procedia
- Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia
- Agric Ecosyst Environ
- Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
- Agric Environ
- Agriculture and Environment
- Agric Environ Lett
- Agricultural & Environmental Letters
- Agric Food Sci
- Agricultural and Food Science
- Agric Food Secur
- Agriculture & Food Security
- Agric For Bull
- Agriculture and Forestry Bulletin
- Agric For Entomol
- Agricultural and Forest Entomology
- Agric For Meteorol
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
- Agric Pesca Aliment Esp
- Agricultura, la Pesca y la Alimentacion Espanolas
- Agric Res
- Agricultural Research
- Agric Resour Econ Rev
- Agricultural and Resource Economics Review
- Agric Syst
- Agricultural Systems
- Agric Wastes
- Agricultural Wastes
- Agric Water Manage
- Agricultural Water Management
- Agrofor Syst
- Agroforestry Systems
- Agron J
- Agronomy Journal
- Agron Lusit
- Agronomia Lusitana
- Agron Sustainable Dev
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development
- AGSO J Aust Geol Geophys
- AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics
- AGU Adv
- AGU Advances
- AI Commun
- AI Communications
- AIAA J Air Transp
- AIAA Journal of Air Transportation
- Ain Shams Eng J
- Ain Shams Engineering Journal
- AIP Adv
- AIP Advances
- Air Qual Atmos Health
- Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health
- Air Soil Water Res
- Air, Soil and Water Research
- Air Water Pollut
- Air and Water Pollution
- Aircr Des
- Aircraft Design
- Aircr Eng
- Aircraft Engineering
- AlChE J
- AIChE Journal
- AlChE Symp Ser
- AIChE Symposium Series
- Alcohol Alcohol
- Alcohol and Alcoholism
- Alcohol Drug Addict
- Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
- Alcohol: Clin Exp Res
- Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
- ALCOM News
- ALCOM News
- ALCOM Report
- Aldrichimica Acta
- Aldrichimica Acta
- Al'gologiya
- Al'gologiya
- Algorithmic Finance
- Algorithmic Finance
- Algorithms Mol Biol
- Algorithms for Molecular Biology
- Aliment Pharmacol Ther
- Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Allan Hancock Atl Exped, Rep
- Allan Hancock Atlantic Expedition Report
- Allan Hancock Found, Tech Rep
- Allan Hancock Foundation Technical Report
- Allan Hancock Monogr Mar Biol
- Allan Hancock Monographs in Marine Biology
- Allan Hancock Occas Pap
- Allan Hancock Occasional Papers
- Allan Hancock Occas Pap, New Ser
- Allan Hancock Occasional Papers New Series
- Allan Hancock Pac Exped
- Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions
- Allg Fisch-Ztg
- Allgemeine Fischerei-Zeitung
- Alp Bot
- Alpine Botany
- Alp Entomol
- Alpine Entomology
- Alsk Fish Res Bull
- Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin
- Alsk Sea Grant Rep Alsk Sea Grant Program, Univ Alsk
- Alaska Sea Grant Report Alaska Sea Grant Program, University of Alaska
- Am Assoc Pet Geol Bull
- American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
- Am Bee J
- American Bee Journal
- Am Biol Teach
- American Biology Teacher
- Am Ceram Soc Bull
- American Ceramic Society Bulletin
- Am Chem J
- American Chemical Journal
- Am Christmas Tree J
- American Christmas Tree Journal
- Am Econ Rev
- American Economic Review
- Am Fish Soc Symp
- American Fisheries Society Symposium
- Am Ind Hyg Assoc J
- American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal
- Am J Addict
- American Journal on Addictions
- Am J Agric Econ
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Am J Altern Agric
- American Journal of Alternative Agriculture
- Am J Biochem Biotechnol
- American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- Am J Bioethics
- American Journal of Bioethics
- Am J Bot
- American Journal of Botany
- Am J Clin Nutr
- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- Am J Clin Pathol
- American Journal of Clinical Pathology
- Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse
- American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- Am J Econ Sociol
- American Journal of Economics and Sociology
- Am J Food Technol
- American Journal of Food Technology
- Am J Forensic Med Pathol
- American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology
- Am J Health Syst Pharm
- American Journal of Health System Pharmacy
- Am J Health-Syst Pharm
- American Journal of Health System Pharmacy
- Am J Hematol
- American Journal of Hematology
- Am J Hum Genet
- American Journal of Human Genetics
- Am J Ind Med
- American Journal of Industrial Medicine
- Am J Int Law
- American Journal of International Law
- Am J Med Genet
- American Journal of Medical Genetics
- Am J Neuroprot Neuroregener
- American Journal of Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration
- Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging
- American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
- Am J Pathol
- American Journal of Pathology
- Am J Pharmacol Toxicol
- American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Am J Philol
- American Journal of Philology
- Am J Phys
- American Journal of Physics
- Am J Phys Anthropol
- American Journal of Physical Anthropology
- Am J Physiol
- American Journal of Physiology
- Am J Plant Sci
- American Journal of Plant Science
- Am J Potato Res
- American Journal of Potato Research
- Am J Primatol
- American Journal of Primatology
- Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol
- American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
- Am J Sci
- American Journal of Science
- Am J Sports Med
- American Journal of Sports Medicine
- Am J Surg Pathol
- American Journal of Surgical Pathology
- Am J Trop Med Hyg
- American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- Am J Vet Res
- American Journal of Veterinary Research
- Am Lab
- American Laboratory
- Am Malacol Bull
- American Malacological Bulletin
- Am Malacol Bull, Spec Ed
- American Malacological Bulletin Special Edition
- Am Math Mon
- American Mathematical Monthly
- Am Midl Nat
- American Midland Naturalist
- Am Mineral
- American Mineralogist
- Am Mus Novit
- American Museum Novitates
- Am Nat
- American Naturalist
- Am Sci
- American Scientist
- Am Univ Law Rev
- American University Law Review
- Am Zool
- American Zoologist
- Amazoniana
- Amazoniana : Limnologia et Oecologia Regionalis Systemae Fluminis Amazonas
- Ambiente
- Ambiente
- Ambio
- Ambio
- Ambio Spec Rep
- Ambio Special Report
- Ameghiniana
- Ameghiniana
- Amino Acids
- Amino Acids
- Ammonia Plant Saf Relat Facil
- Ammonia Plant Safety and Related Facilities
- An Acad Bras Cienc
- Anais de Academia Brasileira de Ciencias
- An Asoc Quim Argent
- Anales de la Asociacion Quimica Argentina
- An Biol
- Anales de Biologia
- An Cent Cienc Mar Limnol
- Anales del Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia
- An Clube Mil Nav, Lisb
- Anais do Clube Militar Naval, Lisbon
- An Fac Med Vet, Lisb
- Anais de Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria, Lisbon
- An Inst Biol, Univ Nac Auton Mex, Bot
- Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Serie Botanica
- An Inst Biol, Univ Nac Auton Mex, Zool
- Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Serie Zoologia
- An Inst Cienc Mar Limnol
- Anales del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia
- An Inst Cienc Mar Limnol Univ Nac Auton Mex
- Anales del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
- An Inst Hid, Lisb
- Anais do Instituto Hidrografico, Lisbon
- An Inst Hig Med Trop, Lisb
- Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Lisbon
- An Inst Invest Mar Punta de Betin
- Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Punta de Betin
- An Inst Patagon
- Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia
- An Mus Hist Nat Valpso
- Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso
- An Quim
- Anales de Quimica
- An Univ Bucur, Biol
- Analele Universitatii Bucurestii Biologie
- An Univ Galati Tehn Piscic Constr Amenajari Piscic
- Analele Universitatii din Galati Tehnica Piscicola, Constructii si Amenajari Piscicole
- Anal BioanalChem
- Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
- Anal Biochem
- Analytical Biochemistry
- Anal Cell Pathol
- Analytical Cellular Pathology
- Anal Chem
- Analytical Chemistry
- Anal Chem Insights
- Analytical Chemistry Insights
- Anal Chem Res
- Analytical Chemistry Research
- Anal Chim
- Annali di Chimica
- Anal Chim Acta
- Analytica Chimica Acta
- Anal Chim Acta: X
- Analytica Chimica Acta: X
- Anal Commun
- Analytical Communications
- Anal Lett
- Analytical Letters
- Anal Methods
- Analytical Methods
- Anal Proc
- Analytical Proceedings
- Anal Proc incl Anal Commun
- Analytical Proceedings including Analytical Communications
- Anal Sci
- Analytical Sciences
- Anal Sci Adv
- Analytical Science Advances
- Anal Sens
- Analysis & Sensing
- Analusis
- Analusis
- Analyst
- Analyst
- Anat Embryol
- Anatomy and Embryology
- Anat Rec
- Anatomical Record
- Andean Geol
- Andean Geology
- Angew Bot
- Angewandte Botanik
- Angew Chem
- Angewandte Chemie
- Angew Chem Int Ed
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition
- Angew Makromol Chem
- Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie
- Anim Behav
- Animal Behaviour
- Anim Biotechnol
- Animal Biotechnology
- Anim Biotelem
- Animal Biotelemetry
- Anim Conserv
- Animal Conservation
- Anim Feed Sci Technol
- Animal Feed Science and Technology
- Anim Front
- Animal Frontiers
- Anim Genet
- Animal Genetics
- Anim Health Res Rev
- Animal Health Research Reviews
- Anim Learn Behav
- Animal Learning and Behavior
- Anim Models Exp Med
- Animal Models and Experimental Medicine
- Anim Nutr Feed Technol
- Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
- Anim Prod
- Animal Production
- Anim Prod Sci
- Animal Production Science
- Anim Res Dev
- Animal Research and Development
- Anim Sci
- Animal Science
- Anim Sci Technol
- Animal Science and Technology
- Animalia
- Animalia
- Ann Agrar Sci
- Annals of Agrarian Science
- Ann Anat
- Annals of Anatomy
- Ann Appl Biol
- Annals of Applied Biology
- Ann Biochim Clin Que
- Annales de Biochimie Clinque du Quebec
- Ann Biol (Greece)
- Annales Biologiques
- Ann Biol (UK)
- Annals of Biology
- Ann Biol Clin
- Annales de Biologie Clinique
- Ann Biol Clin Que
- Annales de Biologie Clinique du Quebec
- Ann Biomed Eng
- Annals of Biomedical Engineering
- Ann Bot
- Annals of Botany
- Ann Bot Fenn
- Annales Botanici Fennici
- Ann Bot Soc Zool Bot Fenn Vanamo
- Annales Botanici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae Vanamo
- Ann Chim
- Annales de Chimie
- Ann Chim (Rome)
- Annali di Chimica
- Ann Chim Anal
- Annals Chimie Analytique
- Ann Chim Anal Rev Chim Anal Reunies
- Annales de Chimie Analytique et Revue de Chimie Analytique Reunies
- Ann Chim Sci Mat
- Annales de Chimie Science des Materiaux
- Ann Clin Biochem
- Annals of Clinical Biochemistry
- Ann Clin Transl Neurol
- Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology
- Ann Compos
- Annales des Composites
- Ann Endrocrinol
- Annales d'Endrocrinologie
- Ann Entomol Soc Am
- Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- Ann Fac Sci Naut, Ist Univ Nav, Napoli
- Annali della Facolta di Scienze Nautiche, Istituto Universitario Navale, Napoli
- Ann For Sci
- Annals of Forest Science
- Ann Genet
- Annales de Genetique
- Ann Geofis
- Annali di Geofisica
- Ann Geogr
- Annales de Geographie
- Ann Geol Pays Hell
- Annales Geologiques des Pays Helleniques
- Ann Geophys
- Annales Geophysicae
- Ann Geophys Atmos Hydrosph Space Sci
- Annales Geophysicae Atmospheres, Hydrospheres and Space Sciences
- Ann Gis
- Annals of GIS
- Ann Glaciol
- Annals of Glaciology
- Ann Hematol
- Annals of Hematology
- Ann Hepatol
- Annals of Hepatology
- Ann Hum Biol
- Annals of Human Biology
- Ann Hydrogr
- Annales Hydrographiques
- Ann Hydrogr, 5
- Annales Hydrographiques 5eme serie
- Ann Inst Biol (Tihany)
- Annales Instituti Biologici (Tihany)
- Ann Inst Henri Poincare
- Annales de l'Institute Henri Poincare
- Ann Inst Oceanogr
- Annales de l'Institut Oceanographique
- Ann Inst Oceanogr , Paris, Nouv Ser
- Annales de l'Institut Oceanographique, Paris Nouvelle Serie
- Ann Limnol
- Annales de Limnologie
- Ann Meteorol N F
- Annalen der Meteorologie Neue Folge
- Ann Microbiol
- Annals of Microbiology
- Ann Mo Bot Gard
- Annals Missouri Botanical Garden
- Ann Mus Civ Stor Nat Genova
- Annali di Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
- Ann Mus Civ Stor Nat Giacomo Doria
- Annali di Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Giacomo Doria
- Ann Mus Goulandris
- Annales Musei Goulandris
- Ann N Y Acad Sci
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Ann Natal Mus
- Annals of the Natal Museum
- Ann Nathist Mus Wien
- Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien
- Ann Nathist Mus Wien, A
- Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie A Mineralogie und Petrographie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Antrhopologie und Praehistorie
- Ann Nathist Mus Wien, B
- Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie
- Ann Nathist Mus Wien, C
- Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie C Jahresberichte
- Ann Neurol
- Annals of Neurology
- Ann Nucl Eng
- Annals of Nuclear Engineering
- Ann NY Acad Sci
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Ann Obs Nat Athenes
- Annales de l'Observatoire National d'Athenes
- Ann Occup Hyg
- Annals of Occupational Hygiene
- Ann Paleontol
- Annales de Paleontologie
- Ann Pharm Fr
- Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises
- Ann Pharmacother
- Annals of Pharmacotherapy
- Ann Phys
- Annalen der Physik
- Ann Plant Prot Sci
- Annals of Plant Protection Sciences
- Ann Ponts Chaussees
- Annales des Ponts et Chausses
- Ann Rev Cancer Biol
- Annual Review of Cancer Biology
- Ann S Afr Mus
- Annals of the South African Museum
- Ann Sci
- Annals of Science
- Ann Sci Nat Zool Biol Anim
- Annales des Sciences Naturelles - Zoologie et Biologie Animale
- Ann Sci Nat, 12
- Annales des Sciences Naturelles 12eme Serie Zoologie et Biologie Animale
- Ann Sci Nat, B
- Annales des Sciences Naturelles B Zoologie
- Ann Sci Univ Besancon, 4
- Annales Scientifiques de l'Universite de Besancon 4eme serie Geologie
- Ann Soc Belg Med Trop
- Annales de la Societe Belge de Medecine Tropicale
- Ann Soc r Zool Belg
- Annales de la Societe royale Zoologique de Belgie
- Ann Soc Sci Nat Charente-Marit
- Annales de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de la Charente- Maritime
- Ann Solid Struct Mech
- Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics
- Ann Stn Biol Besse-en-Chandesse
- Annales de la Station Biologique de Besse-en-Chandesse
- Ann Telecommun
- Annals of Telecommunications
- Ann Toxicol Anal
- Annales de Toxicologie Analytique
- Ann Trop Med Parasitol
- Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
- Ann Univ Buc Chim
- Analele Universitatii Bucurersti Chimie
- Ann Work Exposures Health
- Annals of Work Exposures and Health
- Ann Zool
- Annales Zoologici
- Ann Zool (Agra)
- Annals of Zoology (Agra)
- Ann Zool Fenn
- Annales Zoologici Fennici
- Ann Zootech
- Annales de Zootechnie
- Annee Biol
- Annee Biologique
- Annu Dep Rep Dir Agric Fish (Hong Kong)
- Annual Departmental Report by the Director of Agriculture and Fisheries (Hong Kong)
- Annu Inst Meteorol Climatol Univ Thessalon
- Annuaire de l'Institut Meteorologique et Climatologique Universite de Thessaloniki
- Annu Pesce Pesca
- Annuario del Pesce e della Pesca
- Annu Proc Gulf Caribb Fish Inst
- Annual Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
- Annu Rep Acc Anglian Water
- Annual Report and Accounts Anglian Water
- Annu Rep Acc Ir Sea Fish Board
- Annual Report and Accounts Irish Sea Fisheries Board
- Annu Rep Acc Natl Rivers Auth (G B)
- Annual Report and Accounts National Rivers Authority (Great Britain)
- Annu Rep Acc Sea Fish Ind Auth
- Annual Report and Accounts Sea Fish Industry Authority
- Annu Rep Acc South West Water Auth
- Annual Report and Accounts South West Water Authority
- Annu Rep Acc Thames Water Auth
- Annual Report and Accounts Thames Water Authority
- Annu Rep Acc Yorks Water Auth
- Annual Report and Accounts Yorkshire Water Authority
- Annu Rep Anal At Spectrosc
- Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy
- Annu Rep Atl Fish Restructuring Act
- Annual Report Atlantic Fisheries Restructuring Act
- Annu Rep Atl Salmon Fed
- Annual Report Atlantic Salmon Federation
- Annu Rep Aust Inst Mar Sci
- Annual Report Australian Institute of Marine Science
- Annu Rep Bermud Biol Stn Res
- Annual Report Bermuda Biological Station for Research
- Annu Rep Can Inst Fish Technol
- Annual Report Canadian Institute of Fisheries Technology
- Annu Rep Can Inst Sci Tech Inf
- Annual Report Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information
- Annu Rep Can Water Act
- Annual Report Canada Water Act
- Annu Rep Catch Effort Stat Fish Grounds Korean Tuna Longline Fish
- Annual Report of Catch and Effort Statistics and Fishing Grounds for the Korean Tuna Longline Fishery
- Annu Rep Cent Inland Capture Fish Res Inst, Barrackpore
- Annual Report Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore
- Annu Rep Cent Inst Fish Technol, Cochin
- Annual Report Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin
- Annu Rep Cent Mar Res Inst Cochin
- Annual Report Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin
- Annu Rep Chesapeake Bay Found
- Annual Report Chesapeake Bay Foundation
- Annu Rep Chicago Nat Hist Mus
- Annual Report of Chicago Natural History Museum
- Annu Rep Chief Dir Mar Dev (S Afr)
- Annual Report Chief Directorate Marine Development (South Africa)
- Annu Rep Clyde River Purif Board
- Annual Report Clyde River Purification Board
- Annu Rep Dep Environ Aff, S Afr
- Annual Report Department of Environment Affairs S Africa
- Annu Rep Dep Fish (Zambia)
- Annual Report Department of Fisheries (Zambia)
- Annu Rep Dep Fish Cyprus Fish
- Annual Report on the Department of Fisheries and the Cyprus Fisheries
- Annu Rep Dep Fish Oceans (Can)
- Annual Report Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada)
- Annu Rep Dep Oceanogr , Univ B C
- Annual Report Department of Oceanography, University of British Columbia
- Annu Rep Dir Dep Plant Biol
- Annual Report of the Director Department of Plant Biology
- Annu Rep Dir Fish Ind Res Inst, Univ Cape Town
- Annual Report of the Director Fishing Industry Research Institue, University of Cape Town
- Annu Rep Durb Nat Hist Mus
- Annual Report Durban Natural History Museum
- Annu Rep Effort Catch Stat Area Taiwan Demersal Fish Fish
- Annual Report of Effort and Catch Statistics by area on Taiwan Demersal Fish Fisheries
- Annu Rep Effort Catch Stat Taiwan Distant Gill Net Fish
- Annual Report of Effort and Catch Statistics on Taiwan Distant Gill Net Fishery
- Annu Rep Environ Can
- Annual Report Environment Canada
- Annu Rep ERL/NOAA
- Annual Report Environmental Research Laboratories, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US)
- Annu Rep Fish Aquac (N B)
- Annual Report Fisheries and Aquaculture (New Brunswick)
- Annu Rep Fish Board Scotl
- Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland
- Annu Rep Fish Dep (Solomon Isls)
- Annual Report Fisheries Department (Solomon Islands)
- Annu Rep Fish Dev Act Dep Fish Oceans (Can)
- Annual Report Fisheries Development Act Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada)
- Annu Rep Fish Div (Fiji)
- Annual Report Fisheries Division (Fiji)
- Annu Rep Fish Div (Kiribati)
- Annual Report Fisheries Division (Kiribati)
- Annu Rep Fish Health Unit, Fac Vet Med, Univ PEI
- Annual Report Fish Health Unit, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Prince Edward Island
- Annu Rep Fish Improv Loans Act Dep Fish Oceans (Can)
- Annual Report Fisheries Improvement Loans Act Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada)
- Annu Rep Fish Mark Organ Hong Kong
- Annual Report Fish Marketing Organization, Hong Kong
- Annu Rep Fish Prices Support Board Can
- Annual Report Fisheries Prices Support Board Canada
- Annu Rep Fish Surv India
- Annual Report Fishery Survey of India
- Annu Rep Forth River Purif Board
- Annual Report Forth River Purification Board
- Annu Rep Freshw Biol Ass
- Annual Report Freshwater Biological Association
- Annu Rep Freshw Fish Cent, Christch
- Annual Report Freshwater Fisheries Centre, Christchurch
- Annu Rep GLFC
- Annual Report Great Lakes Fishery Commission
- Annu Rep Gt Barrier Reef Mar Park Auth
- Annual Report Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
- Annu Rep Highl River Purif Board
- Annual Report Highland River Purification Board
- Annu Rep Huntsman Mar Sci Cent
- Annual Report Huntsman Marine Science Centre
- Annu Rep I-ATTC
- Annual Report Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
- Annu Rep INPFC
- Annual Report International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
- Annu Rep Inst Aquac, Univ Stirling
- Annual Report Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling
- Annu Rep Inst Landsc Ecol
- Annual Report Institute of Landscape Ecology
- Annu Rep Inst Oceanogr Sci
- Annual Report Institute of Oceanographic Sciences
- Annu Rep Iowa Coop Fish Wildl Res Unit
- Annual Report Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
- Annu Rep IPHC
- Annual Report International Pacific Halibut Commission
- Annu Rep Iran Fish Res Train Organ
- Annual Report Iranian Fisheries Research and Training Organization
- Annu Rep Jpn Mar Sci Technol Cent
- Annual Report of Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
- Annu Rep Mar Biol Assoc UK
- Annual Report Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
- Annu Rep Mar Mamm Comm
- Annual Report of the Marine Mammal Commission
- Annu Rep Med Chem
- Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry
- Annu Rep Minist Agric Fish (N Z)
- Annual Report Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (New Zealand)
- Annu Rep Murray-Darling Freshw Res Cent
- Annual Report Murray-Darling Freshw Res Cent
- Annu Rep NAFO
- Annual Report Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
- Annu Rep Natl Bur Fish Genet Resour (India)
- Annual Report National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (India)
- Annu Rep Natl Cent Atmos Res (U S)
- Annual Report National Center for Atmospheric Rseearch (US)
- Annu Rep Natl Inst Freshw Fish Res (Niger)
- Annual Report National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research (Nigeria)
- Annu Rep Natl Inst Genet
- Annual Report of the National Institute of Genetics
- Annu Rep Natl Inst Oceanogr
- Annual Report of the National Institute of Oceanography
- Annu Rep Neth Inst Law Sea
- Annual Report Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea
- Annu Rep Neth Inst Sea Res
- Annual Report Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
- Annu Rep Niger Inst Oceanogr Mar Res
- Annual Report Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research
- Annual Report National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US), Enrivonmental Research Laboratories, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
- Annual Report Natinal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US), Environmental Reserach Laboratories, Pacific Marine Environmental Research Laboratory
- Annu Rep NODC
- Annual Report National Oceanographic Data Center
- Annu Rep North East River Purif Board
- Annual Report North East River Purification Board
- Annu Rep North Pac Anadromous Fish Comm
- Annual Report North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
- Annu Rep North Pac Mar Sci Organ
- Annual Report North Pacific Marine Science Organization
- Annu Rep North South Wales Agric
- Annual Report North South Wales Agriculture
- Annu Rep North West Water Auth
- Annual Report North West Water Authority
- Annu Rep Northumbr Water
- Annual Report Nothumbrian Water
- Annu Rep Ocean Inst, Honolulu
- Annual Report Oceanic Institute, Honolulu
- Annu Rep Oceanogr Obs Natl Fish Res Dev Agency (Korea)
- Annual Report of Oceanographic Observations National Fisheries Research and Development Agency (Korea)
- Annu Rep Pac Salmon Comm
- Annual Report Pacific Salmon Commission
- Annu Rep Pac States Mar Fish Comm
- Annual Report Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Annu Rep Prog Chem Sect A: Inorg Chem
- Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic Chemistry
- Annu Rep Prog Chem Sect B: Org Chem
- Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry
- Annu Rep Prog Chem Sect C: Phys Chem
- Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C: Physical Chemistry
- Annu Rep R Soc Chem Sect A: Inorg Chem
- Annual Reports - Royal Society of Chemistry, Section Section A: Inorganic Chemistry
- Annu Rep R Soc Chem Sect B Org Chem
- Annual Reports - Royal Society of Chemistry, Section Section B: Organic Chemistry
- Annu Rep R Soc Chem Sect C Phys Chem
- Annual Reports - Royal Society of Chemistry, Section Section C: Physical Chemistry
- Annu Rep Res Dev Dep Agric North Irel
- Annual Report on Research and Development Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland
- Annu Rep ROM
- Annual Report Royal Ontario Museum
- Annu Rep Salm Genet Res Program (Can)
- Annual Report Salmon Genetics Research Program (Canada)
- Annu Rep Salmon Res Agency Irel Inc
- Annual Report Salmon Research Agency of Ireland Incorporated
- Annu Rep Scott Mar Biol Ass
- Annual Report Scottish Marine Biological Association
- Annu Rep Scripps Inst Oceanogr
- Annual Report Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Annu Rep Sea Fish Inst, Gdynia
- Annual Report Sea Fisheries Institute, Gdynia
- Annu Rep Seychelles Fish Auth
- Annual Report Seychelles Fishing Authority
- Annu Rep Sir Alister Hardy Found Ocean Sci
- Annual Report Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science
- Annu Rep South Calif Coast Water Res Proj
- Annual Report Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
- Annu Rep Univ Mar Biol Stn, Millport
- Annual Report University Marine Biological Station, Millport
- Annu Rep Univ South Calif, Inst Mar Coast Stud
- Annual Report University of Southern California, Institute for Marine and Coastal Studies
- Annu Res Rep Kuwait Inst Sci Res
- Annual Research Report Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
- Annu Res Summ, Alligator Rivers Reg Res Inst
- Annual Research Summary Alligator Rivers Region Research Institute
- Annu Rev Anal Chem
- Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry
- Annu Rev Anim Biosci
- Annual Review of Animal Biosciences
- Annu Rev Biochem
- Annual Review of Biochemistry
- Annu Rev Biomed Data Sci
- Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science
- Annu Rev Biophys
- Annual Review of Biophysics
- Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol
- Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
- Annu Rev Condens Matter Phys
- Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics
- Annu Rev Control
- Annual Review in Control
- Annu Rev Control Rob Auton Syst
- Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems
- Annu Rev Earth Planet Sci
- Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst
- Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
- Annu Rev Ecol Syst
- Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics
- Annu Rev Energy Env
- Annual Review of Energy and the Environment
- Annu Rev Energy Environ
- Annual Review of Energy and the Environment
- Annu Rev Entomol
- Annual Review of Entomology
- Annu Rev Environ Resour
- Annual Review of Environment and Resources
- Annu Rev Fish Dis
- Annual Review of Fish Diseases
- Annu Rev Fluid Mech
- Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
- Annu Rev Freshw Fish Lab Pitlochry
- Annual Review Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory of Pitlochry
- Annu Rev Freshw Fish Lab, Pitlochry
- Annual Review Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, Pitlochry
- Annu Rev Genet
- Annual Review of Genetics
- Annu Rev Gt Lakes Fish Res Branch (Can)
- Annual Review Great Lakes Fisheries Research Branch (Canada)
- Annu Rev Mar Lab, Aberd
- Annual Review Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen
- Annu Rev Mater Res
- Annual Review of Materials Research
- Annu Rev Mater Sci
- Annual Review of Materials Science
- Annu Rev Microbiol
- Annual Review of Microbiology
- Annu Rev Nutr
- Annual Review of Nutrition
- Annu Rev Ocean Aff Law Policy Main Docs
- Annual Review of Ocean Affairs: law and policy, main documents
- Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol
- Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Annu Rev Phys Chem
- Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
- Annu Rev Physiol
- Annual Review of Physiology
- Annu Rev Phytopahtol
- Annual Review of Phytopathology
- Annu Rev Phytopathol
- Annual Review of Phytopathology
- Annu Rev Plant Biol
- Annual Review of Plant Biology
- Annu Rev Plant Physiol
- Annual Review of Plant Physiology
- Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol
- Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology
- Annu Rev Stat Appl
- Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application
- Annu Rev Vision Sci
- Annual Review of Vision Science
- Annu Stat Prod Peche Tunis
- Annuaire des Statistiques des Produits de la Peche en Tunisie
- Annu Summ Fish Harvest Act ,West Can Freshw Fish
- Annual Summary of Fish Harvesting Activities, Western Canadian Freshwater Fisheries
- Annu Summ Fish Mar Mamm Harvest Data N W T
- Annual Summary of Fish and Marine Mammal Harvest Data for the Northwest Territories
- Antarct J US
- Antarctic Journal of the United States
- Antarct Rec (Christch)
- Antartctic Record (Christchurch)
- Antarct Rec (Tokyo)
- Antarctic Record (Tokyo)
- Antarct Res
- Antarctic Resesarch
- Antarct Res Book Ser
- Antarctic Research Book Series
- Antarct Sci
- Antarctic Science
- Antarctic
- Antarctic
- Antarktika
- Antarktika
- Antartct Sci
- Antarctic Science
- Antartida
- Antartida
- Anthropocene Coasts
- Anthropocene Coasts
- Anthropocene Rev
- Anthropocene Review
- Antibody Ther
- Antibody Therapeutics
- Anti-Cancer Drug Des
- Anti-Cancer Drug Design
- Anticancer Res
- Anticancer Research
- Anti-Corros Methods Mater
- Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
- Antimicrob Agents Chemother
- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
- Antioxid Redox Signaling
- Antioxidants & Redox Signaling
- Antisense Nucleic Acid Drug Dev
- Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development
- Antiviral Chem Chemother
- Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
- Anu Estad Pesca Secr Medio Ambient Recur Nat Pesca
- Anuario Estadistico de Pesca Secretaria de Medio Ambiente Recursos Naturales y Pesca
- Anu Estad Pesca Serv Nac Pesca (Chile)
- Anuario Estadistico de Pesca Servicio Nacional de Pesca (Chile)
- Anu Estad Pesq Minist Pesq (Peru)
- Anuario Estadistico Pesquero Ministerio de Pesqueria (Peru)
- ANZIAM Journal
- AOAC Int J
- AOAC International Journal
- APL Bioeng
- APL Bioengineering
- APL Mater
- APL Materials
- APL Photonics
- APL Photonics
- APL: Org Electron Photonics
- APL: Organic Electronics and Photonics
- Appita J
- Appita Journal
- Appl Acoust
- Applied Accoustics
- Appl Adhes Sci
- Applied Adhesion Science
- Appl Algebra Eng Commun Comput
- Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
- Appl Anim Behav Sci
- Applied Animal Behaviour Science
- Appl Anim Sci
- Applied Animal Science
- Appl Appl Math
- Applications and Applied Mathematics
- Appl Artif Intell
- Applied Artifical Intelligence
- Appl Biochem Biotechnol
- Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- Appl Biochem Microbiol
- Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology
- Appl Biol Chem
- Applied Biological Chemistry
- Appl Biol Sci
- Applied Biological Science
- Appl Bionics Biomech
- Applied Bionics and Biomechanics
- Appl Biosaf
- Applied Biosafety
- Appl Catal, A
- Applied Catalysis A: General
- Appl Catal, B
- Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
- Appl Clay Sci
- Applied Clay Science
- Appl Compos Mater
- Applied Composite Materials
- Appl Comput Geosci
- Applied Computing and Geosciences
- Appl Comput Harmon Anal
- Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
- Appl Comput Intell Soft Comput
- Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing
- Appl Energy
- Applied Energy
- Appl Eng Agric
- Applied Engineering in Agriculture
- Appl Entomol Zool
- Applied Entomology and Zoology
- Appl Environ Microbiol
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology
- Appl Environ Soil Sci
- Applied and Environmental Soil Science
- Appl Ergon
- Applied Ergonomics
- Appl Geochem
- Applied Geochemistry
- Appl Geogr
- Applied Geography
- Appl Geophys
- Applied Geophysics
- Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol
- Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology
- Appl Magn Reson
- Applied Magnetic Resonance
- Appl Mater Today
- Applied Materials Today
- Appl Math Comput
- Applied Mathematics and Computation
- Appl Math Lett
- Applied Mathematics Letters
- Appl Math Mech
- Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
- Appl Math Model
- Applied Mathematical Modelling
- Appl Math Modell
- Applied Mathematical Modelling
- Appl Math Optim
- Applied Mathematics and Optimization
- Appl Math Res eXpress
- Applied Mathematics Research eXpress
- Appl Mech Rev
- Applied Mechanics Reviews
- Appl Microbiol
- Applied Microbiology
- Appl Microbiol Biotechnol
- Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
- Appl Microsc
- Applied Microscopy
- Appl Nanosci
- Applied Nanoscience
- Appl Network Sci
- Applied Network Science
- Appl Numer Math
- Applied Numerical Mathematics
- Appl Ocean Res
- Applied Ocean Research
- Appl Ontol
- Applied Ontology
- Appl Opt
- Applied Optics
- Appl Organomet Chem
- Applied Organometallic Chemistry
- Appl Parasitol
- Applied Parasitology
- Appl Petrochem Res
- Applied Petrochemical Research
- Appl Phys A
- Applied Physics A
- Appl Phys B
- Applied Physics B
- Appl Phys B: Lasers Opt
- Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics
- Appl Phys Express
- Applied Physics Express
- Appl Phys Lett
- Applied Physics Letters
- Appl Phys Res
- Applied Physics Research
- Appl Phys Rev
- Applied Physics Reviews
- Appl Physiol Nutr Metab
- Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
- Appl Plant Sci
- Applications in Plant Sciences
- Appl Polym Compos
- Applied Polymer Composites
- Appl Radiat Isot
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes
- Appl Radiol
- Applied Radiology
- Appl Sci Res
- Applied Scientific Research
- Appl Soft Comput
- Applied Soft Computing
- Appl Soil Ecol
- Applied Soil Ecology
- Appl Solar Energy
- Applied Solar Energy
- Appl Spectrosc
- Applied Spectroscopy
- Appl Spectrosc Rev
- Applied Spectroscopy Reviews
- Appl Stochastic Models Bus Ind
- Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
- Appl Supercond
- Applied Superconductivity
- Appl Surf Sci
- Applied Surface Science
- Appl Therm Eng
- Applied Thermal Engineering
- Appl Transl Genomics
- Applied & Translational Genomics
- Appl Transl Geonomics
- Applied and Translational Geonomics
- Appl Veg Sci
- Applied Vegetation Science
- Appl Water Sci
- Applied Water Science
- Apunt Univ Univ Auton Baja Calif Sur, Didact
- Apuntes Universitarios Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur Serie Didactica
- AQEIC Bol Tec
- AQEIC Boletin Tecnico
- Aqua Fenn
- Aqua Fennica
- Aqua Reve
- Aqua Reve
- Aquac Dev Coord Programme Rep
- Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme Report
- Aquac Eng
- Aquacultural Engineering
- Aquac Eur
- Aquaculture Europe
- Aquac Ext Man Aquac Dep, Southeast Asian Fish Dev Cent
- Aquaculture Extension Manual Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
- Aquac Ext Pam Aquac Dep, Southeast Asian Fish Dev Cent
- Aquaculture Extension Pamphlet Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
- Aquac Hung
- Aquacultura Hungarica
- Aquac Mag
- Aquaculture Magazine
- Aquac News
- Aquaculture News
- Aquac Nutr
- Aquaculture Nutrition
- Aquac Res
- Aquaculture Research
- Aquac Situat Outlook Rep
- Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report
- Aquacult Eng
- Aquacultural Engineering
- Aquacult Nutr
- Aquaculture Nutrition
- Aquacult Rep
- Aquaculture Reports
- Aquacult Res
- Aquaculture Research
- Aquaculture
- Aquaculture
- Aquar Pondkeep
- Aquarist and Pondkeeper
- Aquarama
- Aquarama
- Aquarius
- Aquarius
- Aquat Biosyst
- Aquatic Biosystems
- Aquat Bot
- Aquatic Botany
- Aquat Conserv
- Aquatic Conservation
- Aquat Conserv Mar Freshwater Ecosyst
- Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
- Aquat Ecosyst Health Manage
- Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management
- Aquat Environ Monit Rep Dir Fish Res (G B)
- Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain)
- Aquat Environ Prot Anal Methods Dir Fish Res (G B)
- Aquatic Environment Protection Analytical methods Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain)
- Aquat Geochem
- Aquatic Geochemistry
- Aquat Insects
- Aquatic Insects
- Aquat Living Resour
- Aquatic Living Resources
- Aquat Mamm
- Aquatic Mammals
- Aquat Microb Ecol
- Aquatic Microbial Ecology
- Aquat Procedia
- Aquatic Procedia
- Aquat Sci
- Aquatic Sciences
- Aquat Sci Fish Abstr
- Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
- Aquat Sci Fish Abstr, 1
- Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Pt 1 Biological Sciences and Living Resources
- Aquat Sci Fish Abstr, 2
- Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Pt 2 Ocean Technology, Policy and Non-Living Resources
- Aquat Sci Fish Abstr, 3
- Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Pt 3 Aquatic Pollution and Environmental Quality
- Aquat Toxicol
- Aquatic Toxicology
- Aquilo, Zool
- Aquilo Serie Zoologica
- Aquitaine Ocean
- Aquitaine Ocean
- Arabian J Chem
- Arabian Journal of Chemistry
- Arabian J Geosci
- Arabian Journal of Geosciences
- Arb Anat Inst Kais-Jpn Univ Sendai
- Arbeiten aus dem Anatomischen Institut der Kaiserlich-Japanischen Universitaet zu Sendai
- Arb DLG
- Arbeiten der DLG
- Arb Dtsch Fisch-Verb
- Arbeiten des Deutschen Fischerei-Verbaendes
- Arb Kais Biol Anst Land Forstwirtsch
- Arbeiten der Kaiserlichen Biologischen Anstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
- Arch Agron Soil Sci
- Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science
- Arch Anim Breed
- Archives Animal Breeding
- Arch Anim Nutr
- Archives of Animal Nutrition
- Arch Biochem Biophys
- Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Arch Biol Med Exp
- Archivos de Biologia y Medicina Experimental
- Arch Cent Rech Oceanogr, Dakar-Thiaroye
- Archives Centre de Recherches Oceanographique, Dakar-Thiaroye
- Arch Civ Mech Eng
- Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
- Arch Combust
- Archivum Combustionis
- Arch Comput Methods Eng
- Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
- Arch Control Sci
- Archives of Control Sciences
- Arch Doc Micro-ed
- Archives et Documents Micro-Edition
- Arch Elektrotech
- Archiv für Elektrotechnik
- Arch Environ Contam Toxicol
- Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
- Arch Environ Health
- Archives of Environment Health
- Arch Environ Occup Health
- Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health
- Arch Exp Pathol Pharmakol
- Archiv für Experimentalle Pathologie und Pharmakologie
- Arch Fish Mar Res
- Archive of Fishery and Marine Research
- Arch Foundry Eng
- Archives of Foundry Engineering
- Arch Freunde Naturgesch Mecklenbg
- Archiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg
- Arch Gen Psychiatry
- Archives of General Psychiatry
- Arch Hist Exact Sci
- Archive for History of Exact Sciences
- Arch Hydrobiol
- Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie
- Arch Hydrobiol Suppl
- Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement
- Arch Hydrobiol Suppl Algol Stud
- Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband Algological Studies
- Arch Hydrobiol Suppl Arb Limnol Inst Univ Konstanz
- Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband Arbeiten aus dem Limnologischen Institut der Universitaet Konstanz
- Arch Hydrobiol Suppl Large Rivers
- Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband Large Rivers
- Arch Hydrobiol Suppl Monogr Beitr
- Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband Monographische Beitraege
- Arch Hydrobiol Suppl Unters Elbe-Aestuars
- Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband Untersuchungen des Elbe-Aestuars
- Arch Immunol Ther Exp
- Archivum Immunolgiae et Therapiae Experimentalis
- Arch Insect Biochem Physiol
- Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology
- Arch Int Physiol Biochim Biophys
- Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique
- Arch Ital Biol
- Archives Italiennes de Biologie
- Arch Krim
- Archiv für Kriminologie
- Arch Lagerstattenforsch
- Archiv für Lagerstattenforschung
- Arch Lebensmhyg
- Archiv fuer Lebensmittelhygiene
- Arch Lebensmittelhyg
- Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene
- Arch Mal Prof Environ
- Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environment
- Arch Metall Mater
- Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
- Arch Meteorol Geophys Bioklimatol A
- Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik, und Bioklimatologie Serie A Meteorologie und Geophysik
- Arch Microbiol
- Archives of Microbiology
- Arch Min Sci
- Archives of Mining Sciences
- Arch Moll
- Archiv fuer Molluskenkunde
- Arch Neerl Sci Exactes Nat
- Archives Neerlandaises Sci Exactes et Naturelles
- Arch Neerl Zool
- Archives Neerlandaises de Zoologie
- Arch Neurol
- Archives of Neurology
- Arch Oceanogr Limnol
- Archivio di Oceanografia e Limnologia
- Arch Pharm
- Archiv der Pharmazie
- Arch Pharmacal Res
- Archives of Pharmacal Research
- Arch Physiol Biochem
- Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry
- Arch Protistenkd
- Archiv fuer Protistenkunde
- Arch Ration Mech Anal
- Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
- Arch Razi Inst
- Archives of Razi Institute
- Arch Sci Mer Biol Mar Cent Noumea, ORSTOM
- Archives Sciences de la Mer Biologie Marine Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Arch Sci Mer Oceanogr Phys Cent Noumea, ORSTOM
- Archives Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Physique Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Arch Toxicol
- Archives of Toxicology
- Arch Vet Ital
- Archivio Veterinario Italiano
- Arch Virol
- Archives of Virology
- Arch Zool Ital
- Archivio Zoologico Italiano
- Arch Zootec
- Archivos de Zootecnia
- Archaeol Dialogues
- Archaeological Dialogues
- Archaeol Rep
- Archaeological Reports
- Arct Alp Res
- Arctic and Alpine Research
- Arct Antarct Alp Res
- Arctic, Antartic, and Alpine Research
- Arct Sci
- Arctic Science
- Arctic
- Arctic
- Ark Fys
- Arkiv foer Physik
- Ark Geofys
- Arkiv foer Geohysik
- Ark Kemi Mineral Geol
- Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi
- Ark Mat Astron Fys
- Arkiv foer Matematik, Astronomi, och Fysik
- Arkh Anat Gistol Ehmbriol
- Arkhiv Anatomii Gistologii i Ehmbriologii
- Arnoldia Zimb
- Arnoldia Zimbabwe
- Arq Cienc Mar
- Arquivos de Ciencias do Mar
- Arq Mus Bocage Nova Ser
- Arquivos do Museu Bocage Nova Serie
- Arquipel Cienc Biol Mar
- Arquipelago Ciencias Biologicas e Marinhas
- Arrhythmia Electrophysiol Rev
- Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review
- Arthropod Manage Tests
- Arthropod Management Tests
- Arthropod Struct Dev
- Arthropod Structure & Development
- Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol
- Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology
- Artif Cells, Blood Substitues, Immobilization Biotechnol
- Artificial Cells Blood Substitutes and Immobilization Biotechnology
- Artif Intell
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artif Intell Agric
- Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
- Artif Intell Med
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- Artif Life
- Artificial Life
- Artif Organs
- Artificial Organs
- Arzneim-Forsch
- Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research
- ASEAN Food J
- ASEAN Food Journal
- Asia Pac J Med Toxicol
- Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology
- Asian Biomed
- Asian Biomedicine
- Asian Fish Sci
- Asian Fisheries Science
- Asian J Atmos Environ
- Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
- Asian J Biochem
- Asian Journal of Biochemistry
- Asian J Biotechnol
- Asian Journal of Biotechnology
- Asian J Chem
- Asian Journal of Chemistry
- Asian J Control
- Asian Journal of Control
- Asian J Exp Biol Sci
- Asian Journal of Experimental Biological Sciences
- Asian J Exp Sci
- Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences
- Asian J Mater Sci
- Asian Journal of Materials Science
- Asian J Microbiol Biotechnol Environ Exp Sci
- Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences
- Asian J Org Chem
- Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Asian J Pharm Clin Res
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
- Asian J Pharm Sci
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Asian J Phys
- Asian Journal of Physics
- Asian J Spectro
- Asian Journal of Spectroscopy
- Asian J Water Environ Pollut
- Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution
- Asian Mar Biol
- Asian Marine Biology
- Asian Text J
- Asian Textile Journal
- Asian-Australas J Anim Sci
- Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
- Asia-Pac J Atmos Sci
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
- Asia-Pac J Chem Eng
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering
- ASME J Convergence Biomed Eng Biotechnol
- ASME Journal of Convergence in Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology
- ASRA Journal
- ASSAY Drug Dev Technol
- ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies
- Assistive Technol
- Assistive Technology
- Astarte Short Pap Dep Zool, Tromsoe Mus
- Astarte : Short Papers from the Department of Zoology Tromsoe Museum
- Astarte: J Arctic Biol
- Astarte : Journal of Arctic Biology
- ASTM Spec Tech Publ
- ASTM Special Technical Publication
- ASTRA Proc
- ASTRA Proceedings
- Astron Astrophys
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Astron Astrophys Rev
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Review
- Astron Comput
- Astronomy and Computing
- Astron Educ Rev
- Astronomy Education Review
- Astron Geophys
- Astronomy & Geophysics
- Astron J
- Astronomy Journal
- Astron Lett
- Astronomy Letters
- Astron Nachr
- Astronomische Nachrichten
- Astron Rep
- Astronomy Reports
- Astropart Phys
- Astroparticle Physics
- Astrophys Bull
- Astrophysical Bulletin
- Astrophys J
- Astrophysical Journal
- Astrophys J Lett
- Astrophysical Journal Letters
- Astrophys J Suppl Ser
- Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
- Astrophys Space Sci
- Astrophysics and Space Science
- Astrophys Space Sci Trans
- Astrophysics and Space Science Transactions
- At Data Nucl Data Tables
- Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables
- At Energy
- Atomic Energy
- At Spectrosc
- Atomic Spectroscopy
- Atl Geol
- Atlantic Geology
- Atl Salmon J
- Atlantic Salmon Journanl
- Atlantica
- Atlantica
- Atmos Chem Phys
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
- Atmos Chem Phys Discuss
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
- Atmos Environ
- Atmospheric Environment
- Atmos Environ Part A
- Atmospheric Environment Part A General Topics
- Atmos Environ Part B
- Atmospheric Environment Part B Urban Atmosphere
- Atmos Meas Tech
- Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
- Atmos Meas Tech Discuss
- Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions
- Atmos Ocean
- Atmosphere-Ocean
- Atmos Oceanic Opt
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics
- Atmos Oceanic Sci Lett
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
- Atmos Pollut Res
- Atmospheric Pollution Research
- Atmos Res
- Atmospheric Research
- Atmos Res Lett
- Atmospheric Research Letters
- Atmos Sci Lett
- Atmospheric Science Letters
- Atmosfera
- Atmosfera
- Atmos-Ocean
- Atmosphere-Ocean
- Atmos-Ocean Syst
- Atmosphere-Ocean System
- Atoll Res Bull
- Atoll Research Bulletin
- Atomization Sprays
- Atomization and Sprays
- Atti Accad Ligure Sci Lettere
- Atti dell'Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere
- Atti Accad Naz Lincei Cl Sci Fis Mat Nat Mem, 3
- Atti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali Memorie Sezione 3
- Atti Accad Naz Lincei Cl Sci Fis Mat Nat Rend
- Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti
- Atti Mus Civ Stor Nat, Trieste
- Atti del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale - Trieste
- Atti Soc Ital Sci nat
- Atti de la Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali (Milano)
- Atti Soc Pelorit Sci Fis Mat Nat
- Atti della Societa Peloritana di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali
- Aust Field Ornith
- Australian Field Ornithology
- Aust Fish
- Australian Fisheries
- Aust Gemmol
- Australian Gemmologist
- Aust Geogr
- Australian Geographic
- Aust Geomech J
- Australian Geomechanics Journal
- Aust J Agric Resour Econ
- Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Aust J Basic Appl Sci
- Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
- Aust J Bot
- Australian Journal of Botany
- Aust J Chem
- Australian Journal of Chemistry
- Aust J Civ Eng
- Australian Journal of Civil Engineering
- Aust J Crop Sci
- Australian Journal of Crop Science
- Aust J Earth Sci
- Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
- Aust J Ecol
- Australian Journal of Ecology
- Aust J Edu Chem
- Australian Journal of Education in Chemistry
- Aust J Electr Electron Eng
- Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Aust J Exp Agric
- Australian Journal of Experimental Research
- Aust J Forensic Sci
- Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences
- Aust J Grape Wine Res
- Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
- Aust J Mar Freshw Res
- Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
- Aust J Mar Freshwater Res
- Australian Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research
- Aust J Mech Eng
- Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering
- Aust J Phys
- Australian Journal of Physics
- Aust J Soil Res
- Australian Journal of Soil Research
- Aust J Struct Eng
- Australian Journal of Structural Engineering
- Aust J Water Resour
- Australian Journal of Water Resources
- Aust J Zool
- Australian Journal of Zoology
- Aust Mammol
- Australian Mammalogy
- Aust Mar Sci Bull
- Australian Marine Science Bulletin
- Aust Meteorol Mag
- Australian Meteorological Magazine
- Aust Meteorol Oceanogr J
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal
- Aust NZ J Stat
- Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
- Aust Syst Bot
- Australian Systematic Botany
- Aust Zool
- Australian Zoologist
- Austasia Aquac
- Austasia Aquaculture
- Austral Entomol
- Austral Entomology
- Australas J Environ Educ
- Australasian Journal of Environmental Education
- Australas Phys Eng Sci Med
- Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine
- Austrian J Earth Sci
- Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences
- Austrian J For Sci
- Austrian Journal of Forest Science
- Autom Constr
- Automation in Construction
- Autom Control Comput Sci
- Automatic Control and Computer Sciences
- Autom Doc Math Ling
- Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics
- Autom Remote Control
- Automation and Remote Control
- Auton Autacoid Pharmacol
- Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology
- Av Quim
- Avances en Quimica
- Avian Biol Res
- Avian Biology Research
- Avian Res
- Avian Research
- Aviat Space Environ Med
- Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
- AVS Quantum Sci
- AVS Quantum Science
- AWWA Water Sci
- AWWA Water Science
- Backgr Fish Stat Aust Fish Serv
- Background Fisheries Statistics Australian Fisheries Service
- Balt Sea Environ Proc
- Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings
- Bamidgeh
- Bamidgeh
- Bangladesh J Entomol
- Bangladesh Journal of Entomology
- Bangladesh J Pharmacol
- Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology
- Bangladesh J Zool
- Bengladesh Journal of Zoology
- Banmar
- Banmar
- Basic Appl Ecol
- Basic and Applied Ecology
- Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol
- Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Basin Res
- Basin Research
- Basteria
- Basteria
- Bay Bengal News
- Bay of Bengal News
- Bayer CropSci J
- Bayer CropScience Journal
- BBA Clin
- BBA Clinical
- Beaufortia
- Beaufortia
- Behav Brain Res
- Behavioural Brain Research
- Behav Ecol
- Behavioral Ecology
- Behav Ecol Sociobiol
- Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- Behav Neural Biol
- Behavioral and Neural Biology
- Behav Neurol
- Behavioural Neurology
- Behav Pharmacol
- Behavioural Pharmacology
- Behav Res Ther
- Behavioral Resesarch and Therapy
- Behav Sci
- Behavioral Science
- Behav Sleep Med
- Behavioral Sleep Medicine
- Behaviour
- Behaviour
- Beilstein J Nanotechnol
- Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
- Beilstein J Org Chem
- Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Beitr Biol Pflanz
- Beitraege zur Biologie der Pflanzen
- Beitr Chem Physiol Pathol
- Beitraege zur Chemischen Physiologie und Pathologie
- Beitr Entomol
- Beitraege zur Entomologie
- Beitr Gerichtl Med
- Beitraege zur Gerichtlichen Medizin
- Beitr Kryst Mineral
- Beitrage zur Krystallographie und Mineralogie
- Beitr Meereskd
- Beitraege zur Meereskunde
- Belg Zeeviss
- Belgische Zeevisserij
- Bell Lab Rec
- Bell Laboratories Record
- Bell Labs Tech J
- Bell Labs Technical Journal
- Ber
- Chemische Berichte
- Ber Bayer Landesanst Wasserforsch
- Berichte der Bayerischen Landesanstalt fuer Wasserforschung
- Ber Biol Anst Helgol
- Berichte der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland
- Ber Bunsen Ges
- Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft
- Ber Bunsen Ges Phys Chem
- Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie
- Ber Dtsch Bot Ges
- Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft
- Ber Dtsch Chem Ges
- Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft
- Ber Dtsch Ges Geol Wiss Reihe A
- Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaft Reihe A: Geologie und Palaeontologie
- Ber Dtsch Ges Geol Wiss Reihe B
- Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaft Reihe B: Mineralogie und Lagerstattenforschung
- Ber Dtsch Keram Ges
- Berichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft
- Ber Dtsch Pharm Ges
- Berichte der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft
- Ber Dtsch Phys Ges
- Berichte der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
- Ber Dtsch Wetterdienstes
- Berichte der Deutschen Wetterdienstes
- Ber Gesamte Physiol Exp Pharmakol
- Berichte uber die Gesamte Physiologie und Experimentalle Pharmakologie
- Ber Inst Meereskd Christian-Albrechts-Univ Kiel
- Berichte aus dem Institut fuer Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Kiel
- Ber Landwirtsch
- Berichte ueber Landwirtschaft
- Ber Polarforsch
- Berichte zur Polarforschung
- Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, A
- Berichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe A Meteorologie
- Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, B
- Berichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe B Ozeanographie
- Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, C
- Berichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe C Geophysik
- Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, D
- Berichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe D Biogeochemie und Meereschemie
- Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, E
- Berichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe E Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaft
- Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, Z
- Berichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe Z Interdisziplinaere Zentrumsberichte
- Berg- Huettenmaenn Monatsh
- Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte
- Berl Beitr Archaeom
- Berliner Beitraege zur Archaeometrie
- Berl Geogr Stud
- Berliner Geographsiche Studien
- Berl Geowiss Abh, Reihe A
- Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe A: Geologie und Palaeontologie
- Best Pract Res Clin Haematol
- Best Practice & Research, Clinical Haematology
- Beton- Stahlbetonbau
- Beton- und Stahlbetonbau
- Betonwerk Fertigteil Tech
- Betonwerk und Fertigteil Technik
- BHM Berg- Huttenmann Monatsh
- BHM Berg- und Huttenmannische Monatshefte
- Bibliogr Invertebr Aquat Can
- Bibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium
- Bibliogr Sci Nat Helv
- Bibliographia Scientiae Naturalis Helvetica
- Bibliogr Ser Dep Prim Ind (Qld)
- Bibliography series Department of Primary Industries (Queensland)
- Biedermanns Zentralbl
- Biedermanns Zentralblatt
- Biedermanns Zentralbl Abt A
- Biedermanns Zentralblatt Abteilung A: Allgemeiner und Referierender Teil
- Biedermanns Zentralbl Abt B
- Biedermanns Zentralblatt Abteilung B: Tierernahrung
- Bienn Rep Aquatron Lab, Dalhous Univ
- Biennial Report Aquatron Laboratory, Dalhousie University
- Bienn Rep Dep Oceanogr, Dalhous Univ
- Biennial Report Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University
- Bienn Rep IAEA Mar Environ Lab
- Biennial Report IAEA Marine Environment Laboratory
- Bienn Rep Isr Oceanogr Limnol Res
- Biennial Report Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research
- Bienn Rep Keikyu Aburatsubo Mar Park Aquar
- Biennial Report of the Keikyu Aburatsubo Marine Park Aquarium
- Big Data
- Big Data
- Big Data Res
- Big Data Research
- Big Earth Data
- Big Earth Data
- Bijdr Dierkd
- Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde
- Biljeske-Notes
- Biljeske-Notes
- Bio Rev
- Bio Review
- Bioacoustics
- Bioacoustics
- Bioact Carbohydr Dietary Fibre
- Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre
- Bioact Mater
- Bioactive Materials
- Biocatal Agric Biotechnol
- Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology
- Biocatal Biotransform
- Biocatalysis and Biotransformation
- Biocenosis
- Biocenosis
- Biochem Arch
- Biochemical Archives
- Biochem Biophys Rep
- Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun
- Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
- Biochem Cell Biol
- Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- Biochem Educ
- Biochemical Education
- Biochem Eng J
- Biochemical Engineering Journal
- Biochem Genet
- Biochemical Genetics
- Biochem Insights
- Biochemistry Insights
- Biochem J
- Biochemical Journal
- Biochem Med Metab Biol
- Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology
- Biochem Mol Biol Educ
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education
- Biochem Mol Biol Int
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International
- Biochem Mol Med
- Biochemical and Molecular Medicine
- Biochem Pharmacol
- Biochemical Pharmacology
- Biochem Physiol Pflanz
- Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen
- Biochem Prep
- Biochemical Preparations
- Biochem Res Int
- Biochemistry Research International
- Biochem Soc Symp
- Biochemical Society Symposium
- Biochem Soc Trans
- Biochemical Society Transactions
- Biochem Syst Ecol
- Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
- Biochemistry (N Y)
- Biochemistry (New York)
- Biochemistry (Wash)
- Biochemistry (Washington)
- Biochim Biophys Acta
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Bioenerg
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Biomembr
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Biomembranes
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Biophys Incl Photsynth
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Enzymol
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Enzymology
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Enzymol Biol Oxid
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Enzymology and Biological Oxidation
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Gen Subj
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, General Subjects
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Gene Regul Mech
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Gene Struct Expression
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Gene Structure and Expression
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Lipids Lipid Metab
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Lipids and Lipid Metabolism
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Mol Basis Dis
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Molecular Basis of Disease
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Mol Cell Biol Lipids
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Mol Cell Res
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Molecular Cell Research
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Mucroproteins Mucopolysaccharides
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Mucoproteins and Mucopolysaccharides
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Nucleic Acids Protein Synth
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Protein Struct
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Protein Structure
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Protein Struct Mol Enzymol
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Proteins Proteomics
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Proteins and Proteomics
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Rev Bioenerg
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Reviews on Bioenergetics
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Rev Biomembr
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Reviews on Biomembranes
- Biochim Biophys Acta, Rev Cancer
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Reviews on Cancer
- Biochim Open
- Biochimie Open
- Biochimie
- Biochimie
- Biochip J
- Biochip Journal
- Bioconjugate Chem
- Bioconjugate Chemistry
- Biocontrol Sci
- Biocontrol Science
- Biocontrol Sci Technol
- Biocontrol Science and Technology
- Biodes Res
- Biodesign Research
- Biodivers Data J
- Biodiversity Data Journal
- Biodiversity Conserv
- Biodiversity and Conservation
- Bioelectrochem Bioenerg
- Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics
- Bioelectron Med
- Bioelectronics in Medicine
- Bioenergy Res
- Bioenergy Research
- Bioeng Today
- Bioengineering Today
- Bioeng Transl Med
- Bioengineering & Translational Medicine
- Biofizika
- Biofizika
- Biofuel Res J
- Biofuel Research Journal
- Biofuels, Bioprod Biorefin
- Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining
- Biog Amines
- Biogenic Amines
- Biogeographica
- Biogeographica
- Biogeosci Discuss
- Biogeosciences Discussions
- Bioinf Biol Insights
- Bioinformatics and Biology Insights
- Bioinorg Chem Appl
- Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications
- Bioinspiration Biomimetics
- Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
- Bioinspired Biomimetic Nanobiomater
- Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials
- Biokhimiya
- Biokhimiya
- Biol Abstr
- Biological Abstracts
- Biol Abstr, A
- Biological Abstracts Section A Abstracts of General Biology
- Biol Abstr, B
- Biological Abstracts Section B Abstracts of Experimental Animal Biology
- Biol Abstr, C
- Biological Abstracts Section C Abstracts of Microbiology- Immunology and Parasitology
- Biol Abstr, D
- Biological Abstracts Section D Abstracts of Plant Sciences
- Biol Abstr, E
- Biological Abstracts Section E Abstracts of Animal Sciences
- Biol Abstr, G
- Biological Abstracts Section G Abstracts of Food and Nutrition Research
- Biol Acuat
- Biologia Acuatica
- Biol Bull
- The Biological Bulletin
- Biol Cell
- Biology of the cell
- Biol Chem
- Biological Chemistry
- Biol Chem Hoppe-Seyler
- Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler
- Biol Conserv
- Biological Conservation
- Biol Control
- Biological Control
- Biol Cybern
- Biological Cybernetics
- Biol Direct
- Biology Direct
- Biol Eng
- Biological Engineering
- Biol Environ Proc R Ir Acad, B
- Biology and Environment Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Section B
- Biol Fertil Soils
- Biology and Fertility of Soils
- Biol Gallo-Hell
- Biologia Gallo-Hellenica
- Biol Gen
- Biologia Generalis
- Biol Inspired Cognit Archit
- Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
- Biol Invasions
- Biological Invasions
- Biol J Linn Soc
- Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
- Biol Lett
- Biology Letters
- Biol Mass Spectrom
- Biological Mass Spectrometry
- Biol Med Phys Biomed Eng
- Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering
- Biol Medd
- Biologiske Meddelelser
- Biol Membr
- Biological Membranes
- Biol Methods Protoc
- Biology Methods & Protocols
- Biol Morya
- Biologija Morya
- Biol Nauki
- Biologicheskie Nauki
- Biol Notes Ill Nat Hist Surv
- Biological Notes Illinois Natural History Survey
- Biol Open
- Biology Open
- Biol Pharm Bull
- Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
- Biol Philos
- Biology and Philosophy
- Biol Plant
- Biologia Plantarum
- Biol Psychiatry
- Biological Psychiatry
- Biol Rep U S Fish Wildl Serv
- Biological Report of the US Fish and Wildlife Service
- Biol Reprod
- Biology of Reproduction
- Biol Res
- Biological Research
- Biol Res Nurs
- Biological Research For Nursing
- Biol Resur Gidrosfery Isplo'z
- Biologicheskie Resursy Gidrosfery i ikh Ispol'zoganie
- Biol Rev
- Biological Reviews
- Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc
- Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
- Biol Rhythm Res
- Biological Rhythm Research
- Biol Serv Program US Fish Wildl Serv
- Biological Services Program US Fish and Wildlife Service
- Biol Skr
- Biologiske Skrifter
- Biol Syst Open Access
- Biological Systems: Open Access
- Biol Trace Elem Res
- Biological Trace Element Research
- Biol unserer Zeit
- Biologie in unserer Zeit
- Biol Vestn Glas Slov Biol
- Bioloski Vestnik : Glasilo Slovenskih Biologov
- Biol Vnutr Vod
- Biologiya Vnutrennikh Vod
- Biol Wastes
- Biological Wastes
- Biol, A
- Biologia Seria A Botanika
- Biol, B
- Biologia Seria B Zoologia
- Biol, C
- Biologia Seria C Vseobecna biologia
- Biologia (Lahore)
- Biologia (Lahore)
- Biologija
- Biologija
- Biom Technol Today
- Biometric Technology Today
- Biomarker Insights
- Biomarker Insights
- Biomarker Res
- Biomarker Research
- Biomarkers Med
- Biomarkers in Medicine
- Biomass Bioenergy
- Biomass and Bioenergy
- Biomass Convers Biorefin
- Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
- Biomater Artif Cells Artif Organs
- Biomaterials Artificial Cells and Artificial Organs
- Biomater Med Devices Artif Organs
- Biomaterials Medical Devices and Artificial Organs
- Biomater Sci
- Biomaterials Science
- Biomech Model Mechanobiol
- Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
- Biomed Biochim Acta
- Biomedica Biochimica Acta
- Biomed Chromatogr
- Biomedical Chromatography
- Biomed Eng
- BioMedical Engineering
- Biomed Eng Comput Biol
- Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology
- Biomed Eng Lett
- Biomedical Engineering Letters
- Biomed Eng Online
- Biomedical Engineering Online
- Biomed Environ Sci
- Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
- Biomed Hub
- Biomedicine Hub
- Biomed Imaging Intervention J
- Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal
- Biomed Inf Insights
- Biomedical Informatics Insights
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- Biomedical Letters
- Biomed Mater
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- Bio-Med Mater Eng
- Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering
- Biomed Microdevices
- Biomedical Microdevices
- Biomed Opt Express
- Biomedical Optics Express
- Biomed Pharmacother
- Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
- Biomed Phys Eng Express
- Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express
- Biomed Res Int
- Biomed Research International
- Biomed Res Trace Ele
- Biomedical Research on Trace Elements
- Biomed Sci Instrum
- Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation
- Biomed Signal Process Control
- Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
- Biomed Spectrosc Imaging
- Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging
- Biomed Tech
- Biomedizinische Technik
- Biometrics
- Biometrics
- Biometrika
- Biometrika
- Biomol Detect Quantif
- Biomolecular Detection and Quantification
- Biomol Eng
- Biomolecular Engineering
- Bioorg Chem
- Bioorganic Chemistry
- Bioorg Chem Appl
- Bioorganic Chemistry and Applications
- Bioorg Khim
- Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya (Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry)
- Bioorg Med Chem
- Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
- Bioorg Med Chem Lett
- Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters
- Biopharm Drug Dispos
- Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition
- Biophys Chem
- Biophysical Chemistry
- Biophys J
- Biophysical Journal
- Biophys Rev
- Biophysical Reviews
- Biophys Rev Lett
- Biophysical Reviews and Letters
- Biopolymers
- Biopolymers
- Biopreserv Biobanking
- Biopreservation and Biobanking
- Bioprocess Biosyst Eng
- Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
- Bioprocess Eng
- Bioprocess Engineering
- Bioprocess Int
- Bioprocess International
- Bioprocess J
- Bioprocessing Journal
- Biorem J
- Bioremediation Journal
- Biores Open Access
- Bioresearch Open Access
- Bioresour Technol
- Bioresource Technology
- Bioresour Technol Rep
- Bioresource Technology Reports
- Biosaf Health
- Biosafety and Health
- Biosci Biotechnol Biochem
- Bioscience, Biotechnology and, Biochemistry
- Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia
- Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia
- Biosci Biotechnol, Biochem
- Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry
- Biosci Horiz
- Bioscience Horizons
- Biosci Rep
- Bioscience Reports
- BioScience
- BioScience
- Biosens Bioelectron
- Biosensors and Bioelectronics
- Biosens Bioelectron: X
- Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X
- Biosurf Biotribol
- Biosurface and Biotribology
- Biosyst Eng
- Biosystems Engineering
- Biosystems
- Biosystems
- Biota
- Biota
- Biotech Histochem
- Biotechnic and Histochemistry
- Biotechnol Adv
- Biotechnology Advances
- Biotechnol Agron Soc Environ
- Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societe et Environnement
- Biotechnol Appl Biochem
- Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry
- Biotechnol Bioeng
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering
- Biotechnol Biofuels
- Biotechnology for Biofuels
- Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng
- Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering
- Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip
- Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment
- Biotechnol Dev Monit
- Biotechnology and Development Monitor
- Biotechnol J
- Biotechnology Journal
- Biotechnol Law Rep
- Biotechnology Law Report
- Biotechnol Lett
- Biotechnology Letters
- Biotechnol Progr
- Biotechnology Progress
- Biotechnol Rep,
- Biotechnology Reports
- Biotechnol Res Int
- Biotechnology Research International
- Biotechnol Tech
- Biotechnology Techniques
- Biotropica
- Biotropica
- Bird Conserv Int
- Bird Conservation International
- Bird Study
- Bird Study
- Biul Morskiego Inst Ryb, Gdyn
- Biuletyn Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego, Gdynia
- Blood Adv
- Blood Advances
- Blood Cancer J
- Blood Cancer Journal
- Blood Cells Mol Dis
- Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases
- Blumea
- Blumea
- BMC Biochem
- BMC Biochemistry
- BMC Bioinf
- BMC Bioinformatics
- BMC Biol
- BMC Biology
- BMC Biomed Eng
- BMC Biomedical Engineering
- BMC Biophys
- BMC Biophysics
- BMC Biotech
- BMC Biotechnology
- BMC Cell Biol
- BMC Cell Biology
- BMC Chem
- BMC Chemistry
- BMC Chem Biol
- BMC Chemical Biology
- BMC Chem Eng
- BMC Chemical Engineering
- BMC Clin Pharmacol
- BMC Clinical Pharmacology
- BMC Dev Biol
- BMC Developmental Biology
- BMC Ecol
- BMC Ecology
- BMC Energy
- BMC Energy
- BMC Evol Biol
- BMC Evolutionary Biology
- BMC Genet
- BMC Genetics
- BMC Genomics
- BMC Genomics
- BMC Mater
- BMC Materials
- BMC Mech Eng
- BMC Mechanical Engineering
- BMC Med Genet
- BMC Medical Genetics
- BMC Med Genomics
- BMC Medical Genomics
- BMC Med Imaging
- BMC Medical Imaging
- BMC Med Inf Decis Making
- BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
- BMC Med Phys
- BMC Medical Physics
- BMC Med Res Method
- BMC Medical Research Methodology
- BMC Microbiol
- BMC Microbiology
- BMC Mol Biol
- BMC Molecular Biology
- BMC Mol Cell Biol
- BMC Molecular and Cell Biology
- BMC Nutr
- BMC Nutrition
- BMC Pharmacol
- BMC Pharmacology
- BMC Physiol
- BMC Physiology
- BMC Plant Biol
- BMC Plant Biology
- BMC Struct Biol
- BMC Structural Biology
- BMC Syst Biol
- BMC Systems Biology
- BMC Vet Res
- BMC Veterinary Research
- BMC Zool
- BMC Zoology
- BME Front
- BME Frontiers
- BMJ Nutr Prev Health
- BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health
- BMJ Open Sci
- BMJ Open Science
- BMR J Aust Geol Geophys
- BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics
- Bocagiana
- Bocagiana
- Boch Geol Geotech Arb
- Bochumer Geologische und Geotechnisce Arbeiten
- Bol Acad Nac Cienc Cordoba (Argent)
- Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias en Cordoba (Argentina)
- Bol Alerta Clim Com Perm Pac Sur
- Boletin de Alerta Climatico Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur
- Bol Antart Chil
- Boletin Antartico Chileno
- Bol Cienc Mar
- Boletim de Ciencias do Mar
- Bol Cient Cent Invest Oceanogr Hidrogr, Cartagena
- Boletin Cientifico Centro de Investigaciones Oceanograficas e Hidrograficas, Cartagena
- Bol Cient INPA
- Boletin Cientifico INPA
- Bol Cient Tec Inst Nac Pesca Ecuad
- Boletin Cientifico y Tecnico Instituto Nacional de Pesca del Ecuador
- Bol Climatol Inst Oceanogr, Univ Sao Paulo
- Boletim Climatologico do Instituto Oceanografico, Universidade de Sao Paulo
- Bol Comer Exter Sect Pesq Minist Agric (Chile)
- Boletin de Comercio Exterior: Sector Pesquero Ministerio de Agricultura (Chile)
- Bol Comer Inst Nac Pesca (Urug)
- Boletin Comercial Instituto Nacional de Pesca (Uruguay)
- Bol Dep Oceanogr Limnol Cent Biocienc Univ Fed Rio Grande do Norte
- Boletim do Departamento de Oceanografia e Limnologia do Centro de Biociencias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
- Bol Divulg Inst Invest Pesq Maputo
- Boletim de Divulgacao Instituto de Investigacao Pesqueir, Maputo
- Bol Ecotropica Ecosistemas del Trop
- Boletin Ecotropica : Ecosistemas del Tropico
- Bol Ecotropica Ecosistemas Trop
- Boletin Ecotropica : Ecosistemas Tropicales
- Boletin ERFEN
- Bol Estac Cent Ecol
- Boletin de la Estacion Central de Ecologia
- Bol Estad Pesq Inst Nac Pesca (Urug)
- Boletin Estadistico Pesquero Instituto Nacional de Pesca (Uruguay)
- Bol Estad Pesq Inst Nac Pesca Acuic (Colomb)
- Boletin Estadistico Pesquero Instituto Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura (Colombia)
- Bol Estad Pesq Pac Sudeste
- Boletin de Estadisticas Pesqueras del Pacifico Sudeste
- Bol Estad Sist Inf Pesq, Santiago
- Boletin de Estadisticas Sistema de Informacion Pesquera, Santiago
- Bol Estat
- Boletim Estatistico
- Bol Fac Biol Mar Univ Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano
- Boletin Facultad de Biologia Marina, Universidad de Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano
- Bol Fac Pesq, Univ Nac Agrar (La Molina)
- Boletin Facultad de Pesqueria, Universidad Nacional Agraria (La Molina)
- Bol Fisiol Anim Univ Sao Paulo
- Boletim de Fisiologia Animal Universidade de Sao Paulo
- Bol Geogr
- Boletim Geografico
- Bol Geol Min
- Boletin Geologico y Minero
- Bol Inst Esp Oceanogr
- Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia
- Bol Inst Geogr Univ Nac Auton Mex
- Boletin Instituto de Geografia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
- Bol Inst Mar Peru
- Boletin Instituto del Mar del Peru
- Bol Inst Nac Invest Pescas
- Boletim (do) Instituto Nacional de investigacao das Pescas
- Bol Inst Oceanogr Venez
- Boletim del Instituto Oceanografico de Venezuela
- Bol Inst Oceanogr, Sao Paulo
- Boletim do Instituto Oceanografico, Sao Paulo
- Bol Inst Pesca, Sao Paulo
- Boletim do Instituto de Pesa, Sao Paulo
- Bol Inst Port Invest Marit
- Boletim do Instituto Portugues de Investigacao Maritima
- Bol Latinoam Caribe Plant Med Aromat
- Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas
- Bol Mus Mar
- Boletin Museo del Mar
- Bol Mus Munic Funchal
- Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal
- Bol Mus Nac Hist Nat (Chile)
- Boletin Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile)
- Bol Pescas
- Boletin de Pescas
- Bol r Soc Esp Hist Nat Actas
- Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural Actas
- Bol r Soc Esp Hist Nat, Biol
- Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural Seccion Biologica
- Bol r Soc Esp Hist Nat, Geol
- Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural Seccion Geologica
- Bol Red Acuic
- Boletin Red Acuicultura
- Bol Soc Chil Quim
- Boletin de la Sociedad Chilena de Quimica
- Bol Soc Esp Ceram Vidrio
- Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio
- Bol Soc Port Cienc Nat
- Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciencias Naturais
- Bol Tec CEPTA
- Boletim Technico do CEPTA
- Bol Tec Inst Pesca, Sao Paulo
- Boletim Tecnico Instituto de Pesca, Sao Paulo
- Boletim Tecnico da PETROBRAS
- Bol Tec Prod Pet
- Boletim Tecnico da Producao de Petroleo
- Boll Assoc Rom Entomol
- Bollettino dell'Associazione Romana di Entomologia
- Boll Bimest
- Bollettino Bimestrale
- Boll Chim Ig
- Bollettino dei Chimici Igienisti
- Boll Geofis Teor Appl
- Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata
- Boll Malacol
- Bollettino Malacologico
- Boll Mus Civ Stor Nat Venezia
- Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia
- Boll Mus Zool Anat Comp R Univ Genova
- Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e Anatomia comparata della R Universita di Genova
- Boll Mus Zool Anat Comp, Torino
- Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e Anatomia comparata, Torino
- Boll Oceanol Teor Applic
- Bollettino di Oceanologia Teorica ed Applicata
- Boll Pesca, Piscic Idrobiol
- Bollettino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia
- Boll Soc Entomol Ital
- Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana
- Boll Soc Veneziana Stor Nat Mus Civ Stor Nat
- Bollettino della Societa Veneziana di Storia Naturale e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
- Boll Unione Ital Chim Ig
- Bollettino - Unione Italiana Chimici Igienisti
- Boll Zool
- Bollettino di Zoologia
- Bone Res
- Bone Research
- Bonn Zool Beitr
- Bonner Zoologische Beitraege
- Bookl NY Sea Grant Inst
- Booklet New York Sea Grant Institute
- Boreal Environ Res
- Boreal Environment Research
- Boreas
- Boreas
- Boston Coll Environ Aff Law Rev
- Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review
- Bot Acta
- Botanica Acta
- Bot Chr
- Botanika Chronika
- Bot J Linn Soc
- Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
- Bot Koezlemenyek
- Botanikai Koezlemenyek
- Bot Mar
- Botanica Marina
- Bot Mus Leafl Harv Univ
- Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University
- Bot Notiser
- Botaniska Notiser
- Bot Rev
- Botanical Review
- Botanicheskij Zh
- Botanicheskij Zhurnal
- Boundary Layer Meteorol
- Boundary-Layer Meteorology
- Boundary-Layer Meteorol
- Boundary-Layer Meteorology
- Br Birds
- British Birds
- Br Ceram Trans
- British Ceramic Transactions
- Br Corros J
- British Corrosion Journal
- Br Dent J
- British Dental Journal
- Br Food J
- British Food Journal
- Br J Addict
- British Journal of Addiction
- Br J Appl Phys
- British Journal of Applied Physics
- Br J Cancer
- British Journal of Cancer
- Br J Clin Pharmacol
- British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
- Br J Haematol
- British Journal of Haematology
- Br J Hist Sci
- British Journal for the History of Science
- Br J Math Stat Psychol
- British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
- Br J Med Pract
- British Journal of Medical Practitioners
- Br J Nutr
- British Journal of Nutrition
- Br J Pharmacol
- British Journal of Pharmacology
- Br J Sports Med
- British Journal of Sports Medicine
- Br Overseas Dev
- British Overseas Development
- Br Phycol J
- British Phycological Journal
- Br Polym J
- British Polymer Journa
- Br Vet J
- British Veterinary Journal
- Brain Behav Evol
- Brain Behavior and Evolution
- Brain Connect
- Brain Connectivity
- Brain Neurosci Adv
- Brain and Neuroscience Advances
- Brain Plast
- Brain Plasticity
- Brain Res
- Brain Research
- Brain Res Bull
- Brain Research Bulletin
- Brain Res Protoc
- Brain Research Protocols
- Brain Res Rev
- Brain Research Reviews
- Brain Sci Adv
- Brain Science Advances
- Brain Struct Funct
- Brain Structure & Function
- Braunschw Natkdl Schr
- Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften
- Braz J Aquat Sci Technol
- Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Technology
- Braz J Chem
- Brazilian Journal of Chemistry
- Braz J Chem Eng
- Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
- Braz J Food Technol
- Brazilian Journal of Food Technology
- Braz J Geol
- Brazilian Journal of Geology
- Braz J Mater Sci Eng
- Brazilian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
- Braz J Oceanogr
- Brazilian Journal of Oceanography
- Braz J Phys
- Brazilian Journal of Physics
- Brenesia
- Brenesia
- Brennst-Warme-Kraft
- Brennstoff-Warme-Kraft
- Breviora
- Breviora
- BrewingSci Monatsschr Brauwiss
- BrewingScience - Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft
- Bridge Struct
- Bridge Structures
- Briefings Bioinf
- Briefings in Bioinformatics
- Brittonia
- Brittonia
- Brown Univ Psychopharmacol Update
- Brown University Psychopharmacology Update
- Buffalo Law Rev
- Buffalo Law Review
- Build Acoust
- Building Acoustics
- Build Environ
- Building and Environment
- Build Sci
- Building Science
- Build Serv Eng Res Technol
- Building Services Engineering Research and Technology
- Build Simul
- Building Simulation
- Bul Annu Stat Peche Natl Inst Sci Peches Marit, Casablanca
- Buletin Annuel des Statistiques de la Peche Nationale Institut Scientifique des Peches Maritimes, Casablanca
- Bul Cercet Piscic, Noua
- Buletin de Cercetari Piscicole Serie Noua
- Bul Instit Cercet Piscic
- Buletinul Institutului de Cercetari Piscicole
- Bul Instit Cercet Proiect Piscic
- Buletinul Institutului de Cercetari si Proiectari Piscicole
- Bul Maritek
- Buletin Maritek
- Bul Univ Galati Tech Piscic
- Buletinul Universitatii din Galati Technica Piscicola
- Bul VURH Vodnany
- Buletin VUHR Vodnany
- Bulg J Phys
- Bulgarian Journal of Physics
- Bull Acad Soc Lorraines Sci
- Bulletin des Academie et Societe Lorraines des Sciences
- Bull Air Pollut
- Bulletin of Air Pollution
- Bull Am Meteorol Soc
- Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
- Bull Am Mus Nat Hist
- Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
- Bull Anal Bibliogr Hell
- Bulletin Analytique de Bibliographie Hellenique
- Bull Aquac Assoc Can
- Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada
- Bull Assoc Eng Geol, Florissant
- Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, Florissant
- Bull Assoc Geogr Fr
- Bulletin de l'Association de Geographes Francais
- Bull Astron Inst Neth
- Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands
- Bull Astron Soc India
- Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India
- Bull At Sci
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
- Bull Atmos Electr
- Bulletin of Atmospheric Electricity
- Bull Atmos Sci Technol
- Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology
- Bull Aust Math Soc
- Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
- Bull Bingham Oceanogr Collect
- Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection
- Bull Biol Board Can
- Bulletin The Biological Board of Canada
- Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) Bot
- Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Botany
- Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) Entomol
- Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology
- Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) Entomol (Suppl)
- Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology (Suppl)
- Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) Zool
- Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology
- Bull Br Mycol Soc
- Bulletin of the British Mycological Society
- Bull Brackishwater Aquac Dev Cent, Jepara
- Bulletin of the Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Centre, Jepara
- Bull Brew Sci
- Bulletin of Brewing Science
- Bull Bur Resour Sci (Aust)
- Bulletin Bureau of Resource Sciences (Australia)
- Bull Can Biochem Soc
- Bulletin of the Canadian Biochemical Society
- Bull Can Pet Geol
- Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
- Bull Can Petrol Geol
- Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
- Bull Cent Belg Etud Doc Eaux
- Bulletin du Centre Belge d'Etude et de Documentation des Eaux
- Bull Cent Etud Rech Sci, Biarritz
- Bulletin du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Scientifiques Biarritz
- Bull Cent Natl Rech Oceanogr Pech (Maurit)
- Bulletin du Centre National de Recherches Oceanographiques et des Peches (Mauritania)
- Bull Cent Rech Explor Prod Elf-Aquitaine
- Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine
- Bull Chem Soc Ethiop
- Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia
- Bull Chem Soc Jpn
- Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
- Bull Cl Sci Acad R Belg
- Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences, Academie Royale de Belgique
- Bull Coll Agric Vet Med, Nihon Univ
- Bulletin of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Nihon University
- Bull Coll Sci, Univ Ryukyus
- Bulletin of the College of Science, University of the Ryukyus
- Bull Comm Int Explor Sci Mer Mediterr
- Bulletin de la Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Mediterranee
- Bull Comm Thalassographique Hell
- Bulletin de la Commission Thalassographique Hellenique
- Bull Cons Int Rech Union Geod Geophys Int (Venise)
- Bulletin Conseil International de Recherches Union Geodesique et Geophysique Internationale (Venise)
- Bull Dep Mar Sci, Univ Cochin
- Bulletin of the Department of Marine Sciences, University of Cochin
- Bull Dep Prim Ind (Qld)
- Bulletin Department of Primary Industries (Queensland)
- Bull Earthquake Eng
- Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
- Bull EC Fish Coop
- Bulletin EC Fisheries Cooperation
- Bull ECerS
- Bulletin of ECerS
- Bull Electrochem
- Bulletin of Electrochemistry
- Bull Eng Geol Environ
- Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
- Bull Entomol Res
- Bulletin of Entomological Research
- Bull Entomol Soc Am
- Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America
- Bull Environ Contam Toxicol
- Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
- Bull Estuar Coast Sci Assoc
- Bulletin of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association
- Bull Eur Ceram Soc
- Bulletin of the European Ceramic Society
- Bull Exp Biol Med
- Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
- Bull Fac Bioresour Mie Univ
- Bulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources Mie University
- Bull Fac Fish Hokkaido Univ
- Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Hokkaido University
- Bull Fac Fish Mie Univ
- Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Mie University
- Bull Fac Fish Nagasaki Univ
- Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Nagasaki University
- Bull Fish Exp Stn Okayama Prefect
- Bulletin of the Fisheries Experiment Station, Okayama Prefecture
- Bull Fish Res Board Can
- Bulletin Fisheries Research Board of Canada
- Bull Fish Res Lab, Greece
- Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Laboratory, Greece
- Bull Fish Stat
- Bulletin of Fishery Statistics
- Bull Fish Surv India
- Bulletin of Fishery Survey of India
- Bull Fla Mus Nat Hist Biol Sci
- Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History Biological Sciences
- Bull Fr Peche Piscic
- Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Pisciculture
- Bull Fr Piscic Ichthyol Hydrobiol Appl
- Bulletin Francais de Pisciculture : Ichthyologie et Hydrobiologie Appliquees
- Bull Geogr Surv Inst
- Bulletin of the Geographical Survey Institute
- Bull Geol Soc China
- Bulletin of the Geological Society of China
- Bull Geol Soc Den
- Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
- Bull Glaciol Res
- Bulletin of Glaciological Research
- Bull Hiroshima Fish Exp Stn
- Bulletin of the Hiroshima Fisheries Experimental Station
- Bull Hist Chem
- Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
- Bull Hokkaido Natl Fish Res Inst
- Bulletin of the Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute
- Bull Hydrobiol Stn (Greece)
- Bulletin of the Hydrobiological Station (Greece)
- Bull Hydrogr
- Bulletin Hydrographique pour l'Annee
- Bull Hyogo Prefect Fish Exp Stn
- Bulletin of the Hyogo Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station
- Bull I-ATTC
- Bulletin Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
- Bull Indian Vac Soc
- Bulletin of the Indian Vacuum Society
- Bull Inf COEC
- Bulletin d'Information Comite Central d'Oceanographie d'Etude des Cotes
- Bull Inst Egypte
- Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte
- Bull Inst Fish Sci Tong-Yeong Natl Fish Coll
- Bulletin of the Institute of Fisheries Sciences, Tong-Yeong National Fisheries College
- Bull Inst Fondam Afr Noire, A
- Buleltin de l'Institut Fondamental de l'Afrique Noire Serie A Sciences Naturelles
- Bull Inst Mar Biol Oceanogr Fourah Bay Coll
- Bulletin of the Institute of Marine Biology and Oceanography Fourah Bay College
- Bull Inst Min Metall
- Bulletin Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- Bull Inst Natl Sci Tech Oceanogr Peche Salammbo
- Bulletin de l'Institut National Scientifique et Technique d'Oceanographie et de Peche de Salammbo
- Bull Inst Oceanogr
- Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique
- Bull Inst Oceanogr Fish
- Bulletin of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
- Bull Inst Pasteur
- Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur
- Bull Inst Pech Maroc
- Bulletin de l'Institut des Peches Maritimes du Maroc
- Bull Inst r Sci Nat Belg
- Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique : Biologie
- Bull Inst Zool Acad Sin
- Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
- Bull Int Assoc Eng Geol
- Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology
- Bull Int Dairy Assoc
- Bulletin of the International Dairy Association
- Bull Int North Pac Fish Comm
- Bulletin International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
- Bull Ir Biogeogr Soc
- Bulletin of the Irish Biogeogr Soc
- Bull Jpn Sea Natl Fish Res Inst
- Bulletin of the Japan Sea National Fisheries Research Institute
- Bull Jpn Sea Res Inst Kanazawa Univ
- Bulletin of the Japan Sea Research Institute Kanazawa University
- Bull Jpn Soc Fish Oceanogr
- Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography
- Bull Jpn Soc Sci Fish
- Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries
- Bull Kanagawa Prefect Fish Exp Stn
- Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Fishery Experimental Station
- Bull KORDI
- Bulletin of Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
- Bull Korean Chem Soc
- Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
- Bull Korean Fish Soc
- Bulletin of the Korean Fisheries Society
- Bull Kyoto Inst Ocean Fish Sci
- Bulletin of the Kyoto Institute of Oceanic and Fishery Science
- Bull Lab Marit Dinard
- Bulletin du Laboratoire Maritime de Dinard
- Bull Liaison COIPM
- Bulletin de Liaison du COIPM
- Bull London Math Soc
- Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
- Bull Mar Biol Res Cent (Libya)
- Bulletin of the Marine Biology Research Centre (Libya)
- Bull Mar Biol Stn Asamushi
- The Bulletin of the Marine Biological Station of Asamushi
- Bull Mar Ecol
- Bulletins of Marine Ecology
- Bull Mar Park Res Stn
- Bulletin Marine Park Research Station
- Bull Mar Res Cent (Libya)
- Bulletin of the Marine Research Centre (Libya)
- Bull Mar Sci
- Bulletin of Marine Science
- Bull Mar Sci Fish, Kochi Univ
- Bulletin of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Kochi University
- Bull Mater Sci
- Bulletin of Materials Science
- Bull Math Biol
- Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
- Bull Math Sci
- Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences
- Bull Med Subaquat Hyperb
- Bulletin de Medecine Subaquatique et Hyperbare
- Bull Mens Soc Linn Lyon
- Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon
- Bull Mt Desert Isl Biol Lab
- Bulletin Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory
- Bull Mus Comp Zool
- Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology
- Bull Mus Comp Zool Harvard Univ
- Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University
- Bull Mus Hist Natl Paris
- Bulletin du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris
- Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat, 3
- Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 3e Serie Zoologie
- Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat, 4
- Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 4e Serie Miscellanea
- Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat, 4A
- Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 4e Serie Section A Zoologie, Biologie et Ecologie Animales
- Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat, 4B
- Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 4e Serie Section B Adansonia Botanique Phytochimie
- Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat, 4C
- Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 4e Serie Section C Sciences de la Terre Paleontologie, Geologie, Mineralogie
- Bull Mus Oceanogr Monaco
- Bulletin du Musee Oceanographique de Monaco
- Bull N Y Acad Med
- Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
- Bull Nagasaki Prefect Inst Fish
- Bulletin of the Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries
- Bull Nansei Natl Fish Res Inst
- Bulletin of Nansei National Fisheries Research Institute
- Bull Natl Fish Res Dev Agency (Korea)
- Bulletin of National Fisheries Research and Development Agncy (Korea)
- Bull Natl Fish Univ Pusan Nat Sci
- Bulletin of the National Fisheries University of Pusan Natural Sciences
- Bull Natl Inst Oceanogr Fish (Egypt)
- Bulletin of teh National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Egypt)
- Bull Natl Pearl Res Lab
- Bulletin of the National Pearl Research Laboratory
- Bull Natl Res Inst Aquac (Jpn)
- Bulletin of National Research Institute of Aquaculture (Japan)
- Bull Natl Res Inst Far Seas Fish
- Bulletin of the National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries
- Bull Natl Res Inst Fish Eng (Jpn)
- Bulletin of National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering (Japan)
- Bull Natl Res Inst Fish Sci (Jpn)
- Bulletin of National Research Institute of Fisheries Science (Japan)
- Bull Natl Sci Mus (Jpn), A
- Bulletin of the National Science Museum (Japan) Series A Zoology
- Bull Natl Sci Mus (Jpn), B
- Bulletin of the National Science Museum (Japan) Series B Botany
- Bull Natl Sci Mus (Jpn), C
- Bulletin of the National Science Museum (Japan) Series C
- Bull Natl Sci Mus (Jpn), D
- Bulletin of the National Science Museum (Japan) Series D
- Bull Nor Geol Unders
- Bulletin Norges Geologiske Undersoekels
- Bull NY State Agric Exp Stn
- Bulletin New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
- Bull Ocean Res Inst Univ Tokyo
- Bulletin of the Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo
- Bull Off Inf Cons Super Peche
- Bulletin Officiel d'Information du Conseil Superieur de la Peche
- Bull Off Natl Peches
- Bulletin de l'Office National des Peches
- Bull Osaka Prefect Fish Exp Stn
- Bulletin of the Osaka Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station
- Bull Peabody Mus Nat Hist
- Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History
- Bull Perm Int Assoc Navig Congr
- Bulletin of the Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses
- Bull Plankton Soc Japan
- Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan
- Bull Pol Acad Sci, Chem
- Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Chemistry
- Bull S Afr Assoc Mar Biol Res
- Bulletin South African Association for Marine Biological Research
- Bull Sci Tech Dep Hydrobiol Inst Natl Rech Agron (Fr)
- Bulletin Scientifique et Technique Departement d'Hydrobiologie Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France)
- Bull Scripps Inst Oceanogr Univ Calif
- Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California
- Bull Sea Fish Res Stn Isr
- Bulletin of the Sea Fisheries Research Station of Israel
- Bull Seikai Natl Fish Res Inst
- Bulletin of the Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute
- Bull Seismol Soc Am
- Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
- Bull Soc Chim Belg
- Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges
- Bull Soc Chim Fr
- Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France
- Bull Soc Entomol Fr
- Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France
- Bull Soc Fr Phys
- Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Physique
- Bull Soc Geol Fr
- Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France
- Bull Soc Geol Grece
- Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de Grece
- Bull Soc Linn Bord
- Bulletin de la Societe Linneene de Bordaeux
- Bull Soc Oceanogr Fr
- Bulletin de la Societe d'Oceanographie de France
- Bull Soc Pathol Exot
- Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique
- Bull Soc Sea Water Sci (Jpn)
- Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science (Japan)
- Bull Soc Vac Coaters
- Bulletin - Society of Vacuum Coaters
- Bull Soc Zool Fr
- Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France
- Bull South Calif Acad Sci
- Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences
- Bull Stat Peches Marit Pays Nord Eur
- Bulletin Statistique des Peches Maritimes des Pays du Nord de l'Europe
- Bull Stat Sect Mer Serv Mer Aquac (Fr Polyn)
- Bulletin Statistique du Secteur de la Mer Service de la Mer et de l'Aquaculture (French Polynesia)
- Bull Stn Oceanogr Salammbo
- Bulletin Station Oceanographique de Salammbo
- Bull Suisse Peche Piscic
- Bulletin Suisse de Peche et Pisciculture
- Bull Tech Bur Verit
- Bulletin Technique du Bureau Veritas
- Bull Tohoku Natl Fish Res Inst
- Bulletin of the Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute
- Bull Tohoku Reg Fish Res Lab
- Bulletin of Tohoku Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory
- Bull Tokai Reg Fish Res Lab
- Bulletin of Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory
- Bull Tokushima Prefect Mus
- Bulletin of the Tokushima Prefectural Museum
- Bull Tong-Yeong Natl Fish Coll
- Bulletin of Tong-Yeong National Fisheries College
- Bull Torrey Bot Club
- Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club
- Bull US Bur Fish
- Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries
- Bull US Dep Commer Bur Fish
- Bulletin US Department of Commerce Bureau of Fisheries
- Bull US Geol Surv
- Bulletin US Geological Survey
- Bull US Natl Mus
- Bulletin United States National Museum
- Bull Volcanol
- Bulletin of Volcanology
- Bull WHO
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization
- Bull Zool Mus
- Bulletin Zoologisch Museum
- Bull Zool Nomencl
- Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
- Bur Fish Doc
- Bureau of Fisheries Document
- Bur Mines Inf Circ
- Bureau of Mines Information Circular
- Bur Mines Rep Invest
- Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations
- Burnout Res
- Burnout Research
- Byte
- Byte
- Byull Eksp Biol Med
- Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i Meditsiny
- Byull MOIP Biol
- Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelej Prirody Otdel Biologicheskij
- C O A Fish Ser Rep Fish Dis Res
- C O A Fisheries Series : Reports on Fish Disease Research
- CABI Agric Biosci
- CABI Agriculture and Bioscience
- Cah Biol Mar
- Cahiers de Biologie Marine
- Cah Ethol Fondam Appl Anim Hum
- Cahiers d'Ethologie Fondamentale et Appliquee, Animale et Humaine
- Cah Ethol Fondam Appl Anim Hum (Collect Enq Doss)
- Cahiers d'Ethologie Fondamentale et Appliquee, Animale et Humaine Collection Enquetes et Dossiers
- Cah Inf Dir Rech Sci Tech (Que Prov)
- Cahier d'Information Direction la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (Quebec Prov)
- Cah Inf Peches Dir Peche Aquac
- Cahier d'Information Direction de la Peche et de l'Aquaculture
- Cah Inf Tech/Rev Metall
- Cahiers d'Informations Techniques / Revue de Metallurgie
- Cah Oceanogr
- Cahiers Oceanographiques
- Cah Sci Cent Tech For Trop Nogent-sur-Marne
- Cahiers Scientifiques Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Nogent-sur-Marne
- Cah Sci Hum Inst Fr Rech Sci Dev Coop
- Cahiers des Sciences Humaines Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation
- Calanus
- Calanus
- Calif Coop Ocean Fish Invest Data Rep
- California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Data Report
- Calif Coop Ocean Fish Invest Rep
- California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries investigations Reports
- Calif Fish Game
- California Fish and Game
- Calif Law Rev
- California Law Review
- Calphad
- Calphad - Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry
- Cambridge Archaeol J
- Cambridge Archaeological Journal
- Cambridge Univ Med Soc Mag
- Cambridge University Medical Society Magazine
- Can Agric Eng
- Canadian Agricultural Engineering
- Can Appl Math Q
- Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly
- Can Assoc Radiol J
- Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal
- Can Bee J
- Canadian Bee Journal
- Can Biodiversity
- Canadian Biodiversity
- Can Biosyst Eng
- Canadian Biosystems Engineering
- Can Bull Fish Aquat Sci
- Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Can Ceram Q
- Canadian Ceramics Quarterly
- Can Chem Process
- Canadian Chemical Processing
- Can Contract Rep Hydrogr Ocean Sci
- Canadian Contractor Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences
- Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci
- Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Can Data Rep Hydrogr Ocean Sci
- Canadian Data Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences
- Can Entomol
- Canadian Entomologist
- Can Field-Nat
- Canadian Field-Naturalist
- Can Fish Annu Stat Rev
- Canadian Fisheries - Annual Statistical Review
- Can Fish Int Trade
- Canadian Fisheries - International Trade
- Can Fish Land
- Canadian Fisheries - Landings
- Can Fish Prod Inventories
- Canadian Fisheries - Products and Inventories
- Can Fish Stat Highlights
- Canadian Fisheries - Statistical Highlights
- Can Geogr
- Canadian Geographer
- Can Geotech J
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal
- Can Ind Rep Fish Aquat Sci
- Canadian Industry Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Can J Addict
- Canadian Journal of Addiction
- Can J Aging
- Canadian Journal on Aging
- Can J Agr Sci
- Canadian Journal of Agricultural Science
- Can J Agric Econ
- Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economcs
- Can J Anaesth
- Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia
- Can J Anal Sci Spectros
- Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy
- Can J Anim Sci
- Canadian Journal of Animal Science
- Can J Appl Physiol
- Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology
- Can J Appl Sci
- Canadian Journal of Applied Sciences
- Can J Appl Spectrosc
- Canadian Journal of Applied Spectroscopy
- Can J Appl Sport Sci
- Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences
- Can J Behav Sci
- Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
- Can J Biochem
- Canadian Journal of Biochemistry
- Can J Biochem Cell Biol
- Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- Can J Bot
- Canadian Journal of Botany
- Can J Chem
- Canadian Journal of Chemistry
- Can J Chem Eng
- Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
- Can J Civ Eng
- Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
- Can J Comp Med
- Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine
- Can J Comp Med Vet Sci
- Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science
- Can J Diabetes
- Canadian Journal of Diabetes
- Can J Diet Pract Res
- Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research
- Can J Earth Sci
- Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
- Can J Electr Comput Eng
- Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Can J Emergency Med
- Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine
- Can J Fish Aquat Sci
- Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Can J Fish AquatSci
- Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Can J For Res
- Canadian Journal of Forest Research
- Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol
- Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Can J Genet Cytol
- Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology
- Can J Hosp Pharm
- Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
- Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol
- Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
- Can J Kidney Health Dis
- Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
- Can J Math
- Canadian Journal of Mathematics
- Can J Med Sci
- Canadian Journal of Medical Sciences
- Can J Med Technol
- Canadian Journal of Medical Technology
- Can J Microbiol
- Canadian Journal of Microbiology
- Can J Neurol
- Canadian Journal of Neurology
- Can J Neurol Sci
- Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences
- Can J Nurs Res
- Canadian Journal of Nursing Research
- Can J Occup Ther
- Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
- Can J Ophthalmol
- Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology
- Can J Pharm Sci
- Canadian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Can J Phys
- Canadian Journal of Physics
- Can J Physiol Pharmacol
- Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
- Can J Plant Pathol
- Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology
- Can J Plant Sci
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science
- Can J Plast Surg
- Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery
- Can J Public Health
- Canadian Journal of Public Health
- Can J Pure Appl Sci
- Canadian Journal of Pure & Applied Science
- Can J Reg Sci
- Canadian Journal of Regional Science
- Can J Remote Sens
- Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing
- Can J Res
- Canadian Journal of Research
- Can J Sci Math Technol Educ
- Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
- Can J Soil Sci
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Can J Spectrosc
- Canadian Journal of Spectroscopy
- Can J Sport Sci
- Canadian Journal of Sport Science
- Can J Stat
- Canadian Journal of Statistics
- Can J Surg
- Canadian Journal of Surgery
- Can J Urban Res
- Canadian Journal of Urban Research
- Can J Vet Res
- Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research
- Can J Zool
- Canadian Journal of Zoology
- Can Manuscr Rep Fish Aquat Sci
- Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Can Math Bull
- Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
- Can Med Assoc J
- Canadian Medical Association Journal
- Can Metall Q
- Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly
- Can Min J
- Canadian Mining Journal
- Can Mineral
- Canadian Mineralogist
- Can Mus Nat Publ Zool
- Canadian Museum of Nature Publications in Zoology
- Can Pharm J
- Canadian Pharmacists Journal
- Can Respir J
- Canadian Respiratory Journal
- Can Soc Forensic Sci J
- Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal
- Can Spec Publ Fish Aquat Sci
- Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Can Tech Rep Fish Aquat Sci
- Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Can Tech Rep Hydrogr Ocean Sci
- Canadian Technical Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences
- Can Transl Fish Aquat Sci
- Canadian Translations of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Can Water Resour J
- Canadian Water Resources Journal
- Can Young Sci J
- Canadian Young Scientist Journal
- Cancer Biomarkers
- Cancer Biomarkers
- Cancer Biother Radiopharm
- Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals
- Cancer Chemother Pharmacol
- Cancer Chemotheraphy and Pharmacology
- Cancer Inf
- Cancer Informatics
- Cancer Nanotechnol
- Cancer Nanotechnology
- Canine Genet Epidemiol
- Canine Genetics and Epidemiology
- Canine Med Genet
- Canine Medicine and Genetics
- Cannabis Cannabinoid Res
- Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
- Carbohydr Chem
- Carbohydrate Chemistry
- Carbohydr Lett
- Carbohydrate Letters
- Carbohydr Polym
- Carbohydrate Polymers
- Carbohydr Res
- Carbohydrate Research
- Carbon Balance Manage
- Carbon Balance and Management
- Carbon Energy
- Carbon Energy
- Carbon Lett
- Carbon Letters
- Carbon Manage
- Carbon Management
- Carbon Resour Convers
- Carbon Resources Conversion
- Carbonates Evaporites
- Carbonates and Evaporites
- Cardiovasc Drug Rev
- Cardiovascular Drug Reviews
- Cardiovasc Pathol
- Cardiovascular Pathology
- Cardiovasc Ther
- Cardiovascular Therapeutics
- Cardiovasc Toxicol
- Cardiovascular Toxicology
- Caribb Mar Stud
- Carribean Marine Studies
- Carnegie Inst Wash New Serv Bull
- Carnegie Institution of Washington News Service Bulletin
- Carnegie Inst Wash Year B
- Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book
- Carolinea Beitr Naturkd Forsch Suedwestdeutschl
- Carolinea Beitraege zur naturkundlichen Forschung in Suedwestdeutschland
- Carpathian J Food Sci Technol
- Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology
- Caryologia
- Caryologia
- Case Rep Genet
- Case Reports in Genetics
- Case Stud Chem Environ Eng
- Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering
- Case Stud Constr Mater
- Case Studies in Construction Materials
- Case Stud Eng Fail Anal
- Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis
- Case Stud Environ
- Case Studies in the Environment
- Case Stud Mech Syst Signal Process
- Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
- Case Stud NondestrTest Eval
- Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation
- Case Stud Struct Eng
- Case Studies in Structural Engineering
- Case Stud Therm Eng
- Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
- Case Stud Transp Policy
- Case Studies in Transport Policy
- Case West Reserve J Int Law
- Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law
- Castanea
- Castanea
- Catal Commun
- Catalysis Communications
- Catal Ind
- Catalysis in Industry
- Catal Lett
- Catalysis Letters
- Catal Rev Sci Eng
- Catalysis Reviews - Science and Engineering
- Catal Sci Technol
- Catalysis Science & Technology
- Catal Struct React
- Catalysis, Structure & Reactivity
- Catal Surv Asia
- Catalysis Surveys from Asia
- Catal Surv Jpn
- Catalysis Surveys from Japan
- Catal Today
- Catalysis Today
- CCAMLR Science
- C-CORE Publ
- C-CORE Publications
- CCS Chem
- CCS Chemistry
- CECAF Stat Bull
- CECAF Statistical Bulletin
- Cell Biochem Funct
- Cell Biochemistry and Function
- Cell Biol Int
- Cell Biology International
- Cell Biosci
- Cell & Bioscience
- Cell Chem Biol
- Cell Chemical Biology
- Cell Death Differ
- Cell Death and Differentiation
- Cell Death Dis
- Cell Death and Disease
- Cell Death Discovery
- Cell Death Discovery
- Cell Differ Dev
- Cell Differentiation and Development
- Cell Discovery
- Cell Discovery
- Cell Host Microbe
- Cell Host & Microbe
- Cell Med
- Cell Medicine
- Cell Metab
- Cell Metabolism
- Cell Mol Bioeng
- Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
- Cell Mol Biol Lett
- Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters
- Cell Mol Biol Rep
- Cell and Molecular Biology Reports
- Cell Mol Immunol
- Cellular and Molecular Immunology
- Cell Mol Life Sci
- Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
- Cell Physiol Biochem
- Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry
- Cell Polym
- Cellular Polymers
- Cell Preserv Technol
- Cell Preservation and Technology
- Cell Rep Phys Sci
- Cell Reports Physical Science
- Cell Reprogramming
- Cellular Reprogramming
- Cell Res
- Cell Research
- Cell Signalling
- Cellular Signalling
- Cell Tissue Res
- Cell Tissue Research
- Cell Transplant
- Cell Transplantation
- Cellul Chem Technol
- Cellulose Chemistry and Technology
- Cem Concr Compos
- Cement and Concrete Composites
- Cem Concr Res
- Cement and Concrete Research
- CEMARE Misc Publ
- CEMARE Miscellaneous Publication
- CEMARE Report
- CEMARE Res Pap
- CEMARE Research Paper
- CEMARE Tech Rep
- CEMARE Technical Report
- Cent Eur J Chem
- Central European Journal of Chemistry
- Cent Eur J Energetic Mater
- Central European Journal of Energetic Materials
- Cent Eur J Phys
- Central European Journal of Physics
- Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem
- Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
- Centro
- Centro
- Ceram Eng Sci Proc
- Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings
- Ceram Int
- Ceramics International
- Ceram Silik
- Ceramics - Silikaty
- Ceram Trans
- Ceramic Transactions
- Cercet Mar
- Cercetari Marine
- Cereal Chem
- Cereal Chemistry
- Cereal Res Commun
- Cereal Research Communications
- Cereb Cortex
- Cerebral Cortex
- Ceres
- Ceres
- Chaos, Solitons Fractals
- Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
- Chem - Methods
- Chemistry - Methods
- Chem Afr
- Chemistry Africa
- Chem Anal (Warsaw)
- Chemia Analityczna
- Chem Anlagen Verfahren
- Chemie Anlagen und Verfahren
- Chem Asian J
- Chemistry - An Asian Journal
- Chem Aust
- Chemistry in Australia
- Chem Ber
- Chemische Berichte
- Chem Ber Recl
- Chemische Berichte-Recueil
- Chem Biochem Eng Q
- Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly
- Chem Biodivers
- Chemistry and Biodiversity
- Chem Biol Drug Des
- Chemical Biology and Drug Design
- Chem Biol Interact
- Chemico-Biological Interactions
- Chem Br
- Chemistry in Britain
- Chem Cent J
- Chemistry Central Journal
- Chem Commun
- Chemical Communications
- Chem Data Collect
- Chemical Data Collections
- Chem Ecol
- Chemistry and Ecology
- Chem Educ
- Chemical Educator
- Chem Educ Res Pract
- Chemical Education Research and Practice
- CHem Educ Res Pract Eur
- Chemical Education Research and Practice in Europe
- Chem Eng (London)
- Chemical Engineer (London)
- Chem Eng (New York)
- Chemical Engineering (New York)
- Chem Eng Commun
- Chemical Engineering Communications
- Chem Eng Educ
- Chemical Engineering Education
- Chem Eng J
- Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal
- Chem Eng News
- Chemical and Engineering News
- Chem Eng Process
- Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
- Chem Eng Process Process Intensif
- Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
- Chem Eng Prog
- Chemical Engineering Progress
- Chem Eng Res Des
- Chemical Engineering Research and Design
- Chem Eng Sci
- Chemical Engineering Science
- Chem Eng Technol
- Chemical Engineering and Technology
- Chem Erde
- Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry
- Chem Eur J
- Chemistry A European Journal
- Chem Express
- Chemistry Express
- Chem Fibers Int
- Chemical Fibers International
- Chem Geol
- Chemical Geology
- Chem Health Saf
- Chemical Health and Safety
- Chem Heterocycl Compd
- Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds
- Chem Ind (London)
- Chemistry and Industry
- Chem Ing Tech
- Chemie Ingenieur Technik
- Chem Int
- Chemistry International
- Chem Lett
- Chemistry Letters
- Chem Listy
- Chemicke Listy
- Chem Mater
- Chemistry of Materials
- Chem Nat Compd
- Chemistry of Natural Compounds
- Chem Oceanogr
- Chemical Oceanography
- Chem Pap - Chem Zvesti
- Chemical Papers - Chemicke Zvesti
- Chem Pet Eng
- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Chem Pharm Bull
- Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
- Chem Phys
- Chemical Physics
- Chem Phys Carbon
- Chemistry and Physics of Carbon
- Chem Phys Lett
- Chemical Physics Letters
- Chem Phys Lipids
- Chemistry and Physics of Lipids
- Chem Phys Res J
- Chemical Physics Research Journal
- Chem Phys Rev
- Chemical Physics Reviews
- Chem Process
- Chemical Processing
- Chem Prod Process Model
- Chemical Product and Process Modeling
- Chem Rec
- Chemical Record
- Chem Res Chin Univ
- Chemical Research in Chinese Universities
- Chem Res Toxicol
- Chemical Research in Toxicology
- Chem Rev
- Chemical Reviews
- Chem Sci
- Chemical Science
- Chem Sci Trans
- Chemical Science Transactions
- Chem Senses
- Chemical Senses
- Chem Soc Rev
- Chemical Society Reviews
- Chem Speciat Bioavailab
- Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability
- Chem Speciation Bioavailability
- Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability
- Chem Teach Int Best Pract Chem Educ
- Chemistry Teacher International: Best Practices in Chemistry Education
- Chem Tech
- ChemTech
- Chem Tech (Leipzig)
- Chemische Technik
- Chem Technol Fuels Oils
- Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils
- Chem unserer Zeit
- Chemie in unserer Zeit
- Chem Vap Deposition
- Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Chem Week
- Chemical Week
- Chem Zentralbl
- Chemisches Zentralblatt
- Chem Ztg
- Chemiker-Zeitung
- Chem-Anal
- The Chemist-Analyst
- Chem-Bio Inf J
- Chem-Bio Informatics Journal
- ChemBioChem
- ChemBioChem
- ChemBioEng Rev
- ChemBioEng Reviews
- ChemCatChem
- ChemCatChem
- ChemMedChem
- ChemMedChem
- ChemNanoMat
- ChemNanoMat
- Chemom Intell Lab Syst
- Chemometrics and Intelligent Laborary Systems
- Chemosens Percept
- Chemosensory Perception
- Chemosphere
- Chemosphere
- ChemPhysChem
- ChemPhysChem
- ChemSusChem
- ChemSusChem
- Chesap Sci
- Chesapeake Science
- Chile Pesq
- Chle Pesquero
- Chilton's Food Eng
- Chilton's Food Eng
- Chim Ind
- Chimica e l'Industria
- Chim Ind Genie Chim
- Chimie et Industrie, Genie Chimique
- Chim Nouv
- Chimie Nouvelle
- Chim Oggi
- Chimica Oggi
- Chin Astron Astrophy
- Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Chin Chem Lett
- Chinese Chemical Letters
- Chin Ger J Clin Oncol
- Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology
- Chin J Aeronaut
- Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
- Chin J Agric Biotechnol
- Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology
- Chin J Anal Chem
- Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
- Chin J Astron Astrophys
- Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Chin J Biotechnol
- Chinese Journal of Biotechnology
- Chin J Catal
- Chinese Journal of Catalysis
- Chin J Chem
- Chinese Journal of Chemistry
- Chin J Chem Eng
- Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
- Chin J Chem Phys
- Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics
- Chin J Chromatogr
- Chinese Journal of Chromatography
- Chin J Geochem
- Chinese Journal of Geochemistry
- Chin J Geophys
- Chinese Journal of Geophysics
- Chin J Mar Drugs
- Chinese Journal of Marine Drugs
- Chin J Nucl Phys
- Chinese Journal of Nuclear Physics
- Chin J Oceanol Limnol
- Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
- Chin J Phys
- Chinese Journal of Physics
- Chin J Polym Sci
- Chinese Journal of Polymer Science
- Chin J Struct Chem
- Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry
- Chin Phys
- Chinese Physics
- Chin Phys B
- Chinese Physics B
- Chin Phys C
- Chinese Physics C
- Chin Phys Lett
- Chinese Physics Letters
- Chin Sci Bull
- Chinese Science Bulletin
- China Commun
- China Communications
- China Environ Sci
- China Environmental Sciences
- China Geol
- China Geology
- China Ocean Eng
- China Ocean Engineering
- China Offshore Oil Gas Geol
- China Offshore Oil Gas Geology
- Chromatogr Sci Ser
- Chromatographic Science Series
- Chron New Res
- Chronicle of the New Researcher
- Chron UGGI
- Chronique UGGI
- Chronobiol Int
- Chronobiology International
- CIBCASIO Memorias
- CIBCASIO Transactions
- Ciel Terre
- Ciel et Terre
- Cienc Agrotecnol
- Ciencia e Agrotecnologia
- Cienc Biol
- Ciencia Biologica
- Cienc Biol Ecol Syst
- Ciencia Biologica Ecology and Systematics
- Cienc Biol Mol Cell Biol
- Ciencia Biologia Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Cienc Cult (Sao Paulo)
- Ciencia e Cultura (Sao Paulo)
- Cienc Desarro
- Ciencia y Desarrollo
- Cienc Interam
- Ciencia Interamericana
- Cienc Mar
- Ciencias Marinas
- Cienc Mar (Mazatlan)
- Ciencias del Mar (Mazatlan)
- Cienc Pesq
- Ciencia Pesquera
- Cienc Tecnol Aliment
- Ciencia y Tecnologia Alimentaria
- Cienc Tecnol Mar (CONA)
- Ciencia y Tecnologia del Mar CONA
- Cienc Tecnol Mar (Valpso)
- Ciencia y Tecnologia del Mar (Valparaiso)
- Cienc Tierra Espac
- Ciencia de la Tierra y del Espacio
- Cienc, 8
- CIENCIAS Serie 8 Investigaciones Marinas
- Ciencias (Mex)
- Ciencias (Mexico)
- CIFA Ocass Pap
- CIFA Occasional Paper
- CIFA Techn Pap
- CIFA Technical Paper
- CIFNET Annu Rep
- CIFNET Annual Report
- CIFNET Bulletin
- Ciguatera Inf Bull
- Ciguatera Information Bulletin
- CIM Bull
- CIM Bulletin
- Cinesiologie Med Sport
- Cinesiologie Medecine du sport
- Circ Pa State Univ Ext Serv
- Circular Pennsylvania State University Extension Service
- Circ: Genomic Precis Med
- Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine
- CIRIA Tech Note
- CIRIA Technical Note
- CIRP Ann
- CIRP Annals
- CIRP J Manuf Sci Technol
- CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology
- CISTI Occas Pap
- CISTI Occasional Paper
- City Environ Interact
- City and Environment Interactions
- Classical Quantum Gravity
- Classical and Quantum Gravity
- Clay Miner
- Clay Minerals
- Clay Res
- Clay Research
- Clays Clay Miner
- Clays and Clay Minerals
- Clean Energy
- Clean Energy
- Clean Technol Environ Policy
- Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
- Clim Chang
- Climatic Change
- Clim Change
- Climatic Change
- Clim Dyn
- Climate Dynamics
- Clim Law
- Climate Law
- Clim Monit
- Climate Monitor
- Clim Past
- Climate of the Past
- Clim Past Discuss
- Climate of the Past Discussion
- Clim Res
- Climate Research
- Clim Risk Manage
- Climate Risk Management
- Clim Serv
- Climate Services
- Climatol Bull
- Climatological Bulletin
- Clin Biochem
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Clin Biomech
- Clinical Biomechanics
- Clin Chem
- Clinical Chemistry
- Clin Chem Lab Med
- Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
- Clin Chim Acta
- Clinica Chimica Acta
- Clin Drug Invest
- Clinical Drug Investigation
- Clin EEG Neurosci
- Clinical EEG and Neuroscience
- Clin Endocrinol
- Clinical Endocrinology
- Clin Exp Dent Res
- Cllinical and Experimental Dental Research
- Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol
- Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology
- Clin Hemorheol Microcirc
- Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation
- Clin Imaging
- Clinical Imaging
- Clin Invest Med
- Clinical and Investigative Medicine
- Clin J Sport Med
- Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine
- Clin Mass Spectrom
- Clinical Mass Spectrometry
- Clin Mater
- Clinical Materials
- Clin Neuropharmacol
- Clinical Neuropharmacology
- Clin Neurophysiol Pract
- Clinical Neurophysiology Practice
- Clin Nucl Med
- Clinical Nuclear Medicine
- Clin Pharmacokinet
- Clinical Pharmacokinetics
- Clin Pharmacol Drug Dev
- Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development
- Clin Pharmacol Ther
- Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Clin Phys Physiol Meas
- Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement
- Clin Physiol Funct Imaging
- Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging
- Clin Phytosci
- Clinical Phytoscience
- Clin Proteomics
- Clinical Proteomics
- Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci
- Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience
- Clin Radiol
- Clinical Radiology
- Clin Ther
- Clinical Therapeutics
- Clin Transl Immunol
- Clinical & Translational Immunology
- Clin Transl Neurosci
- Clinical and Translational Neurocience
- Clin Transl Sci
- Clinical and Translational Science
- Clothing Text Res J
- Clothing and Textiles Research Journal
- CMFRI Bull
- CMFRI Bulletin
- CMFRI Newsl
- CMFRI Newsletter
- CMFRI Spec Publ
- CMFRI Special Publication
- CNS Drug Rev
- CNS Drug Reviews
- CNS Neurosci Ther
- CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics
- Coast Eng
- Coastal Engineering
- Coast Eng Jpn
- Coastal Engineering in Japan
- Coast Eng Tech Aid US Army Coast Eng Res Cent
- Coastal Engineering Technical Aid US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center
- Coast Eng/Haian Gongcheng
- Coastal Engineering/Haian Gongcheng
- Coast Manage
- Coastal Management
- Coastal Eng
- Coastal Engineering
- Coastal Eng J
- Coastal Engineering Journal
- Coastal Estuarine Stud
- Coastal and Estuarine Studies
- Cognit Comput Syst
- Cognitive Computation and Systems
- Cognit Syst Res
- Cognitive Systems Research
- Coke Chem
- Coke and Chemistry
- Cold Reg Sci Technol
- Cold Regions Science and Technology
- Cold Spring Harbor Mol Case Stud
- Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies
- Cold Spring Harbor Perspect Biol
- Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology
- Cold Spring Harbor Symp Quant Biol
- Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
- Colecc Nac Man Capacit Secr Pesca (Mex)
- Coleccion Nacional de Manuales de Capacitacion Secretaria de Pesca (Mexico)
- Collect Czech Chem Commun
- Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
- Collect Ocean Works
- Collected Oceanic Works
- Collect Repr Atl Oceanogr Meteorol Lab
- Collected Reprints Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories
- Collect Repr Div Biol Res
- Collected Reprints Division of Biological Research
- Collect Repr Ege Univ
- Collected Reprints Ege University
- Collect Repr Inst Meereskd Univ Kiel
- Collected Reprints Institut fuer Meereskunde an der Universitae Kiel
- Collect Repr Inst Oceanogr Sci
- Collected Reprints Institute of Oceanographic Sciences
- Collect Repr Israel Oceanogr Limnol Res
- Collected Reprints Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research
- Collect Repr KORDI Res Pap
- Collected Reprints KORDI Research Papers
- Collect Repr Natl Inst Oceanogr
- Collected Reprints National Institute of Oceanography
- Collect Repr Ocean Res Inst
- Collected Reprints The Ocean Research Institute
- Collect Repr Or State Univ
- Collected Reprints Oregon State University
- Collect Repr Pac Mar Environ Lab
- Collected Reprints Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
- Collect Repr Scott Mar Biol Assoc
- Collected Reprints Scottish Marine Biological Association
- Collect Repr Tong-Yeong Fish Jounior Coll
- Collected Reprints Tong-Yeong Fisheries Jounior College
- Collect Repr Univ Tokyo
- Collected Reprints University of Tokyo
- Collect Repr Woods Hole Oceanogr Inst
- Collected Reprints Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Collect Sci Pap ICSEAF
- Collection of Scientific Papers International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries
- Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT
- Collective Volume of Scientific Papers International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
- Colloid Interface Sci Commun
- Colloid and Interface Science Communications
- Colloid J
- Colloid Journal
- Colloid Polym Sci
- Colloid and Polymer Science
- Colloids Surf, A
- Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
- Colloids Surf, B
- Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
- Colloq Inst Natl Rech Agron (Fr)
- Colloques Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France)
- Colloq Int Oceanol Ecosyst Marges Cont
- Colloque International d'Oceanologie Ecosystemes de Marges Continentales
- Colloq Semin Inst Fr Rech Sci Dev Coop ORSTOM
- Colloque et Seminaires Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation/ORSTOM
- Colon Waterbirds
- Colonial Waterbirds
- Color Res Appl
- Color Research & Application
- Color Technol
- Coloration Technology
- Columbia J Environ Law
- Columbia Journal of Environmental Law
- Columbia J Transnatl Law
- Columbia Jouranl of Transnational Law
- Comb Chem
- Combinatorial Chemistry - an Online Journal
- Comb Chem High Throughput Screening
- Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening
- Comb Probab Comput
- Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
- Combust Flame
- Combustion and Flame
- Combust Sci Technol
- Combustion Science and Technology
- Combust Theor Model
- Combustion Theory and Modelling
- Comments Astrophys
- Comments on Astrophysics
- Comments At Mol Phys
- Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Comments Condens Matter Phys
- Comments on Condensed Matter Physics
- Comments Inorg Chem
- Comments on Inorganic Chemistry
- Comments Mod Phys
- Comments on Modern Physics
- Commer Exter Prod Mer FIOM
- Commerce Exterieur des Produits de la Mer FIOM
- Commer Fish Abstr
- Commercial Fisheries Abstracts
- Commer Fish Rev
- Commercial Fisheries Review
- Commod Stat Bull Bur Agric Econ (Aust)
- Commodity Statistical Bulletin Bureau of Agricultural Economics (Australia)
- Commun ACM
- Communications of the ACM
- Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci
- Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences
- Commun Biol
- Communications Biology
- Commun Chem
- Communications Chemistry
- Commun Comput Phys
- Communications in Computational Physics
- Commun Earth Environ
- Communications Earth & Environment
- Commun Integr Biol
- Communicative & Integrative Biology
- Commun Mater
- communications Materials
- Commun Math Phys
- Communications in Mathematical Physics
- Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simul
- Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
- Commun Numer Methods Eng
- Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
- Commun Phys
- Communications Physics
- Commun Pure Appl Math
- Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal
- Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis
- Commun Theor Phys
- Communications in Theoretical Physics
- Comp Biochem Physiol A
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A Physiology
- Comp Biochem Physiol A: Mol Integr Physiol
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
- Comp Biochem Physiol B
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Comp Biochem Physiol B: Biochem Mol Biol
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Comp Biochem Physiol C
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology
- Comp Biochem Physiol C: Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology Toxicology and Endocrinology
- Comp Biochem Physiol C: Toxicol Pharmacol
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
- Comp Biochem Physiol D: Genomics Proteomics
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics
- Comp Cytogenet
- Comparative Cytogenetics
- Comp Gen Pharmacol
- Comparative and General Pharmacology
- Comp Physiol Ecol
- Comparative Physiology and Ecology
- Compl Rep US Geol Surv
- Completion Report US Geological Survey
- Compl Rep US Nav Civ Eng Lab
- Completion Report US Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory
- Compl Rep US Nav Environ Predict Res Facil
- Completion Report US Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility
- Complet Rep Ala Dep Conserv Nat Resour
- Completion Report Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
- Complet Rep Ark Game Fish Comm
- Completion Report Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
- Complet Rep Conn Dep Environ Prot
- Completion Report Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
- Complet Rep Dep Fish Game (Alsk)
- Completion Report Department of Fish and Game (Alaska)
- Complet Rep Iowa Conserv Comm
- Completion Report Iowa Conservation Commission
- Complet Rep Ky Dep Fish Wildl Resour
- Completion Report Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
- Complet Rep Mass Div Mar Fish
- Completion Report Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
- Complet Rep NC Div Mar Fish
- Completion Report North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries
- Complet Rep NY Div Mar Coast Resour
- Completion Report New York Division of Marine and Coastal Resources
- Complet Rep US Army Eng Waterw Exp Stn, Environ Lab
- Completion Report US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Environmental Laboratory
- Complet Rep US Army Eng Waterw Exp Stn, Hydraul Lab
- Completion Report US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Hydraulics Laboratory
- Complet Rep Wis Dep Nat Resour
- Completion Report Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Complexity Int
- Complexity International
- Compos Commun
- Composites Communications
- Compos Eng
- Composites Engineering
- Compos Interfaces
- Composite Interfaces
- Compos Sci Technol
- Composites Science and Technology
- Compos Struct
- Composite Structures
- Composites, Part A
- Composites, Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing
- Composites, Part B
- Composites, Part B Engineering
- Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf
- Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety
- Compr Ser Photochem Photobiol
- Comprehensive Series in Photochemistry & Photobiology
- Compress Air
- Compressed Air
- Comput Aided Des
- Computer Aided Design
- Comput Aided Geom Des
- Computer Aided Geometric Design
- Comput Anim Virtual Worlds
- Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
- Comput Biol Chem
- Computational Biology and Chemistry
- Comput Biol Med
- Computers in Biology and Medicine
- Comput Biomed Res
- Computers and Biomedical Research
- Comput Brain Behav
- Computational Brain & Behavior
- Comput Chem
- Computers & Chemistry
- Comput Chem (Oxford)
- Computers and Chemistry
- Comput Chem Eng
- Computers and Chemical Engineering
- Comput Commun
- Computer Communications
- Comput Condens Matter
- Computational Condensed Matter
- Comput Electr Eng
- Computers and Electrical Engineering
- Comput Electron Agric
- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
- Comput Environ Urban Syst
- Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
- Comput Fluids
- Computers & Fluids
- Comput Geom Theory Appl
- Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
- Comput Geosci
- Computational Geosciences
- Comput Geotech
- Computers and Geotechnics
- Comput Graphics Forum
- Computer Graphics Forum
- Comput Ind
- Computers in Industry
- Comput Ind Eng
- Computers & Industrial Engineering
- Comput Integr Manuf Syst
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
- Comput Intell
- Computational Intelligence
- Comput Intell Neurosci
- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
- Comput Lett
- Computing Letters
- Comput Mater Sci
- Computational Materials Science
- Comput Math Appl
- Computers & Mathematics with Applications
- Comput Math Math Phys
- Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
- Comput Math Methods
- Computational and Mathematical Methods
- Comput Math Methods Med
- Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
- Comput Math Model
- Computational Mathematics and Modeling
- Comput Mech
- Computational Mechanics
- Comput Methods Appl Math
- Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
- Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineerin
- Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Eng
- Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
- Comput Methods Programs Biomed
- Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
- Comput Music J
- Computer Music Journal
- Comput Networks
- Computer Networks
- Comput Phys
- Computers in Physics
- Comput Phys Commun
- Computer Physics Communications
- Comput Psychiatry
- Computational Psychiatry
- Comput Sci Discovery
- Computational Science & Discovery
- Comput Sci Eng
- Computing in Science & Engineering
- Comput Speech Lang
- Computer Speech & Language
- Comput Stat Data Anal
- Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
- Comput Struct
- Computers and Structures
- Comput Struct Biotechnol J
- Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
- Comput Theor Chem
- Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
- Comput Theor Polym Sci
- Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science
- Comput Toxicol
- Computational Toxicology
- Comput Vision Image Understanding
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding
- Comput-Aided Civ Infrastruct Eng
- Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
- Comput-Aided Des
- Computer-Aided Design
- Comput-Aided Des Applic
- Computer-Aided Design and Applications
- Computer
- Computer
- Comun Bot Mus Hist Nat Montev
- Comunicacines Botanicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo
- Comun Mus Argent Cienc Nat "Bernardino Rivadavia" Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent) Hidrobiol
- Comunicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Hidrobiologia
- Comun Mus Argent Cienc Nat "Bernardino Rivadavia" Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent) Zool
- Comunicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Zoologia
- Comun Mus Prov Cienc Nat "Florentino Ameghino" Nueva Ser
- Comunicaciones desl Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales "Florentino Ameghino" Nueva serie
- Comun Paleontol Mus Hist Nat Montev
- Comunicaciones Paleontologicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo
- Comun Zool Mus Hist Nat Montev
- Comunicaciones Zoologicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo
- Concepts Magn Reson
- Concepts in Magenetic Resonance
- Concepts Magn Reson Part A
- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A
- Concepts Magn Reson Part B
- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B
- Conchiglie
- Conchiglie
- Concr Eng Int
- Concrete Engineering International
- Concr Int
- Concrete International
- Concr Sci Eng
- Concrete Science and Engineering
- Concurrent Eng
- Concurrent Engineering
- Concurrent Eng: Res Appl
- Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications
- Condens Matter Phys
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Condens Matter Theor
- Condensed Matter Theories
- Condor
- Condor
- Conf Workshop Ser Dep Prim Ind (Qld)
- Conference and Workshop Series Department of Primary Industries (Queensland)
- Conserv Biol
- Conservation Biology
- Conserv Genet Resour
- Conservation Genetics Resources
- Conserv Physiol
- Conservation Physiology
- Constr Build Mater
- Construction and Building Materials
- Cont Shelf Res
- Continental Shelf Research
- Contemp Drug Prob
- Contemporary Drug Problems
- Contemp Org Synth
- Contemporary Organic synthesis
- Contemp Phys
- Contemporary Physics
- Continuum Mech Thermodyn
- Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics
- Contrast Media Mol Imaging
- Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging
- Contrib Atmos Phys
- Contributions to Atmospheric Physics
- Contrib Avulsas Inst Oceanogr Oceanogr Biol
- Contribuicoes Avulsas do Instituto Oceanografico Oceanografia Biologica
- Contrib Avulsas Inst Oceanogr Oceanogr Fis
- Contribuicoes Avulsas do Instituto Oceanografico Oceanografia Fisica
- Contrib Avulsas Inst Oceanogr Tecn
- Contribuicoes Avulsas do Instituto Oceanografico Tecnologia
- Contrib Biol Hopkins Seaside Lab Lealand Stanford Jounior Univ
- Contributions to Biology from the Hopkins Seaside Laboratory of the Lealand Stanford Jr University
- Contrib Cient
- Contribucion Cientifica
- Contrib Cient Cent Invest Cient, Univ Oriente, Porlamar
- Contribuciones Cientificas Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas, Universidad de Oriente, Porlamar
- Contrib Cient Inst Antart Argent
- Contribuciones Cientificas del Instituto Antartico Argentino
- Contrib Dep Cienc Mar Univ PR
- Contribuciones Departamento de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad de Puerto Rico
- Contrib Dove Mar Lab
- Contributions from the Dove Marine Laboratory
- Contrib Dudley Herb
- Contributions from the Dudley Herbarium
- Contrib Hawaii Inst Geophys
- Contributions Hawaii Institute of Geophysics
- Contrib INIDEP
- Contribucion Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero
- Contrib Korea Inter-Univ Inst Ocean Sci Natl Fish Univ Pusan
- Contribucions of Korea Inter-University Institute of Ocean Science, National Fisheries University of Pusan
- Contrib Mar Sci
- Contributions in Marine Science
- Contrib Mineral Petrol
- Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
- Contrib Natl Fish Res Dev Agency (Korea)
- Contributions of National Fisheries Research and Development Agency (Korea)
- Contrib new ser Scripps Inst Oceanogr
- Contributions New Series Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Contrib Oceanogr
- Contributions in Oceanography
- Contrib Oceanogr Meteorol
- Contributions in Oceanography and Meteorology
- Contrib Plasma Phys
- Contributions to Plasma Physics
- Contrib Scripps Inst Oceanogr
- Contributions Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Contrib Tecn
- Contribucion Tecnica
- Contrib Va Inst Mar Sci
- Contributions of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science
- Contrib Wash Univ Sch Oceanogr
- Contributions Washington University, School of Oceanography
- Contrib Zool
- Contributions to Zoology
- Control Autom
- Control & Automation
- Control Dyn Syst
- Control and Dynamic Systems
- Control Eng Pract
- Control Engineering Practice
- Conv Sci Mer Biol Mar Cent Noumea ORSTOM
- Conventions Sciences de la Mer Biologie Marine Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Conv Sci Mer Oceanogr Phys Cent Noumea ORSTOM
- Conventions Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Physique Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Convergent Sci Phys Oncol
- Convergent Science Physical Oncology
- Coord Chem Rev
- Coordination Chemistry Reviews
- Copeia
- Copeia
- COPESCAL Documento Ocasional
- COPESCAL Documento Tecnico
- Coral Reefs
- Coral Reefs
- Cornell Int Law J
- Cornell International Law Journal
- Cornell Law Rev
- Cornell Law Review
- Corros Eng
- Corrosion Engineering
- Corros Mater
- Corrosion & Materials
- Corros Prev Control
- Corrosion Prevention and Control
- Corros Rev
- Corrosion Reviews
- Corros Sci
- Corrosion Science
- Corrosion (Houston)
- Corrosion (Houston)
- Cosmic Res
- Cosmic Research
- COSPAR Colloq Ser
- COSPAR Colloquia Series
- Costs Earn Sel Fish Enterp NS
- Costs and Earnings of Selected Fishing Enterprises, Nova Scotia
- Cour Afr-Carribb-Pac-Eur Union
- Courier: Africa-Caribbean-Pacific-European Union
- Cour Forschinst Senckenb
- Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg
- CPP Chem Plants and Process
- CPP Chemical Plants and Processing
- CR Acad Agric Fr
- Comptes Rendus de l'Academie d'Agriculture de France
- CR Acad Sci Paris
- Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Paris
- CR Acad Sci, Ser IIa: Sci Terre Planets
- Comptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences Serie IIa:Sciences de la Terre et des Planets
- CR Acad Sci, Ser IIb: Mec, Phys, Chim, Astron
- Comptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences Serie IIb:Mecanique Physique Chimie Astronomie
- CR Acad Sci, Ser IIc: Chim
- Comptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences Serie IIc:Chemie
- CR Acad Sci, Ser III
- Comptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences Serie III: Sciences de la Vie
- CR Biol
- Comptes Rendus Biologies
- CR Chim
- Comptes Rendus Chimie
- CR Dir Rec Sci Tech (Que Prov)
- Comptes Rendus de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (Quebec Prov)
- CR Geosci
- Comptes Rendus Geoscience
- CR Hebd Seances Acad Sci
- Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences
- CR Hebd Seances Acad Sci Paris
- Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaire des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences Paris
- CR Math
- Comptes Rendus Mathematique
- CR Mec
- Comptes Rendus Mecanique
- CR Palevol
- Comptes Rendus Palevol
- CR Phys
- Comptes Rendus Physique
- CR Seances Soc Biol Paris
- Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie, Paris
- Cretaceous Res
- Cretaceous Research
- CRISPR Journal
- Crit Rev Anal Chem
- Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
- Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol
- Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Crit Rev Biotechnol
- Critical Reviews in Biotechnology
- Crit Rev Bone Miner Metab
- Critical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism
- Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci
- Critical Reviews in Critical Laboratory Sciences
- Crit Rev Comput Tomogr
- Critical Reviews in Computed Tomography
- Crit Rev Env Sci Technol
- Critical Reviews in Environment Science and Technology
- Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr
- Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
- Crit Rev Microbiol
- Critical Reviews in Microbiology
- Crit Rev Plant Sci
- Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
- Crit Rev Solid State Mater Sci
- Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences
- Crit Rev Toxicol
- Critical Reviews in Toxicology
- Croat Chem Acta
- Croatica Chemica Acta
- Crop Pasture Sci
- Crop and Pasture Science
- Crop Prot
- Crop Protection
- Crop Sci
- Crop Science
- Cruise Rep Dunstaffnage Mar Lab Scott Mar Biol Assoc
- Cruise Report Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory and Scottish Marine Biological Association
- Cruise Rep Geol Surv Jpn
- Cruise Reports Geological Survey of Japan
- Cruise Rep Inst Oceanogr Sci, Deacon Lab
- Cruise Report Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Deacon Laboratory
- Cruise Rep Proudman Oceanogr Lab, Bidston
- Cruise Report Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Bidston
- Crustac Int J Crustac Res
- Crustaceana: International Journal of Crustacean Research
- Crustac Res
- Crustacean Research
- Cryosphere Discuss
- Cryosphere Discussions
- Cryptogam Algol
- Cryptogamie: Algologie
- Cryst Eng
- Crystal Engineering
- Cryst Growth Des
- Crystal Growth and Design
- Cryst Res Technol
- Crystal Research and Technology
- Crystallogr Rep
- Crystallography Reports
- Crystallogr Rev
- Crystallography Reviews
- CSEE J Power Energy Syst
- CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
- CSIRO Water Resour Ser
- CSIRO Water Resoruces Series
- Cuadernos del CRINAS
- Cuad Marisq Publ Divulg
- Cuadernos Marisqueros Publicacion Tecnica
- Cuad Tec Inst Cienc Mar Limnol, Univ Nac Auton Mex, B
- Cuadernos Tecnicos Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Serie B Datos Oceanograficos
- Cuad Univ Mar
- Cuadernos Universidad del Mar
- Curr Appl Phys
- Current Applied Physics
- Curr Bioact Compd
- Current Bioactive Compounds
- Curr Clim Change Rep
- Current climate change reports
- Curr Dev Nutr
- Current Developments in Nutrition
- Curr Drug Abuse Rev
- Current Drug Abuse Reviews
- Curr Genet
- Current Genetics
- Curr Green Chem
- Current Green Chemistry
- Curr Med Chem
- Current Medicinal Chemistry
- Curr Med Res Opin
- Current Medical Research and Opinion
- Curr Microbiol
- Current Microbiology
- Curr Nanosci
- Current Nanoscience
- Curr Nanotoxic Prev
- Current Nanotoxicity and Prevention
- Curr Neuropharmacol
- Current Neuropharmacology
- Curr Opin Biotechnol
- Current Opinion in Biotechnology
- Curr Opin Cell Biol
- Current Opinion in Cell Biology
- Curr Opin Chem Biol
- Current Opinion in Chemical Biology
- Curr Opin Chem Eng
- Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering
- Curr Opin Colloid Interface Sci
- Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science
- Curr Opin Drug Discovery Dev
- Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development
- Curr Opin Electrochem
- Current Opinion in Electrochemistry
- Curr Opin Endocr Metab Res
- Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research
- Curr Opin Environ Sci Health
- Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health
- Curr Opin Environ Sustainability
- Current Opinion in Environment Sustainability
- Curr Opin Food Sci
- Current Opinion in Food Science
- Curr Opin Genet Dev
- Current Opinion in Genetics & Development
- Curr Opin Green Sustainable Chem
- Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry
- Curr Opin Insect Sci
- Current Opinion in Insect Science
- Curr Opin Invest Drugs
- Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs
- Curr Opin Microbiol
- Current Opinion in Microbiology
- Curr Opin Mol Ther
- Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics
- Curr Opin Neurobiol
- Current Opinion in Neurobiology
- Curr Opin Pediatr
- Current Opinion in Pediatrics
- Curr Opin Pharmacol
- Current Opinion in Pharmacology
- Curr Opin Physiol
- Current Opinion in Physiology
- Curr Opin Plant Biol
- Current Opinion in Plant Biology
- Curr Opin Solid State Mater Sci
- Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science
- Curr Opin Struct Biol
- Current Opinion in Structural Biology
- Curr Opin Syst Biol
- Current Opinion in Systems Biology
- Curr Opin Toxicol
- Current Opinion in Toxicology
- Curr Org Chem
- Current Organic Chemistry
- Curr Org Synth
- Current Organic Synthesis
- Curr Pharm Des
- Current Pharmaceutical Design
- Curr Pharmacogenomics Pers Med
- Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
- Curr Plant Biol
- Current Plant Biology
- Curr Plant Sci Biotechnol Agric
- Current Plant Science in Biotechnology and Agriculture
- Curr Protein Pept Sci
- Current Protein & Peptide Science
- Curr Res Biotechnol
- Current Research in Biotechnology
- Curr Res Environ Sustainability
- Current Research in Environmental Sustainability
- Curr Res Food Sci
- Current Research in Food Science
- Curr Res Natl Water Res Inst (Can)
- Current Reserach National Water Research Institute (Canada)
- Curr Res Physiol
- Current Research in Physiology
- Curr Res Struct Biol
- Current Research in Structural Biology
- Curr Sci
- Current Science
- Curr Sep Drug Dev
- Current Separations and Drug Development
- Curr Top Dev Biol
- Current Topics in Developmental Biology
- Curr Top Med Chem
- Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
- Curr Top Membr
- Current Topics in Membranes
- Curr Vasc Pharmacol
- Current Vascular Pharmacology
- Curr Zool
- Current Zoology
- Current Pharm Anal
- Current Pharmaceutical Analysis
- Current Pharm Biotechnol
- Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Cybium
- Cybium
- CyTA J Food
- CyTA Journal of Food
- Cytobios
- Cytobios
- Cytokine Growth Factor Rev
- Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews
- Cytologia
- Cytologia
- Cytometry, Part B
- Cytometry, Part B: Clinical Cytometry
- Czech J Food Sci
- Czech Journal of Food Science
- Czech J Phys
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
- Dalhous Law J
- Dalhousie Law Journal
- Dalton Trans
- Dalton Transactions
- Dalton Trans J Inorg Chem
- Dalton Transactions: a journal of Inorganic chemistry
- Dan Kemi
- Danski Kemi
- Dana
- Dana
- Dania Polygl New Ser
- Dania Polyglotta New Series
- Dania Polygl Repert Bibliogr Annu
- Dania Polyglotta Repertoire Bibliographique annuel
- Darwiniana
- Darwiniana
- Data Knowl Eng
- Data and Knowledge Engineering
- Data Ocean Data Buoy Stn
- Data from Ocean Data Buoy Stations
- Data Policy
- Data & Policy
- Data Rec ICCAT
- Data Record International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
- Data Rep Inst Oceanogr Univ B C
- Data Report Institute of Oceanography, University of British Columbia
- Data Sci
- Data Science
- Data Sci Eng
- Data Science and Engineering
- Data Sci J
- Data Science Journal
- Data-Centric Eng
- Data-Centric Engineering
- Datos Geofis, A
- Datos Geofisicos Serie A Oceanografia
- Datos Inf
- Datos Informativos
- DBZ Dtsch Bauz
- D B Z Deutsche Bauzeitschrift
- Decheniana
- Decheniana
- Deep Sea Res Part A
- Deep Sea Research Part A: Oceanographic Research Papers
- Deep Sea Res Part B
- Deep Sea Research Part B: Oceanographic Literature Review
- Deep Sea Res Part I
- Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
- Deep Sea Res Part II
- Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
- Deep-Sea Res
- Deep-Sea Research
- Deep-Sea Res Oceanogr Abstr
- Deep-Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts
- Deep-Sea Res Oceanogr Abstr Bibliogr
- Deep-Sea Research, Oceanographic Abstracts and Bibliography
- Deep-Sea Res Oceanogr Abstr Oceanogr Bibliogr Sect
- Deep-Sea Research, Oceanographic Abstracts and Oceanographic Bibliography Section
- Deep-Sea Res Oceanogr, A
- Deep-Sea Research Part A Oceanographic Research Papers
- Deep-Sea Res Oceanogr, B
- Deep-Sea Research Part B Oceanographic Literature Review
- Def Sci J
- Defence Science Journal
- Dent Mater
- Dental Materials
- Depositional Rec
- Depositional Record
- Des Issues
- Design Issues
- Des Monomers Polym
- Designed Monomers and Polymers
- Desalin Water Treat
- Desalination and Water Treatment
- Desalination
- Desalination
- Dev Aquac Fish Sci
- Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science
- Dev Biol
- Developmental Biology
- Dev Cell
- Developmental Cell
- Dev Comp Immunol
- Development and Comparative Immunology
- Dev Dyn
- Developmental Dynamics
- Dev Eng
- Development Engineering
- Dev Food Sci
- Developments in Food Science
- Dev Growth Differ
- Development, Growth and Differentiation
- Dev Hydrobiol
- Developments in Hydrobiology
- Dev Neurosci
- Developmental Neuroscience
- Dev Sci
- Developmental Science
- Development
- Development
- Diabetes Technol Ther
- Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics
- Diagn Cytopathol
- Diagnostic Cytopathology
- Diagn Interventional Imaging
- Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging
- Diagn Pathol
- Diagnostic Pathology
- Diamond Films Technol
- Diamond Films and Technology
- Diamond Relat Mater
- Diamond and Related Materials
- Didact Inst Fr Rech Sci Dev Coop
- Didactiques Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation
- Differ Geom Appl
- Differential Geometry and its Applications
- Digital Biomarkers
- Digital Biomarkers
- Digital Invest
- Digital Investigation
- Digital Signal Process
- Digital Signal Processing
- Digital War
- Digital War
- Direccao Geral Serv Florest Aquic Publicacoes
- Direccao Geral dos Servicos Florestais eAquicolas Publicacoes
- Dis Aquat Org
- Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
- Dis Markers
- Disease Markers
- Disc Rep
- Discovery Reports
- Discrete Appl Math
- Discrete Applied Mathematics
- Discrete Dyn Nat Soc
- Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
- Discrete Math
- Discrete Mathematics
- Discrete Optim
- Discrete Optimization
- Discuss Pap Cent Fish Econ, Bergen
- Discussion paper Centre for Fisheries Economics, Bergen
- Diskusjonsnotat Sent Fiskerioekon, Bergen
- Diskusjonsnotat Senter for Fiskerioekonomi, Bergen
- Diss ETH Zuerich
- Dissertationen: Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (ETH)
- Distrib Sys Eng
- Distributed Systems Engineering
- Div Rep CSIRO Div Water Resour
- Divisional Report CSIRO Division of Water Resources
- Divers Distrib
- Diversity and Distributions
- DNA Repair
- DNA Repair
- Doc Cent Natl Rech Oceanogr (Madagas)
- Document Centre National de Recherches Oceanographiques (Madagascar)
- Doc Ist Ital Idrobiol
- Documenta dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia
- Doc ORSTOM Montp
- Document ORSTOM Montpellier
- Doc Sci Cent Brest, ORSTOM
- Document Scientifique Centre de Brest, ORSTOM
- Doc Sci Cent Cayenne, ORSTOM
- Document Scientifique Centre de Cayenne, ORSTOM
- Doc Sci Cent Natl Sci Halieut Boussoura
- Document Scientifique Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques de Boussoura
- Doc Sci Cent Pointe-Noire, ORSTOM Nouv Ser
- Documents Scientifiques du Centre de Pointe-Noire, ORSTOM Nouvelle Serie
- Doc Sci Cent Rech Oceanogr Dakar-Thiaroye
- Documents Scientifiques Centre de Recherches Oceanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye
- Doc Sci Pole Rech Oceanol Halieut Caraibe
- Document Scientifique Pole de Recherche Oceanologique et Halieutique Caraibe
- Doc Tec Cent Reg Invest Pesq, Yucalpeten, Inst Nac Pesca (Mex)
- Documento Tecnico Centro Regional de Investigacion Pesquera, Yucalpeten, Instituto Nacional de la Pesca (Mexico)
- Doc Tec Oceanogr Fund Univ Rio Gd
- Documentos Tecnicos: Oceanografia Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande
- Dock Harb Auth
- Dock and Harbour Authority
- Dokl - Earth Sci Sect
- Doklady - Earth Science Sections
- Dokl Akad Nauk
- Doklady Akademii Nauk
- Dokl Biochem Biophys
- Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Dokl Biophys
- Doklady Biophysics
- Dokl Chem
- Doklady Chemistry
- Dokl Chem Technol
- Doklady Chemical Technology
- Dokl Earth Sci
- Doklady Earth Sciences
- Dokl Phys
- Doklady Physics
- Dokl Phys Chem
- Doklady Physical Chemistry
- Dokl RAN
- Doklady Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk
- Donghai Mar Sci
- Donghai Marine Science
- Dopov Akad Nauk Ukr
- Dopovyidi Akademyiyi Nauk Ukrayini
- Drinking Water Eng Sci
- Drinking Water Engineering and Science
- Drinking Water Eng Sci Discuss
- Drinking Water Engineering and Science Discussions
- Droit Marit Fr
- Droit Maritime Francais
- Drug Alcohol Depend
- Drug and Alcohol Dependence
- Drug Alcohol Rev
- Drug and Alcohol Review
- Drug Chem Toxicol
- Drug and Chemical Toxicology
- Drug Delivery Transl Res
- Drug Delivery and Translation Research
- Drug Dev Ind Pharm
- Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy
- Drug Dev Res
- Drug Development Research
- Drug Discovery Dev
- Drug Discovery and Development
- Drug Discovery Today
- Drug Discovery Today
- Drug Metab Dispos
- Drug Metabolism and Disposition
- Drug Metab Pharmacokinet
- Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
- Drug Metab Rev
- Drug Metabolism Reviews
- Drug Repurposing Rescue Repositioning
- Drug Repurposing, Rescue, and Repositioning
- Drug Test Anal
- Drug Testing and Analysis
- Drying Technol
- Drying Technology
- DSIR Crop Res Seaf Rep
- DSIR Crop Research Seafood Report
- Dtsch Entomol Z
- Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
- Dtsch Gesundheitswes
- Deutsche Gesundheitswesen
- Dtsch Gewaesserkd Mitt
- Deutsche Gewaesserkundliche Mitteilungen
- Dtsch Hydrogr Z
- Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift
- Dtsch Hydrogr Z Suppl
- Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift Supplement
- Dtsch Z Gesamte Gerichtl Med
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Gerichtliche Medizin
- Dtsch Z Sportmed
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin
- Durb Mus Novit
- Durban Museum Novitates
- Dyes Pigm
- Dyes and Pigments
- Dyn Atmos Oceans
- Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
- Dyn Control
- Dynamics and Control
- Dyn Stat Clim Syst
- Dynamics and Statistics of the Climate System
- EAFE Bull
- EAFE Bulletin
- Earth Environ Sci Trans
- Earth and Environmental Science Transactions
- Earth Environ Sci Trans R Soc Edinburgh
- Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
- Earth Interact
- Earth Interactions
- Earth Planet Sci Lett
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters
- Earth Planets Space
- Earth, Planets and Space
- Earth Sci Front
- Earth Science Frontiers
- Earth Sci Inf
- Earth Science Informatics
- Earth Sci Res J
- Earth Sciences Research Journal
- Earth Sci Rev
- Earth Science Reviews
- Earth Space Sci
- Earth and Space Science
- Earth Surf Dyn
- Earth Surface Dynamics
- Earth Surf Dyn Discuss
- Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions
- Earth Surf Process Landf
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
- Earth Surf Processes Landforms
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
- Earth Syst Dyn
- Earth System Dynamics
- Earth Syst Dyn Discuss
- Earth System Dynamics Discussions
- Earth Syst Environ
- Earth Systems and Environment
- Earth Syst Governance
- Earth System Governance
- Earth Syst Sci Data
- Earth System Science Data
- Earth Syst Sci Data Discuss
- Earth System Science Data Discussions
- Earthq Eng Struct Dyn
- Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
- Earthquake Eng Struct Dyn
- Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
- Earth's Future
- Earth's Future
- East Afr Med J
- East African Medical Journal
- Echo Res Pract
- Echo Research and Practice
- Ecletica Quim
- Ecletica Quimica
- Eclogae Geol Helv
- Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae
- Ecography
- Ecography
- Ecohydrol Hydrobiol
- Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
- Ecol Appl
- Ecological Applications
- Ecol Bull
- Ecological Bulletin
- Ecol Chem Eng
- Ecological Chemistry and Engineering
- Ecol Chem Eng A
- Ecological Chemistry and Engineering A
- Ecol Chem Eng S
- Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S
- Ecol Complexity
- Ecological Complexity
- Ecol Conserv
- Ecological Conservation
- Ecol Econ
- Ecological Economics
- Ecol Eng
- Ecological Engineering
- Ecol Eng: X
- Ecological Engineering: X
- Ecol Entomol
- Ecological Entomology
- Ecol Evol
- Ecology and Evolution
- Ecol Freshw Fish
- Ecology and Freshwaer Fish
- Ecol Freshwater Fish
- Ecology of Freshwater Fish
- Ecol Indic
- Ecological Indicators
- Ecol Inf
- Ecological Informatics
- Ecol Law Q
- Ecological Law Quarterly
- Ecol Lett
- Ecology Letters
- Ecol Manage Restor
- Ecological Management and Restoration
- Ecol Model
- Ecological Modelling
- Ecol Modell
- Ecological Modelling
- Ecol Monogr
- Ecological Monographs
- Ecol Res
- Ecological Research
- Ecol Res Ser US Environ Prot Agency
- Ecological Research Series US Environmental Protection Agency
- Ecol Rev
- Ecological Review
- Ecol Soc
- Ecology and Society
- Ecol Solutions Evidence
- Ecological Solutions and Evidence
- Ecol Stud Anal Synth
- Ecological Studies: analysis and synthesis
- Ecologie
- Ecologie
- Ecology (USA)
- Ecology (USA)
- Econ Bot
- Economic Botany
- Econ Bull
- Economic Bulletin
- Econ Commer Anal Rep Dep Fish Oceans (Can)
- Economic and Commercial Analysis Report Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada)
- Econ Dev Cult Chang
- Economic Development and Cultural Change
- Econ Geol
- Economic Geology
- Econ Geol Bull Soc Econ Geol
- Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists
- Ecos (CSIRO)
- Ecos (CSIRO)
- Ecoscience
- Ecoscience
- Ecosyst Health Sustainability
- Ecosystem Health and Sustainability
- Ecosyst Serv
- Ecosystem Services
- Ecotoxicol Environ Saf
- Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
- ECS Trans
- ECS Transactions
- EDIS: Environmental Data and Information Service
- Educ Chem
- Education in Chemistry
- Educ Chem Eng
- Education for Chemical Engineers
- Educ Inf
- Education for Information
- Educ Neurosci
- Educational Neuroscience
- Educ Publ Alsk Sea Grant
- Education Publication Alaska Sea Grant
- Educ Quim
- Educacion Quimica
- Eesti Kalandus
- Eesti kalandus
- Eesti Loodus
- Eesti Loodus
- Eesti Tead Akad Toim Biol
- Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised Biologia
- Eesti Tead Akad Toim Okol
- Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised Okoloogia
- Effl Water Treat J
- Effluent and Water Treatment Journal
- EFSA Journal
- Egypt J Agron
- Egyptian Journal of Agronomy
- Egypt J Anal Chem
- Egyptian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
- Egypt J Aquat Res
- Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research
- Egypt J Basic Appl Sci
- Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
- Egypt J Biochem Mol Biol
- Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Egypt J Biotechnol
- Egyptian Journal of Biotechnology
- Egypt J Chem
- Egyptian Journal of Chemistry
- Egypt J Geol
- Egyptian Journal of Geology
- Egypt J Hosp Med
- Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine
- Egypt J Med Hum Genet
- Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics
- Egypt J Pet
- Egyptian Journal of Petroleum
- Egypt J Radiol Nucl Med
- Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
- Egypt J Remote Sens Space Sci
- Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science
- Ehkol Morya
- Ehkologiya Morya
- Ehkologiya
- Ehkologiya
- EIFAC Occas Pap
- EIFAC Occasional Papers
- EIFAC Tech Pap
- EIFAC Technical Papers
- Einstein J Biol Med
- Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine
- Einstein Q J Biol Med
- Einstein Quarterly Journal of Biology and Medicine
- Einzelveroeff Dtsch Wetterd Seewetteramt
- Einzelveroeffentlichungen Deutscher Wetterdienst Seewetteramt
- Eiszeitalter Ggw
- Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart
- E-J Chem
- E-Journal of Chemistry
- e-J Surf Sci Nanotechnol
- e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology
- Ekol Pol
- Ekologiya Polska
- Ekol Pol, A
- Ekologiya Polska Seria A
- Ekologija
- Ekologija
- Electr Eng Jpn
- Electrical Engineering in Japan
- Electr Power Compon Syst
- Electric Power Components & Systems
- Electr Power Syst Res
- Electric Power Systems Research
- Electro- Magnetobiol
- Electro- and Magnetobiology
- Electrochem Commun
- Electrochemistry Communications
- Electrochem Soc Interface
- Electrochemical Society Interface
- Electrochem Solid-State Lett
- Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters
- Electrochim Acta
- Electrochimica Acta
- Electrocomponent Sci Technol
- Electrocomponent Science and Technology
- Electron Commun Jpn
- Electronics and Communications in Japan
- Electron Educ
- Electronics Education
- Electron J Biotechnol
- Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
- Electron J Boundary Elem
- Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements
- Electron J Geotech Eng
- Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
- Electron J Oper Meteorol
- Electronic Journal of Operational Meteorology
- Electron J Severe Storms Metereol
- Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Metereology
- Electron J Theor Chem
- Electronic Journal of Theoretical Chemistry
- Electron Lett
- Electronics Letters
- Electron Mater Lett
- Electronic Materials Letters
- Electron Notes Theor Comput Sci
- Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
- Electron Power
- Electronics and Power
- Electron Struct
- Electronic Structure
- Electron Syst News
- Electronic Systems News
- Electron Technol
- Electronic Technology
- Electron Trans Numer Anal
- Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
- Elektrotech Maschinenbau
- Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau
- Elektrotech Z
- Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift
- Elem Sci Anth
- Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
- Elsevier Oceanogr Ser
- Elsevier Oceanography Series
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- Embarcaciones Pesqueras OLDEPESCA
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- Endeavour
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- Endocrine Metabolic & Immune Disorders Drug Targets
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- Endoscopic Ultrasound
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- Energy Procedia
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- Energy Sources Part B
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- Energy, Sustainability and Society
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- Eng Agric Environ Food
- Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food
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- Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
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- Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
- Eng Biol
- Engineering Biology
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- Engineered Casting Solutions
- Eng Fail Anal
- Engineering Failure Analysis
- Eng Fract Mech
- Engineering Fracture Mechanics
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- Eng J (Montr)
- Engineering Journal (Montreal)
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- Engineering in Life Sciences
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- Engineering Management Journal
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- Engineering and Mining Journal
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- Engineering and Mining Journal Press
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- Engineering Optimization
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- Engineering Reports
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- Engineering Research Express
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- Engineering Sciences
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- Engineering Science and Education Journal
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- Engineering Structures
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- Engineering Studies
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- Entomologische Berichten (Amsterdam)
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- Entomologische Berichte (Luzern)
- Entomol Bl Biol Syst Kaefer
- Entomologische Blatter fuer Biologie und Systematik der Kaefer
- Entomol Exp Appl
- Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
- Entomol Fenn
- Entomologica Fennica
- Entomol Gaz
- Entomologist's Gazete
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- Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
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- Entomologica Scandinavica
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- Entomological Science
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- Entomologisk Tidskfirt
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- Entomologische Zeitschrift
- Entomol Z Insektenboerse
- Entomologische Zeitschrift mit Insektenboerse
- Entomologiste
- Entomologiste
- Entomon
- Entomon
- Entomophaga
- Entomophaga
- Entomops
- Entomops
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- Environmental Archaeology
- Environ Bioindic
- Environmental Bioindicators
- Environ Biol Fish
- Environmental Biology of Fishes
- Environ Biol Fishes
- Environmental Biology of Fishes
- Environ Biosaf Res
- Environmental Biosafety Research
- Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev
- Environment Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews
- Environ Chem
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environ Chem Ecotoxicol
- Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
- Environ Chem Lett
- Environmental Chemistry Letters
- Environ Claims J
- Environmental Claims Journal
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- Environmental Conservation
- Environ Control Biol
- Environmental Control in Biology
- Environ DNA
- Environmental DNA
- Environ Ecol
- Environment and Ecology
- Environ Eng Geosci
- Environmental and Engineering Geoscience
- Environ Eng Manage J
- Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
- Environ Eng Policy
- Environmental Engineering and Policy
- Environ Eng Sci
- Environmental Engineering Science
- Environ Entomol
- Environmental Entomology
- Environ Epigenet
- Environmental Epigenetics
- Environ Exp Bot
- Environmental and Experimental Botany
- Environ Fluid Mech
- Environmental Fluid Mechanics
- Environ Forensics
- Environmental Forensics
- Environ Geochem Health
- Environmental Geochemistry and Health
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- Environ Geosci
- Environmental Geosciences
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- Environmental Health Perspectives
- Environ Health Preventative Med
- Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine
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- Environmental History
- Environ Impact Assess Rev
- Environmental Impact Assessment Review
- Environ Innovation Societal Transitions
- Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
- Environ Int
- Environment International
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- Environmental Law
- Environ Manage
- Environmental Management
- Environ Microbiol
- Environmental Microbiology
- Environ Model Assess
- Environmental Modeling and Assessment
- Environ Modell Software
- Environmental Modelling and Software
- Environ Mol Mutagen
- Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
- Environ Monit Assess
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
- Environ Nanotechnol Monit Manage
- Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
- Environ Plann A
- Environment and Planning A
- Environ Policy Law
- Environmental Policy and Law
- Environ Pollut
- Environmental Pollution
- Environ Pract
- Environmental Practice
- Environ Prog
- Environmental Progress
- Environ Prog Sustainable Energy
- Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
- Environ Prot Ser Environ Can
- Environmental Protection Series Environment Canada
- Environ Qual Manage
- Environmental Quality Management
- Environ Report
- Environment Reporter
- Environ Res
- Environmental Research
- Environ Res Commun
- Environmental Research Communications
- Environ Res Lett
- Environmental Research Letters
- Environ Resour Econ
- Environmental and Resource Economics
- Environ Rev
- Environmental Reviews
- Environ Sci Ecotechnol
- Environmental Science and Ecotechnology
- Environ Sci Eur
- Environmental Sciences Europe
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- Environmental Science: Nano
- Environ Sci Policy
- Environmental Science & Policy
- Environ Sci Pollut Res
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research
- Environ Sci Pollut Res Int
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research International
- Environ Sci Processes Impacts
- Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
- Environ Sci Technol
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Environ Sci Technol Lett
- Environmental Science and Technology Letters
- Environ Sci Water Res Technol
- Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology
- Environ Sci: Nano
- Environmental Science: Nano
- Environ Sustainability Indic
- Environmental and Sustainability Indicators
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- Environ Technol Innovation
- Environmental Technology & Innovation
- Environ Toxicol
- Environmental Toxicology
- Environ Toxicol Chem
- Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Environ Toxicol Pharmacol
- Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
- Environ Toxicol Water Qual
- Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality
- Environment
- Environment
- Enzyme Microb Technol
- Enzyme and Microbial Technology
- Enzyme Protein
- Enzyme and Protein
- Enzyme Res
- Enzyme Research
- EOS Trans Am Geophys Union
- EOS : Transactions American Geophysical Union
- Epidemiol Infect
- Epidemiology and Infection
- Epigenet Chromatin
- Epigenetics & Chromatin
- Epitheor Klin Farmakol Farmakokinet Int Ed
- Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes, International Edition
- EPJ Appl Metamater
- EPJ Applied Metamaterials
- EPJ Data Sci
- EPJ Data Science
- EPJ N Nucl Sci Technol
- EPJ N Nuclear Sciences & Technologies
- EPJ Photovoltaics
- EPJ Photovoltaics
- Equine Comp Exercise Physiol
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- Equinoxe
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- Erdoel, Erdgas, Kohle
- Erdoel, Erdgas, Kohle
- Erdoel, Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochem
- Erdoel & Kohle Erdgas, Petrochemie
- Ergeb Limnol
- Ergebnisse der Limnologie
- Ergod Theory Dyn Syst
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
- Ernahrung Wiss Prax
- Ernährung - Wissenschaft und Praxis
- ESA Bull
- ESA Bulletin
- ESA Sci Tech Rev
- ESA Scientific and Technical Review
- Esakia Occas Pap Hikosan Biol Lab Entomol
- Esakia: Occasional Papers of the Hikosan Biological Laboratory in Entomology
- Est Coast Mar Sci
- Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science
- Est Coast Shelf Sci
- Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
- Est Coast Waters Br Isles
- Estuaries and Coastal Waters of the British Isles
- Est J Eng
- Estonian Journal of Engineering
- Estuaries
- Estuaries
- Estuaries Coasts
- Estuaries and Coasts
- Estuarine Coastal Shelf Sci
- Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
- Estud Divulg Tecn, A
- Estudos e Divulgacao Tecnica Grupo A Seccao Zoologia Florestal eCinegetica
- Estud Divulg Tecn, C
- Estudos e Divulgacao Tecnica Grupo C Seccao Entomologia e Florestal
- Estud Divulg Tecn, D
- Estudos e Divulgacao Tecnica Grupo D Seccao Botanica
- Estud Leopoldenses
- Estudos Leopoldenses
- Estud Oceanol Fac Recur Mar Univ Antofagasta
- Estudios Oceanologicos Facultad de Recursos del Mar, Universidad de Antofagasta
- Ethol Ecol Evol
- Ethology, Ecology and Evolution
- Ethology
- Ethology
- Etud Cemagref, Gest Milieux Aquat
- Etudes Cemagref Serie: Gestion des Milieux Aquatiques
- Etud Cemagref, Group Bordx
- Etudes Cemagref, Groupement de Bordeaux
- Etud Theses, Inst Fr Rech Sci Dev Coop
- Etudes et Theses Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation
- Euphytica
- Euphytica
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- European Addiction Research
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- European Archives of Biology
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- European Biophysics Journal
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- European Environmental Law Review
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- European Journal of Applied Microbiology
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- European Journal of Archaeology
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- European Journal of Biochemistry
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- European Journal of Cancer
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- European Journal of Cell Biology
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- European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry
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- European Journal of Clinical Investigation
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- European Journal of Histochemistry
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- European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
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- European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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- European Journal of Oncology Pharmacy
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- European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology
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- European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
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- European Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Hygiene
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- European Journal of Ultrasound
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- European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
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- European Mass Spectrometry
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- European Neuropsychopharmacology
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- European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei
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- European Polymer Journal
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- European Potato Journal
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- Europhysics News
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- EVAAM Rapport Annuel
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- Evolution Letters
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- Evolution du Secteur Belge de la Peche Maritime
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- Excellence in Ecology
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- Experimental Cell Research
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- Experimental Eye Research
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- Experiments in Fluids
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- Experimental Heat Transfer
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- Experimental Hematology
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- Experimental and Molecular Pathology
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- Experimental Mycology
- Exp Parasitol
- Experimental Parasitology
- Exp Pathol
- Experimental Pathology
- Exp Results
- Experimental Reults
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- Experimentelle Strahlentherapie und Klinische Strahlenbiologie
- Exp Tech
- Experimental Techniques
- Exp Tech Phys
- Experimentelle Technik der Physik
- Exp Therm Fluid Sci
- Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
- Exp Toxicol Pathol
- Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology
- Experientia
- Experientia
- Expert Opin Biol Ther
- Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
- Expert Opin Drug Discovery
- Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery
- Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol
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- Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs
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- Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs
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- Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs
- Expert Opin Pharmacother
- Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy
- Expert Rev Med Devices
- Expert Review of Medical Devices
- Expert Rev Mol Med
- Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine
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- Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics
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- Expert Systems with Applications
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- Exploration Geophysics
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- Exposure
- Exposure
- eXPRESS Polym Lett
- eXPRESS Polymer Letters
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- Extractive Industries and Society
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- Extreme Mechanics Letters
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- Extreme Physiology & Medicine
- F1000Research
- F1000Research
- FAO Aquac Newsl
- FAO Aquaculture Newsletter
- FAO Better Farming Ser
- FAO Better Farming Series
- FAO Bull
- FAO Bulletin
- FAO Comput Inf Ser Fish
- FAO Computerized Information Series Fisheries
- FAO Doc Curr Bibliogr
- FAO Documentation Current Bibliography
- FAO Fish Bull
- FAO Fisheries Bulletin
- FAO Fish Circ
- FAO Fisheries Circular
- FAO Fish Pap
- FAO Fisheries Papers
- FAO Fish Rep
- FAO Fisheries Report
- FAO Fish Ser
- FAO Fisheries Series
- FAO Fish Study
- FAO Fisheries Study
- FAO Fish Synop
- FAO Fisheries Synopsis
- FAO Fish Tech Pap
- FAO Fisheries Technical Paper
- FAO Inf Serv Bull
- FAO Information Service Bulletin
- FAO Legis Study
- FAO Legislative Study
- FAO Train Ser
- FAO Training Series
- FAO Yearb Fish Stat Catches Land
- FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics: catches and landings
- FAO Yearb Fish Stat Commod
- FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics: commodities
- Faraday Discuss
- Faraday Discussions
- Faraday Discuss Chem Soc
- Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society
- Faraday Discuss R Soc Chem
- Faraday Discussions of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Faraday Symp Chem Soc
- Faraday Symposium of the Chemical Society
- Faraday Symp R Soc Chem
- Faraday Symposium of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Faraday Trans
- Faraday Transactions
- Farday Spec Discuss Chem Soc
- Faraday Special Discussions of the Chemical Society
- FASEB Bioadv
- FASEB Bioadvances
- FASEB Journal
- Fashion Text
- Fashion and Textiles
- Fast Ferry Int
- Fast Ferry International
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- Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures
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- Fauna (Blindern)
- Fauna Bajkala
- Fauna Bajkala
- Fauna Flora
- Fauna och Flora
- Fauna Maked
- Fauna na Makedonija
- Fauna Mar Astur
- Fauna Marina de Asturias
- Fauna Nor, A
- Fauna Norvegica Series A
- Fauna Nor, B
- Fauna Norvegica Series B
- Fauna Nor, C
- Fauna Norvegica Series C
- Faune Madag
- Faune de Madagascar
- Faune Trop
- Faune Tropicale
- Faun-Oekol Mitt
- Faunistisch-Oekologische Mitteilungen
- FEBS Journal
- FEBS Lett
- FEBS Letters
- FEBS Open Bio
- FEBS Open Bio
- Fed Regist
- Federal Register
- FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol
- FEMS Immunology And Medical Microbiology
- FEMS Microbiol Ecol
- FEMS Microbiology, Ecology
- FEMS Microbiol Lett
- FEMS Microbiology Letters
- FEMS Microbiol Rev
- FEMS Microbiology Reviews
- FEMS Yeast Res
- FEMS Yeast Research
- Ferroelectr Lett
- Ferroelectrics Letters
- Ferroelectr Lett Sect
- Ferroelectric Letters Section
- Ferroelectr Rev
- Ferroelectrics Review
- Fett - Lipid
- Fett - Lipid
- Fett Wiss Technol
- Fett Wissenschaft Technologie
- Few-Body Syst
- Few-Body Systems
- FFA News Dig S Pac Forum Fish Agency
- FFA News Digest South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency
- FFA Rep S Pac Forum Fish Agency
- FFA Report South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency
- Fiber Integr Opt
- Fiber and Integrated Optics
- Fibers Polym
- Fibers and Polymers
- Fibre Chem
- Fibre Chemistry
- Fibres Text East Eur
- Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe
- Field Anal Chem Technol
- Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology
- Field Columbian Mus Publ Zool Ser
- Field Columbian Museum Publications Zoological Series
- Field Mus Nat Hist Zool Ser
- Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series
- Field Stud
- Field Studies
- Fieldana Bot
- Fieldana: Botany
- Fieldana Zool
- Fieldana: Zoology
- Fieldana Zool Mem
- Fieldana: Zoology Memoirs
- Fieldana Zool New Ser
- Fieldana: Zoology New Series
- Fields Math Educ J
- Fields Mathematics Education Journal
- Filtr Sep
- Filtration & Separation
- FIMA Schrreihe
- FIMA Schriftenreihe
- Financ Dev
- Finance and Development
- Finite Elem Anal Des
- Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
- Finite Fields Appl
- Finite Fields and Their Applications
- Finn Fish Res
- Finnish Fisheries Research
- Finn Mar Res
- Finnish Marine Research
- Fire Ecol
- Fire Ecology
- Fire Mater
- Fire and Materials
- Fire Saf J
- Fire Safety Journal
- Fire Saf Sci
- Fire Safety Science
- Fire Sci Rev
- Fire Science Reviews
- Fire Technol
- Fire Technology
- First Break
- First break
- Fisch Jaehrl Stat
- Fischerei jaehrliche Statistiken
- Fisch Teichwirt
- Fischer und Teichwirt
- Fischerblatt
- Fischerblatt
- Fischerbote Norddtsch Fisch Ztg
- Der Fischerbote : Norddeutsche Fischerei-Zeitung
- Fisch-Forsch
- Fischerei-Forschung
- Fisch-Forsch Inf Praxis
- Fischerei-forschung : Informationen fuer Die Praxis
- Fischmagazin
- Fischmagazin
- Fischoekologie
- Fischoekologie
- Fish Aquac Isr Fig
- Fisheries and Aquaculture of Israel in figures
- Fish Aquat Sci
- Fisheries and Aquatic Science
- Fish Board Swed, Hydrogr Rep
- Fishery Board of Sweden Series Hydrography Report
- Fish Bull
- Fishery Bulletin
- Fish Bull (Cyprus)
- Fisheries Bulletin (Cyprus)
- Fish Bull (S Afr)
- Fisheries Bulletin (South Africa)
- Fish Bull Calif Dep Fish Game
- Fish Bulletin California Department of Fish and Game
- Fish Bull Dep Fish (Malays)
- Fisheries Bulletin Department of Fisheries (Malaysia)
- Fish Bull Dep Fish For (Irel (Eire))
- Fisheries Bulletin Department of Fisheries and Forestry (Ireland (Eire)
- Fish Bull Fish Wildl Serv
- Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service
- Fish Bull North South Wales Agric Fish
- Fisheries Bulletin North South Wales Agriculture and Fisheries
- Fish Bus Int
- Fishing Business International
- Fish Chimes
- Fishing Chimes
- Fish Dev Ser Natl Swed Board Fish
- Fisheries Development Series National Swedish Board of Fisheries
- Fish Eng (Jpn)
- Fisheries Engineering (Japan)
- Fish Fishbreeding Isr
- Fisheries and fishbreeding in Israel
- Fish Inf Ser Fish Div (Trinidad, Tobago)
- Fisheries Information Series Fisheries Division (Trinidad and Tobago)
- Fish Invest, I
- Fishery Investigations Series I
- Fish Invest, I Salmon Freshw Fish
- Fishery Investigations Series I Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries
- Fish Invest, II
- Fishery Investigations Series II
- Fish Invest, II Sea Fish
- Fishery Investigations Series II Sea Fisheries
- Fish J Coll Fish, Univ Philipp Visayas
- Fisheries Journal College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas
- Fish Leafl Dep Mar (Irel)
- Fisherey Leaflet Department of the Marine (Ireland)
- Fish Leafl US Dep Inter Fish Wildl Serv
- Fishery Leaflet US Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service
- Fish Manage Ecol
- Fisheries Management and Ecology
- Fish Manage Pap Fish Dep (West Aust)
- Fisheries Management Paper Fisheries Department (Western Australia)
- Fish Manage Rep Minist Environ Lands Parks (B C)
- Fisheries Management Report Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (British Columbia)
- Fish News
- Fishing News
- Fish News Int
- Fishing News International
- Fish Not Dir Fish Res (G B)
- Fisheries Notice Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain)
- Fish Pathol
- Fish Pathology
- Fish Physiol
- Fish Physiology
- Fish Physiol Biochem
- Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
- Fish Rep Dep Prim Ind Fish (North Territ)
- Fishery Report Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (Northern Territory)
- Fish Res
- Fisheries Research
- Fish Res Bull (N Z)
- Fisheries Research Bulletin (New Zealand)
- Fish Res Bull Fish Dep (West Aus)
- Fisheries Research Bulletin Fisheries Department (Western Australia)
- Fish Res Bull Kasetsart Univ
- Fisheries Research Bulletin Kasetsart University
- Fish Res Data Rep Dir Fish Res (G B)
- Fisheries Research Data Report Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain)
- Fish Res Leafl Fish Res Lab, Coler
- Fisheries Research Leaflet Fisheries Reseasrch Laboratory, Coleraine
- Fish Res Pap Dep Fish (S Aust)
- Fisheries Research Paper Department of Fisheries (South Australia)
- Fish Res Rep Fish Dep (West Aust)
- Fisheries Research Report Fisheries Department (Western Australia)
- Fish Res Tech Rep Dir Fish Res (G B)
- Fisheries Research Technical Report Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain)
- Fish Rev
- Fisheries Review
- Fish Sci
- Fisheries Science
- Fish Sci Res
- Fisheries Science Research
- Fish Scotl Rep
- Fisheries of Scotland Report
- Fish Shellfish Immunol
- Fish and Shellfish Immunology
- Fish Stat (Kuwait)
- Fishreies Statistics (Kuwait)
- Fish Stat Bull South China Sea Area
- Fishery Statistical Bulletin for South China Sea Area
- Fish Stat Dep Fish (Qatar)
- Fishery Statistics Department of Fisheries (Qatar)
- Fish Stat Dep Fish (Zamb)
- Fisheries Statistics Department of Fisheries (Zambia)
- Fish Stat Indones
- Fisheries Statistics of Indonesia
- Fish Stat Jpn
- Fisheries Statistics of Japan
- Fish Stat Minist Fish Agric (Maldives)
- Fisheries Statistics Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture (Maldives)
- Fish Stat Thail
- Fisheries Statistics of Thailand
- Fish Supplied Bull INFOPECHE
- Fish supplied Bulletin INFOPECHE
- Fish Tech Circ Minist Environ Lands Parks (B C)
- Fisheries and Technical Circular Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (British Columbia)
- Fish Tech News
- Fish Tech News
- Fish Tech Rep Dep Parks Renew Resour (Sask)
- Fisheries Technical Report Department of Parks and Renewable Resources (Saskatchewan)
- Fish Tech Rep N Z Minist Agric Fish
- Fisheries Technical Report New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
- Fish Technol Lit
- Fisheries Technology Literature
- Fish Technol Man Ser
- Fisheries Technology Manual Series
- Fish Technol Soc Fish Technol (India)
- Fishery Technology Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)
- Fish Trader
- Fish Trader
- Fish Wildl Leafl
- Fish and Wildlife Leaflet
- Fish Wildl Pap, Vic
- Fisheries and Wildlife Paper, Victoria
- Fish Wildl Res
- Fish and Wildlife Research
- Fish Yearb Taiwan Area
- Fisheries Yearbook Taiwan area
- Fisheries
- Fisheries
- Fish-Fish Egg Distrib Rep Natl Fish Hatch Syst
- Fish and Fish Egg Distribution Report of the National Fish Hatchery System
- Fish-Int
- Fish-international
- Fisk Havet
- Fisken og Havet
- Fisk Oppdrett Laks Stat Sentbyrae (Nor)
- Fiske og Opdrett av Laks mv Statistisk Sentralbyrae (Norway)
- Fiskdir Skr, Ernaering
- Fiskeridirektoratets Skrifter Serie Ernaering
- Fiskdir Skr, Taknologiske
- Fiskeridirektoratets Skrifter Serie Taknologiske
- Fiskeristatistikk
- Fiskeristatistikk
- Fiskoekon Smaa-Skr
- Fiskerioekonomiske Smaa-Skrifter
- Fiz Goreniya Vzryva
- Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva
- Fiz Met Metalloved
- Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie
- Fjoelrit Fiskid
- Fjoelrit Fiskideildar
- Fla Entomol
- Florida Entomologist
- Fla Mar Res Publ
- Florida Marine Research Publications
- Fla Sci
- Florida Scientist
- FlatChem Chem Flat Mater
- FlatChem Chemistry of Flat Materials
- Flavour Fragance J
- Flavour and Fragance Journal
- Flexible Printed Electron
- Flexible and Printed Electronics
- Flora Fauna
- Flora og Fauna
- Flora Fauna Areas Silv
- Flora, fauna y areas silvestres
- Flora Slodkowod Pol
- Flora Slodkowodna Polski
- Flow Meas Instrum
- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation
- Fluctuation Noise Lett
- Fluctuations and Noise Letters
- Fluid Dyn
- Fluid Dynamics
- Fluid Dyn Res
- Fluid Dynamics Research
- Fluid Phase Equilib
- Fluid Phase Equilibria
- Fluid/Part Sep J
- Fluid/Particle Separation Journal
- Fluss Obst
- Flussiges Obst
- Focus Catal
- Focus on Catalysts
- Focus Pigm
- Focus on Pigments
- Focus Polyvinyl Chloride
- Focus on Polyvinyl Chloride
- Focus Powder Coat
- Focus on Powder Coatings
- Focus Surfactants
- Focus on Surfactants
- Fold Des
- Folding and Design
- Folia Balc
- Folia Balcanica
- Folia Biol
- Folia Biologica
- Folia Entomol Hung
- Folia Entomologica Hungarica
- Folia Entomol Mex
- Folia Entomologica Mexicana
- Folia Limnol Scand
- Folia Limnologica Scandinavica
- Folia Limnol Scand, Zool
- Folia Limnologica Scandinavica Section: Zoology
- Folia Microbiol
- Folia Microbiologica
- Folia Parasitol
- Folia Parasitologica
- Folia Zool
- Folia Zoologica
- Fonderie Fondeur Aujourd'hui
- Fonderie Fondeur d'Aujourd'hui
- Food Addit Contam
- Food Additives and Contaminants
- Food Agric Legis
- Food and Agriculture Legislation
- Food Anal Methods
- Food Analytical Methods
- Food Aust
- Food Australia
- Food Biophys
- Food Biophysics
- Food Bioprocess Technol
- Food and Bioprocess Technology
- Food Bioprod Process
- Food and Bioproducts Processing
- Food Biosci
- Food Bioscience
- Food Biotechnol
- Food Biotechnology
- Food Chem
- Food Chemistry
- Food Chem Toxicol
- Food and Chemical Toxicology
- Food Control
- Food Control
- Food Cosmet Toxicol
- Food and Cosmetics Toxicology
- Food Drug Cosmet Law J
- Food Drug Cosmetic Law Journal
- Food Energy Secur
- Food and Energy Security
- Food Eng Rev
- Food Engineering Reviews
- Food Foods Ingredients J Jpn
- Food & Foods Ingredients Journal of Japan
- Food Front
- Food Frontiers
- Food Funct
- Food & Function
- Food Hydrocolloids
- Food Hydrocolloids
- Food Microbiol
- Food Microbiology
- Food Nutr Bull
- Food and Nutrition Bulletin
- Food Policy
- Food Policy
- Food Qual
- Food Quality
- Food Qual Preference
- Food Quality and Preference
- Food Qual Saf
- Food Quality and Safety
- Food Res Int
- Food Research International
- Food Sci Biotechnol
- Food Science and Biotechnology
- Food Sci Hum Wellness
- Food Science and Human Wellness
- Food Sci Technol Int
- Food Science and Technology International
- Food Sci Technol Res
- Food Science and Technology Research
- Food Technol
- Food Technology
- Footwear Sci
- Footwear Science
- For Chron
- Forestry Chronicle
- For Ecol Manage
- Forest Ecology and Management
- Forensic Chem
- Forensic Chemistry
- Forensic Eng
- Forensic Engineering
- Forensic Genomics
- Forensic Genomics
- Forensic Imaging
- Forensic Imaging
- Forensic Sci
- Forensic Science
- Forensic Sci Int
- Forensic Science International
- Forensic Sci Int Genet
- Forensic Science International: Genetics
- Forensic Sci Int Mind Law
- Forensic Science International: Mind and Law
- Forensic Sci Int Rep
- Forensic Science International: Reports
- Forensic Sci Int: Synergy
- Forensic Science International: Synergy
- Forensic Sci Med Pathol
- Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology
- Forensic Sci Policy Manage
- Forensic Science Policy and Management
- Forensic Sci Prog
- Forensic Science Progress
- Forensic Sci Rev
- Forensic Science Review
- Forensic Toxicol
- Forensic Toxicology
- Forsch Fortschr
- Forschungen und Fortschritte
- Forsch Ingenieurwes
- Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
- Forscharb Publ Jahre
- Forschungsarbeiten und Publikationen im Jahre
- Forth Nat Hist
- Forth Naturalist and Historian
- Fortschr Chem Forsch
- Fortschritte der Chemischen Forschung
- Fortschr Chem Phys Phys Chem
- Fortschritte der Chemie, Physik und Physikalischen Chemie
- Fortschr Fischwiss
- Fortschritte der Fischereiwissenschaft
- Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr
- Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen
- Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Nuklearmed
- Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und Nuklearmedizine
- Fortschr Hochpolym Forsch
- Fortschritte der Hochpolymoren-Forschung
- Fortschr Mineral
- Fortschritte der Mineralogie
- Fortschr Mineral Kristallog Petrogr
- Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Kristallograhie, und Petrographie
- Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr
- Fortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie
- Fortschr Phys
- Fortschritte der Physik
- Fortschr Phys Chem
- Fortschritte der Physikalischen Chemie
- Fortschr Strahlenschutz
- Fortschritte im Strahlenschutz
- Fortschr Teerfarbenfabr Verw Industriezweige
- Fortschritte der Teerfarben fabrikation und Verwandter Industriezweige
- Fortschr Verfahrenstech
- Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik
- Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt A
- Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung A: Grundlagen der Verfahrenstechnik
- Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt B
- Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung B: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik
- Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt C
- Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung C: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
- Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt D
- Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung D: Reaktionstechnik
- Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt E
- Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung E: Planung und Betrieb Von Anlagen
- Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt F
- Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung F: Spezielle Technologien
- Fortschr Zool (N F)
- Fortschritte der Zoologie Neue Folge
- Fortschrittsber Dtschen Keram Ges
- Fortschriftsberiche der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft
- Fossil Rec
- Fossil Record
- Found Chem
- Foundations of Chemistry
- Found Phys
- Foundations of Physics
- Found Phys Lett
- Foundation of Physics Letters
- Fragance J
- Fragrance Journal
- Fragm Balc
- Fragmenta Balcanica
- Fragm Florist Geobot
- Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica
- France-Eco-Peche
- France-Eco-Peche
- Free Radical Biol Med
- Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- Free Radical Res
- Free Radical Research
- Free Radicals Antioxid
- Free Radicals and Antioxidants
- Freiberg Forschungsh A
- Freiberger Forschungshefte A
- Frente Marit
- Frente Maritimo
- Fresenius Environ Bull
- Fresenius Environment bulletin
- Fresenius J Anal Chem
- Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry
- Freshw Aquac Contents Tables
- Freshwater and Aquaculture Contents Tables (FACT)
- Freshw Biol
- Freshwater Biology
- Freshw Fish
- Freshwater Fisheries
- Freshw Fish Res
- Freshwater Fisheries Research
- Freshw Fishfarm Prod Dep Fish (Thail)
- Freshwater Fishfarm Production Department of Fisheries (Thailand)
- Freshw Forum
- Freshwater Forum
- Freshw Mar Aquar
- Freshwater and Marine Aquarium
- Freshw Salmon Fish Res
- Freshwater and Salmon Fisheries Research
- Front Aging Neurosci
- Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
- Front Agric Sci Eng
- Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering
- Front Appl Math Stat
- Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
- Front Aquat Physiol
- Frontiers in Aquatic Physiology
- Front Artif Intell
- Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
- Front Astron Space Sci
- Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
- Front Behav Neurosci
- Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
- Front Big Data
- Frontiers in Big Data
- Front Bioeng Biotechnol
- Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
- Front Biogeogr
- Frontiers of Biogeography
- Front Blockchain
- Frontiers in Blockchain
- Front Built Environ
- Frontiers in Built Environment
- Front Cardiovasc Med
- Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
- Front Cell Dev Biol
- Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
- Front Cell Infect Microbiol
- Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
- Front Cell Neurosci
- Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
- Front Chem
- Frontiers in Chemistry
- Front Chem China
- Frontiers of Chemistry in China
- Front Chem Eng China
- Frontiers of Chemical Engineering in China
- Front Chem Sci Eng
- Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering
- Front Comput Neurosci
- Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
- Front Drug Des Discovery
- Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery
- Front Earth Sci
- Frontiers in Earth Science
- Front Earth Sci China
- Frontiers of Earth Science in China
- Front Ecol Environ
- Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
- Front Electr Electron Eng China
- Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China
- Front Endocrinol
- Frontiers in Endocrinology
- Front Energy Power Eng China
- Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China
- Front Energy Res
- Frontiers in Energy Research
- Front Environ Sci
- Frontiers in Environmental Science
- Front Environ Sci Eng China
- Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China
- Front Evol Neurosci
- Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience
- Front For Global Change
- Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
- Front Genet
- Frontiers in Genetics
- Front Hum Neurosci
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
- Front Immunol
- Frontiers in Immunology
- Front Integr Neurosci
- Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience
- Front Mar Sci
- Frontiers in Marine Science
- Front Mater
- Frontiers in Materials
- Front Mater Sci China
- Frontiers of Materials Science in China
- Front Mech Eng
- Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering
- Front Mech Eng China
- Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China
- Front Med
- Frontiers in Medicine
- Front Microbiol
- Frontiers in Microbiology
- Front Mol Biosci
- Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
- Front Mol Neurosci
- Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
- Front Neural Circuits
- Frontiers in Neural Circuits
- Front Neuroanat
- Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
- Front Neuroendocr Sci
- Frontiers in Neuroendocrine Science
- Front Neuroenerg
- Frontiers in Neuroenergetics
- Front Neuroeng
- Frontiers in Neuroengineering
- Front Neuroinf
- Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
- Front Neurol
- Frontiers in Neurology
- Front Neurorob
- Frontiers in Neurorobotics
- Front Neurosci
- Frontiers in Neuroscience
- Front Nutr
- Frontiers in Nutrition
- Front Oncol
- Frontiers in Oncology
- Front Pediatr
- Frontiers in Pediatrics
- Front Pharmacol
- Frontiers in Pharmacology
- Front Phys
- Frontiers in Physics
- Front Physiol
- Frontiers in Physiology
- Front Plant Sci
- Frontiers in Plant Science
- Front Psychiatry
- Frontiers in Psychiatry
- Front Psychol
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Front Public Health
- Frontiers in Public Health
- Front Res Metrics Anal
- Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics
- Front Rob AI
- Frontiers in Robotics and AI
- Front Sci Ser
- Frontier Science Series
- Front Sustainable Food Syst
- Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
- Front Synaptic Neurosci
- Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience
- Front Syst Neurosci
- Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
- Front Vet Sci
- Frontiers in Veterinary Science
- Front Young Minds
- Frontiers for Young Minds
- Front Zool
- Frontiers in Zoology
- FTFI Rapp
- FTFI Rapport
- Fuel Cells Bull
- Fuel Cells Bulletin
- Fuel Process Technol
- Fuel Processing Technology
- Fuel Sci Technol Int
- Fuel Science and Technology International
- Fujitsu Sci Tech J
- Fujitsu Scientific & Technical Journal
- Fullerene Sci Technol
- Fullerene Science and Technology
- Fullerenes Nanotubes Carbon Nanostruct
- Fullerence, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures
- Funct Compos Mater
- Functional Composite Materials
- Funct Compos Struct
- Functional Composites and Structures
- Funct Ecol
- Functional Ecology
- Funct Integr Genomics
- Functional and Integrative Genomics
- Funct Plant Biol
- Functional Plant Biology
- Fundam Appl Limnol
- Fundamental and Applied Limnology
- Fundam Appl Toxicol
- Fundamental and Applied Toxicology
- Fundam Clin Pharmacol
- Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology
- Fungal Biol Biotechnol
- Fungal Biology and Biotechnology
- Fungal Biol Rev
- Fungal Biology Reviews
- Fungal Ecol
- Fungal Ecology
- Fungal Genet Ecol
- Fungal Genetics and Ecology
- Fusion Eng Des
- Fusion Engineering and Design
- Fusion Sci Technol
- Fusion Science and Technology
- Fusion Technol
- Fusion Technology
- Future Comput Inf J
- Future Computing and Informatics Journal
- Future Drug Discovery
- Future Drug Discovery
- Future Gener Comput Syst
- Future Generation Computer Systems
- Future Med Chem
- Future Medicinal Chemistry
- Future Oncol
- Future Oncology
- Future Sci OA
- Future Science OA
- Fuzzy Inf Eng
- Fuzzy Information and Engineering
- Fuzzy Sets Syst
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems
- G Bot Ital
- Giornale Botanico Italiano
- G3: Genes, Genomes, Genet
- G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics
- Galvanotechnik
- Galvanotechnik
- GAMS J Math Math Biosci
- GAMS Journal of Mathematics and Mathemaical Biosciences
- Gas Sep Purif
- Gas Separation and Purification
- Gaswaerme Int
- Gaswaerme International
- Gayana Bot
- Gayana Botanica
- Gayana Zool
- Gayana Zoologica
- Gazz Chim Ital
- Gazzetta Chimica Italiana
- GCB Bioenergy
- GCB Bioenergy
- Gefahrstoffe - Reinhalt Luft
- Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft
- Gegenbaurs Morphol Jahrb
- Gegenbaurs Morphologisches Jahrbuch
- Gems Gemol
- Gems & Gemology
- Gen Comp Endocrinol
- General and Comparative Endocrinology
- Gen Educ Ser Dep Fish Oceans (Can)
- General Education Series Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada)
- Gen Relativ Gravitation
- General Relativity and Gravitation
- Gen Tech Rep Dep Agric (US)
- General Technical Report Department of Agriculture (US)
- Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv
- General Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
- Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, Intermt Res Stn
- General Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station
- Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, North Cent For Exp Stn
- General Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station
- Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, Pac Northwest Res Stn
- General Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
- Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, Pac Southwest For Range Exp Stn
- General Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station
- Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, Rocky Mt For Range Exp Stn
- General Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
- Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, Southeast For Exp Stn
- General Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station
- Gen Topol Appl
- General Topology and its Applications
- Gene
- Gene
- Gene Regul Syst Biol
- Gene Regulation and Systems Biology
- Gene Ther
- Gene Therapy
- Genes Environ
- Genes and Environment
- Genes Immun
- Genes and Immunity
- Genes Nutr
- Genes & Nutrition
- Genet Anal - Biomol Eng
- Genetic Analysis - Biomolecular Engineering
- Genet Med
- Genetics in Medicine
- Genet Res Int
- Genetics Research International
- Genet Sel Evol
- Genetics, Selection, Evolution
- Genet Test Mol Biomarkers
- Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers
- Genetica
- Genetica
- Genetics
- Genetics
- Genetika
- Genetika
- Genome Biol
- Genome Biology
- Genome Biol Evol
- Genome Biology and Evolution
- Genome Integr
- Genome Integrity
- Genome Med
- Genome Medicine
- Genomic Med, Biomarkers, Heath Sci
- Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Science
- Genomics Data
- Genomics Data
- Genomics Insights
- Genomics Insights
- Genomics Proteomics Bioinf
- Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatcs
- GEO Australas
- GEO Australasia
- Geocarto Int
- Geocarto International
- Geochem Explor Environ Anal
- Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis
- Geochem Geophys Geosyst
- Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
- Geochem Int
- Geochemistry International
- Geochem J
- Geochemical Journal
- Geochem Perspect
- Geochemical Perspectives
- Geochem Trans
- Geochemical Transactions
- Geochim Cosmochim Acta
- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
- Geochimica
- Geochimica
- Geod Geodyn
- Geodesy and Geodynamics
- Geod Geophys Veroeff
- Geodaetische und Geophysikalische Veroeffentlichungen
- Geodermal Reg
- Geodermal Regional
- GeofÃs Int
- GeofÃsica Internacional
- Geofis Int
- Geofisica Internacional
- Geoforum
- Geoforum
- Geog Anal
- Geographical Analysis
- Geogr Ann Ser A Phys Geogr
- Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography
- Geogr Environ
- Geography and Environment
- Geogr J
- The Geographical Journal
- Geogr Metrast
- Geografijos Metrastis
- Geogr Mirovogo Okeana
- Geografiya Mirovogo Okeana
- Geogr Res
- Geographical Research
- Geografija
- Geografija
- GeoJournal
- GeoJournal
- Geokhimiya
- Geokhimiya
- Geol Foeren Stockholm Foerh
- Geologiska Foereningens i Stockholm Foerhandlingar
- Geol Geofiz
- Geologiya i Geofizika
- Geol J
- Geological Journal
- Geol Jahrb
- Geologisches Jahrbuch
- Geol Mag
- Geological Magazine
- Geol Mediterr
- Geologie Mediterraneenne
- Geol Mijnb
- Geologie en Mijnbouw
- Geol Mijnbouw
- Geologie en Mijnbouw
- Geol Ore Deposits
- Geology of Ore Deposits
- Geol Palaeontol
- Geologica et Palaeontologica
- Geol Rundsch
- Geologische Rundschau
- Geol Soc Am Bull
- Geological Society of America Bulletin
- Geol Soc Spec Publ
- Geological Society Special Publication
- Geol Today
- Geology Today
- Geol Zh
- Geologicheskij Zhurnal
- Geology
- Geology
- Geomag Aeron
- Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
- Geo-Mar Lett
- Geo-Marine Letters
- Geomatics Nat Hazards Risk
- Geomatics, Natural Hazards And Risk
- Geomech Energy Environ
- Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment
- Geomech Geoeng
- Geomechanics and Geoengineering
- Geomech Tunnelling
- Geomechanics and Tunnelling
- Geomicrobiol J
- Geomicrobiology Journal
- Geomorphology
- Geomorphology
- Geophys Astrophys Fluid Dyn
- Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
- Geophys Bull Hokkaido Univ
- Geophysical Bulletin of the Hokkaido University
- Geophys Fluid Dyn
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- Geophys J
- Geophysical Journal
- Geophys J Int
- Geophysical Journal International
- Geophys J R Astron Soc
- Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Geophys Mag
- Geophysical Magazine
- Geophys Prospect
- Geophysical Prospecting
- Geophys Res Lett
- Geophysical Research Letters
- Geophysica
- Geophysica
- Geophysics
- Geophysics
- Geosci Can
- Geoscience Canada
- Geosci Data J
- Geoscience Data Journal
- Geosci Front
- Geoscience Frontiers
- Geosci Instrum Methods Data Syst
- Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems
- Geosci Instrum Methods Data Syst Discuss
- Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions
- Geosci J
- Geosciences Journal
- Geosci Model Dev
- Geoscientific Model Development
- Geosci Model Dev Discuss
- Geoscientific Model Development Discussions
- Geostand Geoanal Res
- Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research
- Geotech Geol Eng
- Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
- Geotech Test J
- Geotechnical Testing Journal
- Geotechnique
- Geotechnique
- Geotectonics
- Geotectonics
- Geotext Geomembr
- Geotextiles and Geomembranes
- Geotherm Energy Sci
- Geothermal Energy Science
- Geothermics
- Geothermics
- GeoTimes
- GeoTimes
- Geowissenschaften
- Geowissenschaften
- Ger Res
- German Research
- Gerlands Beitr Geophys
- Gerlands Beitrage zur Geophysik
- Gesammelte Sonderdr
- Gesammelte Sonderdrucke
- Gesund Ing
- Gesundheits-Ingenier
- Gesund Umwelttech
- Gesundheits- und Umwelttechnik
- Gesundheitsschutz Umwelttech
- Gesundsheitsschutz und Umwelttechnik
- Gewaessergueteber Landesamt Wasser Abfall (Nordrh-Westfal)
- Gewaesserguetebericht Landesamt fuer Wasser und Abfall (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
- GFCM Inf Bull
- General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Information Bulletin
- GFCM Proc Tech Pap
- General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Proceedings and Technical Paper
- GFCM Sess Rep
- General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Session Report
- GFCM Stat Bull
- General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Statistical Bulletin
- GFCM Stud Rev
- General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Studies and Reviews
- GFCM Work Doc
- General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Working Documents
- Geologiska Foereningens i Stockholm Foerhandlingar
- Gidrobiol Zh
- Gidrobiologicheskij Zhurnal
- GigaScience
- GigaScience
- GISci Remote Sens
- GIScience & Remote Sensing
- GIT Labor Fachz
- GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift
- Glasgow Math J
- Glasgow Mathematical Journal
- Glass Ceram
- Glass and Ceramics
- Glass Phys Chem
- Glass Physics and Chemistry
- Glass Res
- Glass Research
- Glass Sci Technol
- Glass Science and Technology
- Glass Technol
- Glass Technology
- Glass Technol: Eur J Glass Sci Technol, Part A
- Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology, Part A
- Global Atmos Ocean Syst
- Global Atmosphere and Ocean System
- Global Biogeochem Cycles
- Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- Global Change Biol
- Global Change Biology
- Global Ecol Biogeogr
- Global Ecology and Biogeography
- Global Ecol Conserv
- Global Ecology and Conservation
- Global Environ Change
- Global Environmental Change
- Global Food Secur
- Global Food Security
- Global J Environ Sci
- Global Journal of Environmental Sciences
- Global J Geol Sci
- Global Journal of Geological Sciences
- Global J Pure Appl Sci
- Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Global Planet Change
- Global and Planetary Change
- Global Sustainability
- Global Sustainability
- GLOBEFISH Res Programme
- GLOBEFISH Res Programme
- Glycoconjugate J
- Glycoconjugate Journal
- Godisnjak
- Godisnjak
- Gold Bull
- Gold Bulletin
- Gondwana Res
- Gondwana Research
- Grain Oil Sci Technol
- Grain & Oil Science and Technology
- Granular Matter
- Granular Matter
- Graphene Technol
- Graphene Technology
- Grasas Aceites
- Grasas y Aceites
- Grass Forage Sci
- Grass and Forage Science
- Grassland Sci
- Grassland Science
- Gravitation Cosmol
- Gravitation and Cosmology
- Green Chem
- Green Chemistry
- Green Chem Lett Rev
- Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews
- Green Energy Environ
- Green Energy & Environment
- Green Mater
- Green Materials
- Green Process Synth,
- Green Processing and Synthesis
- Green Sustainable Chem
- Green and Sustainable Chemistry
- Greenhouse Gases Sci Technol
- Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology
- Greenl Geosci
- Greenland Geoscience
- Ground Water
- Ground Water
- Ground Water Monit Rem
- Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation
- Ground Water Monit Rev
- Ground Water Monitoring Review
- Groundwater Sustainable Dev
- Groundwater for Sustainable Development
- Gt Basin Nat
- The Great Basin Naturalist
- Gt Basin Nat Mem
- Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs
- Gt Lakes Entomol
- Great Lakes Entomologist
- Gt Lakes Res Div Publ
- Great Lakes Research Division Publication
- Guide Ser Ohio Sea Grant
- Guide Series Ohio Sea Grant
- Gulf Res Rep
- Gulf Research Reports
- Gunneria
- Gunneria
- Gut Microbiome
- Gut Microbiome
- Gyogyo Yoshokugyo Seisan Tokei Nenpo
- Gyogyo Yoshokugyo Seisan Tokei Nenpo
- Habd SPC
- Handbook South Pacific Commission
- Halaszat
- Halaszat
- Haliotis
- Haliotis
- Hambg Kunstnforsch
- Hamburger Kunstnforschung
- Hanbd Commer Fish Prod Stat
- Hanbdook on Commercial Fishery Production Statistics
- Handb Binnenfisch Mitteleur
- Handbuch der Binnenfischerei Mitteleuropas
- Handb Exp Pharmacol
- Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology
- Handb Int Zooplankt Collect
- Handbook to the International Zooplankton Collections
- Handb Sel Fish Stat
- Hanbook on Selected Fishery Statistics
- Hansa
- Hansa
- Harv Environ Law Rev
- Harvard Environmental Law Review
- Harv Int Law J
- Harvard International Law Journal
- Harv Law J
- Harvard Law Journal
- Harvard Data Sci Rev
- Harvard Data Science Review
- Hawaii Shell News
- Hawaiian Shell News
- HAYATI J Biosci
- HAYATI Journal of Biosciences
- Hazard Waste Hazard Mater
- Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials
- Health Expectations
- Health Expectations
- Health Phys
- Health Physics
- Healthcare Technol Lett
- Healthcare Technology Letters
- Healthcare Transform: Artif Intell Autom Rob
- Healthcare Transformation: Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Robotics
- Healthy Aging Res
- Healthy Aging Research
- Heat Mass Transfer
- Heat and Mass Transfer
- Heat Recovery Syst CHP
- Heat Recovery Systems and CHP
- Heat Transfer Asian Res
- Heat Transfer - Asian Research
- Heat Transfer Eng
- Heat Transfer Engineering
- Heat Treat Met
- Heat Treatment of Metals
- Helgol Mar Res
- Helgoland Marine Research
- Helgol Meeresunters
- Helgolaender Meeresuntersuchungen
- Helgol Wissenschaftliche Meeresunters
- Helgolaender Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen
- Helv Chim Acta
- Helvetica Chimica Acta
- Helv Phys Acta
- Helvetica Physica Acta
- Her Russ Acad Sci
- Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Hereditas
- Hereditas
- Heredity
- Heredity
- Herpetologica
- Herpetologica
- Heteroat Chem
- Heteroatom Chemistry
- Heterocycl Commun
- Heterocyclic Communications
- Heterogen Chem Rev
- Heterogeneous Chemistry Reviews
- Hidrobiol Publ Hydrobiol Res Inst
- Hidrobiologi : Publications of the Hydrobiological Research Institute
- Hidrobiol, B
- Hidrobiologi Seri B
- Hidrobiologica (Iztapalapa)
- Hidrobiologica (Iztapalapa)
- Hidrogr God
- Hidrografiski Godisnjak
- High Energy Chem
- High Energy Chemistry
- High Energy Density Phys
- High Energy Density Physics
- High Freq
- High Frequency
- High Perform Polym
- High Performance Polymers
- High Power Laser Sci Eng
- High Power Laser Science and Engineering
- High Pressure Res
- High Pressure Research
- High Temp
- High Temperature
- High Temp Mater Processes (London)
- High Temperature Materials and Processes
- High Temp Mater Processes (New York)
- High Temperature Material Processes
- High Voltage
- High Voltage
- Himalayan Chem Pharm Bull
- Himalayan Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
- Himalayan Geol
- Himalayan Geology
- Himalayan J Environ Zool
- Himalayan Journal of Environment and Zoology
- Hist Florest Aquic Cineg
- Historia Florestal, Aquicola e Cinegetica
- Hist Geo Space Sci
- History of Geo- and Space Science
- Hist Rec Aust Sci
- Historical Records of Australian Science
- Hist Stat Bull ICCAT
- Historical Statistical Bulletin International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
- Histol Histopathol
- Histology and Histopathology
- Holl Shipbuild Int
- Holland Shipbuilding International
- Holz Roh Werkst
- Holz als Roh und Werkstoff
- Hoppe-Seyler's Z Physiol Chem
- Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie
- Hortic Environ Biotechnol
- Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology
- Hortic Plant J
- Horticultural Plant Journal
- Hortic Res
- Horticulture Research
- Houille Blanche
- Houille Blanche
- Househ Fish Consum G B
- Household Fish Consumption in Great Britain
- Household Pers Prod Ind
- Household & Personal Products Industry
- HRC J High Resolut Chromatogr
- HRC Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
- HTM, Haerterei Tech Mit
- HTM, Haerterei-Technische Mitteilungen
- Hull Bull Mar Ecol
- Hull Bulletins of Marine Ecology
- Hum Antibodies
- Human Antibodies
- Hum Behav Emerging Technol
- Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
- Hum Brain Mapp
- Human Brain Mapping
- Hum Dimens Wildl
- Human Dimensions of Wildlife
- Hum Ecol Risk Assess
- Human & Ecological Risk Assessment
- Hum Exp Toxicol
- Human & Experimental Toxicology
- Hum Factors Ergon Manuf Serv Ind
- Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries
- Hum Gene Ther
- Human Gene Therapy
- Hum Gene Ther Clin Dev
- Human Gene Therapy Clinical Development
- Hum Gene Ther Methods
- Human Gene Therapy Methods
- Hum Genet Genomics Adv
- Human Genetics and Genomics Advances
- Hum Genome Var
- Human Genome Variation
- Hum Microbiome J
- Human Microbiome Journal
- Hum Pathol
- Human Pathology
- Hum Pathol: Case Rep
- Human Pathology: Case Reports
- Hum Psychopharmacol
- Human Psychopharmacology
- Hum Psychopharmacol - Clin Exp
- Human Psychopharmacology - Clinical and Experimental
- Hum Syst Manage
- Human Systems Management
- Hung J Ind Chem
- Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry
- Hvalraed Skr Sci Results Mar Biol Res
- Hvalraedets Skrifter : Scientific Results of Marine Biological Research
- Hydraul Lab Bull, A
- Hydraulic Laboratory Bulletin Series A
- Hydrobiol Bull
- Hydrobiological Bulletin
- Hydrobiol J
- Hydrobiological Journal
- Hydrobiologia
- Hydrobiologia
- Hydrobiology
- Hydrobiology
- Hydrocarbon Eng
- Hydrocarbon Engineering
- Hydrocarbon Process, Int Ed
- Hydrocarbon Processing, International Edition
- Hydroecol Appl
- Hydroecologie Applique
- Hydrogeol J
- Hydrogeology Journal
- Hydrogeologie
- Hydrogeologie
- Hydrogr J
- Hydrographic Journal
- Hydrol Data U K
- Hydrological Data United Kingdom
- Hydrol Earth Syst Sci
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
- Hydrol Earth Syst Sci Discuss
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions
- Hydrol J
- Hydrogeology Journal
- Hydrol Process
- Hydrological Processes
- Hydrol Processes
- Hydrological Processes
- Hydrol Res
- Hydrology Research
- Hydrol Sci Bull
- Hydrological Sciences Bulletin
- Hydrol Sci J
- Hydrological Sciences Journal
- Hydrol Wasserbewirtsch
- Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung
- Hydrores Inf
- Hydrores Information
- Hyperfine Interact
- Hyperfine Interactions
- Hypertens Res
- Hypertension Research
- IAEA Bull
- International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin
- IAHS Publ
- IAHS Publication
- IAMSLIC Conf Ser
- IAMSLIC Conference Series
- IB Sci J Sci
- IB Scientific Journal of Science
- Ibis
- Ibis
- IBM J Res Dev
- IBM Journal of Research and Development
- IBM Syst J
- IBM Systems Journal
- IBRO Rep
- IBRO Reports
- ICCAT Proc Spec Meet Comm
- International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas Proceedings of the Special Meeting of the Commission
- ICES Annu Rep
- ICES Annual Report
- ICES Coop Res Rep
- ICES Cooperative Research Report
- ICES Counc Meet Pap
- ICES Council Meeting Papers
- ICES Fish Stat
- ICES Fisheries Statistics
- ICES Identif Leafl Dis Parasit Fish Shellfish
- ICES Identification Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites of Fish and Shellfish
- ICES Identif Leafl Plankton
- ICES Identification Leaflets for Plankton
- ICES J Mar Sci
- ICES Journal of Marine Science
- ICES Mar Sci Symp
- ICES Marine Science Symposia
- Ichthyol Bull
- Icthyological Bulletin
- Ichthyol Bull JLB Smith Inst Ichthyol
- Ichthyological Bulletin of the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology
- Ichthyol Explor Freshw
- Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters
- Ichthyophysiol Acta
- Ichthyophysiologica Acta
- Ichtyos
- Ichthyos
- ICI Journal
- ICIS Chem Bus
- ICIS Chemical Business
- ICIS Chem Bus Am
- ICIS Chemical Business Americas
- ICLARM Bibliogr
- ICLARM Bibliographies
- ICLARM Conf Proc
- ICLARM Conference Proceedings
- ICLARM Educ Ser
- ICLARM Education Series
- ICLARM Report
- ICLARM Softw
- ICLARM Software
- ICLARM Stud Rev
- ICLARM Studies and Reviews
- ICLARM Tech Rep
- ICLARM Technical Reports
- IDA J Desalin Water Reuse
- IDA Journal of Desalination and Water Reuse
- IDAF Newsl
- IDAF Newsletter
- IDRC Rep
- IDRC Reports
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- IEE Journal on Computers and Digital Techniques
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- IEE Journal on Electric Power Applications
- IEE J Electron Circuits Syst
- IEEE Journal on Electronic Circuits and Systems
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- IEE Journal on Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
- IEE Proc: Nanobiotechnol
- IEE Proceedings: Nanobiotechnology
- IEE Proc: Optoelectron
- IEE Proceedings: Optolectronics
- IEE Proc: Sci Meas Technol
- IEE Proceedings: Science, Measurement & Technology
- IEEE Access
- IEEE Access
- IEEE Aerosp Electron Syst Mag
- IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine
- IEEE Ann Hist Comput
- IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
- IEEE Antennas Propag Mag
- IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine
- IEEE Antennas Wirel Propag Lett
- IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
- IEEE Biom Compend
- IEEE Biometrics Compendium
- IEEE Circuits Devices Mag
- IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine
- IEEE Circuits Syst Mag
- IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine
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- IEEE Cloud Computing
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- IEEE Communications Letters
- IEEE Commun Mag
- IEEE Communications Magazine
- IEEE Commun Stand Mag
- IEEE Communications Standards Magazine
- IEEE Commun Surv Tutorials
- IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
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- IEEE Computer Applications in Power
- IEEE Comput Archit Lett
- IEEE Computer Architecture Letters
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- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
- IEEE Comput Intell Mag
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
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- IEEE Concurrency
- IEEE Consum Electron Mag
- IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
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- IEEE Control Systems
- IEEE Control Syst Lett
- IEEE Control Systems Letters
- IEEE Control Syst Mag
- IEEE Control Systems Magazine
- IEEE Des Test
- IEEE Design & Test
- IEEE Des Test Comput
- IEEE Design and Test of Computers
- IEEE Distrib Syst Online
- IEEE Distributed Systems Online
- IEEE Electr Insul Mag
- IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
- IEEE Electrif Mag
- IEEE Electrification Magazine
- IEEE Electromagn Compat Mag
- IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine
- IEEE Electron Device Lett
- IEEE Electron Device Letters
- IEEE Embedded Sys Lett
- IEEE Embedded Systems Letters
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- IEEE Engineering Management Review
- IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
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- IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
- IEEE Geosci Remote Sens Mag
- IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine
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- IEEE Industry Applications Magazine
- IEEE Ind Electron Mag
- IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine
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- IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine
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- IEEE Intell Transp Syst Mag
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
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- IEEE Internet Computing
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- IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- IEEE J Biomed Health Inf
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
- IEEE J Electromagnet
- IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics
- IEEE J Electron Devices Soc
- IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society
- IEEE J Emerging Sel Top Circuits Syst
- IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
- IEEE J Emerging Sel Top Power Electron
- IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
- IEEE J Explor Solid-State Comput Devices Circuits
- IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits
- IEEE J Multiscale Multiphys Comput Tech
- IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques
- IEEE J Ocean Eng
- IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
- IEEE J Oceanic Eng
- IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
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- IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
- IEEE J Quantum Electron
- IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
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- IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
- IEEE J Sel Areas Commun
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
- IEEE J Sel Top Appl Earth Obs Remote Sens
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
- IEEE J Sel Top Quantum Electron
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
- IEEE J Sel Top Signal Process
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
- IEEE J Solid-State Circuits
- IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
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- IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
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- IEEE Latin America Transactions
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- IEEE Learning Technology
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- IEEE Letters of the Computer Society
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- IEEE Life Sciences Letters
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- IEEE Magnetics Letters
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- IEEE Micro
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- IEEE Microwave Magazine
- IEEE Microwave Wireless Compon Lett
- IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
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- IEEE Multimedia
- IEEE Nanatechnol Mag
- IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine
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- IEEE Network
- IEEE Open J Antennas Propag
- IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation
- IEEE Open J Circuits Syst
- IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems
- IEEE Open J Commun Soc
- IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society
- IEEE Open J Comput Soc
- IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society
- IEEE Open J Eng Med Biol
- IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology
- IEEE Open J Ind Appl
- IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications
- IEEE Open J Ind Electron Soc
- IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society
- IEEE Open J Intell Transp Syst
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- IEEE Open J Microwave Theory Tech Soc
- IEEE Open Journal of the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
- IEEE Open J Nanotechnol
- IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology
- IEEE Open J Power Electron
- IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics
- IEEE Open J Signal Process
- IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing
- IEEE Open J Solid-State Circuits
- IEEE Open Journal of Solid-State Circuits
- IEEE Open J Veh Technol
- IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology
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- IEEE Pervasive Computing
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- IEEE Photonics Journal
- IEEE Photonics Technol Lett
- IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
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- IEEE Potentials
- IEEE Power Electron Lett
- IEEE Power Electronics Letters
- IEEE Power Electron Mag
- IEEE Power Electronics Magazine
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- IEEE Power and Energy Magazine
- IEEE Power Energy Technol Syst J
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- IEEE Power Engineering Review
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- IEEE Pulse
- IEEE Rev Biomed Eng
- IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
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- IEEE RFIC Virtual Journal
- IEEE RFID Virtual J
- IEEE RFID Virtual Journal
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- IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
- IEEE Rob Autom Mag
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
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- IEEE Security and Privacy
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- IEEE Sens Lett
- IEEE Sensors Letters
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- IEEE Signal Processing Letters
- IEEE Signal Process Mag
- IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
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- IEEE Software
- IEEE Solid-State Circuits Lett
- IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters
- IEEE Solid-State Circuits Mag
- IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine
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- IEEE Spectrum
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- IEEE Syst Man Cybern Mag
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine
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- IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
- IEEE Trans Adv Packag
- IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging
- IEEE Trans Aerosp Electron Syst
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- IEEE Trans Aerosp Navig Electron
- IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigation Electronics
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- IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
- IEEE Trans Antennas Propag
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- IEEE Trans Audio Speech Lang Process
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- IEEE Trans Autom Sci Eng
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- IEEE Transactions on Big Data
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- IEEE Trans Bio-med Electron
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- IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
- IEEE Trans Bio-Med Eng
- IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering
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- IEEE Transactions on Cable Television
- IEEE Trans Circuits Syst I Regul Pap
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
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- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
- IEEE Trans Circuits Syst Video Technol
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
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- IEEE Trans Cognit Commun Networking
- IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
- IEEE Trans Commun
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf Technol
- IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
- IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf Technol Part A:
- IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part A:
- IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf Technol Part B:
- IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part B:
- IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf Technol Part C:
- IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part C:
- IEEE Trans Compon Packag Technol
- IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies
- IEEE Trans Comput
- IEEE Transactions on Computers
- IEEE Trans Comput Aided Des Integr Circuits Syst
- IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
- IEEE Trans Comput Imaging
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging
- IEEE Trans Comput Intell AI Games
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games
- IEEE Trans Comput Social Syst
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
- IEEE Trans Consum Electron
- IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
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- IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
- IEEE Trans Control Syst Technol
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
- IEEE Trans Cybern
- IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
- IEEE Trans Dependable Secure Comput
- IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
- IEEE Trans Device Mater Reliab
- IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability
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- IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
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- IEEE Transactions on Education
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- IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
- IEEE Trans Electron Devices
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- IEEE Trans Electron Packag Manuf
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- IEEE Trans Emerging Top Comput Intell
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- IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
- IEEE Trans Eng Manage
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- IEEE Trans Evol Comput
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- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
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- IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
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- IEEE Trans Inf Theory
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- IEEE Trans Intell Transp Syst
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- IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
- IEEE Trans Magn
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
- IEEE Trans Med Imaging
- IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
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- IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
- IEEE Trans Mob Comput
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- IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
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- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
- IEEE Trans Multi-Scale Comput Syst
- IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems
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- IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
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- IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology
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- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
- IEEE Trans Network Sci Eng
- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
- IEEE Trans Network Serv Manage
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
- IEEE Trans Neural Networks
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
- IEEE Trans Neural Networks Learn Syst
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
- IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
- IEEE Trans Nucl Sci
- IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
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- IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
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- IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
- IEEE Trans Power Electron
- IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
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- IEEE Trans Radiat Plasma Med Sci
- IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences
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- IEEE Transactions on Robotics
- IEEE Trans Semicond Manuf
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- IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
- IEEE Trans Signal Inf Process Networks
- IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks
- IEEE Trans Signal Process
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
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- IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
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- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- IEEE Trans Space Electron Telem
- IEEE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry
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- IEEE Trans Sustainable Energy
- IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
- IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part A Syst Humans
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans
- IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part B Cybern
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics
- IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part C Appl Rev
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews
- IEEE Trans Terahertz Sci Technol
- IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology
- IEEE Trans Transp Electrif
- IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
- IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control
- IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control
- IEEE Trans Veh Technol
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
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- IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems
- IEEE Trans Visual Comput Graphics
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
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- IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine
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- IEEE Wireless Commun Lett
- IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
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- IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine
- IEEE/ACM Trans Audio Speech Lang Process
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
- IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinf
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- IEEE/ACM Trans Networking
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
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- IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
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- IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
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- IEICE Transactions on Communications
- IEICE Trans Electron
- IEICE Transactions on Electronics
- IEICE Trans Fundam Electron Commun Comput Sci
- IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Science
- IEICE Trans Inf Syst
- IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
- IET Biom
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- IET Computers and Digital Techniques
- IET Comput Vision
- IET Computer Vision
- IET Control Theory Appl
- IET Control Theory and Applications
- IET Cyber-Phys Syst: Theor Appl
- IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications
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- IET Electr Syst Transp
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- IET Electron Syst Software
- IET Electronics Systems and Software
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- IET Image Processing
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- IET Networks
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- IET Optoelectronics
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- IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation
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- International Journal of Laboratory Hematology
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- International Journal of Marine Energy
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- International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes
- Int J Mater Form
- International Journal of Material Forming
- Int J Mater Prod Technol
- International Journal of Materials and Product Technology
- Int J Mater Res
- International Journal of Materials Research
- Int J Mater Struct Integrity
- International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity
- Int J Math Educ Sci Technol
- International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
- Int J Math Math Sci
- International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
- Int J Mech Eng Educ
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education
- Int J Mech Mater Des
- International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design
- Int J Mech Sci
- International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
- Int J Mech Syst Sci Eng
- International Journal of Mechanical Systems Science and Engineering
- Int J Med Chem
- International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
- Int J Med Eng Inf
- International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics
- Int J Med Inf
- International Journal of Medical Informatics
- Int J Med Microbiol
- International Journal of Medical Microbiology
- Int J Med Mol Adv Sci
- International Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences
- Int J Med Rob Comput Assisted Surg
- International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
- Int J Metadata Semant Ontol
- International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies
- Int J Metalcast
- International Journal of Metalcasting
- Int J Micro Air Veh
- International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles
- Int J Microbiol
- International Journal of Microbiology
- Int J Microcircuits Electron Packag
- International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging
- Int J Microstruct Mater Prop
- International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties
- Int J Microwave Wireless Technolog
- International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies
- Int J Min Miner Eng
- International Journal of Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering
- Int J Min Reclam Environ
- International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment
- Int J Min Sci Technol
- International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
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- International Journal of Mine Water
- Int J Miner Metall Mater
- International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials
- Int J Miner Process
- International Journal of Mineral Processing
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- International Journal of Mobile Communications
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- International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation
- Int J Mod Phys A
- International Journal of Modern Physics A: Particles and Fields; Gravitation; Cosmology; Nuclear Physics
- Int J Mod Phys B
- International Journal of Modern Physics B: Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, Applied Physics
- Int J Mod Phys C
- International Journal of Modern Physics C: Computational Physics and Physical Computation
- Int J Mod Phys D
- International Journal of Modern Physics D: Gravitation; Astrophysics and Cosmology
- Int J Mod Phys E
- International Journal of Modern Physics E: Nuclear Physics
- Int J Model Identif Control
- International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control
- Int J Model Simul
- International Journal of Modelling and Simulation
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- International Journal of Molecular Medicine
- Int J Mol Med Adv Sci
- International Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences
- Int J Mol Sci
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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- International Journal of Morphology
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- International Journal of Multiphase Flow
- Int J Multiphys
- International Journal of Multiphysics
- Int J Multiscale Comput Eng
- International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering
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- International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials
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- International Journal of Nanomanufacturing
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- International Journal of Nanomedicine
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- International Journal of Nanoscience
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- International Journal of Nanotechnology
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- International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences
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- International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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- International Journal of Network Management
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- International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations
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- International Journal of Neural Systems
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- International Journal of Neuropharmacology
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- International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
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- International Journal of Non-Equilibrium Processing
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- International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
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- International Journal of Nondestructive Testing
- Int J Nonlinear Modell Sci Eng
- International Journal of Nonlinear Modelling in Science and Engineering
- Int J Nucl Desalin
- International Journal of Nuclear Desalination
- Int J Nucl Energy Sci Technol
- International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology
- Int J Nucl Med Biol
- International Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology
- Int J Numer Anal Methods Geomech
- International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
- Int J Numer Anal Model
- International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling
- Int J Numer Methods Biomed Eng
- International Journal of Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
- Int J Numer Methods Eng
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
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- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
- Int J Numer Methods Heat Fluid Flow
- International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow
- Int J Numer Modell Electron Networks Devices Fields
- International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields
- Int J Oceanol Limnol
- International Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
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- International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering
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- International Journal of Oncology
- Int J Opt
- International Journal of Optics
- Int J Optomechatronics
- International Journal of Optomechatronics
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- International Journal of Oral Science
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- International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
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- International Journal of Paleopathology
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- International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems
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- International Journal of Parallel Programming
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- International Journal for Parasitology
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- International Journal of Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance
- Int J Parasitol: Parasites Wildl
- International Journal of Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife
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- International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
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- International Journal of Pavement Engineering
- Int J Pavement Res Technol
- International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology
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- International Journal of Peptides
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- International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research
- Int J Pept Res Ther
- International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics
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- International Journal of Pharmaceutics
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- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding
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- International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
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- International Journal of Pharmacy Practice
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- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
- Int J Pharm Technol Prod Manuf
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Product Manufacture
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- International Journal of Pharmacokinetics
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- International Journal of Photoenergy
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- International Journal of Phycology and Phycochemistry
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- International Journal of Phytoremediation
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- International Journal of PIXE
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- International Journal of Plant Genomics
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- International Journal of Plasma Science and Engineering
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- International Journal of Plasticity
- Int J Plast Technol
- International Journal of Plastics Technology
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- International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization
- Int J Polym Mater
- International Journal of Polymeric Materials
- Int J Polym Sci
- International Journal of Polymeric Science
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- International Journal of Powder Metallurgy
- Int J Power Energy Syst
- International Journal of Power and Energy Systems
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- International Journal of Precision Engineering
- Int J Precis Eng Manuf
- International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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- International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
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- International Journal of Production Economics
- Int J Prod Res
- International Journal of Production Research
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- International Journal of Project Management
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- International Journal of Qualitative Methods
- Int J Quantum Chem
- International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
- Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part A
- International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part A Applied Radiation and Isotopes
- Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part B
- International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part B Nuclear Medicine and Biology
- Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part C
- International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part C Radiation Physics and Chemistry
- Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part D
- International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part D Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
- Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part E
- International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part E Nuclear Geophysics
- Int J Radiat Biol
- International Journal of Radiation Biology
- Int J Radiat Med
- International Journal of Radiation Medicine
- Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
- International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
- Int J Radiat Phys
- International Journal of Radiation Physics
- Int J Radiat Phys Chem
- International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry
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- International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications
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- International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing
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- International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
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- International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials
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- International Journal of Refrigeration
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- International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
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- International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering
- Int J Reliab Saf
- International Journal of Reliability and Safety
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- International Journal of Remote Sensing
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- International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
- Int J RF Technol Res Appl
- International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications
- Int J Risk Saf Med
- International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine
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- International Journal of Robotics and Automation
- Int J Rob Res
- International Journal of Robotics Research
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- International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
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- International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
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- International Journal of Rotating Machinery
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- International Journal of Salt Lake Research
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- International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking
- Int J Sci Eng Res
- International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research
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- International Journal of Security and Networks
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- International Journal of Sediment Research
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- International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis
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- International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics
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- International Journal of Services, Technology and Management
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- International Journal of Shape Modeling
- Int J Simul Multi Des Optim
- International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
- Int J Simul Process Model
- International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling
- Int J Simul Syst Sci Technol
- International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology
- Int J Smart Sens Intell Syst
- International Journal of Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems
- Int J Soc Mater Eng Resour
- International Journal of the Society of Material Engineering for Resources
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- International Journal Of Social Robotics
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- International Journal of Soft Computing
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- International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
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- International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
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- International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
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- International Journal of Soil Science
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- International Journal of Solids and Structures
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- International Journal of Space Structures
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- International Journal of Spectroscopy
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- International Journal of Speech Technology
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- International Journal of Sport Nutrition
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- International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
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- International Journal of Sports Medicine
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- International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics
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- International Journal of Streel Structures
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- International Journal of Stem Cells
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- International Journal of STEM Education Research
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- International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
- Int J Sulfur Chem Part A:
- International Journal of Sulfur Chemistry Part A: Original Experimental and Theoretical Studies
- Int J Sulfur Chem Part B:
- International Journal of Sulfur Chemistry Part B: Quartler Reports on Sulfur Chemistry
- Int J Surf Min Reclam Environ
- International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Environment
- Int J Surf Sci Eng
- International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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- International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment
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- International Journal of Sustainable Development
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- International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
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- International Journal of Sustainable Energy
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- International Journal of Sustainable Engineering
- Int J Syst Assur Eng Manage
- International Journal Of Systems Assurance Engineering And Management
- Int J Syst Bacteriol
- International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
- Int J Syst Evol Microbiol
- International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
- Int J Syst Sci
- International Journal of Systems Science
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- International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
- Int J Technol Des Educ
- International Journal of Technology and Design Education
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- International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction
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- International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning
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- International Journal of Technology Management
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- International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management
- Int J Theor Phys
- International Journal of Theoretical Physics
- Int J Theor Phys Group Theory Nonlinear Opt
- International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory, and Nonlinear Optics
- Int J Therm Sci
- International Journal of Thermal Sciences
- Int J Thermodyn
- International Journal of Thermodynamics
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- International Journal of Thermofluids
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- International Journal of Thermophysics
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- International Journal of Toxicology
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- International Journal of Transport Phenomena
- Int J Transp Sci Technol
- International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
- Int J Trop Insect Sci
- International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
- Int J Tryptophan Res
- International Journal of Tryptophan Research
- Int J Uncertainty Fuzziness Knowledge Based Syst
- International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems
- Int J Veh Auton Syst
- International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems
- Int J Veh Des
- International Journal of Vehicle Design
- Int J Veh Inf Commun Syst
- International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems
- Int J Veh Noise Vib
- International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration
- Int J Veh Saf
- International Journal of Vehicle Safety
- Int J Veh Syst Model Test
- International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
- Int J Vent
- International Journal of Ventilation
- Int J Water
- International Journal of Water
- Int J Water Resour Dev
- International Journal of Water Resources Development
- Int J Wavelets Multiresolution Inf Process
- International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
- Int J Web Based Communities
- International Journal of Web Based Communities
- Int J Web Eng Technol
- International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
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- International Journal of Web and Grid Services
- Int J Web Serv Res
- International Journal of Web Services Research
- Int J Wildland Fire
- International Journal of Wildland Fire
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- International Journal of Wireless Information Networks
- Int J Wireless Mobile Comput
- International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing
- Int J Zool
- International Journal of Zoology
- Int Mar Sci
- International Marine Science
- Int Mater Rev
- International Materials Reviews
- Int Math Res Not
- International Mathematics Research Notices
- Int Nonwovens J
- International Nonwovens Journal
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- International Peat Journal
- Int Polym Proc
- International Polymer Processing
- Int Rev Gesamten Hydrobiol
- Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie
- Int Rev Gesamten Hydrobiol Hydrogr
- Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie
- Int Rev Hydrobiol
- International Review of Hydrobiology
- Int Rev Phys Chem
- International Reviews in Physical Chemistry
- Int Rev Poult Sci
- International Review of Poultry Science
- Int Shipbuild Prog
- International Shipbuilding Progress
- Int Soil Water Conserv Res
- Internation Soil and Water Conservation Research
- Int Stat Rev
- International Statistical Review
- Int Sugar J
- International Sugar Journal
- Int Tran Oper Res
- International Transactions in Operational Research
- Int Trans Electr Energy Syst
- International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
- Int Underw Syst Des
- International Underwater Systems Design
- Int Water Power Dam Constr
- International Water Power and Dam Construction
- Integr Biol
- Integrative Biology
- Integr Comp Biol
- Integrative and Comparative Biology
- Integr Comput-Aided Eng
- Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering
- Integr Environ Assess Manage
- Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management
- Integr Ferroelectr
- Integrated Ferroelectrics
- Integr Org Biol
- Integrative Organismal Biology
- Intell Data Anal
- Intelligent Data Analysis
- Intell Decis Technol
- Intelligent Decision Technologies
- Intell Syst Eng
- Intelligent Systems Engineering
- Interact Comput
- Interacting with Computers
- Inter-Am Trop Tuna Comm Spec Rep
- Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Special Report
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- Interciencia
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- Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management
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- Interface Science
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- Internet Journal of Chemistry
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- Internet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy
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- Internet Technology Letters
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- International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering
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- Invasive Plant Science and Management
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- Inventory Sampling Data NAFO
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- Inverse Problems
- Inverse Prob Eng
- Inverse Problems in Engineering
- Inverse Prob Sci Eng
- Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
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- Inbertebrate Biology
- Invertebr Reprod Dev
- Invertebrate Reproduction and Development
- Invertebr Syst
- Invertebrate Systematics
- Invertebr Taxon
- Invertebrate Taxonomy
- Invest Cent Interdiscip Estud Desarr Urug
- Investigaciones Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo, Uruguay
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- Investigative Genetics
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- Investigaciones Marinas
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- Investigations in Mathematics Learning
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- Investigational New Drugs
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- Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
- Invest Pesq (Chile)
- Investigacion Pesquera (Chile)
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- Investigacion Pesquera (Spain)
- Invest Rep Oceanogr Res Inst, Durban
- Investigational Report Oceanographic Research Institute, Durban
- Invest Rep Sea Fish Res Inst, Cape Town
- Investigational Report Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Cape Town
- Inz Chem Procesowa
- Inzynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa
- IOC Comm Clim Chang Ocean Summ Rep
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Committee on Climatic Changes and the Ocean Summary Report
- IOC Man Guides
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Manuals and Guides
- IOC Rep Gov Major Subsid Bodies
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies
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- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies
- IOC Summ Rep
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Summary Report
- IOC Tech Ser
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Technical Series
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- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Training Course Reports
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- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Workshop Report
- Ion Exch Solvent Extr
- Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction
- IOP Conf Ser: Earth Environ Sci
- IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
- IOP Conf Ser: Mater Sci Eng
- IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
- IOP SciNotes
- IOP SciNotes
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- IPPTA Journal
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- IPTP Data Catalogue
- IPTP Data Rec
- IPTP Data Record
- IPTP Data Summ
- IPTP Data Summary
- Ir Fish Exports/Imports
- Irish Fish Exports/Imports
- Ir Fish Invest, B
- Irish Fisheries Investigations Series B: Marine
- Ir Nat J
- Irish Naturalists' Journal
- Ir Offshore Rev
- Irish Offshore Review
- Ir Vet J
- Irish Veterinary Journal
- Iran Biomed J
- Iran Biomedical Journal
- Iran Fish Bull
- Iranian Fisheries Bulletin
- Iran J Chem Chem Eng
- Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
- Iran J Mater Sci Eng
- Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
- Iran J Polym Sci Technol
- Iranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology
- Iran Polym J
- Iranian Polymer Journal
- IRE Trans Aeronaut Navig Electron
- IRE Transactions on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics
- IRE Trans Aerosp Navig Electron
- IRE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics
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- IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
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- IRE Transactions on Automatic Control
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- IRE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers
- IRE Trans Broadcast Transm Syst
- IRE Transactions on Broadcast Transmission Systems
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- IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory
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- IRE Trans Compon Parts
- IRE Transactions on Component Parts
- IRE Trans Electron Comput
- IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers
- IRE Trans Electron Devices
- IRE Transactions on Electron Devices
- IRE Trans Eng Manage
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- IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics
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- IRE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
- IRE Trans Inf Theory
- IRE Transactions on Information Theory
- IRE Trans Instrum
- IRE Transactions on Instrumentation
- IRE Trans Med Electron
- IRE Transactions on Medical Electronics
- IRE Trans Microwave Theory Tech
- IRE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
- IRE Trans Mil Electron
- IRE Transactions on Military Electronics
- IRE Trans Nucl Sci
- IRE Transactions on Nuclear Science
- IRE Trans Prod Eng Prod
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- IRE Trans Prod Tech
- IRE Transactions on Production Techniques
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- IRE Transactions on Radio Frequency Interference
- IRE Trans Reliab Qual Control
- IRE Transactions on Reliability and Quality Control
- IRE Trans Space Electron Telem
- IRE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry
- IRE Trans Telem Remote Control
- IRE Transactions on Telemetry and Remote Control
- IRE Trans Ultrason Eng
- IRE Transactions on Ultrasonic Engineering
- IRE Trans Veh Commun
- IRE Transactions on Vehicular Communications
- Ironmaking Steelmaking
- Ironmaking and Steelmaking
- Irrig Drain
- Irrigation and Drainage
- ISA Trans
- ISA Transactions
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- ISCB Community Journal
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- ISIJ International
- Isl Arc
- Island Arc
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- Isokinet Exercise Sci
- Isokinetics and Exercise Science
- Isot Environ Health Stud
- Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies
- Isot Geosci
- Isotope Geoscience
- Isot Radiat Technol
- Isotopes and Radiation Technology
- ISPRS Int J Geo-Inf
- ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
- ISPRS J Photogramm Remote Sens
- ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Isr J Aquac Bamidgeh
- The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh
- Isr J Chem
- Israel Journal of Chemistry
- Isr J Earth Sci
- Israel Journal of Earth Sciences
- Isr J Entomol
- Israel Journal of Entomology
- Isr J Plant Sci
- Israel Journal of Plant Sciences
- Isr J Zool
- Israel Journal of Zoology
- IT Prof
- IT Professional
- Ital J Anim Sci
- Italian Journal of Animal Science
- Ital J Biochem
- Italian Journal of Biochemistry
- Ital J Food Sci
- Italian Journal of Food Science
- Ital J Geosci
- Italian Journal of Geosciences
- Ital J Pure Appl Math
- Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
- ITE Lett Batteries New Technol Med
- ITE Letters on Batteries New Technologies & Medicine
- ITE-IBA Lett Batteries New Technol Med
- ITE-IBA Letters New Technologies & Medicine
- Itog Nauk Tek, Atmos Okean, Kosm Programma 'Razrezy'
- Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriya Atmosfera, Okean, Kosmos - Programma 'Razrezy'
- Itog Nauki Tek, Obshch Geol
- Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriya Obshchaya Geologiya
- Itog Nauki Tek, Okeanol
- Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriya Okeanologiya
- Itog Nauki Tek, Zool Bespozvon
- Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriya Zoologiya Bespozvonochnykh
- IUCN Bull
- IUCN Bulletin
- Izdanija
- Izdanija
- Izv Atmos Ocean Phys
- Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
- Izv Atmos Oceanic Phys
- Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
- Izv Inst Ribni Resur Varna
- Izvestiya na Instituta po Ribni Resursi, Varna
- Izv Math
- Izvestiya: Mathematics
- Izv Phys Solid Earth
- Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth
- Izv RAN, Fiz Atmos Okeana
- Izvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk Seriya Fizika Atmosfery i Okeana
- Izv RAN, Geogr
- Izvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk Seriya Geograficheskaya
- Izv RGO
- Izvestiya Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva
- Izv Russ Acad Sci Phys Solid Earth
- Izvestiya Russian Academy of Sciences Physics of the Solid Earth
- Izv SO RAN, Biol Nauk
- Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk
- Inzvestiya Tikhookeanskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Rybnogo Khozyajstva i Okeanografii
- Izv VUZ, Pishch Tekhnol
- Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij Seriya Pishchevaya Tekhnologiya
- Izvjesca Rep
- Izvjesca - Reports
- IZWO Coll Repr
- IZWO Collected Reprints
- J 3D Print Med
- Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine
- Journal of the ACM
- J Acoust Soc Am
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
- J Acoust Soc Am Suppl
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Supplement
- J Addict
- Journal of Addiction
- J Addict Med
- Journal of Addiction Medicine
- J Addict Res Ther
- Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy
- J Adhes
- Journal of Adhesion
- J Adhes Sci Technol
- Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
- J Adv Ceram
- Journal of Advanced Ceramics
- J Adv Concr Technol
- Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology
- J Adv Manuf Process
- Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing
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- Journal of Advanced Materials
- J Adv Microsc Res
- Journal of Advanced Microscopy Research
- J Adv Model Earth Syst
- Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
- J Adv Pharm Technol Res
- Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research
- J Adv Res
- Journal of Advanced Research
- J Adv Transp
- Journal of Advanced Transportation
- J Adv Zool
- Journal of Advanced Zoology
- J Aerosol Sci
- Journal of Aerosol Science
- J Aerosp Eng
- Journal of Aerospace Engineering
- J Aerosp Oper
- Journal of Aerospace Operations
- J Afr Earth Sci
- Journal of African Earth Sciences
- J Afr Zool
- Journal of African Zoology
- J Agric Appl Econ
- Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics
- J Agric Eng Res
- Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research
- J Agric Food Chem
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
- J Agric Food Res
- Journal of Agriculture and Food Research
- J Agric Food Sys Community Dev
- Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
- J Agric Meteorol
- Journal of Agricultural Meteorology
- J Agric Saf Health
- Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health
- J Agric Sci
- Journal of Agricultural Science
- J Agroaliment Proc Technol
- Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies
- J Agron Crop Sci
- Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
- J Air Waste Manage Assoc
- Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association
- J Algebra
- Journal of Algebra
- J Algorithms Comput Technol
- Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology
- J Alloys Compd
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds
- J Alzheimers Dis
- Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
- J Am Assoc Var Star Obs
- Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers
- J Am Ceram Soc
- Journal of the American Ceramic Society
- J Am Chem Soc
- Journal of the American Chemical Society
- J Am Coll Cardiol
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology
- J Am Coll Clin Pharm
- Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- J Am Coll Nutr
- Journal of the American College of Nutrition
- J Am Heart Assoc
- Journal of the American Heart Association
- J Am Leather Chem Assoc
- Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association
- J Am Mosq Control Assoc
- Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association
- J Am Oil Chem Soc
- Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society
- J Am Pharm Assoc
- Journal of the American Pharmacists Association
- J Am Soc Brew Chem
- Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists
- J Am Soc Mass Spectrom
- Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
- J Am Soc Nav Eng
- Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers
- J Am Stat Assoc
- Journal of the American Statistical Association
- J Am Vet Med Assoc
- Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
- J Am Water Resour Assoc
- Journal of the American Water Resources Association
- J Am Water Works Assn
- Journal American Water Works Association
- J Am Water Works Assoc
- Journal of the American Water Works Association
- J Ambient Intell Hum Comput
- Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
- J Ambient Intell Smart Environ
- Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
- J Anal Appl Pyrolysis
- Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
- J Anal At Spectrom
- Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
- J Anal Chem
- Journal of Analytical Chemistry
- J Anal Methods Chem
- Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry
- J Anal Sci Technol
- Journal of Analytical Science and Technology
- J Anal Toxicol
- Journal of Analytical Toxicology
- J Anat
- Journal of Anatomy
- J Andaman Sci Assoc
- Journal of the Andaman Science Association
- J Anim Breed Genet
- Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics
- J Anim Ecol
- Journal of Animal Ecology
- J Anim Morphol Physiol
- Journal of Animal Morphology and Physiology
- J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr
- Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition
- J Anim Physiol Nutr
- Journal of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
- J Anim Sci
- Journal of Animal Science
- J Anim Sci Biotechnol
- Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology
- J Anim Sci Technol
- Journal of Animal Science and Technology
- J Antibiot
- Journal of Antibiotics
- J Antimicrob Chemother
- Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
- J AOAC Int
- Journal of AOAC International
- J Apic Res
- Journal of Apicultural Research
- J Appl Agric Econ
- Journal of Applied Agricultural Economics
- J Appl Anim Nutr
- Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition
- J Appl Aquac
- Journal of Applied Aquaculture
- J Appl Aquacult
- Journal of Applied Aquaculture
- J Appl Bacteriol
- Journal of Applied Bacteriology
- J Appl Biol Chem
- Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
- J Appl Biol Sci
- Journal of Applied Biological Sciences
- J Appl Biomater
- Journal of Applied Biomaterials
- J Appl Biomater Funct Mater
- Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials
- J Appl Biomed
- Journal of Applied Biomedicine
- J Appl Chem
- Journal of Applied Chemistry
- J Appl Chem Biotech
- Journal of Applied Chemistry & Biotechnology
- J Appl Crystallogr
- Journal of Applied Crystallography
- J Appl Ecol
- Journal of Applied Ecology
- J Appl Electrochem
- Journal of Applied Electrochemistry
- J Appl Entomol
- Journal of Applied Entomology
- J Appl Geochem
- Journal of Applied Geochemistry
- J Appl Geophys
- Journal of Applied Geophysics
- J Appl Glycosci
- Journal of Applied Glycoscience
- J Appl Ichthyol
- Journal of Applied Ichthyology
- J Appl Ind Math
- Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics
- J Appl Lab Med
- Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine
- J Appl Logic
- Journal of Applied Logic
- J Appl Math
- Journal of Applied Mathematics
- J Appl Math Comput
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
- J Appl Math Mech
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
- J Appl Mech
- Journal of Applied Mechanics
- J Appl Mech Tech Phys
- Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics
- J Appl Meteorol
- Journal of Applied Meteorology
- J Appl Microbiol
- Journal of Applied Microbiology
- J Appl Nutr
- Journal of Applied Nutrition
- J Appl Phycol
- Journal of Applied Phycology
- J Appl Phys
- Journal of Applied Physics
- J Appl Physiol
- Journal of Applied Physiology
- J Appl Polym Sci
- Journal of Applied Polymer Science
- J Appl Poult Res
- Journal of Applied Poultry Research
- J Appl Probab
- Journal of Applied Probability
- J Appl Remote Sens
- Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
- J Appl Res Community Coll
- Journal of Applied Research in the Community College
- J Appl Res Med Aromat Plants
- Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
- J Appl Res Technol
- Journal of Applied Research and Technology
- J Appl Spectrosc
- Journal of Applied Spectroscopy
- J Appl Syst Anal
- Journal of Applied Systems Analysis
- J Appl Toxicol
- Journal of Applied Toxicology
- J Appl Volcanol
- Journal of Applied Volcanology
- J Aquac (Bhubaneswar)
- Journal of Aquaculture (Bhubaneswar)
- J Aquac Trop
- Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics
- J Aquat Anim Health
- Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
- J Aquat Anim Health
- Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
- J Aquat Ecosyst Health
- Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health
- J Aquat Food Prod Technol
- Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
- J Aquat Plant Manage
- Journal of Aquatic Plant Management
- J Aquat Sci
- Journal of Aquatic Sciences
- J Archaeolog Sci
- Journal of Archaeological Science
- J Archaeolog Sci: Rep
- Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
- J Archit Eng
- Journal of Architectural Engineering
- J Argent Chem Soc
- Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society
- J Arid Environ
- Journal of Arid Environments
- J Asian Ceram Soc
- Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies
- J Asian Earth Sci
- Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
- J Asian Nat Prod Res
- Journal of Asian Natural Products Research
- J Asia-Pac Biodivers
- Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity
- J Asia-Pac Entomol
- Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology
- J Assistive Rehabil Ther Technol
- Journal of Assistive, Rehabilitative and Therapeutic Technologies
- J Assoc Asphalt Paving Technol
- Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists
- J Assoc Crime Scene Reconstr
- Journal of the Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction
- J Assoc Inf Sci Technol
- Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
- J Assoc Off Agric Chem
- Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists
- J Assoc Off Anal Chem
- Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists
- J ASTM Int
- Journal of ASTM International
- J Astron Telesc Instrum Syst
- Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems
- J Astronaut Sci
- Journal of Astronautical Sciences
- J Astrophys Astron
- Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
- J Atmos Chem
- Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
- J Atmos Oceanic Technol
- Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
- J Atmos Sci
- Journal of Atmospheric Science
- J Atmos Sol Terr Phys
- Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
- J Atmos Terr Phys
- Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
- J Aust Ceram Soc
- Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society
- J Aust Entomol Soc
- Journal of the Australian Entomological Society
- J Aust Math Soc
- Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
- J Australas Ceram Soc
- Journal of the Australasian Ceramic Society
- J Autom Chem
- Journal of Automatic Chemistry
- J Autom Methods Manage Chem
- Journal of Automated Methods & Management in Chemistry
- J Avian Biol
- Journal of Avian Biology
- J Avian Med Surg
- Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery
- J Bacteriol
- Journal of Bacteriology
- J Basic Appl Zool
- Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology
- J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol
- Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology
- J Basic Microbiol
- Journal of Basic Microbiology
- J Bengal Nat Hist Soc
- Journal of Bengal Natural History Society
- J Berry Res
- Journal of Berry Research
- J Big Data Anal Transp
- Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation
- J Bioact Compat Polym
- Journal of Bioactive and Compatable Polymers
- J Biobased Mater Bioenergy
- Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy
- J Biochem
- Journal of Biochemistry
- J Biochem Bioph Methods
- Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods
- J Biochem Mol Toxicol
- Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology
- J Bioenerg Biomembr
- Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes
- J Bioeng
- Journal of Bioengineering
- J Bioequivalence Bioavailability
- Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability
- J Biogeogr
- Journal of Biogeography
- J Biol
- Journal of Biology
- J Biol Chem
- Journal of Biological Chemistry
- J Biol Dyn
- Journal of Biological Dynamics
- J Biol Educ
- Journal of Biological Education
- J Biol Eng
- Journal of Biological Engineering
- J Biol Inorg Chem
- Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
- J Biol Phys
- Journal of Biological Physics
- J Biol Res Thessaloniki
- Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki
- J Biol Rhythms
- Journal of Biological Rhythms
- J Biolumin Chemilumin
- Journal of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence
- J Biomater Appl
- Journal of Biomaterials Applications
- J Biomater Sci, Polym Ed
- Journal of Biomaterials Science Polymer Edition
- J Biomech
- Journal of Biomechanics
- J Biomech Eng
- Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
- J Biomed Biotechnol
- Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology
- J Biomed Discovery Collab
- Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration
- J Biomed Eng
- Journal of Biomedical Engineering
- J Biomed Inf
- Journal of Biomedical Informatics
- J Biomed Mater Res
- Journal of Biomedical Materials Research
- J Biomed Mater Res Part A
- Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A
- J Biomed Mater Res Part B
- Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Applied Biomaterials
- J Biomed Nanotechnol
- Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology
- J Biomed Opt
- Journal of Biomedical Optics
- J Biomed Sci
- Journal of Biomedical Science
- J Biomed Sci Eng
- Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering
- J Biomimetics Biomater Tissue Eng
- Journal of Biomimetics Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
- J Biomol NMR
- Journal of Biomolecular NMR
- J Biomol Screening
- Journal of Biomolecular Screening
- J Biomol Struct Dyn
- Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics
- J Bionanosci
- Journal of Bionanoscience
- J Bionic Eng
- Journal of Bionic Engineering
- J Biopharm Stat
- Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics
- J Biophotonics
- Journal of Biophotonics
- J Biorheol
- Journal of Biorheology
- J Biosaf Biosecur
- Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity
- J Biosci
- Journal of Biosciences
- J Biosci Bioeng
- Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
- J Biosocial Sci
- Journal of Biosocial Science
- J Biotechnol
- Journal of Biotechnology
- J Bio-X Res
- Journal of Bio-X Research
- J Black Sea/Mediterr Environ
- Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment
- J Board Greenkeep Res
- Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research
- J Bombay Nat Hist Soc
- Journal of Bombay Natural History Society
- J Bone Miner Metab
- Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
- J Bone Miner Res
- Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
- J Br Inst Radio Eng
- Journal of the British Institution of Radio Engineers
- J Br Interplanet Soc
- Journal of the British Interplanetary Society
- J Braz Chem Soc
- Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
- J Braz Comput Sci
- Journal of the Brazialian Computer Society
- J Braz Comput Soc
- Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
- J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng
- Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
- J Breast Imaging
- Journal of Breast Imaging
- J Breath Res
- Journal of Breath Research
- J Bridge Eng
- Journal of Bridge Engineering
- J Build Perform Simul
- Journal of Building Performance Simulation
- J Build Phys
- Journal of Building Physics
- J Buon
- Journal of Buon
- J Caffeine Adenosine Res
- Journal of Caffeine and Adenosine Research
- J Caffeine Res
- Journal of Caffeine Research
- J Camel Pract Res
- Journal of Camel Practice and Research
- J Can Dent Assoc
- Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
- J Can Pet Technol
- Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology
- J Cancer Mol
- Journal of Cancer Molecules
- J Cancer Res Ther
- Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
- J Carbohydr Chem
- Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry
- J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr
- Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography
- J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
- Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology
- J Cardiovasc Pharmacol
- Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
- J Catal
- Journal of Catalysis
- J Cell Biochem
- Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
- J Cell Biol
- Journal of Cell Biology
- J Cell Biotechnol
- Journal of Cellular Biotechnology
- J Cell Commun Signaling
- Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling
- J Cell Death
- Journal of Cell Death
- J Cell Mol Med
- Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
- J Cell Physiol
- Journal of Cell Physiology
- J Cell Plast
- Journal of Cellular Plastics
- J Cell Sci
- Journal of Cell Science
- J Ceram Soc Jpn
- Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
- J Cereal Sci
- Journal of Cereal Science
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab
- Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
- J Chem
- Journal of Chemistry
- J Chem Crystallogr
- Journal of Chemical Crystallography
- J Chem Doc
- Journal of Chemical Documentation
- J Chem Ecol
- Journal of Chemical Ecology
- J Chem Educ
- Journal of Chemical Education
- J Chem Eng Data
- Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data
- J Chem Eng Jpn
- Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
- J Chem Health Saf
- Journal of Chemical Heath and Safetyu
- J Chem Inf Comput Sci
- Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science
- J Chem Inf Model
- Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
- J Chem Metrol
- Journal of Chemical Metrology
- J Chem Neuroanat
- Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy
- J Chem Phys
- Journal of Chemical Physics
- J Chem Res, Synop
- Journal of Chemical Research Synopsis
- J Chem Sci
- Journal of Chemical Sciences
- J Chem Soc
- Journal of the Chemical Society
- J Chem Soc A
- Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical
- J Chem Soc Abstr
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Abstracts
- J Chem Soc B
- Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic
- J Chem Soc C
- Journal of the Chemical Society C: Organic
- J Chem Soc D
- Journal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications
- J Chem Soc Lond Chem Commun
- Journal of the Chemical Society, London Chemical Communications
- J Chem Soc Lond Faraday Trans 1
- Journal of the Chemical Society, London Faraday Transactions 1
- J Chem Soc Lond Faraday Trans 2
- Journal of the Chemical Society, London Faraday Transactions 2
- J Chem Soc Pak
- Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan
- J chem Soc Trans
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions
- J Chem Soc, Chem Commun
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications
- J Chem Soc, Dalton Trans
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions
- J Chem Soc, Faraday Trans
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions
- J Chem Soc, Faraday Trans 1 F
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases
- J Chem Soc, Faraday Trans 2
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics
- J Chem Soc, Perkin Trans 1
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1
- J Chem Soc, Perkin Trans 2
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2
- J Chem Software
- Journal of Chemical Software
- J Chem Technol Biotechnol
- Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
- J Chem Theory Comput
- Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
- J Chem Thermodyn
- Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics
- J Cheminf
- Journal of Cheminformatics
- J Chemom
- Journal of Chemometrics
- J Chil Chem Soc
- Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society
- J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol
- Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
- J Chim Phys Phys- Chim Biol
- Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique
- J Chim Phys Phys-Chim Biol
- Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-chimie Biologique
- J Chin Chem Soc
- Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society
- J Chin Inst Chem Eng,
- Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers
- J China Univ Geosci
- Journal of the China University of Geosciences
- J Chromatogr
- Journal of Chromatography
- J Chromatogr A
- Journal of Chromatography A
- J Chromatogr B
- Journal of Chromatography B
- J Chromatogr Sci
- Journal of Chromatographic Science
- J Chromatogr Sep Tech
- Journal of Chromatography and Separation Techniques
- J Circadian Rhythms
- Journal of Circadian Rhythms
- J Cleaner Prod
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- J Clim
- Journal of Climate
- J Clim Change
- Journal of Climate Change
- J Clin Bioinf
- Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics
- J Clin Chem Clin Biochem
- Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab
- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
- J Clin Exp Dent
- Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry
- J Clin Forensic Med
- Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine
- J Clin Imaging Sci
- Journal of Clinical Imaging Science
- J Clin Lab Anal
- Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis
- J Clin Med Res
- Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
- J Clin Microbiol
- Journal of Clinical Microbiology
- J Clin Oncol: Clin Cancer Inf
- Journal of Clinical Oncology: Clinical Cancer Informatics
- J Clin Oncol: Precis Oncol
- Journal of Clinical Oncology: Precision Oncology
- J Clin Pathol
- Journal of Clinical Pathology
- J Clin Pharm Ther
- Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
- J Clin Pharmacol
- Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
- J Clin Psychopharmacol
- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
- J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol
- Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology
- J Clin Transl Endocrinol
- Journal of Clinical & Translational Endocrinology
- J Clin Transl Endocrinol: Case Rep
- Journal of Clinical & Translational Endocrinology: Case Reports
- J Clin Transl Sci
- Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
- J Clin Ultrasound
- Journal of Clinical Ultrasound
- J Cluster Sci
- Journal of Cluster Science
- J CO2 Util
- Journal of CO2 Utilization
- J Coal Sci Eng
- Journal of Coal Science and Engineering
- J Coast Res
- Jouranl of Coastal Research
- J Coast Res Spec Issue
- Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue
- J Coat Technol
- Journal of Coatings Technology
- J Coat Technol Res
- Journal of Coatings Technology and Research
- J Cognit Enhancement
- Journal of Cognitive Enhancement
- J Cognit Neurosci
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
- J Cold Reg Eng
- Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
- J Colloid Interface Sci
- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
- J Comb Chem
- Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
- J Comb Des
- Journal of Combinatorial Designs
- J Combust
- Journal of Combustion
- J Commod Sci Technol Qual
- Journal of Commodity Science, Technology and Quality
- J Commun Networks
- Journal of Communications and Networks
- J Commun Technol Electron
- Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics
- J Comp Eff Res
- Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research
- J Comp Neurol
- Journal of Comparative Neurology
- J Comp Pathol
- Journal of Comparative Pathology
- J Comp Physiol, A
- Journal of Comparative Physiology Part A Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology
- J Comp Physiol, B
- Journal of Comparative Physiology Part B Biochemical, Systematic, and Environmental Physiology
- J Complex Networks
- Journal of Complex Networks
- J Compos Constr
- Journal of Composites for Construction
- J Compos Mater
- Journal of Composite Materials
- J Compos Tech Res
- Journal of Composites Technology and Research
- J Comput Acoust
- Journal of Computational Acoustics
- J Comput Appl Math
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
- J Comput Assisted Tomogr
- Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography
- J Comput Biol
- Journal of Computational Biology
- J Comput Chem
- Journal of Computational Chemistry
- J Comput Chem Jpn
- Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan
- J Comput Civ Eng
- Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
- J Comput Des Eng
- Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
- J Comput Electron
- Journal of Computational Electronics
- J Comput Inf Sci Eng
- Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
- J Comput Methods Sci Eng
- Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering
- J Comput Multiphase Flows
- Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows
- J Comput Networks Commun
- Journal of Computer Networks and Communications
- J Comput Nonlinear Dyn
- Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
- J Comput Phys
- Journal of Computational Physics
- J Comput Phys: X
- Journal of Computational Physics X
- J Comput Sci Eng
- Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
- J Comput Secur
- Journal of Computer Security
- J Comput Syst Sci Int
- Journal of Computer and System Sciences International
- J Comput Theor Nanosci
- Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
- J Comput-Aided Mater Des
- Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design
- J Comput-Aided Mol Des
- Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
- J Cons
- Journal du Conseil
- J Constr Eng
- Journal of Construction Engineering
- J Constr Eng Manage
- Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
- J Constr Steel Res
- Journal of Constructional Steel Research
- J Contam Hydrol
- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
- J Contemp Phys
- Journal of Contemporary Physics
- J Control Sci Eng
- Journal of Control Science and Engineering
- J Controlled Release
- Journal of Controlled Release
- J Coord Chem
- Journal of Coordination Chemistry
- J Corros Sci Eng
- Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering
- J Cosmet Sci
- Journal of Cosmetic Science
- J Cosmol Astropart Phys
- Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
- J Crash Prev Inj Control
- Journal of Crash Prevention and Injury Control
- J Crop Sci Biotechnol
- Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology
- J Crustac Biol
- Journal of Crustacean Biology
- J Cryst Growth
- Journal of Crystal Growth
- J Cult Heritage
- Journal of Cultural Heritage
- J Dairy Res
- Journal of Dairy Research
- J Dairy Sci
- Journal of Dairy Science
- J Dalian Fish Coll
- Journal of Dalian Fisheries College
- J Dent Res
- Journal of Dental Research
- J Des Sci
- Journal of Design and Science
- J Dev Areas
- Journal of Developing Areas
- J Diabetes
- Journal of Diabetes
- J Diabetes Sci Technol
- Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
- J Diagn Radiogr Imaging
- Journal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging
- J Discrete Algoritms
- Journal of Discrete Algorithms
- J Disp Technol
- Journal of Display Technology
- J Dispersion Sci Technol
- Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology
- J Drug Delivery
- Journal of Drug Delivery
- J Drug Delivery Sci Technol
- Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology
- J Drug Targeting
- Journal of Drug Targeting
- J Dyn Syst Meas Contr
- Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
- J Earth Sci
- Journal of Earth Science
- J Earth Space Phys
- Journal of the Earth and Space Physics
- J Earth Syst Sci
- Journal of Earth System Science
- J Earthquake Eng
- Journal of Earthquake Engineering
- J East China Norm Univ Nat Sci Ed
- Journal of East China Normal University Natural Science Edition
- J Ecol
- Journal of Ecology
- J Econ Entomol
- Journal of Economic Entomology
- J Ecotoxicol Environ Monit
- Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Monitoring
- J Egypt Math Soc
- Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
- J Elast
- Journal of Elasticity
- J Elastomers Plast
- Journal of Elastomers and Plastics
- J Electr Comput Eng
- Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- J Electr Eng Technol
- Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
- J Electr Syst Inf Technol
- Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology
- J Electroanal Chem
- Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
- J Electroanal Chem Interfacial Electrochem
- Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry
- J Electroceram
- Journal of Electroceramics
- J Electrochem Energy Convers Storage
- Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
- J Electrochem Soc
- Journal of the Electrochemical Society
- J Electromagn Anal Appl
- Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications
- J Electron
- Journal of Electronics (China)
- J Electron Imaging
- Journal of Electronic Imaging
- J Electron Mater
- Journal of Electronic Materials
- J Electron Microsc
- Journal of Electron Microscopy
- J Electron Packag
- Journal of Electronic Packaging
- J Electron Sci Technol
- Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
- J Electron Spectrosc Relat Phenom
- Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
- J Electron Test
- Journal of Electronic Testing
- J Electrostat
- Journal of Electrostatics
- J Elementol
- Journal of Elementology
- J Elisha Mitchell Sci Soc
- Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society
- J Endocr Soc
- Journal of the Endocrine Society
- J Endocrinol
- Journal of Endocrinology
- J Endotoxin Res
- Journal of Endotoxin Research
- J Energetic Mater
- Journal of Energetic Materials
- J Energy
- Journal of Energy
- J Energy Eng
- Journal of Energy Engineering
- J Energy Inst
- Journal of the Energy Institute
- J Energy Res Technol
- Journal of Energy Resources Technology
- J Energy Resour Technol
- Journal of Energy Resources Technology
- J Eng
- Journal of Engineering
- J Eng Des
- Journal of Engineering Design
- J Eng Educ
- Journal of Engineering Education
- J Eng Fibers Fabr
- Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics
- J Eng Gas Turbines Power
- Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
- J Eng Mater Technol
- Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
- J Eng Math
- Journal of Engineering Mathematics
- J Eng Mech
- Journal of Engineering Mechanics
- J Eng Phys Thermophys
- Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics
- J Eng Sci Med Diagn Ther
- Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy
- J Eng Tech Manage
- Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
- J Eng Thermophys
- Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
- J Entomol Res
- Journal of Entomological Research
- J Entomol Soc BC
- Journal of the Entomological Society of Birtish Columbia
- J Environ Biol
- Journal of Environmental Biology
- J Environ Chem Eng
- Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
- J Environ Econ Manage
- Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
- J Environ Eng
- Journal of Environmental Engineering
- J Environ Eng Geophys
- Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
- J Environ Eng Sci
- Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science
- J Environ Health
- Journal of Environmental Health
- J Environ Hydrol
- Journal of Environmental Hydrology
- J Environ Manage
- Journal of Environmental Management
- J Environ Monit
- Journal of Environmental Monitoring
- J Environ Pathol Toxicol
- Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology
- J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol
- Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology
- J Environ Plann Manage
- Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
- J Environ Plann Policy Manage
- Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning
- J Environ Prot Ecol
- Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology
- J Environ Qual
- Journal of Environmental Quality
- J Environ Radioact
- Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
- J Environ Sci
- Journal of Environmental Sciences
- J Environ Sci Health Part A Environ Sci Health Part A Environ Sci Eng
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering
- J Environ Sci Health Part A Toxic/Hazard Subst Environ Eng
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering
- J Environ Sci Health, A
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A Environmental Science and Engineering
- J Environ Sci Health, Part A
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A Environmental Science
- J Environ Sci Health, Part A Environ Sci EngToxic Hazard Subst Control
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering & Toxic and Hazardous Substance Control
- J Environ Sci Health, Part B
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes
- J Environ Sci Health, Part C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis & Ecotoxicology Reviews
- J Environ Sci Health, Part C Environ Carcinog Rev
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis Reviews
- J Environ Sci Health, Part C Environ Health Sci
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Health Sciences
- J Environ Sci Technol
- Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
- J Environ Solutions Oil Gas Min
- Journal of Environmental Solutions for Oil, Gas, and Mining
- J Environ Syst
- Journal of Environmental Systems
- J Enzym Inhib
- Journal of Enzyme Inhibition
- J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem
- Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry
- J Essent Oil Bear Plants
- Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants
- J Essent Oil Res
- Journal of Essential Oil Research
- J Ethnobiol Ethnomed
- Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine
- J Ethnopharmacol
- Journal of Ethnopharmacology
- J Ethol
- Journal of Ethology
- J Eukaryot Microbiol
- Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
- J Eukaryotic Microbiol
- Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
- J Eur Ceram Soc
- Journal of the European Ceramic Society
- J Eur Hydrol
- Journal Europeen d'Hydrologie
- J Eur Landscape
- Journal of European Landscape
- J Eur Opt Soc Part A
- Journal of the European Optical Society Part A
- J Eur Opt Soc Part B
- Journal of the European Optical Society Part B
- J Evidence Qual Health Care
- Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care
- J Evol Biochem Physiol
- Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology
- J Evol Biol
- Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- J Exp Anal Behav
- Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior
- J Exp Anim Sci
- Journal of Experimental Animal Science
- J Exp Biol
- Journal of Experimental Biology
- J Exp Bot
- Journal of Experimental Botany
- J Exp Clin Cancer Res
- Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
- J Exp Mar Biol Ecol
- Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
- J Exp Med
- Journal of Experimental Medicine
- J Exp Nanosci
- Journal of Experimental Nanoscience
- J Exp Neurosci
- Journal of Experimental Neuroscience
- J Exp Pathol
- Journal of Experimental Pathology
- J Exp Theor Artif Intell
- Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
- J Exp Theor Phys
- Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
- J Exp Zool
- Journal of Experimental Zoology
- J Exposure Anal Environ Epidemiol
- Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environment Epidemiology
- J Exposure Sci Environ Epidemiol
- Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology
- J Fac Mar Sci Technol Tokai Univ
- Journal of the Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University
- J Fac Sci Tokyo Univ, 3
- Journal of the Faculty of Science, Tokyo University Section 3: Botany
- J Facade Des Eng
- Journal of Facade Design and Engineering
- J Fail Anal Prev
- Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention
- J Feline Med Surg
- Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
- J Ferment Bioeng
- Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering
- J Ferment Technol
- Journal of Fermentation Technology
- J Fiber Bioeng Inf
- Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics
- J Field Ornith
- Journal of Field Ornithology
- J Field Ornithol
- Journal of Field Ornithology
- J Field Rob
- Journal of Field Robotics
- J Fire Prot Eng
- Journal of Fire Protection Engineering
- J Fire Sci
- Journal of Fire Sciences
- J Fish Aquat Sci
- Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science
- J Fish Biol
- Journal of Fish Biology
- J Fish China
- Journal of Fisheries of China
- J Fish Dis
- Journal of Fish Diseases
- J Fish Res Board Can
- Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada
- J Fish Sci China
- Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
- J Flood Risk Manage
- Journal of Flood Risk Management
- J Flow Chem
- Journal of Flow Chemistry
- J Fluid Mech
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- J Fluids Eng
- Journal of Fluids Engineering
- J Fluids Struct
- Journal of Fluids and Structures
- J Fluorine Chem
- Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
- J Food Agric Environ
- Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
- J Food Biochem
- Journal of Food Biochemistry
- J Food Compos Anal
- Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
- J Food Drug Anal
- Journal of Food and Drug Analysis
- J Food Eng
- Journal of Food Engineering
- J Food Hyg Soc Jpn
- Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japan
- J Food Lipids
- Journal of Food Lipids
- J Food Meas Charact
- Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization
- J Food Process Eng
- Journal of Food Process Engineering
- J Food Process Preserv
- Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
- J Food Prot
- Journal of Food Protection
- J Food Qual
- Journal of Food Quality
- J Food Saf
- Journal of Food Safety
- J Food Sci
- Journal of Food Science
- J Food Sci Educ
- Journal of Food Science Education
- J Food Sci Technol
- Journal of Food Science and Technology
- J Food Technol
- Journal of Food Technology
- J For Res
- Journal of Forestry Research
- J Foramineferal Res
- Journal of Foramineferal Research
- J Forensic Dent Sci
- Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences
- J Forensic Legal Med
- Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
- J Forensic Med
- Journal of Forensic Medicine
- J Forensic Med Toxicol
- Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
- J Forensic Radiol Imaging
- Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging
- J Forensic Sci
- Journal of Forensic Science
- J Forensic Sci Soc
- Journal of the Forensic Science Society
- J Franklin Inst
- Journal of the Franklin Institute
- J Freshw Ecol
- Journal of Freshwater Ecology
- J Freshwater Ecol
- Journal of Freshwater Ecology
- J Frict Wear
- Journal of Friction and Wear
- J Fuel Cell Sci Technol
- Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology
- J Fujian Teach Univ Nat Sci Ed
- Journal of Fujian Teachers University Natural Science Edition
- J Funct Foods
- Journal of Functional Foods
- J Funct Program
- Journal of Functional Programming
- J Funct Spaces
- Journal of Function Spaces
- J Fusion Energy
- Journal of Fusion Energy
- J Gasbeleucht Verw Beleuchtungsarten Wasserversorg
- Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Verwandte Beleuchtungsarten sowie für Wasserversorgung
- J Gemmol
- Journal of Gemmology
- J Gen Appl Microbiol
- Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
- J Gen Microbiol
- Journal of General Microbiology
- J Gen Physiol
- Journal of General Physiology
- J Gen Virol
- Journal of General Virology
- J Genet
- Journal of Genetics
- J Genet Couns
- Journal of Genetic Counseling
- J Genet Eng Biotechnol
- Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
- J Genet Genomics
- Journal of Genetics and Genomics
- J Geochem Explor
- Journal of Geochemical Exploration
- J Geod
- Journal of Geodesy
- J Geodyn
- Journal of Geodynamics
- J Geo-Eng Sci
- Journal of Geo-Engineering Sciences
- J Geog Sci
- Journal of Geographical Sciences
- J Geogr Environ Earth Sci Int
- Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International
- J Geohys Res, B
- Journal of Geophysical Research B
- J Geohys Res, C
- Journal of Geophysical Research C Oceans
- J Geohys Res, D
- Journal of Geophysical Research D Atmospheres
- J Geol
- Journal of Geology
- J Geol Educ
- Journal of Geological Education
- J Geol Res
- Journal of Geological Research
- J Geol Soc (London, UK)
- Journal of the Geological Society (London, United Kingdom)
- J Geol Soc Aust
- Journal of the Geological Society of Australia
- J Geol Soc China
- Journal of the Geological Society of China
- J Geol Soc India
- Journal of the Geological Society of India
- J Geol Soc Jam
- Journal of the Geological Society of Jamaica
- J Geol Soc Jpn
- Journal of the Geological Society of Japan
- J Geol Soc London
- Journal of the Geological Society of London
- J Geom Phys
- Journal of Geometry and Physics
- J Geomagn Geoelec
- Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity
- J Geomagn Geoelectr
- Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity
- J Geophys
- Journal of Geophysics
- J Geophys Eng
- Journal of Geophysics and Engineering
- J Geophys Res
- Journal of Geophysical Research
- J Geophys Res A: Space Phys
- Journal of Geophysical Research, A: Space Physics
- J Geophys Res Atmos
- Journal of Geophysical Research, [Atmospheres]
- J Geophys Res B: Solid Earth
- Journal of Geophysical Research, B: Solid Earth
- J Geophys Res Biogeosci
- Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences
- J Geophys Res C: Oceans
- Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans
- J Geophys Res D: Atmos
- Journal of Geophysical Research, D: Atmospheres
- J Geophys Res E: Planets
- Journal of Geophysical Research, E: Planets
- J Geophys Res Earth Surf
- Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface
- J Geophys Res F: Earth Surf
- Journal of Geophysical Research, F: Earth Surface
- J Geophys Res G: Biogeosci
- Journal of Geophysical Research, G: Biogeosciences
- J Geophys Res Oceans
- Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans
- J Geophys Res Planets
- Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets
- J Geophys Res Solid Earth
- Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth
- J Geophys Res Space Phys
- Journal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics
- J Geosci
- Journal of Geosciences
- J Geosci Educ
- Journal of Geoscience Education
- J Geotech Eng
- Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
- J Geotech Geoenviron Eng
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
- J Ghana Sci Assoc
- Journal of the Ghana Science Association
- J Ginseng Res
- Journal of Ginseng Research
- J Glaciol
- Journal of Glaciology
- J Global Oncol
- Journal of Global Oncology
- J Global Optim
- Journal of Global Optimization
- J Great Lakes Res
- Journal of Great Lakes Research
- J Gt Lakes Res
- Journal of Great Lakes Research
- J Hard Tissue Biol
- Journal of Hard Tissue Biology
- J Hazard Mater
- Journal of Hazardous materials
- J Health Popul Nutr
- Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
- J Healthcare Eng
- Journal of Healthcare Engineering
- J Heat Transfer
- Journal of Heat Transfer
- J Heat Treat
- Journal of Heat Treating
- J Hehai Univ
- Journal of Hehai University
- J Helminthol
- Journal of Helminthology
- J Herbs Spices Med Plants
- Journal of Herbs Spices & Medicinal Plants
- J Hered
- Journal of Heredity
- J Herpetol
- Journal of Herpetology
- J Heterocycl Chem
- Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
- J High Energy Astrophys
- Journal of High Energy Astrophysics
- J High Energy Phys
- Journal of High Energy Physics
- J High Resolut Chromatogr
- Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
- J High Speed Networks
- Journal of High Speed Networks
- J Hist Astron
- Journal for the History of Astronomy
- J Histochem Cytochem
- Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
- J Hologr Speckle
- Journal of Holography and Speckle
- J Hortic Sci Biotechnol
- Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
- J Hous Built Environ
- Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
- J Hum Evol
- Journal of Human Evolution
- J Hum Genet
- Journal of Human Genetics
- J Hum Hypertens
- Journal of Human Hypertension
- J Hum Nutr Diet
- Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- J Huntington's Dis
- Journal of Huntington's Disease
- J Hydraul Eng
- Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
- J Hydraul Res
- Journal of Hydraulic Research
- J Hydrodyn
- Journal of Hydrodynamics
- J Hydrodyn Ser B
- Journal of Hydrodynamics, Series B
- J Hydro-environ Res
- Journal of Hydro-environment Research
- J Hydroinf
- Journal of Hydroinformatics
- J Hydrol
- Journal of Hydrology
- J Hydrol (Amst)
- Journal of Hydrology (Amsterdam)
- J Hydrol Eng
- Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
- J Hydrol Hydromech
- Journal Of Hydrology And Hydromechanics
- J Hydrol: Reg Stud
- Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
- J Hydrometeorol
- Journal of Hydrometeorology
- J Hypertens
- Journal of Hypertension
- J Ichthyol
- Journal of Ichthyology
- J Illum Eng Soc
- Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
- J Imaging Sci Technol
- Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
- J Immunoassay Immunochem
- Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry
- J Immunol
- Journal of Immunology
- J ImmunoTher Cancer
- Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
- J Inclusion Phenom Macrocyclic Chem
- Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry
- J Inclusion Phenom Mol Recognit Chem
- Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry
- J Ind Ecol
- Journal of Industrial Ecology
- J Ind Eng Chem
- Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
- J Ind Eng Int
- Journal of Industrial Engineering International
- J Ind Microbiol
- Journal of Industrial Microbiology
- J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol
- Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
- J Ind Pollut Control
- Journal of Industrial Pollution Control
- J Ind Text
- Journal of Industrial Textiles
- J Indian Acad Forensic Sci
- Journal of the Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences
- J Indian Acad Wood Sci
- Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science
- J Indian Chem Soc
- Journal of the Indian Chemical Society
- J Indian Counc Chem
- Journal of Indian Council of Chemists
- J Indian Fish Assoc
- Journal of the Indian Fisheries Association
- J Indian Inst Sci
- Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
- J Indian Leather Technol Assoc
- Journal of the Indian Leather Technologists' Association
- J Indian Soc Remote Sens
- Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
- J Indian Soc Soil Sci
- Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science
- J Inf Process Syst
- Journal of Information Processing Systems
- J Infect Dis
- Journal of Infectious Diseases
- J Infrared Millimeter Waves
- Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves
- J Infrastruct Syst
- Journal of Infrastructure Systems
- J Inland Fish
- Journal of Inland Fisheries
- J Inland Fish Soc India
- Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India
- J Innate Immun
- Journal of Innate Immunity
- J Innovation Digital Ecosyst
- Journal of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems
- J Innovation Knowl
- Journal of Innovation and Knowledge
- J Inorg Biochem
- Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
- J Inorg Nucl Chem
- Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry
- J Inorg Organomet Polym
- Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers
- J Inorg Organomet Polym Mater
- Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials
- J Insect Physiol
- Journal of Insect Physiology
- J Insect Sci
- Journal of Insect Science
- J Insects Food Feed
- Journal of Insects as Food and Feed
- J Inst Brew
- Journal of the Institute of Brewing
- J Inst Chem
- Journal of Institute of Chemists (India)
- J Inst Electr Eng
- Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers
- J Inst Electron Radio Eng
- Journal of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
- J Inst Eng (India) Chem Eng Div
- Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) Chemical Engineering Division
- J Inst Eng (India) Metall Mater Eng Div
- Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Division
- J Inst Environ Sci
- Journal of the Institute of Environment Sciences
- J Inst Locomot Eng
- Journal of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers
- J Inst Met
- Journal of the Institute of Metals
- J Inst Pet
- Journal of the Institute of Petroleum
- J Inst Prod Eng
- Journal of the Institution of Production Engineers
- J Inst Water Environ Manage
- Journal of the Institution of Water and Environment Management
- J Instrum
- Journal of Instrumentation
- J Instrum Soc India
- Journal of the Instrument Society of India
- J Int Life Sci Res
- Journal of International Life Sciences Research
- J Int Soc Sports Nutr
- Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
- J Integr Des Process Sci
- Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science
- J Integr Environ Sci
- Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
- J Integr Pest Manage
- Journal of Integrated Pest Management
- J Integr Plant Biol
- Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
- J Intell
- Journal of Intelligence
- J Intell Fuzzy Syst
- Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
- J Intell Mater Syst Struct
- Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
- J Intell Rob Syst
- Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
- J Intell Transp Syst Technol Plann Oper
- Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations
- J Interdiscip Nanomed
- Journal of Interdisciplinary Nanomedicine
- J Interferon Cytokine Res
- Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research
- J Interferon Res
- Journal of Interferon Research
- J Invertebr Pathol
- Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
- J Invest Clin Dent
- Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry
- J Invest Dermatol
- Journal of Investigative Dermatology
- J Invest Med
- Journal of Investigative Medicine
- J Invest Med High Impact Case Rep
- Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports
- J Iowa Acad Sci
- Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science
- J Iran Chem Soc
- Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society
- J Iron Steel Res Int
- Journal of Iron and Steel Research International
- J Irrig Drain Eng
- Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- J Ivoir Oceanol Limnol
- Journal Ivoirien d'Oceanologie et de Limnologie
- J Jpn Bot
- Journal of Japanese Botany
- J Jpn Inst Met
- Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals
- J Jpn Inst Navig
- Journal of the Japan Institute of Navigation
- J Jpn Pet Inst
- Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute
- J Jpn Soc Biosci Biotechnol Agrochem
- Journal Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry
- J Kans Entomol Soc
- Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
- J Kansai Soc Nav Archit Jpn
- Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects Japan
- J Kansas Entomol Soc
- Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
- J Kenya Chem Soc
- Journal of the Kenya Chemical Society
- J King Abdulaziz Univ Mar Sci
- Journal of King Abdulaziz University Marine Sciences
- J King Saud Univ Agric Sci
- Journal of King Saud University, Agricultural Sciences
- J King Saud Univ Eng Sci
- Journal of King Saud University, Engineering Sciences
- J King Saud Univ Sci
- Journal of King Saud University, Science
- J Klin Endokrinolog Stoffwechsel
- Journal für Klinische Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel
- J Korea Inst Appl Supercond Cryog Inst
- Journal of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics
- J Korean Ceram Soc
- Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
- J Korean Chem Soc
- Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
- J Korean Inst Met Mater
- Journal of Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
- J Korean Nat
- Journal of Korean Nature
- J Kulturpflanz
- Journal für Kulturpflanzen
- J Lab Clin Med
- Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
- J Labelled Compd Radiopharm
- Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals
- J Landwirtschaft
- Journal für Landwirtschaft
- J Lang Evol
- Journal of Language Evolution
- J Laser Appl
- Journal of Laser Applications
- J Laser Micro/Nanoeng
- Journal of Laser Micro/nanoengineering
- J Law Biosci
- Journal of Law and the Biosciences
- J Leather Chem Technol
- Journal of Leather and Chemical Technology
- J Leather Sci Eng
- Journal of Leather Science and Engineering
- J Less-Common Met
- Journal of Less-Common Metals
- J Leukocyte Biol
- Journal of Leukocyte Biology
- J Light Met
- Journal of Light Metals
- J Light Visual Environ
- Journal of Light & Visual Environment
- J Lightwave Technol
- Journal of Lightwave Technology
- J Linn Soc London, Bot
- Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany
- J Linn Soc London, Zool
- Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology
- J Lipid Mediators
- Journal of Lipid Mediators
- J Lipid Mediators Cell Signalling
- Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling
- J Lipid Res
- Journal of Lipid Research
- J Lipids
- Journal of Lipids
- J Liposome Res
- Journal of Liposome Research
- J Liq Chromatogr
- Journal of Liquid Chromatography
- J Liq Chromatogr Related Technol
- Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies
- J Logic Comput
- Journal of Logic and Computation
- J London Math Soc
- Journal of the London Mathematical Society
- J Loss Prev Process Ind
- Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
- J Low Freq Noise Vibr Act Control
- Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control
- J Low Power Electron
- Journal of Low Power Electronics
- J Low Temp Phys
- Journal of Low Temperature Physics
- J Lubr Technol
- Journal of Lubrication Technology
- J Lumin
- Journal of Luminescence
- J Macromol Sci Part A Pure Appl Chem
- Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A Pure and Applied Chemistry
- J Macromol Sci Part B Phys
- Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B Physics
- J Macromol Sci, Phys
- Journal of Macromolecular Science - Physics
- J Macromol Sci, Polym Rev
- Journal of Macromolecular Science Polymer Reviews
- J Macromol Sci, Pure Appl Chem
- Journal of Macromolecular Science Pure and Applied Chemistry
- J Macromol Sci, Rev Macromol Chem Phys
- Journal of Macromolecular Science - Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
- J Magn Magn Mater
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- J Magn Reson
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance
- J Magn Reson Imaging
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- J Magn Reson, Ser A
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series A
- J Magn Reson, Ser B
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series B
- J Magnesium Alloys
- Journal of Magnesium and Alloys
- J Malacol Soc Aust
- Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia
- J Mamm
- Journal of Mammal Research
- J Manage Eng
- Journal of Management in Engineering
- J Manuf Processes
- Journal of Manufacturing Processes
- J Manuf Sci Eng
- Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
- J Manuf Syst
- Journal of Manufacturing Systems
- J Maps
- Journal of Maps
- J Mar Biol
- Journal of Marine Biology
- J Mar Biol Ass India
- Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India
- J Mar Biol Ass U K
- Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
- J Mar Biol Assoc U K
- Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK
- J Mar Biotechnol
- Journal of Marine Biotechnology
- J Mar Res
- Journal of Marine Research
- J Mar Sci Appl
- Journal of Marine Science and Application
- J Mar Sci Technol
- Journal of Marine Science and Technology
- J Mar Syst
- Journal of Marine Systems
- J Mass Spectrom
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry
- J Mater Chem
- Journal of Materials Chemistry
- J Mater Chem A
- Journal of Materials Chemistry A
- J Mater Chem B
- Journal of Materials Chemistry B
- J Mater Chem C
- Journal of Materials Chemistry C
- J Mater Civ Eng
- Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
- J Mater Cycles Waste Manage
- Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
- J Mater Educ
- Journal of Materials Education
- J Mater Energy Syst
- Journal of Materials for Energy Systems
- J Mater Eng
- Journal of Materials Engineering
- J Mater Eng Perform
- Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
- J Mater Environ Sci
- Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
- J Mater Process Manuf Sci
- Journal of Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science
- J Mater Process Technol
- Journal of Materials Processing Technology
- J Mater Res
- Journal of Materials Research
- J Mater Res Technol
- Journal of Materials Research and Technology
- J Mater Sci
- Journal of Materials Science
- J Mater Sci - Mater Electron
- Journal of Materials Science - Materials in Electronics
- J Mater Sci - Mater Med
- Journal of Materials Science Materials in Medicine
- J Mater Sci Eng
- Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
- J Mater Sci Lett
- Journal of Materials Science Letters
- J Mater Sci Technol
- Journal of Materials Science and Technology
- J Mater Shaping Technol
- Journal of Materials Shaping Technology
- J Mater Synth Process
- Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing
- J Materiomics
- Journal of Materiomics
- J Math
- Journal of Mathematics
- J Math Chem
- Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
- J Math Fluid Mech
- Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
- J Math Imaging Vision
- Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
- J Math Neurosci
- Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience
- J Math Phys
- Journal of Mathematical Physics
- J Mech Behav Biomed Mater
- Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
- J Mech Des
- Journal of Mechanical Design
- J Mech Eng Sci
- Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
- J Mech Phys Solids
- Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
- J Mech Rob
- Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
- J Mech Sci Technol
- Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
- J Med Case Rep
- Journal of Medical Case Reports
- J Med Chem
- Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
- J Med Devices
- Journal of Medical Devices
- J Med Eng Technol
- Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology
- J Med Entomol
- Journal of Medical Entomology
- J Med Food
- Journal of Medicinal Food
- J Med Genet
- Journal of Medical Genetics
- J Med Hypotheses Ideas
- Journal of Medical Hypotheses & Ideas
- J Med Imaging
- Journal of Medical Imaging
- J Med Internet Res
- Journal of Medical Internet Research
- J Med Microbiol
- Journal of Medical Microbiology
- J Med Nucl Biophys
- Journal de Medecine Nucleaire et Biophysique
- J Med Pharm Chem
- Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- J Med Radiat Sci
- Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences
- J Med Toxicol
- Journal of Medical Toxicology
- J Membr Biol
- Journal of Membrane Biology
- J Membr Comput
- Journal of Membrane Computing
- J Membr Sci
- Journal of Membrane Science
- J Mens
- Journal Mensuel
- J Metall Mater Sci
- Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science
- J Metamorph Geol
- Journal of Metamorphic Geology
- J Metastable Nanocryst Mater
- Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials
- J Meteorol Soc Jpn
- Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
- J Meteorolog Res
- Journal of Meteorological Research
- J Meteorolog Soc Jpn
- Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
- J Mex Chem Soc
- Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society
- J Micro - Nano Mechatron
- Journal of Micro - Nano Mechatronics
- J Micro Nano-Manuf
- Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing
- J Micro/Nanolithog Microfab Microsys
- Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, Microfabrican, and Microsystems
- J Micro/Nanolithogr MEMS MOEMS
- Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS
- J Microbiol Biotechnol
- Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
- J Microbiol Methods
- Journal of Microbiological Methods
- J Microcolumn Sep
- Journal of Microcolumn Separations
- J Microelectromech Syst
- Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
- J Microelectron Electron Packag
- Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging
- J Microencapsulation
- Journal of Microencapsulation
- J Microlith Microfab Microsys
- Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems
- J Micromanuf
- Journal of Micromanufacturing
- J Micromech Microeng
- Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
- J Micropaleontol
- Journal of Micropaleontology
- J Microsc
- Journal of Microscopy
- J Microwave Power
- Journal of Microwave Power
- J Microwave Power Electromagn Energy
- Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy
- J Milk Food Technol
- Journal of Milk and Food Technology
- J Min Mater ProcessInst Jpn
- Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
- J Min Metall Sect A
- Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining
- J Min Metall Sect B
- Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy
- J Min Sci
- Journal of Mining Science
- J Mineral Petrol Sci
- Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences
- J Mines Met Fuels
- Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels
- Journal of MMIJ
- J Mod Opt
- Journal of Modern Optics
- J Mod Power Syst Clean Energy
- Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy
- J Mol Biol
- Journal of Molecular Biology
- J Mol Catal
- Journal of Molecular Catalysis
- J Mol Catal A: Chem
- Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
- J Mol Catal B: Enzym
- Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic
- J Mol Cell Biol
- Journal of Molecular Cell Biology
- J Mol Diagn
- Journal of Molecular Diagnostics
- J Mol Endocrinol
- Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
- J Mol Genet Med
- Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine
- J Mol Graphics
- Journal of Molecular Graphics
- J Mol Graphics Modell
- Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
- J Mol Liq
- Journal of Molecular Liquids
- J Mol Med
- Journal of Molecular Medicine
- J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol
- Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology
- J Mol Model
- Journal of Molecular Modeling
- J Mol Neurosci
- Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
- J Mol Psychiatry
- Journal of Molecular Psychiatry
- J Mol Recognit
- Journal of Molecular Recognition
- J Mol Signaling
- Journal of Molecular Signaling
- J Mol Spectrosc
- Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy
- J Mol Struct
- Journal of Molecular Structure
- J Mol Struct THEOCHEM
- Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM
- J Molluscan Stud
- Journal of Molluscan Studies
- J Morphol
- Journal of Morphology
- J Morphol (1931)
- Journal of Morphology (1931)
- J Multiscale Model
- Journal of Multiscale Modeling
- J Muscle Res Cell Motil
- Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility
- J N Am Benthol Soc
- Journal of the North American Benthological Society
- J N Engl Water Environ Assoc
- Journal of New England Water Environment Association
- J N Engl Water Works Assoc
- Journal of New England Water Works Association
- J Nanjing Inst Meteorol
- Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology
- J Nano Educ
- Journal of Nano Education
- J Nano Energy Power Res
- Journal of Nano Energy and Power Research
- J Nano Res
- Journal of Nano Research
- J Nanobiotechnol
- Journal of Nanbiotechnology
- J Nanoelectron Optoelectron
- Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics
- J Nanoeurosci
- Journal of Nanoeuroscience
- J Nanomater
- Journal of Nanomaterials
- J Nanopart Res
- Journal of Nanoparticle Research
- J Nanophotonics
- Journal of Nanophotonics
- J Nanosci Nanotechnol
- Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- J Nanotechnol
- Journal of Nanotechnology
- J Nat Conserv
- Journal of Nature Conservation
- J Nat Fibers
- Journal of Natural Fibers
- J Nat Gas Chem
- Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry
- J Nat Gas Geosci
- Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience
- J Nat Gas Sci Eng
- Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
- J Nat Hist
- Journal of Natural History
- J Nat Prod
- Journal of Natural Products
- J Nat Prod (Lloydia)
- Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia)
- J Nat Resour
- Journal of Natural Resources
- J Nat Resour Policy Res
- Journal of Natural Resource Policy Research
- J Nat Toxins
- Journal of Natural Toxins
- J Natl Aquat Resour Agency (Sri Lanka)
- Journal of the National Aquatic Resources Agency (Sri Lanka)
- J Natl Sci Found Sri Lanka
- Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka
- J Navig
- Journal of Navigation
- J NC Acad Sci
- Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science
- J Near Infrared Spectrosc
- Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy
- J Negat Results Biomed
- Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine
- J Nepal Chem Soc
- Journal of Nepal Chemical Society
- J Neural Eng
- Journal of Neural Engineering
- J Neural Transm
- Journal of Neural Transmission
- J Neurobiol
- Journal of Neurobiology
- J Neurochem
- Journal of Neurochemistry
- J Neurocytol
- Journal of Neurocytology
- J Neuroendocrinol
- Journal of Neuroendocrinology
- J NeuroEng Rehabil
- Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
- J Neuroimaging
- Journal of Neuroimaging
- J Neuroimmune Pharmacol
- Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology
- J Neurol
- Journal of Neurology
- J Neurol Sci
- Journal of the Neurological Sciences
- J Neuropathol Exp Neurol
- Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
- J Neurosci
- Journal of Neuroscience
- J Neurosci Methods
- Journal of Neuroscience Methods
- J Neurosci Res
- Journal of Neuroscience Research
- J Neutron Res
- Journal of Neutron Research
- J New Mater Electrochem Syst
- Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems
- J Non-Cryst Solids
- Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
- J Nondestr Eval
- Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation
- J Nondestr Eval Diagn Progn Eng Syst
- Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics & Prognostics of Engineering Systems
- J Non-Equilib Thermodyn
- Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
- J Nonlinear Math Phys
- Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
- J Nonlinear Opt Phys Mater
- Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials
- J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech
- Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
- J Northwest Atl Fish Soc
- Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science
- J Northwest Polytech Univ
- Journal of the Northwestern Polytechnical University
- J Nucl Biol Med
- Journal of Nuclear Biology and Medicine
- J Nucl Eng
- Journal of Nuclear Energy
- J Nucl Eng Part A:
- Journal of Nuclear Energy, Part A: Reactor Science
- J Nucl Eng Part B:
- Journal of Nuclear Energy, Part B: Reactor Technology
- J Nucl Eng Part C:
- Journal of Nuclear Energy Part C, Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear Research
- J Nucl Eng Radiat Sci
- Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science
- J Nucl Mater
- Journal of Nuclear Materials
- J Nucl Med
- Journal of Nuclear Medicine
- J Nucl Radiochem Sci
- Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences
- J Nucl Sci Technol
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology
- J Nucleic Acids
- Journal of Nucleic Acids
- J Nutr
- Journal of Nutrition
- J Nutr Biochem
- Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
- J Nutr Environ Med
- Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine
- J Ocean Clim
- Journal of Ocean and Climate
- J Ocean Eng Sci
- Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science
- J Ocean Technol
- Journal of Ocean Technology
- J Ocean Univ China
- Journal of Ocean University of China (English Edition)
- J Ocean Univ Qingdao
- Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
- J Oceanogr
- Journal of Oceanography
- J Oceanogr Huanghai Bohai Seas
- Journal of Oceanography of Huanghai and Bohai Seas
- J Oceanogr Soc Jpn
- Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan
- J Oceanogr Taiwan Strait
- Journal of Oceanography in Taisan Strait
- J Oceanol Soc Korea
- Journal of the Oceanological Society of Korea
- J Offshore Mech Arct Eng
- Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
- J Oleo Sci
- Journal of Oleo Science
- J Open Res Software
- Journal of Open Research Software
- J Oper Manage
- Journal of Operations Management
- J Oper Meteorol
- Journal of Operational Meteorology
- J Opt
- Journal of Optics
- J Opt A: Pure Appl Opt
- Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics
- J Opt B: Quantum Semiclassical Opt
- Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics
- J Opt Commun
- Journal of Optical Communication
- J Opt Commun Networking
- Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
- J Opt Microsyst
- Journal of Optical Microsystems
- J Opt Soc Am A:
- Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision
- J Opt Soc Am B: Opt Phys
- Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics
- J Opt Soc Korea
- Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
- J Optim
- Journal of Optimization
- J Optoelectron Adv Mater
- Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
- J Org Chem
- Journal of Organic Chemistry
- J Organomet Chem
- Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
- J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
- J Packag Technol Res
- Journal of Packaging Technology and Reseach
- J Pain
- Journal of Pain
- J Pain Symptom Manage
- Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
- J Palaeogeogr
- Journal of Palaeogeography
- J Paleolimnol
- Journal of Paleolimnology
- J Paleontol
- Journal of Paleontology
- J Palynol
- Journal of Palynology
- J Parallel Distrib Comput
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
- J Parasitol
- Journal of Parasitology
- J Parasitol Res
- Journal of Parasitology Research
- J Pathog
- Journal of Pathogens
- J Pediatr
- Journal of Pediatrics
- J Pediatr Rehabil Med
- Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
- J Pept Sci
- Journal of Peptide Science
- J Perform Constr Facil
- Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
- J Peridyn Nonlocal Model
- Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling
- J Pet Explor Prod Technol
- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
- J Pet Geol
- Journal of Petroleum Geology
- J Pet Sci Technol
- Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology
- J Petrol
- Journal of Petrology
- J Pharm Anal
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
- J Pharm Biomed Anal
- Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
- J Pharm Chem
- Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry
- J Pharm Health Serv Res
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research
- J Pharm Pharmacol
- Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
- J Pharm Policy Pract
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice
- J Pharm Pract Res
- Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research
- J Pharm Res
- Journal of Pharmacy Research
- J Pharm Sci
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- J Pharm Stat
- Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics
- J Pharm Technol
- Journal of Pharmacy Technology
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther
- Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
- J Pharmacol Methods
- Journal of Pharmacological Methods
- J Pharmacol Sci
- Journal of Pharmacological Sciences
- J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods
- Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods
- J Phase Equilib
- Journal of Phase Equilibrium
- J Phase Equilib Diffus
- Journal of Phase Equilibrium and Diffusion
- J Photochem Photobiol, A
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry
- J Photochem Photobiol, B
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
- J Photochem Photobiol, C
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews
- J Photonics Energy
- Journal of Photonics for Energy
- J Photopolym Sci Technol
- Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology
- J Phycol
- Journal of Phycology
- J Phys
- Journal de Physique
- J Phys A: Gen Phys
- Journal of Physics A: General Physics
- J Phys A: Math Gen
- Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
- J Phys A: Math Nucl Gen
- Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General
- J Phys A: Math Theor
- Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
- J Phys B: At Mol Opt Phys
- Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
- J Phys B: At Mol Phys
- Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics
- J Phys C: Solid State Phys
- Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics
- J Phys Chem
- Journal of Physical Chemistry
- J Phys Chem A
- Journal of Physical Chemistry A
- J Phys Chem B
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B
- J Phys Chem C
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C
- J Phys Chem Lett
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
- J Phys Chem Ref Data
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
- J Phys Chem Solids
- Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
- J Phys Colloid Chem
- Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry
- J Phys Commun
- Journal of Physics Communications
- J Phys Conf Ser
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series
- J Phys D: Appl Phys
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
- J Phys E: Sci Instrum
- Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments
- J Phys Earth
- Journal of Physics of the Earth
- J Phys F: Met Phys
- Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics
- J Phys G: Nucl Part Phys
- Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
- J Phys G: Nucl Phys
- Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics
- J Phys I
- Journal de Physique I
- J Phys II
- Journal de Physique II
- J Phys III
- Journal de Physique III
- J Phys IV
- Journal de Physique IV
- J Phys Oceanogr
- Journal of Physical Oceanography
- J Phys Org Chem
- Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry
- J Phys Radium
- Journal de Physique et le Radium
- J Phys Soc Jpn
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
- J Phys: Complexity
- Journal of Physics: Complexity
- J Phys: Condens Matter
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
- J Phys: Energy
- Journal of Physics: Energy
- J Phys: Mater
- Journal of Physics: Materials
- J Phys: Photonics
- Journal of Physics: Photonics
- J Physiol
- Journal of Physiology
- J Physiol (Lond)
- Journal of Physiology (London)
- J Physiol Anthropol
- Journal of Physiological Anthropology
- J Physiol Biochem
- Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry
- J Physiol Sci
- Journal of Physiological Sciences
- J Physiol-Paris
- Journal of Physiology-Paris
- J Phytopathol
- Journal of Phytopathology
- J Pipeline Syst Eng Pract
- Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice
- J Planar Chromatogr - Mod TLC
- Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC
- J Plankton Res
- Journal of Plankton Research
- J Plant Biochem Biotechnol
- Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- J Plant Dis Prot
- Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection
- J Plant Growth Regul
- Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
- J Plant Interact
- Journal of Plant Interactions
- J Plant Nutr
- Journal of Plant Nutrition
- J Plant Nutr Soil Sci
- Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
- J Plant Physiol
- Journal of Plant Physiology
- J Plant Prot Res
- Journal of Plant Protection Research
- J Plant Res
- Journal of Plant Research
- J Plasma Phys
- Journal of Plasma Physics
- J Plast Film Sheeting
- Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting
- J Polym Eng
- Journal of Polymer Engineering
- J Polym Environ
- Journal of Polymers and the Environment
- J Polym Mater
- Journal of Polymer Materials
- J Polym Res
- Journal of Polymer Research
- J Polym Sci Polym Symp
- Journal of Polymer Science Polymer Symposium
- J Polym Sci, Part A: Polym Chem
- Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry
- J Polym Sci, Part B: Polym Phys
- Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
- J Polym Sci, Part C: Polym Lett
- Journal of Polymer Science Part C: Polymer Letters
- J Porous Mater
- Journal of Porous Materials
- J Porphyrins Phthalocyanines
- Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
- J Power Electron
- Journal of Power Electronics
- J Power Sources
- Journal of Power Sources
- J Prakt Chem
- Journal für Praktische Chemie
- J Pressure Vessel Technol
- Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
- J Probab Stat
- Journal of Probability and Statistics
- J Proc Inst Chem GB Irel
- Journal and Proceedins of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland
- J Proc R Inst Chem
- Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Chemistry
- J Proc R Inst GB Irel
- Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland
- J Process Control
- Journal of Process Control
- J Prof Issues Eng Educ Pract
- Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
- J Propul Power
- Journal of Propulsion and Power
- J Protein Chem
- Journal of Protein Chemistry
- J Proteins Proteomics
- Journal of Proteins and Proteomics
- J Proteome Sci Comput Biol
- Journal of Proteome Science & Computational Biology
- J Proteomics
- Journal of Proteomics
- J Psychedelic Drugs
- Journal of Psychedelic Drugs
- J Psychoact Drugs
- Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
- J Psychopharmacol
- Journal of Psychopharmacology
- J Pulp Pap Sci
- Journal of Pulp and Paper Science
- J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer
- Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
- J Quat Sci
- Journal of Quaternary Science
- J R Aeronaut Soc
- Journal of the Roy Aeronautical Society
- J R Astron Soc Can
- Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
- J R Inst Chem
- Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry
- J R Microsc Soc
- Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society
- J R Microsc Soc, III
- Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society Serie III
- J R Soc Chem Perkin Trans 1
- Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry Perkin Transactions 1
- J R Soc Chem Perkin Trans 2
- Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry Perkin Transactions 2
- J R Soc Interface
- Journal of the Royal Society, Interface
- J R Soc N Z Geol
- Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand Geology
- J R Soc N Z Zool
- Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand Zoology
- J R Stat Soc
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
- J Radars
- Journal of Radars
- J Radiat Res
- Journal of Radiation Research
- J Radiat Res Appl Sci
- Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences
- J Radioanal Nucl Chem
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
- J Radioanal Nucl Chem Art
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Articles
- J Radioanal Nucl Chem Artic
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Articles
- J Radioanal Nucl Chem Lett
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Letters
- J Radiol Prot
- Journal of Radiological Protection
- J Radiother Pract
- Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice
- J Rail Transp Plann Manage
- Journal of Rail Transport Planning and Management
- J Raman Spectrosc
- Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
- J Rapid Methods Autom Microbiol
- Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology
- J Raptor Res
- Journal of Raptor Research
- J Rare Earths
- Journal of Rare Earths
- J Recept Signal Transduction
- Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction
- J Reinf Plast Compos
- Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites
- J Remanuf
- Journal of Remanufacturing
- J Renewable Energy
- Journal of Renewable Energy
- J Renewable Mater
- Journal of Renewable Materials
- J Renewable Sustainable Energy
- Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
- J Reprod Biotechnol Fertil
- Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility
- J Res Nat Bur Stand
- Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards
- J Res Nat Inst Stand Technol
- Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
- J Res Oceanogr
- Journal de Recherche Oceanographique
- J Res US Geol Surv
- Journal of Research of the US Geological Survey
- J Residuals Sci Technol
- Journal of Residuals Science and Technology
- J Resour Energy Dev
- Journal of Resources, Energy and Development
- J Rheol
- Journal of Rheology
- J Risk Uncertainty Eng Syst Part B: Mech Eng
- Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering
- J Rob
- Journal of Robotics
- J Rock Mech Geotech Eng
- Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
- J Rubber Res
- Journal of Rubber Research
- J Russ Laser Res
- Journal of Russian Laser Research
- J S Afr Inst Min Metall
- Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- J Saf Res
- Journal of Safety Research
- J Saf Sci Manage
- Journal of Safety Science and Management
- J Sandwich Struct Mater
- Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials
- J Sci Comput
- Journal of Scientific Computing
- J Sci Conf Proc
- Journal of Scientific Conference Proceedings
- J Sci Educ Technol
- Journal of Science Education and Technology
- J Sci Food Agric
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
- J Sci Hiroshima Univ, B 2
- Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University Series B Division 2 Botany Hiroshima
- J Sci Ind Res
- Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
- J Sci Instrum
- Journal of Scientific Instruments
- J Sci Teach Educ
- Journal of Science Teacher Education
- J Sci: Adv Mater Devices
- Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices
- J Sea Res
- Journal of Sea Research
- J Sediment Petrol
- Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
- J Sediment Res
- Journal of Sedimentary Research
- J Sediment Res, A
- Journal of Sedimentary Research Section A Sedimentary Petrology and Processes
- J Sediment Res, B
- Journal of Sedimentary Research Section B Stratigraphy and Global Studies
- J Seismic Explor
- Journal of Seismic Exploration
- J Seismolog
- Journal of Seismology
- J Semicond
- Journal of Semiconductors
- J Sens
- Journal of Sensors
- J Sens Sens Syst
- Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems
- J Sens Stud
- Journal of Sensory Studies
- J Sep Sci
- Journal of Separation Science
- J Serb Chem Soc
- Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
- J Shellfish Res
- Journal of Shellfish Research
- J Shimonoseki Univ Fish
- Journal of the Shimonoseki University of Fisheries
- J Ship Res
- Journal of Ship Research
- J Sleep Res
- Journal of Sleep Research
- J Small Anim Pract
- Journal of Small Animal Practice
- J Smok Cess
- Journal of Smoking Cessation
- J Soc Alg Chim
- Journal de la Societe Algerienne de Chimie
- J Soc Biol
- Journal de la Societe de Biologie
- J Soc Chem Ind London
- Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London
- J Soc Chim Tunis
- Journal de la Societe Chimique de Tunisie
- J Soc Cosmet Chem
- Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists
- J Soc Dyers Colour
- Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists
- J Soc Glass Technol
- Journal of the Society of Glass Technology
- J Soc Inf Disp
- Journal of the Society for Information Display
- J Soc Leather Technol Chem
- Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists
- J Soc Mech Eng Int J SerA:
- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal Series A: Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering
- J Soc Mech Eng Int J SerB:
- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering
- J Soc Mech Eng Int J SerC:
- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing
- J Soc Nav Archit Jpn
- Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan
- J Soc Ouest Afr Chim
- Journal de la Societe Ouest Africaine de Chimie
- J Soc Radiol Prot
- Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection
- J Soc Underw Technol, Lond
- Journal of the Society for Underwater Technology, London
- J Software: Evol Process
- Journal of Software: Evolution and Process
- J Soil Biol Ecol
- Journal of Soil Biology and Ecology
- J Soil Sci
- Journal of Soil Science
- J Soil Sci Plant Nutr
- Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
- J Soil Water Conserv
- Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- J Soils Sediments
- Journal of Soils and Sediments
- J Sol Energy Eng
- Journal of Solar Energy Engineering
- J Sol Energy Soc India
- Journal of the Solar Energy Society of India
- J Sol-Gel Sci Technol
- Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology
- J Solid State Chem
- Journal of Solid State Chemistry
- J Solid State Electrochem
- Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
- J Solution Chem
- Journal of Solution Chemistry
- J Sound Vib
- Journal of Sound and Vibration
- J South Afr Inst Civ Eng
- Journal of the South African Institute of Civil Engineering
- J South Afr Inst Min Metall
- Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- J South Am Earth Sci
- Journal of South American Earth Sciences
- J South Asian Nat Hist
- Journal of South Asian Natural History
- J Southeast Asian Earth Sci
- Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences
- J Space Weather Space Clim
- Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
- J Spectro
- Journal of Spectroscopy
- J Sport Health Sci
- Journal of Sport and Health Science
- J Sports Anal
- Journal of Sports Analytics
- J Sports Med Phys Fitness
- Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
- J Stat Comput Simul
- Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
- J Stat Mech: Theory Exp
- Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
- J Stat Phys
- Journal of Statistical Physics
- J STEM Educ Res
- Journal for STEM Education Research
- J Steroid Biochem
- Journal of Steroid Biochemistry
- J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol
- Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- J Storage Mater
- Journal of Energy Storage
- J Stored Prod Res
- Journal of Stored Products Research
- J Strain Anal Eng Des
- Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design
- J Struct Biol
- Journal of Structural Biology
- J Struct Chem
- Journal of Structural Chemistry
- J Struct Des
- Journal of Structural Design
- J Struct Eng
- Journal of Structural Engineering
- J Struct Geol
- Journal of Structural Geology
- J Struct Integrity Maint
- Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance
- J Stud Alcohol Drugs
- Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
- J Sulfur Chem
- Journal of Sulfur Chemistry
- J Supercond
- Journal of Superconductivity
- J Supercond Novel Magn
- Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
- J Supercrit Fluids
- Journal of Supercritical Fluids
- J Superhard Mater
- Journal of Superhard Materials
- J Supramolecular Chemistry
- Journal of Supramolecular Chemistry
- J Surf Invest
- Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques
- J Surfactants Deterg
- Journal of Surfactants and Detergents
- J Surv Eng
- Journal of Surveying Engineering
- J Sustainable For
- Journal of Sustainable Forestry
- J Sustainable Min
- Journal of Sustainable Mining
- J Sustainable Prod Des
- Journal of Sustainable Product Design
- J Sustainable Sci Manage
- Journal of Sustainable Science and Management
- J Synchrotron Radiat
- Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
- J Synth Lubr
- Journal of Synthetic Lubrication
- J Synth Org Chem Jpn
- Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
- J Syst Archit
- Journal of Systems Architecture
- J Syst Chem
- Journal of Systems Chemistry
- J Syst Eng
- Journal of Systems Engineering
- J Syst Eng Electron
- Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
- J Syst Evol
- Journal of Systematics Evolution
- J Syst Paleontol
- Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
- J Syst Sci Syst Eng
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering
- J Taiwan Fish Res
- Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research
- J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng
- Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
- J Teach Res Chem
- Journal of Teaching and Research in Chemistry
- J Tenn Acad Sci
- Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science
- J Terramech
- Journal of Terramechanics
- J Test Eval
- Journal of Testing and Evaluation
- J Text Fibrous Mater
- Journal of Textiles and Fibrous Materials
- J Text Inst
- Journal of the Textile Institute
- J Texture Stud
- Journal of Texture Studies
- J Theor Biol
- Journal of Theoretical Biology
- J Theor Comput Chem
- Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry
- J Ther Ultrasound
- Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound
- J Therm Anal
- Journal of Thermal Analysis
- J Therm Anal Calorim
- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
- J Therm Biol
- Journal of Thermal Biology
- J Therm Envelope Build Sci
- Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science
- J Therm Insul
- Journal of Thermal Insulation
- J Therm Insul Build Envelopes
- Journal of Thermal Insulation and Building Envelopes
- J Therm Sci
- Journal of Thermal Science
- J Therm Sci Eng Appl
- Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications
- J Therm Sci Technol
- Journal of Thermal Science and Technology
- J Therm Spray Technol
- Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
- J Therm Stresses
- Journal of Thermal Stresses
- J Thermophys Heat Transfer
- Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer
- J Thermoplast Compos Mater
- Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
- J Tianjin Univ
- Journal of Tianjin University
- J Time Ser Anal
- Journal of Time Series Analysis
- J Tissue Eng Regener Med
- Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- J Tokyo Univ Fish
- Journal of the Tokyo University of Fisheries
- J Topol
- Journal of Topology
- J Torrey Bot Soc
- Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
- J Toxicol
- Journal of Toxicology
- J Toxicol Clin Exp
- Journal de Toxicologie Clinique et Experimentale
- J Toxicol Clin Toxicol
- Journal of Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology
- J Toxicol Cutaneous Ocul Toxicol
- Journal of Toxicology - Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology
- J Toxicol Environ Health
- Journal of Toxicology and Environment Health
- J Toxicol Environ Health Part A
- Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part A: Current Issues
- J Toxicol Environ Health Part B
- Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part B: Critical Reviews
- J Toxicol Med
- Journal de Toxicologie Medicale
- J Toxicol Pathol
- Journal of Toxicologic Pathology
- J Toxicol Toxin Rev
- Journal of Toxicology - Toxin Reviews
- J Trace Elem Exp Med
- Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine
- J Trace Elem Med Biol
- Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
- J Trace Microprobe Tech
- Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques
- J Transp Eng
- Journal of Transportation Engineering
- J Travel Med
- Journal of Travel Medicine
- J Tribol
- Journal of Tribology
- J Trop Ecology
- Journal of Tropical Ecology
- J Trop For Sci
- Journal of Tropical Forest Science
- J Trop Meteorol
- Journal of Tropical Meteorology
- J Trop Microbiol Biotechnol
- Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology
- J Turbomach
- Journal of Turbomachinery
- J Turbul
- Journal of Turbulence
- J Ultrasound
- Journal of Ultrasound
- J Ultrasound Med
- Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
- J Ultrastruct Mol Struct Res
- Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research
- J Ultrastruct Res
- Journal of Ultrastructure Research
- J Uncertainty Anal Appl
- Journal of Uncertainty Analysis and Applications
- J Univ Babylon Eng Sci
- Journal of University of Babylon for Engineering Sciences
- J Univ Babylon Pure Appl Sci
- Journal of University of Babylon for Pure and Applied Sciences
- J Univ Kuwait (Sci)
- Journal of the University of Kuwait (Science)
- J Urban Ecol
- Journal of Urban Ecology
- J Urban Plann Dev
- Journal of Urban Planning and Development
- J Vac Sci Technol, A
- Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A
- J Vac Sci Technol, B
- Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B
- J Vasc Ultrasound
- Journal for Vascular Ultrasound
- J Veg Sci
- Journal of Vegetation Science
- J Venomous Anim Toxins Incl Trop Dis
- Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases
- J Verbraucherschutz Lebensmittelsicherh
- Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
- J Verif Validation Uncertainty Quantif
- Journal of Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification
- J Vertebr Paleontol
- Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
- J Vestibular Res
- Journal of Vestibular Research
- J Vet Diagn Invest
- Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
- J Vet Med
- Journal of Veterinary Medicine
- J Vet Pharmacol Ther
- Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- J Vib Acoust
- Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
- J Vib Control
- Journal of Vibration and Control
- J Vib Eng Technol
- Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies
- J Vinyl Add Tech
- Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology
- J Visual Commun Image Represent
- Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
- J Visualization
- Journal of Visualization
- J Visualized Exp
- Journal of Visualized Experiments Abbreviated
- J VLSI Sig Proc
- Journal of VLSI Signal Processing
- J Volcanol Geotherm Res
- Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
- J Volcanol Seismolog
- Journal of Volcanology and Seismology
- J Wash Acad Sci
- Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
- J Water Chem Technol
- Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology
- J Water Clim
- Journal of Water and Climate
- J Water Clim Change
- Journal of Water and Climate Change
- J Water Health
- Journal of Water and Health
- J Water Pollut Control Fed
- Journal Water Pollution Control Federation
- J Water Process Eng
- Journal of Water Process Engineering
- J Water Resour Plann Manage
- Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
- J Water Resour Prot
- Journal of Water Resource and Protection
- J Water Supply Res Technol AQUA
- Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA
- J Water Wastewater Res
- Journal of Water and Wastewater Resesarch
- J Waterw Port Coast Ocean Eng
- Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering
- J Waterw Port Coastal Ocean Eng
- Journal of Waterway Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
- J West Afr Fish
- Journal of West African Fisheries
- J Wetlands Ecol
- Journal of Wetlands Ecology
- J Wide Bandgap Mater
- Journal of Wide Bandgap Materials
- J Wildl Dis
- Journal of Wildlife Diseases
- J Wildl Manage
- Journal of Wildlife Management
- J Wind Eng Ind Aerodyn
- Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
- J Wine Econ
- Journal of Wine Economics
- J Women Minorities Sci Eng
- Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
- J Wood Chem Technol
- Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology
- J World Aquac Soc
- Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
- J World Aquacult Soc
- Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
- J World Maric Soc
- Journal of the World Mariculture Society
- J Xiamen Fish Coll
- Journal of Xiamen Fisheries College
- J Xiamen Univ Nat Sci
- Journal of Xiamen University Natural Science
- J X-Ray Sci Technol
- Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
- J Zhanjiang Fish Coll
- Journal of Zhanjiang Fisheries College
- J Zhejiang Coll Fish
- Journal of Zhejiang College of Fisheries
- J Zoo Aquarium Res
- Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
- J Zool
- Journal of Zoology
- J Zool Soc India
- Journal of the Zoological Society of India
- J Zool Syst Evol Res
- Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
- J Zool, A
- Journal of Zoology Series A
- Jaarversl Prodsch Vis Visprod Rijswijk
- Jaarverslag Produktschap voor Vis en Visprodukten, Rijswijk
- Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers
- Journal of the American Chemical Society
- Jahrb Dtsch Luftfahrtforsch
- Jahrbuch der Deutschen Luftfahrtforschung
- Jahrb Geol Bundesanst
- Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt
- Jahrb Max Planck Gesell
- Jahrbuch Max Planck Gesellschaft
- Jahrb Oberflachentech
- Jahrbuch Oberflachentechnik
- Jahrb Preuss Geol Landesanst
- Jahrbuch der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt
- Jahrb Vers Lehranst Brau Berlin
- Jahrbuch der Versuchs und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin
- Jahrb Wiss Bot
- Jahrbucher für Wissenschaftliche Botanik
- Jahresber Bayer Landesanst Fisch Starnb
- Jahresbericht Bayerische Landesanstalt fuer Fischerei Starnberg
- Jahresber Biol Anst Helgol
- Jahresbericht Biologische Anstalt Helgoland
- Jahresber Biol Stn Lunz Oesterr Akad Wiss
- Jahresbericht Biologische Station Lunz der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Jahresber Bundesamt Seeschiffahrt Hydrogr
- Jahresbericht Bundesamt fuer Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie
- Jahresber Bundesforschanst Fisch, Hambg
- Jahresbericht Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Fischerei, Hamburg
- Jahresber Dtsch Fischwirtsch
- Jahresbericht ueber die Deutsche Fischwirtschaft
- Jahresber Inst Meereskd Univ Kiel
- Jahresbericht Institut fuer Meereskunde an der Universitaet Kiel
- Jahresber Int Gewaesserschutzkomm Bodensee
- Jahresbericht Internationale Gewaesserschutzkommission fuer den Bodensee
- Jahresber Landesumweltamt Nordhr-Westfal
- Jahresbericht Landesumweltamt Nordhein-Westfalen
- Jahresh Fisch Umwelt Mecklenbg-Vorpommern
- Jahresheft Fisch und Umwelt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Jaina
- Jaina
- Journal of the British Interplanetary Society
- JCP: Biochem Phys
- JCP: Biochemical Physics
- JDR Clin Transl Res
- JDR Clinical & Translational Research
- JETP Lett
- JETP Letters
- JFE J Four Electr
- JFE Journal du Four Electrique
- JFE J Four Electr Ind Electrochim
- JFE Journal du Four Electrique & des Industries Electrochimiques
- JGOFS Report
- JMM Case Rep
- JMM Case Reports
- Job Complet Rep Dep Fish Game (Ida)
- Job Completion Report Department of Fish and Game (Idaho)
- Job Perform Rep Ida Dep Fish Game
- Job Performance Report Idaho Department of Fish and Game
- Job Prog Rep Mont Dep Fish Game
- Job Progress Report Mntana Department of Fish and Game
- Johns Hopkins APL Tech Dig
- Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest
- Johnson Matthey Technol Rev
- Johnson Matthey Technology Review
- JOM Journal of the Minerals Metals and Materials Society
- Jordan J Chem
- Jordan Journal of Chemistry
- JOT, J Oberflaechentech
- JOT Journal für Oberflaechentechnik
- Journ Etud Asp Sci Concern Recifs Artif Maric Suspendue
- Journees d'Etudes sur les Aspects Scientifiques Concernant les Recifs Artificiels et la Mariculture Suspendue
- Journ Etud Pollut Mar
- Journees d'Etudes sur les Pollutions Marines
- Journ Etud Pollut Mar Mediterr
- Journees d'Etudes sur les Pollutions Marines en Mediterranee
- Journ Etud Syst Evol Biogeogr Mediterr
- Journees d'Etudes sur la Systematique Evolutive et la Biogeographie en Mediterranee
- JoVE Chem
- JoVE Chemistry
- JPC J Planar Chromatogr - Mod TLC
- JPC Journal of Planar Chromatography Modern TLC
- JPhys Energy
- JPhys Energy
- JPhys Mater
- JPhys Materials
- JPhys Photonics
- JPhys Photonics
- Jpn J Appl Entomol Zool
- Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology
- Jpn J Appl Phys
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
- Jpn J Appl Phys, Part 1
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1
- Jpn J Appl Phys, Part 2
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2
- Jpn J Cancer Res
- Japanese Journal of Cancer Research
- Jpn J Ecol
- Japanese Journal of Ecology
- Jpn J Forensic Toxicol
- Japanese Journal of Forensic Toxicology
- Jpn J Genet
- Japanese Journal of Genetics
- Jpn J Ichthyol
- Japanese Journal of Ichthyology
- Jpn J Ind Appl Math
- Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Jpn J Limnol
- Japanese Journal of Limnology
- Jpn J Pharmacol
- Japanese Journal of Pharmacology
- Jpn J Phycol
- Japanese Journal of Phycology
- Jpn J Physiol
- Japanese Journal of Physiology
- Jpn J Sanit Zool
- Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology
- Jpn J Toxicol Environ Health
- Japanese Journal of toxicology and Environment health
- Jpn J Vet Res
- Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research
- Jpn Shipbuild Mar Eng
- Japan Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering
- JPT J Pet Technol
- JPT: Journal of Petroleum Technology
- JSME Int J, Ser A
- JSME International Journal Series A: Mechanics and Material Engineering
- JSME Int J, Ser B
- JSME International Journal Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering
- JSME Int J, Ser C
- JSME International Journal Series C: Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing
- Jundishapur J Microbiol
- Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology
- Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut
- Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut
- Kaigai Suisan Sosho
- Kaigai Suisan Sosho
- Karbala Int J Mod Sci
- Karbala International Journal of Modern Science
- Kautsch Gummi Kunstst
- Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe
- Kenya Aquat
- Kenya Aquatica
- Keram Z
- Keramische Zeitschrift
- Kew Bull
- Kew Bulletin
- Key Eng Mater
- Key Engineering Materials
- Key Geophys Rec Doc
- Key to Geophysical Records Documentation
- KEY Indic Sea Fish Ind Auth
- KEY Indicators Sea Fish Industry Authority
- Key Meteorol Rec Doc
- Key to Meteorological Records Documentation
- Key Oceanogr Rec Doc
- Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation
- Khidrobiologiya
- Khidrobiologiya
- Khim Fiz
- Khimicheskaya Fizika
- Khim Tekhnol Vody
- Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Vody
- Kieler Meeresforsch
- Kieler Meeresforschungen
- Kieler Meeresforsch Sonderh
- Kieler Meeresforschungen Sonderheft
- Kinematics Phys Celestial Bodies
- Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies
- Kinet Catal
- Kinetics and Catalysis
- Kinet Katal
- Kinetika i Kataliz
- Kirk-Othmer Encycl Chem Technol
- Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology
- KISR Tech Rep
- KISR Technical Report
- Koedoe: Res J Natl Parks S Afr
- Koedoe : Research Journal for National Parks in the Republic of South Africa
- Kolloid Z
- Kolloid Zeitschrift
- Kolloid Z Z Polym
- Kolloid Zeitschrift & Zeitschrift für Polymere
- Kolloidchem Beih
- Kolloidchemische Beihefte
- Kolloidn Zh
- Kolloidnyi Zhurnal
- Kona Powder Part J
- Kona Powder and Particle Journal
- Koord Khim
- Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry)
- Korean J Chem Eng
- Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
- Korean J Limnol
- Korean Journal of Limnology
- Korean J Mater Res
- Korean Journal of Materials Research
- Korean J Physiol Pharmacol
- Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology
- Korean J Soil Sci Fert
- Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
- Kovove Mater
- Kovove Materialy Metallic Materials
- Krim Forensische Wiss
- Kriminalistik und Forensische Wissenschaft
- Krist Tech
- Kristall und Technik
- KSCE J Civ Eng
- KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
- KSII Trans Internet Inf Syst
- KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
- Kueste
- Kueste
- Kuwait Bull Mar Sci
- Kuwait Bulletin of Marine Science
- La Agric
- Louisiana Agriculture
- La Conserv
- Louisiana Conservationist
- Lab Autom Inf Manage
- Laboratory Automation and Information Management
- Lab Chip
- Lab on a Chip
- Lab Invest
- Laboratory Investigation
- Lab Leafl Dir Fish Res (G B)
- Laboratory Leaflet Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain)
- Lab Rob Autom
- Laboratory Robotics and Automation
- LabCiencia Not Tec Lab
- LabCiencia con Noticias Tecnicas del Laboratorio
- Lake Champlain Basin Study
- Lake Champlain Basin Study
- Lake Erie Fish Assess Unit Rep
- Lake Erie Fisheries Assessment Unit Report
- Lake Nipissing Fish Assess Unit Rep
- Lake Nipissing Fisheries Assessment Unit Report
- Lake Reserv Manage
- Lake and Reservoir Management
- Lake Reservoir Manage
- Lake and Reservoir Management
- Lake Woods - Rainy Lake Fish Assess Unit Rep
- Lake of the Woods - Rainy Lake Fisheries Assessment Unit Report
- Lakes Reservoirs Res Manage
- Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management
- Lammergeyer
- Lammergeyer
- Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol
- Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology
- Lancet Infect Dis
- Lancet Infectious Diseases
- Lancet Neurol
- Lancet Neurology
- Lancet Oncol
- Lancet Oncology
- Land Degrad Dev
- Land Degradation and Development
- Land- Forstwirtsch Fisch 3-45
- Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei Fachserie 3 Reihe 45 Hochsee- und Kuestenfischerei Bodenseefischerei
- Land Place Surv Dep Fish (Thail)
- Landing Place Survey Department of Fisheries (Thailand)
- Land Water Law Rev
- Land and Water Law Review
- Landscape Ecol
- Landscape Ecology
- Landscape Res
- Landscape Research
- Landscape Urban Plann
- Landscape and Urban Planning
- Landscope
- Landscope
- Landwirtsch Zentbl
- Landwirtschaftliches Zentralblatt
- Larus
- Larus
- Laser Chem
- Laser Chemistry
- Laser Part Beams
- Laser and Particle Beams
- Laser Photonics Rev
- Laser & Photonics Reviews
- Laser Phys
- Laser Physics
- Laser Phys Lett
- Laser Physics Letters
- Laser Tech J
- Laser Technik Journal
- Lasers Med Sci
- Lasers in Medical Science
- Lasers Surg Med
- Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
- Lat Am Appl Res
- Latin America Applied Research
- Lat Am J Pharm
- Latin American Journal of Pharmacy
- Latv J Phys Tech Sci
- Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences
- Latv Zinat Akad Vestis, B
- Latvijas Zinatnu Akademijas Vestis Dala B
- Laundry Dry Clean J Can
- Laundry and Dry Cleaning Journal of Canada
- Law Sea Bull
- Law of the Sea Bulletin
- LC-GC The Magazine of Separation Science
- Leadersh Manage Eng
- Leadership and Management in Engineering
- Learn Health Syst
- Learning Health Systems
- Lebensm Wiss Technol
- Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie
- Lebensm-Wiss Technol
- Lebensmittel - Wissenschaft und Technologie
- Lect Notes Biomath
- Lecture Notes in Biomathematics
- Lect Notes Comput Sci
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Lect Notes Earth Sci
- Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences
- Lect Notes Math
- Lecture Notes in Mathematics
- Lect Notes Phys
- Lecture Notes in Physics
- Lect Notes Phys Monogr
- Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs
- Legal Med
- Legal Medicine
- Legume Sci
- Legume Science
- Leisure Sci
- Leisure Science
- Lethaia
- Lethaia
- Lett Appl Microbiol
- Letters in Applied Microbiology
- Lett Drug Des Discovery
- Letters in Drug Design & Discovery
- Lett Math Phys
- Letters in Mathematical Physics
- Lett Org Chem
- Letters in Organic Chemistry
- Lett Pept Sci
- Letters in Peptide Science
- Levantina
- Levantina
- Libros Univ Univ Auton Baja Calif Sur, Didact
- Libros Universitarios Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur Serie Didactica
- Liebigs Ann Chem
- Liebigs Annalen der Chemie
- Liebigs Ann Recl
- Liebigs Annalen - Recueil
- Liet Moksl
- Lietuvos Mokslas
- Life Sci
- Life Sciences
- Life Sci Alliance
- Life Science Alliance
- Life Sci Contrib
- Life Sciences Contributions
- Life Sci Misc Publ
- Life Sciences Miscellaneous Publications
- Life Sci Occas Pap
- Life Sciences Occasional Papers
- Life Sci Space Res
- Life Sciences in Space Research
- Light J
- Lighting Journal
- Light Res Technol
- Lighting Research and Technology
- Light Sci Appl
- Light: Science & Applications
- Lightweight Des
- Lightweight Design
- Lightweight Des Worldwide
- Lightweight Design Worldwide
- Lilloa
- Lilloa
- Limnobios
- Limnobios
- Limnol Aktuell
- Limnologie Aktuell
- Limnol Oceanogr
- Limnology and Oceanography
- Limnol Oceanogr Bull
- Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin
- Limnol Oceanogr Fluids Environ
- Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments
- Limnol Oceanogr Lett
- Limnology and Oceanography Letters
- Limnol Oceanogr Methods
- Limnology and Oceanography: Methods
- Limnologica
- Limnologica
- Linear Algebra Appl
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications
- Ling Inq
- Linguistic Inquiry
- Linn Soc Symp Ser
- Linnean Society Symposium Series
- Lipids
- Lipids
- Lipids Health Dis
- Lipids in Health and Disease
- Liq Cryst
- Liquid Crystals
- Liq Cryst Rev
- Liquid Crystals Reviews
- Liq Cryst Today
- Liquid Crystal Today
- List Fish Vessels NAFO
- List of Fishing Vessels Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
- Litber Wasser, Abwasser, Luft, Boden
- Literaturberichte ueber Wasser, Abwasser, Luft und Boden
- Lith J Phys
- Lithuanian Journal of Physics
- Lithol Min Resour
- Lithology and Mineral Resources
- Lithos
- Lithos
- Living Rev Comput Astrophys
- Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics
- Living Rev Relativ
- Living Reviews in Relativity
- Living Rev Sol Phys
- Living Reviews in Solar Physics
- LMBC Mem Typ Br Mar Plants Anim
- L M B C Memoirs on Typical British Marine Plants and Animals
- Look Lab/Hawaii
- Look Lab/Hawaii
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Astrophys
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Astrophysics
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Condens Matter
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Condensed Matter
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Gen Relativ Quantum Cosmol
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch High Energy Phys Exp
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, High Energy Physics-Experiment
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch High Energy Phys Lattice
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, High Energy Physics-Lattice
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch High Energy Phys Nucl Exp
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Nuclear Experiment
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch High Energy Phys Phenomenol
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, High Energy Physics-Phenomenology
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch High Energy Phys Theory
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, High Energy Physics-Theory
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Nucl Theory
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Nuclear Theory
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Phys
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Physics
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Quant Biol
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Quantitative Biology
- Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Quantum Phys
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Quantum Physics
- Low Temp Phys
- Low Temperature Physics
- LTR Newsl
- LTR Newsletter
- Lubr Eng
- Lubrication Engineering
- Lubr Sci
- Lubrication Science
- LWT Food Sci Technol
- LWT Food Science and Technology
- Maced J Chem Chem Eng
- Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- Mach Learn: Sci Technol
- Machine Learning: Science and Technology
- Macromol Biosci
- Macromolecular Bioscience
- Macromol Chem Phys
- Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
- Macromol Chem Phys Suppl
- Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics Supplement
- Macromol Mater Eng
- Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
- Macromol Rapid Commun
- Macromolecular Rapid Communications
- Macromol React Eng
- Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
- Macromol Res
- Macromolecular Research
- Macromol Symp
- Macromolecular Symposium
- Macromol Theory Simul
- Macromolecular Theory and Simulations
- Maejo Int J Sci Technol
- Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology
- MAF Fish Mar Res Annu Rep
- MAF Fisheries Marine Research Annual Report Wellington
- Mag Concr Res
- Magazine of Concrete Research
- Magn Reson
- Magnetic Resonance
- Magn Reson Chem
- Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
- Magn Reson Imaging
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Magn Reson Mater Phys, Biol Med
- Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine
- Magn Reson Med
- Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
- Magnesium Res
- Magnesium Research
- Magy Kem Foly
- Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat
- Mahasagar : Bull Natl Inst Oceanogr
- Mahasagar : Bulletin of the National Institute of Oceanography
- Main Group Chem
- Main Group Chemistry
- Main Group Met Chem
- Main Group Metal Chemistry
- Makromol Chem
- Makromolekulare Chemie
- Makromol Chem Macromol Symp
- Makromolekulare Chemie, Macromolecular Symposia
- Makromol Chem Rapid Commun
- Makromolekulare Chemie, Rapid Communications
- Makromol Chem Suppl
- Makromolekulare Chemie, Supplement
- Makromol Chem Theory Simul
- Makromolekulare Chemie, Theory and Simulations
- Malacologia
- Malacologia
- Malar J
- Malaria Journal
- Malay Nat J
- Malayan Nature Journal
- Mamm Biol
- Mammalian Biology
- Mamm Biol Z Saugetierkd
- Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Saugetierkunde
- Mammalia
- Mammalia
- Man Univ Univ Auton Baja Calif Sur, Didact
- Manuales Universitarios Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur Ser Didactica
- Manage Data Ser, Parks Wildl Dep (Tex)
- Management data series Parks and Wildlife Department (Texas)
- Manage Sci
- Management Science
- Man-Made Text India
- Man-Made Textiles in India
- Mansoura J Chem
- Mansoura Journal of Chemistry
- Manuf Chem
- Manufacturing Chemist
- Manuf Eng Mater Process
- Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing
- Manuf Rev
- Manufacturing Review
- Manuscr Rep Ser
- Manuscript Report Series
- Map Chart Ser, Geol Soc Am
- Map and chart series Geological Society of America
- MAP Tech Rep Ser
- MAP Technical Reports Series
- Mar Advis Bull, Fla Sea Grant Coll Program
- Marine Advisory Bulletin Florida Sea Grant College Program
- Mar Advis Bull, Univ Alsk Sea Grant Program
- Marine Advisory Bulletin University of Alaska Sea Grant Program
- Mar Annu Rep Minist Mar (Irel)
- Marine Annual Report of the Minister for the Marine (Ireland)
- Mar Biodivers
- Marine Biodiversity
- Mar Biodivers Rec
- Marine Biodiversity Records
- Mar Biol
- Marine Biology
- Mar Biol Res
- Marine Biology Research
- Mar Biotechnol
- Marine Biotechnology
- Mar Bull, R I Univ Sea Grant Program
- Marine Bulletin Rhode Island University Sea Grant Program
- Mar Chem
- Marine Chemistry
- Mar Conserv Dev Rep
- Marine Conservation and Development Report
- Mar Drugs
- Marine Drugs
- Mar Ecol
- Marine Ecology
- Mar Ecol Prog Ser
- Marine Ecology Progress Series
- Mar Eng Rev
- Marine Engineers Review
- Mar Environ Res
- Marine Environmental Research
- Mar Environ Sci
- Marine Environmental Science
- Mar Ext Bull, Ga Sea Grant Coll Program
- Marine Extension Bulletin Georgia Sea Grant College Program
- Mar Fish
- Marine Fisheries
- Mar Fish Inf Serv, Tech Ext Ser
- Marine Fisheries Information Service Technical and Extension Series
- Mar Fish Res
- Marine Fisheries Research
- Mar Fish Rev
- Marine Fisheries Review
- Mar Fish Stat, Dep Fish (Thail)
- Marine Fisheries Statistics Department of Fisheries (Thailand)
- Mar Forecasts
- Marine forecasts
- Mar Freshw Behav Physiol
- Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiolgy
- Mar Freshw Res
- Marine and Freshwater Research
- Mar Freshwater Behav Physiol
- Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology
- Mar Freshwater Res
- Marine and Freshwater Research
- Mar Geod
- Marine Geodesy
- Mar Geol
- Marine Geology
- Mar Geol Quat Geol
- Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology
- Mar Geonomics
- Marine Genomics
- Mar Geophys Res
- Marine Geophysical Research
- Mar Georesour Geotechnol
- Marine Georesources and Geotechnology
- Mar Georesources Geotechnol
- Marine Georesources and Geotechnology
- Mar Geotechnol
- Marine Geotechnology
- Mar Life
- Marine Life
- Mar Mamm Sci
- Marine Mammal Science
- Mar Mammal Sci
- Marine Mammal Science
- Mar Memo Ser, R I Univ Sea Grant Program
- Marine Memorandum Series Rhode Island University Sea Grant Program
- Mar Mesop
- Marina Mesopotamica
- Mar Microb Food Webs
- Marine Microbial Food Webs
- Mar Micropaleontol
- Marine Micropaleontology
- Mar Min
- Marine Mining
- Mar Obs
- Marine Observer
- Mar Ornithol
- Marine Ornithology
- Mar Pesca
- Mar y Pesca
- Mar Pet Geol
- Marine and Petroleum Geology
- Mar Policy
- Marine Policy
- Mar Pollut Bull
- Marine Pollution Bulletin
- Mar Propuls Int
- Marine Propulsion International
- Mar Res
- Marine Research
- Mar Res Indones
- Marine Research in Indonesia
- Mar Res, Dep Agric Fish Scotl
- Marine Research Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland
- Mar Resour Bull
- Marine Resource Bulletin
- Mar Resour Econ
- Marine Resource Economics
- Mar Sci
- Marine Sciences
- Mar Sci Bull
- Marine Science Bulletin
- Mar Sci Ctry Profiles
- Marine Science Country Profiles
- Mar struct
- Marine Structures
- Mar Stud San Pedro Bay
- Marine Studies of San Pedro Bay
- Mar Tech Rep Ser, R I Univ Sea Grant Program
- Marine Technical Report Series Rhode Island University Sea Grant Program
- Mar Technol
- Marine Technology
- Mar Technol Soc J
- Marine Technology Society Journal
- Mar Weather Log
- Mariners' Weather Log
- Mardi Res Bull
- Mardi Research Bulletin
- Marit Policy Manage
- Maritime Policy and Management
- Maritimes
- Maritimes
- Mass Spectrom Rev
- Mass Spectrometry Reviews
- MAST: Marit Anthropol Stud
- MAST: Maritime Anthropolical Studies
- Mater Adv
- Materials Advances
- Mater Aust
- Materials Australia
- Mater Charact
- Materials Characterization
- Mater Chem Front
- Materials Chemistry Frontiers
- Mater Chem Phys
- Materials Chemistry and Physics
- Mater Corros
- Materials and Corrosion
- Mater Des
- Materials and Design
- Mater Des Process Commun
- Material Design & Processing Communications
- Mater Discover
- Materials Discovery
- Mater Eval
- Materials Evaluation
- Mater Forum
- Materials Forum
- Mater High Temp
- Materials at High Temperatures
- Mater Horiz
- Materials Horizons
- Mater Lett
- Materials Letters
- Mater Manuf Processes
- Materials and Manufacturing Processes
- Mater Natl Pearl Res Lab
- Material of the National Pearl Research Laboratory
- Mater Org
- Materials and Organisms
- Mater Perform
- Materials Performance
- Mater Perform Charact
- Materials Performance and Characterization
- Mater Quantum Technol
- Materials for Quantum Technology
- Mater Renewable Sustainable Energy
- Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy
- Mater Res
- Materials Research
- Mater Res Bull
- Materials Research Bulletin
- Mater Res Express
- Materials Research Express
- Mater Res Innovations
- Materials Research Innovations
- Mater Res Soc Symp Proc
- Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
- Mater Sci
- Materials Science
- Mater Sci Energy Technol
- Materials Science for Energy Technologies
- Mater Sci Eng, A
- Materials Science and Engineering A
- Mater Sci Eng, B
- Materials Science and Engineering B
- Mater Sci Eng, C
- Materials Science and Engineering C
- Mater Sci Eng, R
- Materials Science and Engineering Reports
- Mater Sci Forum
- Materials Science Forum
- Mater Sci Res Int
- Materials Science Research International
- Mater Sci Semicond Process
- Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
- Mater Sci Technol
- Materials Science and Technology
- Mater Struct
- Materials and Structures
- Mater Tech
- Materiaux & Techniques
- Mater Technol
- Materials Technology
- Mater Today
- Materials Today
- Mater Today Adv
- Materials Today Advances
- Mater Today Bio
- Materials Today Bio
- Mater Today Chem
- Materials Today Chemistry
- Mater Today Commun
- Materials Today Communications
- Mater Today Energy
- Materials Today Energy
- Mater Today Nano
- Materials Today Nano
- Mater Today Sustainability
- Materials Today Sustainability
- Mater Today: Proc
- Materials Today: Proceedings
- Mater Trans, JIM
- Materials Transactions, JIM
- Mater World
- Materials World
- Materialwiss Werkstofftech
- Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
- Math Biosci
- Mathematical Biosciences
- Math Comput
- Mathematics of Computation
- Math Comput Appl
- Mathematical and Computational Applications
- Math Comput Modell
- Mathematical and Computer Modelling
- Math Comput Modell Dyn Syst
- Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
- Math Comput Simul
- Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
- Math Gaz
- Mathematical Gazette
- Math Geol
- Mathematical Geology
- Math Geosci
- Mathematical Geosciences
- Math- Ind Case Stud
- Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies
- Math Med Biol
- Mathematical Medicine and Biology
- Math Methods Appl Sci
- Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
- Math Model Comput
- Mathematical Modeling and Computation
- Math Modell Nat Phenom
- Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
- Math Modell Theory Appl
- Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications
- Math Models Comput Simul
- Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
- Math Models Methods Appl Sci
- Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
- Math Naturwiss Unterr
- Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht
- Math Phys Anal Geom
- Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry
- Math Popul Stud
- Mathematical Population Studies
- Math Prob Eng
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering
- Math Proc Cambridge Philos Soc
- Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
- Math Program
- Mathematical Programming
- Math Struct Comput Sci
- Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
- Math Teach: Learn Teach PreK-12
- Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK-12
- Math Z
- Mathematische Zeitschrift
- Matrix Biol
- Matrix Biology
- Matter Radiat Extremes
- Matter and Radiation at Extremes
- Mausam
- Mausam
- MBM Met Bull Mon
- MBM Metal Bulletin Monthly
- Meas Control
- Measurement and Control
- Meas Sci Technol
- Measurement Science and Technology
- Meas Tech
- Measurement Techniques
- Meat Sci
- Meat Science
- Mec Ind
- Mecanique & Industries
- Mech Adv Mater Struct
- Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
- Mech Based Des Struct Mach
- Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
- Mech Compos Mater
- Mechanics of Composite Materials
- Mech Compos Mater Struct
- Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures
- Mech Eng
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mech Mach Theory
- Mechanism and Machine Theory
- Mech Mater
- Mechanics of Materials
- Mech Res Commun
- Mechanics Research Communications
- Mech Sci
- Mechanical Sciences
- Mech Soft Mater
- Mechanics of Soft Materials
- Mech Solids
- Mechanics of Solids
- Mech Syst Sig Process
- Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
- Mech Time-Depend Mater
- Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials
- Med Anthropol Q
- Medical Anthropology Quarterly
- Med Biol Eng Comput
- Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
- Med Chem
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Med Chem Res
- Medicinal Chemistry Research
- Med Devices Sens
- Medical Devices & Sensors
- Med Dosim
- Medical Dosimetry
- Med Drug Discovery
- Medicine in Drug Discovery
- Med Educ
- Medical Education
- Med Eng Phys
- Medical Engineering & Physics
- Med Gas Res
- Medical Gas Research
- Med Gen
- Medizinische Genetik
- Med Hypotheses
- Medical Hypotheses
- Med Image Anal
- Medical Image Analysis
- Med Klin
- Medizinische Klinik
- Med Laser Appl
- Medical Laser Application
- Med Microecol
- Medicine in Microecology
- Med Mycol
- Medical Mycology
- Med Novel Technol Devices
- Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices
- Med Phys
- Medical Physics
- Med Plants
- Medicinal Plants
- Med Pr
- Medycyna Pracy
- Med Sci Monit
- Medical Science Monitor
- Med Sci Monit Basic Res
- Medical Science Monitor Basic Research
- Med Sci Sports Exercise
- Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
- Med Sport
- Medizin und Sport
- Med Sport Act Phys (Medispor)
- Medecine du Sport et des Activites Physiques (Medispor)
- Med Vet Entomol
- Medical and Veterinary Entomology
- Medd Dan Fisk Havunders NY Ser
- Meddelelser fra Danmarks Fiskeri-Og Havundersogelser NY Serie
- Medd Groenl: Geosc
- Meddelelser om Groenland: Geoscience
- Medd Havfiskelab Lysekil Hydrogr Avd Goeteb
- Meddelande Fran Havfiskelaboratoriet - Lysekil: Hydrografiska Avdelningen, Goeteborg
- Medd Kom Dan Fisk Havunders, Fisk
- Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri- Og Havunder Soegelser Serie: Fiskeri
- Medd Kom Dan Fisk Havunders, Hydrogr
- Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri- Og Havunder Soegelser Serie: Hydrografi
- Medd Kom Dan Fisk Havunders, Plankton
- Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri- Og Havunder Soegelser Serie: Plankton
- Medd Kom Fisk Havunders, Fisk
- Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Havundersoegelser Serie: Fiskeri
- Medd Kom Fisk Havunders, Hydrogr
- Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Havundersoegelser Serie: Hydrografi
- Medd Kom Fisk Havunders, Plankton
- Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Havundersoegelser Serie: Plankton
- Medd Nor Farm Selsk
- Meddelelser fra Norsk Farmaceutisk Selskap
- Meddelanden
- Meddelanden
- Mediators Inflammation
- Mediators of Inflammation
- Medio Ambiente
- Medio Ambiente
- Mediterr J Nutr Metab
- Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
- Mediterr: Rev Probl Agron Mediterr
- Mediterranea : Revue des Problemes Agronomiques Mediterraneens
- MedSci Law
- Medicine, Science and the Law
- Meereskd Beob Ergeb
- Meereskundliche Beobachtungen und Ergebnisse
- Meereswiss Ber
- Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte
- Meld Nor Landbrukshoegsk
- Meldinger fra Norges Landbrukshoegskole
- Melliand Textilber
- Melliand Textilberichte
- Mem Am Assoc Pet Geol
- Memoir - American Association of Petroleum Geologists
- Mem Asoc Latinoam Acuicult
- Memorias de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Acuicultura
- Mem Biol Mar Oceanogr
- Memorie di Biologia Marina e di Oceanografia
- Mem Entomol Soc Can
- Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada
- Mem Fac Agric Kinki Univ
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University
- Mem Fac Fish, Hokkaido Univ
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University
- Mem Fac Fish, Kagoshima Univ
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University
- Mem Hourglass Cruises
- Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises
- Mem Inst Egypte
- Memoires de l'Institut d'Egypte
- Mem Inst Fr Rech Sci Dev Coop
- Memoires Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation
- Mem Inst Oceanogr (Monaco)
- Memoires de l'Institut Oceanographique (Monaco)
- Mem Ist Ital Idrobiol
- Memorie dell' Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia
- Mem Ist Ital Idrobiol "Dott Marco de Marchi"
- Memorie dell' Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia "Dott Marco de Marchi"
- Mem Lab Geomorphol Ec Prat Ht Etud, Dinard
- Memoires du Laboratoire de Geomorphologie de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Dinard
- Mem Mus Civ Stor Nat Verona
- Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona
- Mem Mus Nat Hist Nat (Fr)
- Memoires du Museum National d'histoire Naturelle (France)
- Mem Mus Nat Hist Nat, Nouv Ser, A
- Memoires du Museum National d'histoire Naturelle Nouvelle Serie Serie A Zoologie
- Mem Natl Inst Polar Res (Jpn), B
- Memoirs National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) Series B Meteorology
- Mem Natl Inst Polar Res (Jpn), C
- Memoirs National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) Series C Earth Sciences
- Mem Natl Inst Polar Res (Jpn), D
- Memoirs National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) Series D Oceanography
- Mem Natl Inst Polar Res (Jpn), E
- Memoirs National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) Series E Biology and Medical Sicence
- Mem Off Pech Marit, Ser Spec
- Memoires de l'Office des Peches Maritimes Serie Speciale
- Mem Proc Chem Soc
- Memoirs and Proceedings, Chemical Society
- Mem Qld Mus
- Memoirs of the Queensland Museum
- Mem R Com Talassogr Ital
- Memoria R Comitato Talassografico Italiano
- Mem Sears Found Mar Res
- Memoir Sears Foundation for Marine Research
- Mem Soc Cienc Nat "La Salle"
- Memorias de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales "La Salle"
- Mem Soc R Sci Liege
- Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege
- Mem Stage, Biol Mar, Cent Noumea, ORSTOM
- Memoires de Stage Biologie Marine Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Mem Stage, Oceanogr Cent Noumea, ORSTOM
- Memoires de Stage Oceanographie Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Mem Univ Nfld Occas Pap Biol
- Memorial University of Newfoundland Occasional Papers in Biology
- Membr Membr Technol
- Membranes and Membrane Technology
- Membr Technol
- Membrane Technology
- Memo Rep, US Nav Res Lab
- Memorandum Report US Naval Research Laboratory
- Mendeleev Commun
- Mendeleev Communications
- Met Finish
- Metal Finishing
- Met Ions Biol Syst
- Metal Ions in Biological Systems
- Met Mater
- Metals and Materials
- Met Mater Int
- Metals and Materials International
- Met Powder Rep
- Metal Powder Report
- Met Sci Heat Treat
- Metal Science and Heat Treatment
- Metab Clin Exp
- Metabolism Clinical and Experimental
- Metab Eng
- Metabolic Engineering
- Metab Eng Commun
- Metabolic Engineering Communications
- Metab Nutr Oncol
- Metabolism and Nutrition in Oncology
- Metall Mater Trans A
- Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
- Metall Mater Trans B
- Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science
- Metall Res Technol
- Metallurgical Research & Technology
- Metall Trans A
- Metallurgical Transactions A
- Metall Trans B
- Metallurgical Transactions B
- Metallges Period Rev
- Metallgesellschaft Periodic Review
- Metalloved Term Obrab Met
- Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov
- Met-Based Drugs
- Metal-Based Drugs
- METEOR-Berichte
- Meteorit Planet Sci
- Meteoritics & Planetary Science
- Meteorol Appl
- Meteorological Applications
- Meteorol Atmos Phys
- Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
- Meteorol Gidrol
- Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya
- Meteorol Mag
- Meteorological Magazine
- Meteorol Obs Chalkidiki Greece
- Meteorological Observations of Chalkidiki - Greece
- Meteorol Obs Greater Thessalon
- Meteorological Observations of Greater Thessaloniki
- Meteorol Z
- Meteorologische Zeitschrift
- Meteorologie, 8
- Meteorologie 8e Serie
- Meterol Pap Mass Inst Technol
- Meteorological Papers Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Method Appl Fluoresc
- Methods and Applications in Fluorescence
- Methodol Innovations
- Methodological Innovations
- Methods Biochem Anal
- Methods of Biochemical Analysis
- Methods Ecol Evol
- Methods in Ecology and Evolution
- Methods Enzymol
- Methods in Enzymology
- Methods Geochem Geophys
- Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics
- Methods Mol Biol
- Methods in Molecular Biology
- Met-mar
- Met-mar
- Meyniana
- Meyniana
- Mich Acad
- Michigan Academician
- Microb Biotechnol
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Microb Cell Fact
- Microbial Cell Factories
- Microb Comp Genomics
- Microbial and Comparative Genomics
- Microb Ecol
- Microbial Ecology
- Microb Genomics
- Microbial Genomics
- Microb Inf Exp
- Microbial Informatics and Experimentation
- Microbiol Aust
- Microbiology Australia
- Microbiol Immunol
- Microbiology and Immunology
- Microbiol Mol Biol Rev
- Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
- Microbiol Res
- Microbiological Research
- Microbiol Rev
- Microbiological Reviews
- Microbiology
- Microbiology
- Microbios
- Microbios
- Microchem J
- Microchemical Journal
- Microchim Acta
- Microchimica Acta
- Microelectron Eng
- Microelectronic Engineering
- Microelectron J
- Microelectronics Journal
- Microelectron Reliab
- Microelectronics Reliability
- Microentomol Contrib Entomol Nat Hist Mus Stanf Univ
- Microentomology Contributions to entomology from the Natural History Museum of Stanford University
- Microfauna Mar
- Microfauna Marina
- Microfluid Nanofluid
- Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
- Microgram J
- Microgram Journal
- Microgravity Sci Technol
- Microgravity Science and Technology
- Micronesica
- Micronesica
- Micropaleontology
- Micropaleontology
- Microporous Mater
- Microporous Materials
- Microporous Mesoporous Mater
- Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
- Microprocess Microsyst
- Microprocessors and Microsystems
- Microsc Anal
- Microscopy and Analysis
- Microsc Microanal
- Microscopy and Microanalysis
- Microsc Res Tech
- Microscopy Research and Technique
- Microscale Thermophys Eng
- Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
- Microsyst Nanoeng
- Microsystems & Nanoengineering
- Microsyst Technol
- Microsystem Technologies
- Microvasc Res
- Microvascular Research
- Microwave Opt Technol Lett
- Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Mikrobiol Zh
- Mikrobiologichnij Zhurnal
- Mikrochim Acta
- Mikrochimica Acta
- Mil Med Res
- Military Medical Research
- Min Eng
- Mining Engineering
- Min J
- Mining Journal
- Min Mag
- Mining Magazine
- Min Metall Explor
- Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration
- Min Sci Press
- Mining and Scientific Press
- Mine Water Environ
- Mine Water and the Environment
- Miner Deposita
- Mineralium Deposita
- Miner Eng
- Minerals Engineering
- Miner Metall Process
- Minerals and Metallurgical Processing
- Miner Process Extr Metall Rev
- Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
- Mineral Mag
- Mineralogical Magazine
- Mineral Petrol
- Mineralogy and Petrology
- Mineral Rec
- Mineralogical Record
- Mini Rev Data File Fish Res, Fish Res Lab, Kagoshima Univ
- Mini Review and Data File of Fishries Research Fisheries Research Laboratory, Kagoshima University
- Mini Rev Med Chem
- Mini - Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
- Mire Peat
- Mires and Peat
- Misc Pap, U S Army Coast Eng Res Cent
- Miscellaneous Paper US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center
- Misc Pap, U S Army Eng Eng Waterw Exp Stn
- Miscellaneous Paper US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
- Misc Pap, U S Nav Surf Weapons Cent
- Miscellaneous Paper US Naval Surface Weapons Center
- Misc Publ, Mus Zool, Univ Mich
- Miscellaneous Publications Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan
- Misc Rep Ser, U S Environ Prot Agency
- Miscellaneous Reports Series US Environmental Protection Agency
- Misc Rep, Maine Agric Exp Stn
- Miscellaneous Report Maine Agriculture Experiment Station
- Misc Rep, U S Army Coast Eng Res Cent
- Miscellaneous Report US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center
- Misc Ser, N Z Oceanogr Inst
- Miscellaneous Series New Zealand Oceanographic Institute
- Misc Ser, Westinghouse Savannah River Co
- Miscellaneous Series Westinghouse Savannah River Co
- Misc Zool
- Miscellania Zoologica
- Miscellanea
- Miscellanea
- Mitigation Adapt Strategies Global Change
- Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
- Mitt Fisch
- Mitteilungen zur Fischerei
- Mitt Franzius-Inst Wasserbau Kuesteningenieurwesen Univ Hann
- Mitteilungen des Franzius-Institut fuer Wasserbau Kuesteningenieurwesen der Universitaet Hannover
- Mitt Gesell Dtscher Chem Fachgruppe Gesch Chem
- Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker - Fachgruppe Geschichte der Chemie
- Mitt Inst Wasserwirtsch
- Mitteilungen des Institutes fuer Wasserwirtschaft
- Mitt Int Ver Theor Angew Limnol
- Mitteilungen Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie
- Mitt Landesforschungsanstalt Landwirtsch Fisch Mecklengb - Vorpommern
- Mitteilungen der Landesforschungsanstalt fuer Landwirtschaft und Fischerei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Mitt Natforsch Ges Beider Basel
- Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel
- Mitt Niedersaechs Landesamt Wasser Abfall
- Mitteilungen aus dem Niedersaechsischen Landesamt fuer Wasser und Abfall
- Mitt Schweiz Entomol Ges
- Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft
- Mitt Zool Mus Berlin
- Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
- Mitt Zool Mus Inst
- Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum und Institut
- Mitteilungsbl - Chem Ges D D R
- Mitteilungsblatt - Chemische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Mobile DNA
- Mobile DNA
- Mod Pathol
- Modern Pathology
- Mod Drug Discovery
- Modern Drug Discovery
- Mod Electron Mater
- Modern Electronic Materials
- Mod Geol
- Modern Geology
- Mod Phys Lett A
- Modern Physics Letters A
- Mod Phys Lett B
- Modern Physics Letters B
- Mod Power Syst
- Modern Power Systems
- Model Assisted Stat Appl
- Model Assisted Statistics and Applications
- Modell Meas Control C
- Modelling Measurement & Control C
- Modell Simul Eng
- Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
- Modell Simul Mater Sci Eng
- Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
- Mol Aspects Med
- Molecular Aspects of Medicine
- Mol Astrophys
- Molecular Astrophysics
- Mol Biochem Parasitol
- Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
- Mol Biol Cell
- Molecular Biology of the Cell
- Mol Biol Evol
- Molecular Biology and Evolution
- Mol Biol Rep
- Molecular Biology Reports
- Mol Biosyst
- Molecular Biosystems
- Mol Brain Res
- Molecular Brain Research
- Mol Breed
- Molecular Breeding
- Mol Carcinog
- Molecular Carcinogenesis
- Mol Cell Biochem
- Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
- Mol Cell Biol
- Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Mol Cell Biomech
- Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics
- Mol Cell Endocrinol
- Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
- Mol Cell Neurosci
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Mol Cell Pharm
- Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
- Mol Cell Probes
- Molecular and Cellular Probes
- Mol Cell Ther
- Molecular and Cellular Therapies
- Mol Cryst Liq Cryst
- Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals
- Mol Cryst Liq Cryst Sci Technol, Sect A
- Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A
- Mol Cryst Liq Cryst Sci Technol, Sect C
- Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section C
- Mol Cytogenet
- Molecular Cytogenetics
- Mol Diversity
- Molecular Diversity
- Mol Ecol
- Molecular Ecology
- Mol Ecol Resour
- Molecular Ecology Resources
- Mol Genet Genomic Med
- Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine
- Mol Genet Metab
- Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
- Mol Genet Metab Rep
- Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports
- Mol Imag
- Molecular Imaging
- Mol Imag Biol
- Molecular Imaging & Biology
- Mol Inf
- Molecular Informatics
- Mol Interventions
- Molecular Interventions
- Mol Mar Biol Biotech
- Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology
- Mol Med Rep
- Molecular Medicine Reports
- Mol Membr Biol
- Molecular Membrane Biology
- Mol Microbiol
- Molecular Microbiology
- Mol Neurobiol
- Molecular Neurobiology
- Mol Neurodegener
- Molecular Neurodegeneration
- Mol Nutr Food Res
- Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
- Mol Oncol
- Molecular Oncology
- Mol Pharmaceutics
- Molecular Pharmaceutics
- Mol Pharmacol
- Molecular Pharmacology
- Mol Phylogenet Evol
- Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
- Mol Phys
- Molecular Physics
- Mol Plant Pathol
- Molecular Plant Pathology
- Mol Plant-Microbe Interact
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
- Mol Psychiatry
- Molecular Psychiatry
- Mol Reprod Dev
- Molecular Reproduction and Development
- Mol Simul
- Molecular Simulation
- Mol Supramol Photochem
- Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry
- Mol Syst Biol
- Molecular Systems Biology
- Mol Syst Des Eng
- Molecular Systems Design and Engineering
- Mol Ther
- Molecular Therapy
- Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev
- Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development
- Mol Ther Nucleic Acids
- Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids
- Mol Ther Oncolytics
- Molecular Therapy - Oncolytics
- Mol Vision
- Molecular Vision
- Mon Not R Astron Soc
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Mon Not R Astron Soc Lett
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters
- Mon Return Sea Fish Stat: Engl Wales, Minist Agric Fish Food (GB)
- Monthly Return of Sea Fisheries Statistics: England and Wales Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (Great Britain)
- Mon Weather Rev
- Monthly Weather Review
- Monatsh Chem
- Monatshefte für Chemie
- Monatsschr Brauwiss
- Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft
- Monogr Biol
- Monographiae Biologicae
- Monogr Bot
- Monographiae Botanicae
- Monogr Mar Mollusca
- Monographs of Marine Mollusca
- Monogr Ser, Aust Inst Mar Sci
- Monograph Series Australian Institute of Marine Science
- Monogr, Inst Esp Oceanogr
- Monografias Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia
- Monogr, Inst Zool "Dr Augusto Nobre"
- Monografias Instituto de Zoologia "Dr Augusto Nobre"
- Morsk Gidrofiz Zh
- Morskoj Gidrofizicheskij Zhurnal
- Moscow Univ Chem Bull
- Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin
- Moscow Univ Geol Bull
- Moscow University Geology Bulletin
- Moscow Univ Mech Bull
- Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin
- Moscow Univ Phys Bull
- Moscow University Physics Bulletin
- Motor Ship
- Motor Ship
- Mov Ecol
- Movement Ecology
- MRS Adv
- MRS Advances
- MRS Bull
- MRS Bulletin
- MRS Commun
- MRS Communications
- MRS Energy & Sustainability
- MRS Energy & Sustainability
- MRS Internet J Nitride Semicond Res
- MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research
- Marine Science Contents Tables
- Mt Geol
- Mountain Geologist
- Mt Res Dev
- Mountain Research and Development
- Muench Beitr Abwasser Fisch Flussbiol
- Muenchener Beitraege zur Abwasser-, Fischerei- und Flussbiologie
- Mull Abfall
- Mull und Abfall
- Multiagent Grid Syst
- Multiagent and Grid Systems
- Multibody SysDyn
- Multibody System Dynamics
- Multidimension Syst Signal Process
- Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
- Multifunct Mater
- Multifunctional Materials
- Multiscale Model Simul
- Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
- Multiscale Sci Eng
- Multiscale Science and Engineering
- Music Sci
- Music & Science
- Mutat Res
- Mutation Research
- Mutat Res DNAging: Genet Instab Aging
- Mutation Research, DNAging: Genetic Instability and Aging
- Mutat Res Mutat Res Genomics
- Mutation Research, Mutation Research Genomics
- Mutat Res DNA Repair
- Mutation Research, DNA Repair
- Mutat Res DNA Repair Rep
- Mutation Research, DNA Repair Reports
- Mutat Res Environ Mutagen Relat Subj
- Mutation Research, Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects
- Mutat Res Fundam Mol Mech Mutagen
- Mutation Research, Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
- Mutat Res Genet Toxicol
- Mutation Research, Genetic Toxicology
- Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen
- Mutation Research, Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
- Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Test
- Mutation Research, Genetic Toxicology Testing
- Mutat Res Lett
- Mutation Research Letters
- Mutat Res Rev Genet Toxicol
- Mutation Research, Reviews in Genetic Toxicology
- Mutat Res Rev Mutat Res
- Mutation Research, Reviews in Mutation Research
- Mycol Res
- Mycological Research
- Mycologia
- Mycologia
- Mycotoxin Res
- Mycotoxin Research
- Mysore J Agric Sci
- Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences
- N Engl J Med
- New England Journal of Medicine
- N Y Fish Game J
- New York Fish and Game Journal
- N Z Entomol
- New Zealand Entomologist
- N Z Fish Data Rep
- New Zealand Fisheries Data Report
- N Z Fish Occas Publ
- New Zealand Fisheries Occasional Publication
- N Z Fish Res Bull
- New Zealand Fisheries Research Bulletin
- N Z Fish Tech Rep
- New Zealand Fisheries Technical Report
- N Z Geogr
- New Zealand Geographer
- N Z J Mar Freshwater Res
- New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
- N Z J Agric Res
- New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
- N Z J Bot
- New Zealand Journal of Botany
- N Z J Botan
- New Zealand Journal of Botany
- N Z J Crop Hortic Sci
- New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science
- N Z J Ecol
- New Zealand Journal of Ecology
- N Z J For Sci
- New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science
- N Z J Geogr
- New Zealand Journal of Geography
- N Z J Geol Geophys
- New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics
- N Z J Mar Freshw Res
- New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
- N Z J Zool
- New Zealand Journal of Zoology
- N Z Sci Abstr
- New Zealand Science Abstracts
- NACA Technol Ser
- NACA Technology Series
- NACA World Food Day Publ
- NACA World Food Day Publications
- NACC Nova Acta Cient Compostel, Biol
- NACC Nova Acta Cientifica Compostelana Bioloxia
- Nachr Chem
- Nachrichten aus der Chemie
- Nachr Chem Tech Lab
- Nachrichten aus Chemie Technik und Laboratorium
- Nachrichtenbl Dtsch Pflanzenschutzdienst
- Nachtrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes
- NACTA Journal
- NAFO Handb
- NAFO Handbook
- Naga
- Naga
- Nagoya Math J
- Nagoya Mathematical Journal
- Naika
- Naika
- Nanhai Stud Mar Sin
- Nanhai Studia Marina Sinica
- Nano Commun Networks
- Nano Communication Networks
- Nano Convergence
- Nano Convergence
- Nano Energy
- Nano Energy
- Nano Express
- Nano Express
- Nano Futures
- Nano Futures
- Nano Lett
- Nano Letters
- Nano Mater Sci
- Nano Materials Science
- Nano Res
- Nano Research
- Nano Today
- Nano Today
- Nanomater Energy
- Nanomaterials and Energy
- Nanomater Nanotechnol
- Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- Nanomed Nanotechnol Biol Med
- Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine
- Nanoscale Adv
- Nanoscale Advances
- Nanoscale Horiz
- Nanoscale Horizons
- Nanoscale Microscale Thermophys Eng
- Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
- Nanoscale Res Lett
- Nanoscale Research Letters
- Nanoscale Syst: Math Model Theory Appl
- Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications
- Nanosci Nanotechnol Lett
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnolog Letters
- Nanostruct Mater
- Nanostructured Materials
- Nanotechnol Precis Eng
- Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering
- Nanotechnol Russ
- Nanotechnologies in Russia
- NAR Genomics Bioinf
- NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics
- NASA Contract Rep
- NASA Contract Rep
- NASA Tech Memo
- NASA Technical Memorandum
- NASA Tech Pap
- NASA Technical Paper
- Nat Aging
- Nature Aging
- Nat Astron
- Nature Astronomy
- Nat Biomed Eng
- Nature Biomedical Engineering
- Nat Biotechnol
- Nature Biotechnology
- Nat Can
- Naturaliste Canadien
- Nat Cancer
- Nature Cancer
- Nat Catal
- Nature Catalysis
- Nat Cell Biol
- Nature Cell Biology
- Nat Chem
- Nature Chemistry
- Nat Chem Biol
- Nature Chemical Biology
- Nat Clim Change
- Nature Climate Change
- Nat Commun
- Nature Communications
- Nat Comput Sci
- Nature Computational Science
- Nat Croat
- Natura Croatica
- Nat Devon
- Nature in Devon
- Nat Ecol Evol
- Nature Ecology & Evolution
- Nat Electron
- Nature Electronics
- Nat Energy
- Nature Energy
- Nat Environ Pollut Technol
- Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology
- Nat Food
- Nature Food
- Nat Gas Electr
- Natural Gas & Electricity
- Nat Gas Ind B
- Natural Gas Industry B
- Nat Genet
- Nature Genetics
- Nat Geosci
- Nature Geoscience
- Nat Hazard Rev
- Natural Hazards Review
- Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
- Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci Discuss
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions
- Nat Hisp
- Naturalia Hispanica
- Nat Hist
- Natural History
- Nat Hum Behav
- Nature Human Behaviour
- Nat Immunol
- Nature Immunology
- Nat Jutl
- Natura Jutlandica
- Nat Landsch
- Natuur und Landschaft
- Nat Lang Eng
- Natural Language Engineering
- Nat Mach Intell
- Nature Machine Intelligence
- Nat Mater
- Nature Materials
- Nat Med
- Nature Medicine
- Nat Metab
- Nature Metabolism
- Nat Methods
- Nature Methods
- Nat Microbiol
- Nature Microbiology
- Nat Mus
- Natur und Museum
- Nat Nanotechnol
- Nature Nanotechnology
- Nat Neurosci
- Nature Neuroscience
- Nat Patagon Cienc Biol
- Naturalia Patagonica Ciencias Biologicas
- Nat Patagon Cienc Tierra
- Naturalia Patagonica Ciencias de la Tierra
- Nat Patagon Rep Tec
- Naturalia Patagonica Reportes Tecnicos
- Nat Photonics
- Nature Photonics
- Nat Phys
- Nature Physics
- Nat Plants
- Nature Plants
- Nat Prod Commun
- Natural Product Communications
- Nat Prod Lett
- Natural Products Letters
- Nat Prod Rep
- Natural Product Reports
- Nat Prod Res
- Natural Product Research
- Nat Prod Res Part B
- Natural Product Research Part B: Bioactive Natural Products
- Nat Prod Res, Part A
- Natural Product Research Part A: Structure and Synthesis
- Nat Prod Sci
- Natural Product Sciences
- Nat Protoc
- Nature Protocols
- Nat Resour
- Nature and Resources
- Nat Resour Environ
- Natural Resources and Environment
- Nat Resour Forum
- Natural Resources Forum
- Nat Resour J
- Natural Resources Journal
- Nat Resour Model
- Natural Resource Modeling
- Nat Resour Res
- Natural Resources Research
- Nat Rev Cancer
- Nature Reviews Cancer
- Nat Rev Cardiol
- Nature Reviews Cardiology
- Nat Rev Chem
- Nature Reviews Chemistry
- Nat Rev Clin Oncol
- Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology
- Nat Rev Dis Primers
- Nature Reviews Disease Primers
- Nat Rev Drug Discovery
- Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
- Nat Rev Earth Environ
- Nature Reviews Earth and Environment
- Nat Rev Endocrinol
- Nature Reviews Endrocrinology
- Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol
- Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- Nat Rev Genet
- Nature Reviews Genetics
- Nat Rev Immunol
- Nature Reviews Immunology
- Nat Rev Mater
- Nature Reviews Materials
- Nat Rev Methods Primers
- Nature Reviews Methods Primers
- Nat Rev Microbiol
- Nature Reviews Microbiology
- Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol
- Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
- Nat Rev Nephrol
- Nature Reviews Nephrology
- Nat Rev Neurol
- Nature Reviews Neurology
- Nat Rev Neurosci
- Nature Reviews Neuroscience
- Nat Rev Phys
- Nature Reviews Physics
- Nat Rev Rheumatol
- Nature Reviews Rheumatology
- Nat Rev Urol
- Nature Reviews Urology
- Nat Rubber Res
- Natural Rubber Research
- Nat Sci J
- Natural Science Journal
- Nat Sci Soc
- Natures Sciences Societes
- Nat Struct Biol
- Nature Structural Biology
- Nat Struct Mol Biol
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
- Nat Sustainability
- Nature Sustainability
- Nat Toxins
- Natural Toxins
- Nat Wales, New Ser
- Nature in Wales New Series
- Natal Mus J Human
- Natal Museum Journal of Humanities
- Natl Geogr Mag
- The National Geographic Magazine
- Natl Sci Rev
- National Science Review
- NATO Adv Sci Inst, A
- NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series A Life Sciences
- NATO Adv Sci Inst, C
- NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series C Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- NATO Adv Sci Inst, E
- NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series E Applied Sciences
- NATO Adv Sci Inst, G
- NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series G Ecological Sciences
- NATO Adv Sci Inst, I
- NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series I Global Environmental Change
- NATO ASI Ser, Ser A
- NATO ASI Series, Series A: Life Sciences
- NATO ASI Ser, Ser B
- NATO ASI Series, Series B: Physics
- NATO ASI Ser, Ser C
- NATO ASI Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- NATO ASI Ser, Ser E
- NATO ASI Series, Series E: Applied Physics
- NATO ASI Ser, Ser G
- NATO ASI Series, Series G: Ecological Sciences
- NATO ASI Ser, Ser H
- NATO ASI Series, Series H: Cell Biology
- NATO ASI Ser, Ser I
- NATO ASI Series, Series I: Global Environmental Change
- NATO Conf Ser, 1
- NATO Conference Series 1 Ecology
- NATO Conf Ser, 4
- NATO Conference Series 4 Marine Sciences
- Natura (Caracas)
- Natura (Caracas)
- Naturalia
- Naturalia
- Naturalist
- Naturalist
- Nature
- Nature
- Naturopa
- Naturopa
- Naturschutz Landschaftsplan
- Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung
- Naturwiss Rundschau
- Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
- Naturwiss Unterr Chem
- Naturwissenschaft im Unterricht Chemie
- Naturwiss Unterr Phys
- Naturwissenschaft im Unterricht Physik
- Naturwiss Wochenschr
- Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift
- Naturwissenschaften
- Naturwissenschaften
- Natuurwet Tijdschr
- Natuurwetenschappelijk Tijdschrift
- Natwiss Rundsch Stuttg
- Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau Stuttgart
- Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Exp Pathol Pharmacol
- Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmacologie
- Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol
- Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology
- Nautilus
- Nautilus
- Nav Archit
- Naval Architect
- Nav Eng J
- Naval Engineers Journal
- Nav Res Logist
- Naval Research Logistics
- Navig China
- Navigation of China
- Navigation (Paris)
- Navigation (Paris)
- Navigation (Wash)
- Navigation (Washington)
- NCSLI Meas
- NCSLI Measure
- NDT and E Int
- NDT and E International
- NDT Int
- NDT International
- Near Surf Geophys
- Near Surface Geophysics
- NEC J Adv Technol
- NEC Journal of Advanced Technology
- NEC Tech J
- NEC Technical Journal
- Ned Rijksmus
- Nederlandse Rijksmusea
- Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd
- Nederlandse Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
- Ned Tijdschr Hyg, Microbiol Serol
- Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Hygiene, Microbiologie en Serologie
- Ned Tijdschr Natuurkd
- Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde
- Neft Khoz
- Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo (Petroleum Industry)
- Neorg Mater
- Neorganicheskie Materialy
- Neotrop Biol Conserv
- Neotropical Biology & Conservation
- Neotropica
- Neotropica
- Neritica
- Neritica
- Neth J Aquat Ecol
- Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology
- Neth J Geosci
- Netherlands Journal of Geosciences
- Neth J Sea Res
- Netherlands Journal of Sea Research
- Neth J Zool
- Netherlands Journal of Zoology
- Network Neurosci
- Network Neuroscience
- Network Sci
- Network Science
- Neues Jahrb Geol Palaeontol, Abh
- Neues Jahrbuch fuer Geologie und Palaeontologie Abhandlungen
- Neues Jahrb Mineral Abh
- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Abhandlungen
- Neues Jahrb Mineral Geol Palaeontol Abh Abt A
- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Abhandlungen Abteiling A: Mineralogie, Petrographie
- Neues Jahrb Mineral Geol Palaeontol Abh Abt B
- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Abhandlungen Abteiling B: Geologie, Palaeontologie
- Neues Jahrb Mineral Geol Palaeontol Ref
- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Referate
- Neues Jahrb Mineral Monatsh
- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte
- Neural Comput
- Neural Computation
- Neural Plast
- Neural Plasticity
- Neural Regener Res
- Neural Regeneration Research
- Neurobiol Aging
- Neurobiology of Aging
- Neurobiol Lang
- Neurobiology of Language
- Neurobiol Stress
- Neurobiology of Stress
- Neurochem Int
- Neurochemistry International
- Neurochem Res
- Neurochemical Research
- Neurol Res Int
- Neurology Research International
- Neuronal Signaling
- Neuronal Signaling
- Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol
- Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology
- Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat
- Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment
- Neurosci Biobehav Rev
- Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
- Neurosci J
- Neuroscience Journal
- Neurosci Lett
- Neuroscience Letters
- Neurosci Res
- Neuroscience Research
- Neuroscience
- Neuroscience
- Neurotoxic Res
- Neurotoxicity Research
- Neurotoxicol Teratol
- Neurotoxicology and Teratology
- New Astron
- New Astronomy
- New Astron Rev
- New Astronomy Reviews
- New Biotechnol
- New Biotechnology
- New Carbon Mater
- New Carbon Materials
- New Compr Biochem
- New Comprehensive Biochemistry
- New Diamond Front Carbon Technol
- New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology
- New Egypt J Microbiol
- New Egyptian Journal of Microbiology
- New For
- New Forests
- New Horiz Transl Med
- New Horizons in Translational Medicine
- New J Chem
- New Journal of Chemistry
- New J Phys
- New Journal of Physics
- New Microbes New Infect
- New Microbes New Infections
- New Negat Plant Sci
- New Negatives in Plant Science
- New Phytol
- New Phytologist
- New Polym Mater
- New Polymeric Materials
- New Sci
- New Scientist
- Newsl Stratigr
- Newsletters on Stratigraphy
- NFS Journal
- Nicotine Tob Res
- Nicotine & Tobacco Research
- Niger Fish Aquat Sci Abstr
- Nigerian Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Abstracts
- Niger Food J
- Nigerian Food Journal
- NIO Newsl
- NIO Newsletter
- Nippon Nogei Kagakukaishi
- Nippon Nogei Kagakukaishi
- Nitric Oxide
- Nitric Oxide
- NMR Biomed
- NMR in Biomedicine
- NOAA Data Rep
- NOAA Data Report
- NOAA Key Oceanogr Rec Doc
- NOAA Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation
- NOAA Prof Pap
- NOAA Professional Paper
- NOAA Spec Rep
- NOAA Special Report
- NOAA-NMFS Curr Fish Stat
- NOAA-NMFS Current Fisheries Statistics
- Non-Destr Test
- Non-Destructive Testing
- Nonlinear Anal Hybrid Syst
- Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
- Nonlinear Anal Modell Control
- Nonlinear Analysis: Modeling and Control
- Nonlinear Anal Real World Appl
- Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
- Nonlinear Anal Theory Methods Appl
- Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods & Applications
- Nonlinear Dyn
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Nonlinear Processes Geophys
- Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
- Nonlinear Processes Geophys Discuss
- Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Discussions
- Nor Geol Tidsskr
- Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
- Nord Hydrol
- Nordic Hydrology
- Nord J Bot
- Nordic Journal of Botany
- Nord J Freshw Res
- Nordic Journal of Freshwater Research
- Norin Kinyu/Mon Rev Agric For Fish Financ
- Norin kinyu/Monthly Review of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Finance
- Noris
- Norois
- Norsk Geol Tidsskr
- Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
- North Am J Aquacult
- North American Journal of Aquaculture
- North Am J Fish Manage
- North-American Journal of Fisheries Management
- North Aquac
- Northern Aquaculture
- North J Appl For
- Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
- Northeast Gulf Sci
- Northeast Gulf Science
- Northwest Sci
- Northwest Science
- Norw J Geol
- Norwegian Journal of Geology
- Noticias Comerciales INFOPESCA
- Not Mens
- Noticiario Mensual
- Not Mens, Mus NacHist Nat (Chile)
- Noticiario mensual Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile)
- Not Nat
- Notulae Naturae
- Notas Estud Inst Biol Mar
- Notas e Estudos do Instituto de Biologia Maritima
- Notas Mem, Alex Inst Hydrobiol
- Notes and Memoirs Alexandria Institute of Hydrobiology
- Notas Resum, II
- Notas y Resumenes Serie II
- Notes Doc Oceanogr, Cent Tahiti, ORSTOM
- Notes et Documents d'Oceanographie Centre de Tahiti, ORSTOM
- Notes Doc Oceanogr, Mission ORTSTOM Port-Vila
- Notes et Documents d'Oceanographie Mission ORSTOM de Port-Vila
- Notes Fac Fish, Kasetsart Univ
- Notes from the Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University
- Notes Mem, Off Sci Tech Peches Marit
- Notes et Memoires Office Scientifique et Technique des Peches Maritimes
- Notes Rapp, Nouv Ser, Inst Sci Tech Peches Marit
- Notes et Rapports Nouvelle Serie Institut Scientifique et Technique des Peches Maritimes
- Notes Rapp, Off Sci Tech Peches Marit
- Notes et Rapports Office Scientifique et Technique des Peches Maritimes
- Notes Tech, Sci Mer Oceanogr Phys, Cent Noumea, ORSTOM
- Notes Techniques Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Physique Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Notes Tech, Sci Mer, Biol Mar, Cent Noumea, ORSTOM
- Notes Techniques Sciences de la Mer Biologie Marine Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Nouv Commer INFOPECHE
- Nouvelles Commericales INFOPECHE
- Nouv Rev Opt
- Nouvelle Revue d'Optique
- Nouv Rev Opt Appl
- Nouvelle Revue d'Optique AppliquTe
- Nova Acta Leopold
- Nova Acta Leopoldina
- Nova Hedwigia
- Nova Hedwigia
- Nova Hedwigia, Beih
- Nova Hedwigia Beihefte
- Nova Thalassia
- Nova Thalassia
- NPG Asia Mater
- NPG Asia Materials
- npj 2D Mater Appl
- npj 2D Materials and Applications
- npj Aging Mech Dis
- npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease
- npj Biofilms Microbiomes
- npj Biofilms and Microbiomes
- npj Breast Cancer
- npj Breast Cancer
- npj Clean Water
- npj Clean Water
- npj Clim Atmos Sci
- npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
- npj Comput Mater
- npj Computational Materials
- npj Digital Med
- npj Digital Medicine
- npj Flexible Electron
- npj Flexible Electronics
- npj Genomic Med
- npj Genomic Medicine
- npj Mater Degrad
- npj Materials Degradation
- npj Microgravity
- npj Microgravity
- npj Mol Phenomics
- npj Molecular Phenomics
- npj Parkinson's Dis
- npj Parkinson's Disease
- npj Pollut Control
- npj Pollution Control
- npj Precis Oncol
- npj Precision Oncology
- npj Primary Care Respir Med
- npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine
- npj Quantum Inf
- npj Quantum Information
- npj Quantum Mater
- npj Quantum Materials
- npj Regener Med
- npj Regenerative Medicine
- npj Schizophr
- npj Schizophrenia
- npj Sci Food
- npj Science of Food
- npj Sci Learn
- npj Science of Learning
- npj Syst Biol Appl
- npj Systems Biology and Applications
- npj Vaccines
- npj Vaccines
- NRIAG J Astron Geophys
- NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics
- NTR-ITPP Spec Publ
- NTR-ITPP Special Publication
- Nucl Chem Waste Manage
- Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management
- Nucl Data Sect A
- Nuclear Data Section A
- Nucl Data Sect B
- Nuclear Data Section B
- Nucl Data Sheets
- Nuclear Data Sheets
- Nucl Energy Technol
- Nuclear Energy and Technology
- Nucl Eng Des
- Nuclear Engineering and Design
- Nucl Fusion
- Nuclear Fusion
- Nucl Geophys
- Nuclear Geophysics
- Nucl Instrum
- Nuclear Instruments
- Nucl Instrum Methods
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods
- Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
- Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res, Sect A
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
- Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res, Sect B
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
- Nucl Med Biol
- Nuclear Medicine and Biology
- Nucl Med Commun
- Nuclear Medicine Communications
- Nucl Phys A
- Nuclear Physics A
- Nucl Phys B
- Nuclear Physics B
- Nucl Phys B Proc Suppl
- Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
- Nucl Recept Signaling
- Nuclear Receptor Signaling
- Nucl Sci Eng
- Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Nucl Sci Tech
- Nuclear Science and Techniques
- Nucl Struct Eng
- Nuclear Structural Engineering
- Nucl Technol
- Nuclear Technology
- Nucl Track Detect
- Nuclear Track Detection
- Nucl Tracks
- Nuclear Tracks
- Nucl Tracks Radiat Meas
- Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurement
- Nucleic Acid Ther
- Nucleic Acid Therapeutics
- Nucleic Acids Res
- Nucleic Acids Research
- Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids
- Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids
- Numer Anal Appl
- Numerical Analysis and Applications
- Numer Heat Transfer, Part A
- Numerical Heat Transfer Part A
- Numer Heat Transfer, Part B
- Numerical Heat Transfer Part B
- Numer Linear Algebra Appl
- Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
- Numer Methods Partial Differ Equations
- Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
- Nuovo Cimento Soc Ital Fis, A
- Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica A
- Nuovo Cimento Soc Ital Fis, B
- Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica B
- Nuovo Cimento Soc Ital Fis, C
- Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C
- Nuovo Cimento Soc Ital Fis, D
- Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica D
- Nutr Aging
- Nutrition and Aging
- Nutr Bull
- Nutrition Bulletin
- Nutr Clin Pract
- Nutrition in Clinical Practice
- Nutr Cycling Agroecosyst
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
- Nutr Diabetes
- Nutrition & Diabetes
- Nutr Diet
- Nutrition & Dietetics
- Nutr Health
- Nutrition and Health
- Nutr Healthy Aging
- Nutrition and Healthy Aging
- Nutr J
- Nutrition Journal
- Nutr Metab
- Nutrition & Metabolism
- Nutr Metab Insights
- Nutrition and Metabolic Insights
- Nutr Res
- Nutrition Research
- Nutr Res Rev
- Nutrition Research Reviews
- NY Times
- New York Times
- NZOI Coast Chart Ser
- New Zealand Oceangraphic Institute Coastal Chart Series
- NZOI Isl Chart Ser
- New Zealand Oceangraphic Institute Island Chart Series
- NZOI Lake Chart Ser
- New Zealand Oceangraphic Institute Lake Chart Series
- NZOI Mem
- New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir
- NZOI Misc Chart Ser
- New Zealand Oceangraphic Institute Miscellaneous Chart Series
- NZOI Rec
- New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Records
- Obz Inf VNIEhRKh, Akvakul'tura
- Obzornaya informatsiya VNIEhRKh Seriya Akvakul'tura
- Obz Inf VNIEhRKh, Marikul'tura
- Obzornaya informatsiya VNIEhRKh Seriya Marikul'tura
- Obz Inf VNIEhRKh, Rybokhoz Ispol'z Resur Mirov Okeana
- Obzornaya informatsiya VNIEhRKh Seriya Rybokhozyajstevennoe Ispol'zovanie Resursov Mirovogo Okeana
- Occas Pap Mollusks
- Occasional Papers on Mollusks
- Occas Pap Mus Zool, Univ Mich
- Occasional Papers of the Museums of Zoology University of Michigan
- Occas Pap, Aust Bur Agric Resour Econ
- Occasional Paper Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Occas Pap, Calif Acad Sci
- Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences
- Occas Pap, Can Wildl Serv
- Occasional Paper Canadian Wildlife Service
- Occas Pap, Fish Surv India
- Occasional Papers of Fishery Survey of India
- Occas Pap, JLB Smith Inst Ichthyol
- Occasional Papers JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology
- Occas Publ, Freshw Biol Assoc, Ambleside
- Occasional Publication Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside
- Occas Publ, Mar Biol Assoc UK
- Occasional Publication Marine Biolgoical Association of the United Kingdom
- Occas Publ, Univ Mar Biol Stn, Millport
- Occasional Publication University Marine Biological Station, Millport
- Occup Environ Med
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Occup Ergon
- Occupational Ergonomics
- Ocean Coast Manage
- Ocean and Coastal Management
- Ocean Coastal Manage
- Ocean and Coastal Management
- Ocean Dev Int Law
- Ocean Development and International Law
- Ocean Dev Manage
- Ocean Development and Management
- Ocean Dyn
- Ocean Dynamics
- Ocean Eng
- Ocean Engineering
- Ocean Ind
- Ocean Industry
- Ocean Manage
- Ocean Manage
- Ocean Modell
- Ocean Modelling
- Ocean Polar Res
- Ocean and Polar Research
- Ocean Res
- Ocean Research
- Ocean Sci
- Ocean Science
- Ocean Sci Discuss
- Ocean Science Discussions
- Ocean Technol
- Ocean Technology
- Ocean Voice
- Ocean Voice
- Ocean Yearb
- Ocean Yearbook
- Oceanis, Doc Oceanogr
- Oceanis Serie de Documents Oceanographiques
- Oceanogr Cruise Rep
- Oceanographical Cruise Report
- Oceanogr Mag
- Oceanographical Magazine
- Oceanogr Mar Biol, Annu Rev
- Oceanography and Marine Biology An Annual Review
- Oceanogr Meteorol
- Oceanography and Meteorolgooy
- Oceanogr Stn List
- Oceanographical Station List
- Oceanography
- Oceanography
- Oceanol Acta
- Oceanologica Acta
- Oceanol Hydrobiol Stud
- Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies
- Oceanol Limnol Sin
- Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica
- Oceanologia
- Oceanologia
- Oceanology
- Oceanology
- Oceanorama Inst Oceanogr Paul Ricard
- Oceanorama Institut Oceanographique Paul Ricard
- Oceans
- Oceans
- Oceanus
- Oceanus
- OCS Rep, US Miner Manage Serv
- OCS Reports US Minerals Management Service
- Odonatologica
- Odonatologica
- Oebalia
- Oebalia
- Oecol Aquat
- Oecologia Aquatica
- Oecologia
- Oecologiea
- OECS Fish Rep
- OECS Fishery Report
- Oesterr Fisch
- Oesterreichs Fischerei
- Oesterr Wasser Abfallwirtsch
- Oesterreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft
- Offshore
- Offshore
- Offshore Eng
- Offshore Engineer
- Offshore Mech
- Offshore Mechanics
- Offshore Serv
- Offshore Services
- Ohio J Sci
- Ohio Journal of Science
- Oikos
- Oikos
- Oil Chem Pollut
- Oil and Chemical Pollution
- Oil Energy Trends
- Oil and Energy Trends
- Oil Gas Int
- Oil and Gas International
- Oil Gas J
- Oil and Gas Journal
- Oil Petrochem Pollut
- Oil and Petrochemical Pollution
- Okeanol Issled
- Okeanologicheskie Issledovaniya
- Okeanologiya (Mosc)
- Okeanologiya (Moscow)
- Okeanologiya (Sofia)
- Okeanologiya (Sofia)
- Ol Corps Gras, Lipides
- Oleagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides
- Ont Fish Tech Rep Ser
- Ontario Fisheries Technical Report Series
- Open Appl Math J
- Open Applied Mathematics Journal
- Open Atmos Sci J
- Open Atmospheric Science Journal
- Open Biochem J
- Open Biochemistry Journal
- Open Biochem Lett
- Open Biochemistry Letters
- Open Biomater J
- Open Biomaterials Journal
- Open Biomed Eng J
- Open Biomedical Engineering Journal
- Open Biomed EngLett
- Open Biomedical Engineering Letters
- Open Biotechnol J
- Open Biotechnology Journal
- Open Chem Eng J
- Open Chemical Engineering Journal
- Open Drug Delivery J
- Open Drug Delivery Journal
- Open Drug Delivery Rev
- Open Drug Delivery Reviews
- Open Food Sci J
- Open Food Science Journal
- Open Inorg Chem J
- Open Inorganic Chemistry Journal
- Open Inorg Chem Rev
- Open Inorganic Chemistry Reviews
- Open Magn Reson J
- Open Magnetic Resonance Journal
- Open Med Chem J
- Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal
- Open Nanosci J
- Open Nanoscience Journal
- Open Nutraceuticals J
- Open Nutraceuticals Journal
- Open Org Chem J
- Open Organic Chemistry Journal
- Open Phys Chem J
- Open Physical Chemistry Journal
- Open Phys Chem Rev
- Open Physical Chemistry Reviews
- Open Spectrosc J
- Open Spectroscopy Journal
- Open-File Rep, US Bur Mines
- Open-file Report US Bureau of Mines
- Open-File Rep, US Geol Surv
- Open-file Report US Geological Survey
- Oper Res
- Operations Research
- Oper Res Perspect
- Operations Research Perspectives
- Opera Bot
- Opera Botanica
- Opera Lillo
- Opera Lilloana
- Ophelia
- Ophelia
- Opred Faune SSSR
- Opredeliteli po faune SSSR
- Opred Presnovodn Vodorosl SSSR
- Opredelitel' Presnovodnykh Vodoroslej SSSR
- Opt Commun
- Optics Communications
- Opt Eng
- Optical Engineering
- Opt Express
- Optics Express
- Opt Fiber Technol
- Optical Fiber Technology
- Opt Laser Technol
- Optics & Laser Technology
- Opt Lasers Eng
- Optics and Lasers in Engineering
- Opt Lett
- Optics Letters
- Opt Mater
- Optical Materials
- Opt Nanosc
- Optical Nanoscopy
- Opt Photonics Lett
- Optics and Photonics Letters
- Opt Photonics News
- Optics & Photonics News
- Opt Quantum Electron
- Optical and Quantum Electronics
- Opt Rev
- Optical Review
- Opt Spectrosc
- Optics and Spectroscopy
- Opt Spektrosk
- Optika i Spektroskopiya
- Opt Switching Networking
- Optical Switching and Networking
- Opt Zh
- Opticheskii Zhurnal
- Optoelectron Adv Mater Rapid Commun
- Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications
- Opto-Electron Rev
- Opto-Electronics Review
- Opusc Zool Flumin
- Opuscula Zoologica Fluminensia
- Or Law Rev
- Oregon Law Review
- Ore Energy Resour Geol
- Ore and Energy Resource Geology
- Ore Geol Rev
- Ore Geology Reviews
- Org Biomol Chem
- Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
- Org Chem Front
- Organic Chemistry Frontiers
- Org Divers Evol
- Organisms Diversity & Evolution
- Org Electron
- Organic Electronics
- Org Geochem
- Organic Geochemistry
- Org Lett
- Organic Letters
- Org Mass Spectrom
- Organic Mass Spectrometry
- Org Prep Proced Int
- Organic Preparations and Procedures International
- Org Process Res Dev
- Organic Process Research and Development
- Org React
- Organic Reactions
- Org React Mech
- Organic Reaction Mechanics
- Org Synth
- Organic Syntheses
- Organohalogen Compd
- Organohalogen Compounds
- Organomet Chem
- Organometallic Chemistry
- Orient J Chem
- Oriental Journal of Chemistry
- Origins Life Evol Biosphere
- Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere
- Ornis Fenn
- Ornis Fennica
- Ornith Res
- Ornithology Research
- Orsis : Org Sist
- Orsis : Organismes i Sistemes
- Oryx
- Oryx
- OSA Continuum
- OSA Continuum
- Oseana
- Oseana
- Osterr Chem Z
- Osterreichische Chemie Zeitschrift
- Oxid Med Cell Longevity
- Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
- Oxid Met
- Oxidation of Metals
- Ozone Sci Eng
- Ozone Science and Engineering
- Pac Conserv Biol
- Pacific Conservation Biology
- Pac Discov
- Pacific Discovery
- Pac Halibut Fish Regul
- Pacific Halibut Fishery Regulations
- Pac J Math Ind
- Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry
- Pac Sci
- Pacific Science
- Pac Sci Rev
- Pacific Science Review
- Pac Sci Rev A: Nat Sci Eng
- Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering
- Packag Technol Sci
- Packaging Technology and Science
- Pain Med
- Pain Medicine
- Pak J Anal Chem
- Pakistan Journal of Analytical Chemistry
- pak J Anal Environ Chem
- Pakistan Journal of Analytical & Environmental Chemistry
- Pak J Biochem Mol Biol
- Pakistan Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Pak J Biol Sci
- Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
- Pak J Bot
- Pakistan Journal of Botany
- Pak J Mar Sci
- Pakistan Journal of Marine Sciences
- Pak J Pharmacol
- Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology
- Pak J Sci
- Pakistan Journal of Science
- Pak J Sci Ind Res
- Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
- Pak J Sci Res
- Pakistan Journal of Scientific Research
- Pak J Zool
- Pakistan Journal of Zoology
- Pak Seaf Dig
- Pakistan Seafood Digest
- Palaentolog Z
- Palaeontologische Zeitschrift
- Palaeobiodivers Palaeoenviron
- Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
- Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol
- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
- Palaeontol Electronica
- Palaeontologia Electronica
- PalArch's J Vertebr Palaeontol
- PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology
- Paleobiology
- Paleobiology
- Paleoceanogr Paleoclimatol
- Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
- Paleontol Bull
- Paleontological Bulletin
- Paleontol Mex
- Paleontologia Mexicana
- Paleontolog J
- Paleontological Journal
- Paleontolog Res
- Paleontological Research
- Paleontology
- Paleontology
- Panorama Atunero
- Panorama Atunero
- Panorama Pesq
- Panorama Pesquero
- Pan-Pac Entomol
- Pan-Pacific Entomologist
- Pap Avulsos Zool
- Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia
- Pap Celul
- Papir a Celuloza
- Pap Dep Mar Biol Carnegie Inst Wash
- Papers from the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Pap Meteorol Geophys
- Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
- Pap Mich Acad Sci, Arts Lett
- Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters
- Pap Mich Acad Sci, Arts Lett, I
- Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Part I
- Pap Palaeontol
- Papers in Palaeontology
- Pap Phys Oceanogr Meteorol
- Papers in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology
- Pap Proc R Soc Tasman
- Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
- Pap Puu
- Paperi Ja Puu
- Pap Tortugas Lab Carnegie Inst Wash
- Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Parallel Comput
- Parallel Computing
- Parasites Vectors
- Parasites and Vectors
- Parasitica
- Parasitica
- Parasitol Res
- Parasitology Research
- Parasitology
- Parasitology
- Parassitologia
- Parassitologia
- Parazitol Sb
- Parazitologicheskij Sbornik
- Parazitologiya
- Parazitologiya
- Part Fibre Toxicol
- Particle and Fibre Toxicology
- Part Part Syst Char
- Particle and Particle Systems Characterization
- Part Sci Technol
- Particulate Science and Technology
- Pathol Oncol Res
- Pathology & Oncology Research
- Pathol Res Pract
- Pathology, Research and Practice
- Pattern Recognit
- Pattern Recognition
- Pattern Recognit Image Anal
- Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
- Pattern Recognit Lett
- Pattern Recognition Letters
- Pattern Recognit Phys
- Pattern Recognition in Physics
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
- PDA J Pharm Sci Technol
- PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
- Peche Marit
- La Peche Maritime
- Pediatr Radiol
- Pediatric Radiology
- Pediatr Res
- Pediatric Research
- PeerJ
- PeerJ
- PeerJ Anal Chem
- PeerJ Analytical Chemistry
- PeerJ Comput Sci
- PeerJ Computer Science
- PeerJ Inorg Chem
- PeerJ Inorganic Chemistry
- PeerJ Mater Sci
- PeerJ Materials Science
- PeerJ Org Chem
- PeerJ Organic Chemistry
- PeerJ Phys Chem
- PeerJ Physical Chemistry
- Pelagos: Bull Inst Sci Mer Amenage Littoral
- Pelagos : Bulletin de l'Institut des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Amenagement du Littoral
- People Nat
- People and Nature
- Pept Sci
- Peptide Science
- Perangkaan Tahunan Perikanan Jabatan Perikanan (Malays)
- Perangkaan Tahunan Perikanan Jabatan Perikanan (Malyasia)
- Period Biol
- Periodicum Biologorum
- Permafrost Periglacial Processes
- Permafrost and Periglacial Processes
- Perspect Drug Discovery Des
- Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design
- Perspect Med Chem
- Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry
- Perspect Sci
- Perspectives in Science
- Pertanika J Trop Agric Sci
- Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science
- Peru Pesq
- Peru Pesquero
- Perv Glob Ehksp PIGAP
- Pervyj Global'nyj Ehksperiment PIGAP
- Pervasive Mob Comput
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing
- Pesca
- Pesca
- Pesca Mar Barco Pesq
- Pesca Marina y el Barco Pesquero
- Pesca Naveg
- Pesca e Navegacao
- Pesce
- Il Pesce
- Pesqui Antart Bras
- Pesquisa Antartica Brasileira
- Pesqui Nav
- Pesquisa Naval
- Pest Manage Hortic Ecosyst
- Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems
- Pest Manage Sci
- Pest Management Science
- Pestic Biochem Physiol
- Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
- Pestic Outlook
- Pesticide Outlook
- Pet Chem
- Petroleum Chemistry
- Pet Coal
- Petroleum and Coal
- Pet Eng Int
- Petroleum Engineer International
- Pet Explor Dev
- Petroleum Exploration and Development
- Pet Geosci
- Petroleum Geoscience
- Pet Rev
- Petroleum Review
- Pet Sci
- Petroleum Science
- Pet Sci Technol
- Petroleum Science and Technology
- Pflueg Arch
- Pfluegers Archiv
- Pfluegers Arch
- Pfluegers Archiv
- Pfluegers Arch Gesame Physiol Menschen Tiere
- Fluegers Archiv für die Gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere
- PGA Proc Geol Assoc
- PGA Proceedings of the Geologists' Association
- PHAGE: Ther Appl Res
- PHAGE: Therapy, Applications, and Research
- Pharm Acta Helv
- Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae
- Pharm Biol
- Pharmaceutical Biology
- Pharm Chem J
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
- Pharm Methods
- Pharmaceutical Methods
- Pharm Pat Anal
- Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst
- Pharm Pharmacol Commun
- Pharmacy and Pharmacology Communications
- Pharm Pharmacol Lett
- Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Letters
- Pharm Res
- Pharmaceutical Research
- Pharm Sci Technol Today
- Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today
- Pharm Stat
- Pharmaceutical Statistics
- Pharm Technol
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Pharm Today
- Pharmacy Today
- Pharm Unserer Zeit
- Pharmazie in unserer Zeit
- Pharm Zentralhalle Dtschl
- Pharmazeutische Zentralhalle für Deutschland
- PharmacoEcon Open
- PharmacoEconomics - Open
- Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf
- Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
- Pharmacogenet Genomics
- Pharmacogenetics and Genomics
- Pharmacogenomics J
- Pharmacogenomics Journal
- Pharmacogenomics Pers Med
- Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
- Pharmacogn Mag
- Pharmacognosy Magazine
- Pharmacogn Res
- Pharmacognosy Research
- Pharmacogn Rev
- Pharmacognosy Reviews
- Pharmacol Biochem Behav
- Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior
- Pharmacol Biochem Behav
- Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
- Pharmacol Rep
- Pharmacological Reports
- Pharmacol Res
- Pharmacological Research
- Pharmacol Res Commun
- Pharmacological Research Communications
- Pharmacol Res Perspect
- Pharmacology Research & Perspectives
- Pharmacol Ther
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Pharmacol Ther Part A
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors
- Pharmacol Ther Part B
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics Part B: General and Systemic Pharmacology
- Pharmacol Ther Part C
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics Part C: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Pharmacol Ther, Part A
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors
- Pharmacol Ther, Part B
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Part B: General & Systematic Pharmacology
- Pharmacol Ther, Part C
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Part C: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Phase Transitions
- Phase Transitions
- Philipp J Sci
- Philippine Journal of Science
- Philips J Res
- Philips Journal of Research
- Philos Mag
- Philosophical Magazine
- Philos Mag A
- Philosophical Magazine A
- Philos Mag B
- Philosophical Magazine B
- Philos Mag Lett
- Philosophical Magazine Letters
- Philos Trans R Soc Lond, A
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Philos Trans R Soc Lond, B
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences
- Philos Trans R Soc London, Ser A
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
- Philos Trans R Soc London, Ser B
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences
- Phosphorus Sulfur Rel Elem
- Phosphorus Sulfur and Related Elements
- Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon Relat Elem
- Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon and the Related Elements
- Photochem Photobiol
- Photochemistry and Photobiology
- Photochem Photobiol Sci
- Photochemistry & Photobiological Sciences
- Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed
- Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine
- Photodiagn Photodyn Ther
- Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
- Photogramm Eng Remote Sens
- Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
- Photogramm Rec
- Photogrammetric Record
- Photomed Laser Surg
- Photomedicine and Laser Surgery
- Photonics Nanostruct Fundam Appl
- Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications
- Photonics Res
- Photonics Research
- Photosynth Res
- Photosynthesis Research
- Photosynthetica
- Photosynthetica
- Photovoltaics Bull
- Photovoltaics Bulletin
- Phycol Res
- Phycological Research
- Phycologia
- Phycologia
- Phykos
- Phykos
- Phys At Nucl
- Physics of Atomic Nuclei
- Phys Biol
- Physical Biology
- Phys Chem Chem Phys
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
- Phys Chem Earth
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
- Phys Chem Earth Part A
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy
- Phys Chem Earth Part B
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere
- Phys Chem Earth Part C
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science
- Phys Chem Glasses
- Physics and Chemistry of Glasses
- Phys Chem Liq
- Physics and Chemistry of Liquids
- Phys Chem Miner
- Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
- Phys Commun
- Physical Communication
- Phys Dark Universe
- Physics of the Dark Universe
- Phys Earth Planet Inter
- Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
- Phys Educ
- Physics Education
- Phys Educ Res
- Physics Education Research
- Phys Fluids
- Physics of Fluids
- Phys Fluids A
- Physics of Fluids A
- Phys Fluids B
- Physics of Fluids B
- Phys J
- Physik Journal
- Phys Lett A
- Physics Letters A
- Phys Lett B
- Physics Letters B
- Phys Life Rev
- Physics of Life Reviews
- Phys Med
- Physics in Medicine
- Phys Med & Biol
- Physics in Medicine and Biology
- Phys Med Biol
- Physics in Medicine and Biology
- Phys Mesomech
- Physical Mesomechanics
- Phys Met
- Physics of Metals
- Phys Met Metall
- Physics of Metals and Metallography
- Phys Oceanogr
- Physical Oceanography
- Phys Open
- Physics Open
- Phys Part Nucl
- Physics of Particles and Nuclei
- Phys Part Nucl Lett
- Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters
- Phys Plasma
- Physics of Plasmas
- Phys Rep
- Physics Reports
- Phys Rev A: At Mol Opt Phys
- Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
- Phys Rev Accel Beams
- Physical Review Accelerators and Beams
- Phys Rev Appl
- Physical Review Applied
- Phys Rev B: Condens Matter
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter
- Phys Rev C: Nucl Phys
- Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics
- Phys Rev D: Part Fields
- Physical Review D: Particles and Fields
- Phys Rev E
- Physical Review E
- Phys Rev E: Stat Nonlinear Soft Matter Phys
- Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
- Phys Rev E: Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Top
- Physical Review E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
- Phys Rev Fluids
- Physical Review Fluids
- Phys Rev Lett
- Physical Review Letters
- Phys Rev Mater
- Physical Review Materials
- Phys Rev Phys Educ Res
- Physical Review Physics Education Research
- Phys Rev Res
- Physical Review Research
- Phys Rev Spec Top Accel Beams
- Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams
- Phys Rev Spec Top Phys Educ Res
- Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research
- Phys Rev X
- Physical Review X
- Phys Scr
- Physica Scripta
- Phys Scr T
- Physica Scripta, T
- Phys Sep Sci Eng
- Physical Separaion in Science and Engineering
- Phys Solid State
- Physics of the Solid State
- Phys Status Solidi A
- Physica Status Solidi A Applications and Material Science
- Phys Status Solidi B
- Physica Status Solidi B Basic Solid State Physics
- Phys Status Solidi C
- Physica Status Solidi C Current Topics in Solid State Physics
- Phys Status Solidi RRL
- Physica Status Solidi Rapid Research Letters
- Phys Teach
- Physics Teacher
- Phys Technol
- Physics in Technology
- Phys Today
- Physics Today
- Phys Unserer Zeit
- Physik in Unserer Zeit
- Phys Usp
- Physics-Uspekhi
- Phys Wave Phenom
- Physics of Wave Phenomenon
- Phys World
- Physics World
- Phys Z
- Physikalishce Zeitschrift
- Physica A
- Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
- Physica B
- Physica B: Condensed Matter
- Physica C
- Physica C: Superconductivity
- Physica D
- Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- Physica E
- Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures
- Physica Med
- Physica Medica
- Physicochem Probl Miner Process
- Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
- Physics Procedia
- Physics Procedia
- Physiol & Behav
- Physiology and Behavior
- Physiol Biochem Zool
- Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
- Physiol Bohemoslov
- Physiologia Bohemoslovaca
- Physiol Chem Phys Med NMR
- Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical NMR
- Physiol Ecol Jpn
- Physiology and Ecology Japan
- Physiol Entomol
- Physiological Entomology
- Physiol Meas
- Physiological Measurement
- Physiol Mol Biol Plants
- Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
- Physiol Mol Plant Pathol
- Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
- Physiol Plant
- Physiologia Plantarum
- Physiol Plant Pathol
- Physiological Plant Pathology
- Physiol Res
- Physiological Research
- Physiol Rev
- Physiological Reviews
- Physiol Zool
- Physiological Zoology
- Physiother Pract Res
- Physiotherapy Practice and Research
- Physis, A
- Physis Seccion A: Los Oceanos y sus Organismos
- Physis, B
- Physis Seccion B: Las Aguas Continentales y sus Organismos
- Physis, C
- Physis Seccion C: Los Continentes y los Organismos Terrestres
- Phytochem Anal
- Phytochemical Analysis
- Phytochem Lett
- Phytochemistry Letters
- Phytochem Rev
- Phytochemistry Reviews
- Phytochemistry
- Phytochemistry
- Phytologia
- Phytologia
- Phyton (B Aires)
- Phyton (Buenos Aires)
- Phytopathology
- Phytopathology
- Phytother Res
- Phytotherapy Research
- PICES Press
- PICES Press
- PICES Sci Rep
- PICES Scientific Report
- Pipe Line Ind
- Pipe Line Industry
- Pipes Pipelines Int
- Pipes and Pipelines International
- Piscic Fr Eau Vive Etang Saumatre Mar
- La Pisciculture Francaise d'eau Vive et d'Etang Saumatre et Marine
- Pishch Prom
- Pishchevaya Promyshlennost'
- Planet Sci J
- Planetary Science Journal
- Planet Space Sci
- Planetary and Space Science
- Plankton Benthos Res
- Plankton and Benthos Research
- Plant Biol
- Plant Biology
- Plant Biotechnol J
- Plant Biotechnology Journal
- Plant Breed
- Plant Breeding
- Plant Cell
- Plant Cell
- Plant Cell Environ
- Plant, Cell and Environment
- Plant Cell Physiol
- Plant and Cell Physiology
- Plant Commun
- Plant Communications
- Plant Ecol
- Plant Ecology
- Plant Ecolog Divers
- Plant Ecology and Diversity
- Plant Genet Resour
- Plant Genetic Resources
- Plant Growth Regul
- Plant Growth Regulation
- Plant Methods
- Plant Methods
- Plant Mol Biol
- Plant Molecular Biology
- Plant Pathol
- Plant Pathology
- Plant Phenomics
- Plant Phenomics
- Plant Physiol
- Plant Physiology
- Plant Physiol Biochem
- Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
- Plant Prod Sci
- Plant Production Science
- Plant Sci
- Plant Science
- Plant Signaling Behav
- Plant Signaling & Behavior
- Plant Soil
- Plant and Soil
- Plant Species Biol
- Plant Species Biology
- Plant Syst Evol
- Plant Systematics and Evolution
- Planta
- Planta
- Planta Med
- Planta Medica
- Plants People Planet
- Plants, People, Planet,
- Plasma Chem Plasma Process
- Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing
- Plasma Devices Oper
- Plasma Devices and Operations
- Plasma Phys
- Plasma Physics
- Plasma Phys Controlled Fusion
- Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
- Plasma Phys Rep
- Plasma Physics Reports
- Plasma Polym
- Plasmas and Polymers
- Plasma Processes Polym
- Plasma Processes and Polymers
- Plasma Res Express
- Plasma Research Express
- Plasma Sci Technol
- Plasma Science and Technology
- Plasma Sources Sci Technol
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology
- Plasmas Polym
- Plasmas and Polymers
- Plast Eng
- Plastics Engineering
- Plast Rubber Compos Process Appl
- Plastics Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications
- Plat Surf Finish
- Plating and Surface Finishing
- Platinum Met Rev
- Platinum Metals Review
- PLoS Biol
- PLoS Biology
- PLoS Clin Trials
- PLoS Clinical Trials
- PLoS Comput Biol
- PLoS Computational Biology
- PLOS Curr: Evidence Genomic Tests
- PLOS Currents: Evidence on Genomic Tests
- PLOS Curr: Disasters
- PLOS Currents: Disasters
- PLOS Curr: Huntington Dis
- PLOS Currents: Huntington Disease
- PLOS Curr: Muscular Dystrophy
- PLOS Currents: Muscular Dystrophy
- PLOS Curr: Outbreaks
- PLOS Currents: Outbreaks
- PLOS Curr: Tree Life
- PLOS Currents: Tree of Life
- PLos Genet
- PLoS Genetics
- PLoS Med
- PLoS Medicine
- PLoS NeglTrop Dis
- PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
- PLoS One
- PLoS One
- PLoS Pathog
- PLoS Pathogens
- PMC Phys A
- PMC Physics A
- PMC Phys B
- PMC Physics B
- PMSE Prepr
- PMSE Preprints
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- POEM Sci Rep
- POEM Scientific Reports
- Poggendorff's Ann Phys
- Poggendorff's Annalen der Physik
- Pol Arch Hydrobiol
- Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii
- Pol Bibliogr Rybolowstwa Morskiego
- Polska Bibliografia Rybolowstwa Morskiego
- Pol J Chem
- Polish Journal of chemistry
- Pol J Nat Sci
- Polish Journal of Natural Science
- Pol Polar Res
- Polish Polar Research
- Polar Biol
- Polar Biology
- Polar Geogr
- Polar Geography
- Polar Geogr Geol
- Polar Geography and Geology
- Polar Rec
- Polar Record
- Polar Res
- Polar Research
- Polar Sci
- Polar Science
- Polarforschung
- Polarforschung
- Pollut Atmos
- Pollution Atmospherique
- Pollut Monit
- Pollution Monitor
- Polycyclic Aromat Compd
- Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
- Polym Adv Technol
- Polymers for Advanced Technologies
- Polym Bull
- Polymer Bulletin
- Polym Chem
- Polymer Chemistry
- Polym Compos
- Polymer Composites
- Polym Cryst
- Polymer Crystallization
- Polym Degrad Stab
- Polymer Degradation and Stability
- Polym Eng Sci
- Polymer Engineering and Science
- Polym Gels Networks
- Polymer Gels and Networks
- Polym Int
- Polymer International
- Polym J
- Polymer Journal
- Polym Mater Sci Eng
- Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering
- Polym Networks Blends
- Polymer Networks and Blends
- Polym Plast Technol Eng
- Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering
- Polym Polym Compos
- Polymers and Polymer Composites
- Polym Prepr (Am Chem Soc, Div Polym Chem)
- Polymeric Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)
- Polym React Eng
- Polymer Reaction Engineering
- Polym Recycl
- Polymer Recycling
- Polym Renewable Resour
- Polymers from Renewable Resources
- Polym Rev
- Polymer Reviews
- Polym Sci Ser A Polym Phys
- Polymer Science Series A - Polymer Physics
- Polym Sci Ser B Polym Chem
- Polymer Science Series B - Polymer Chemistry
- Polym Sci Ser C Sel Top
- Polymer Science Series C - Selected Topics
- Polym Sci Ser D Glues Sealing Mater
- Polymer Science Series D - Glues and Sealing Materials
- Polym Test
- Polymer Testing
- Port Zool
- Portugaliae Zoologica
- Portolano Mediterr
- Portolano del Mediterraneo
- Postharvest Biol Technol
- Postharvest Biology and Technology
- Postilla
- Postilla
- Potato Res
- Potato Research
- Poultr Sci
- Poultry Science
- Powder Diffr
- Powder Diffraction
- Powder Metall
- Powder Metallurgy
- Powder Metall Met Ceram
- Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics
- Powder Technol
- Powder Technology
- Power Eng
- Power Engineer
- PPAR Res
- PPAR Research
- Pr Inst Gospod Wodnej
- Prace Instytutu Gospodarki Wodnej
- Pr Inst Meteorol Gospod Wodnej
- Prace Instytutu Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej
- Pr Morskiego Inst Ryb
- Prace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego
- Pr Morskiego Inst Ryb Gdyn
- Prace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego w Gdynia
- Pr Morskiego Inst Ryb, A
- Prace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego Seria A Oceanografia i Biologia Rybacka
- Pr Morskiego Inst Ryb, B
- Prace Morskiego instytutu Rybackiego Seria B Technika Rybacka i Technologia Ryb
- Pr Panstw Inst Hydrobiol-Meteorol
- Prace Panstwowego Instytutu Hydrologiczno-Meteorologicznego
- Pr Ustavu Ryb Hydrobiol Bratisl
- Prace Ustavu Rybarstva a Hydrobiologie, Bratislava
- Pract Fail Anal
- Practical Failure Analysis
- Pract Period Hazard Toxic Radioact Waste Manage
- Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, Waste Management
- Pract Period Struct Des Constr
- Practical Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
- Pract Spectrosc
- Practical Spectroscopy
- Prakt Metallogr
- Praktische Metallographie
- Prax Naturwiss Biol Sch
- Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Biologie in der Schule
- Prax Naturwiss Chem
- Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Chemie
- Prax Naturwiss Chem Sch
- Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Chemie in der Schule
- Prax Naturwiss Phys
- Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Physik
- Precambrian Res
- Precambrian Research
- Precis Agric
- Precision Agriculture
- Precis Clin Med
- Precision Clinical Medicine
- Precis Eng
- Precision Engineering
- Precis Med Sci
- Precision Medicine Sciences
- Precis Met
- Precision Metal
- Prelim Rep Hakuho Maru Cruise Kh-
- Preliminary Report of the Hakuho Maru Cruise Kh-
- Prep Biochem Biotechnol
- Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- Prepr - Am Chem Soc, Div Pet Chem
- Preprints - American Chemical Society, Division of Petroleum Chemistry
- Prepr Pap - Am Chem Soc, Div Fuel Chem
- Preprint Papers - American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry
- Prikl Biokhim Mikrobiol
- Prikladnaya Biokhimiya i Mikrobiologiya
- Primate Biol
- Primate Biology
- Priroda
- Priroda
- Probab Eng Inf Sci
- Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
- Probab Eng Mech
- Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
- Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins
- Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
- Probl Arkt Antarkt
- Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki
- Probl Khim Zagrjaz Mir Okeana
- Problemy Khimicheskogo Zagrjazneniya vod Mirovogo Okeana
- Proc Acad Nat Sci Phila
- Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
- Proc Am Soc Brew Chem
- Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists
- Proc Am Soc Inf Sci Technol
- Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science & Technology
- Proc Anal Div Chem Soc
- Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society
- Proc Annu Conf Fish Soc Niger
- Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON)
- Proc Appl Math Mech
- Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
- Proc Assoc Isl Mar Lab Caribb
- Proceedings Association of Island Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean
- Proc Aust Biochem Soc
- Proceedings of the Australian Biochemical Society
- Proc Biol Sci
- Proceedings Biological sciences
- Proc Biol Soc Wash
- Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington
- Proc Br Inst Radio Eng
- Proceedings of the British Institution of Radio Engineers
- Proc Bur Resour Sci (Aust)
- Proceedings of Resource Sciences (Australia)
- Proc Calif Acad Sci
- Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences
- Proc Cambridge Philos Soc
- Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
- Proc Chem Soc
- Proceedings of the Chemical Society
- Proc Combust Inst
- Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
- Proc Conf Gt Lakes Res
- Proceedings Conference on Great Lakes Research
- Proc Conf Mar Technol Soc
- Proceedings Conference Marine Technology Society
- Proc Edinburgh Math Soc
- Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
- Proc Edinburgh Math Soc Sect A: Math
- Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Section A: Mathematics
- Proc Entomol Soc Wash
- Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
- Proc Est Acad Sci
- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
- Proc Geol Assoc
- Proceedings of the Geologists' Association
- Proc Geol Assoc Lond
- Proceedings of the Geologists' Association London
- Proc IEEE
- Proceedings of the IEEE
- Proc Indian Acad Sci Math Sci
- Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Mathematical Sciences
- Proc Indian Acad Sci, Earth Planet Sci
- Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Proc Indian Natl Sci Acad
- Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy
- Proc Indian Natl Sci Acad, A
- Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part A Physical Sciences
- Proc Indian Natl Sci Acad, B
- Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part A Biological Sciences
- Proc Inst Civ Eng
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Civ Eng
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Constr Mater
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Energy
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Geotech Eng
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Ground Improv
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Marit Eng
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Munic Eng
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Struct Build
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Transp
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Waste Resour Manag
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste Resource Management
- Proc Inst Civ Eng Water Manage
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water Management
- Proc Inst Electr Eng
- Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers
- Proc Inst Electron Radio Eng
- Proceedings of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
- Proc Inst Fish
- Proceedings of the Institute of Fisheries
- Proc Int Assoc Hydrol Sci
- Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences
- Proc Int Astron Congr
- Proceedings of the International Astronomical Congress
- Proc Int Astron Union
- Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
- Proc Int Balt Sea Fish Comm
- Proceedings International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission
- Proc Int Offshore Polar Eng Conf
- Proceedings International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
- Proc IRE
- Proceedings of the IRE
- Proc Jpn Acad, B
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B Physical and Biological Sciences
- Proc K Ned Akad Wet
- Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen
- Proc La Acad Sci
- Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences
- Proc Latv Acad Sci Sect B
- Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact and Applied Sciences
- Proc Linn Soc N S W
- Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales
- Proc London Math Soc
- Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
- Proc N S Inst Sci
- Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science
- Proc NAFO
- Proceedings Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
- Proc Natl Acad Sci India, B
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of India Section B Biological Sciences
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
- Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Proc NIPR Symp Polar Biol
- Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Biology
- Proc Nutr Soc
- Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
- Proc Ocean Drill Program Part B Sci Results
- Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Part B: Scientific Results
- Proc Offshore Technol Conf
- Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference
- Proc Parasitol
- Proceedings of Parasitology
- Proc Phys Soc London
- Proceedings of the Physical Society of London
- Proc Phys Soc London, Sect A
- Proceedings of the Physical Society Section A
- Proc Phys Soc London, Sect B
- Proceedings of the Physical Society Section B
- Proc Prehist Soc
- Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society
- Proc R Soc Lond, A
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematics and Physical Sciences
- Proc R Soc Lond, B
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences
- Proc R Soc London, Ser A
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A
- Proc R Soc London, Ser B
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B
- Proc R Soc Vic
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria
- Proc R Soc Victoria
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria
- Proc R Soc, B
- Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B Biological Sciences
- Proc S C Sea Grant Consort
- Proceedings South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium
- Proc S Diego Soc Nat Hist
- Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History
- Proc Soc Anal Chem
- Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med
- Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
- Proc Soc Photo-Opt Instrum Eng, Bellingham West Aust
- Proceedings Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham Western Australia
- Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng
- Proceedings of SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering
- Proc Trans N S Inst Sci
- Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science
- Proc U S Natl Mus
- Proceedings of the United States National Museum
- Proc US Nav Inst
- Proceedings - United States Naval Institute
- Proc World Dredg Conf
- Proceedings of the World Dredging Conference
- Proc World Maric Soc
- Proceedings of the World Mariculture Society
- Proc Yorks Geol Soc
- Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society
- Proc Zool Soc
- Proceedings of the Zoological Society
- Proc Zool Soc Lond
- Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
- Procedia Chem
- Procedia Chemistry
- Procedia Comput Sci
- Procedia Computer Science
- Procedia Earth Planet Sci
- Procedia Earth and Planetary Science
- Procedia Eng
- Procedia Engineering
- Procedia Environ Sci
- Procedia Environmental Sciences
- Procedia Food Sci
- Procedia Food Science
- Procedia Manuf
- Procedia Manufacturing
- Procedia Mater Sci
- Procedia Materials Science
- Procedia Struct Integrity
- Procedia Structural Integrity
- Procedia Technol
- Procedia Technology
- Process Appl Ceram
- Processing and Application of Ceramics
- Process Biochem
- Process Biochemistry
- Process Control Qual
- Process Control and Quality
- Process Saf Environ Prot
- Process Safety and Environment Protection
- Process Saf Prog
- Process Safety Progress
- Prod Conserv Pesca Ital
- Prodotti Conservati della pesca in Italia
- Prod Eng
- Production Engineering
- Prod Leiterplatten Sys
- Produktion von Leiterplatten und Systemen
- Prod Mer
- Produits de la Mer
- Prod Pesq Argent
- Produccion Pesquera Argentina
- Prof Anim Sci
- Professional Animal Scientist
- Prof Fisherman
- Professional Fisherman
- Prof Pap US Geol Surv
- Professional Paper US Geological Survey
- Prog Aerosp Sci
- Progress in Aerospace Sciences
- Prog Biomater
- Progress in Biomaterials
- Prog Biomed Eng
- Progress in Biomedical Engineering
- Prog Biophys Biophys Chem
- Progress in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
- Prog Biophys Mol Biol
- Progress in Biophysics and Molecular biology
- Prog Biotechnol
- Progress in Biotechnology
- Prog Bot
- Progress in Botany
- Prog Chem Fats Other Lipds
- Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids
- Prog Chem Org Nat Prod
- Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products
- Prog Colloid Polym Sci
- Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science
- Prog Cryst Growth Charact Mater
- Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials
- Prog Disaster Sci
- Progress in Disaster Science
- Prog Earth Planet Sci
- Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
- Prog Energy
- Progress in Energy
- Prog Energy Combust Sci
- Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
- Prog Fish-Cult
- The Progressive Fish-Culturist
- Prog Heterocycl Chem
- Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry
- Prog Histochem Cytochem
- Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
- Prog Ind Ecol
- Progress in Industrial Ecology
- Prog Ind Microbiol
- Progress in Industrial Microbiology
- Prog Inorg Chem
- Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
- Prog Lipid Res
- Progress in Lipid Research
- Prog Mater Sci
- Progress in Materials Science
- Prog Med Chem
- Progress in Medicinal Chemistry
- Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci
- Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science
- Prog Nat Sci
- Progress in Natural Science
- Prog Neurobiol
- Progress in Neurobiology
- Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol
- Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology
- Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry
- Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
- Prog Notes Can Wildl Serv
- Progress Notes Canadian Wildlife Service
- Prog Nucl Energy
- Progress in Nuclear Energy
- Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc
- Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol
- Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology
- Prog Oceanogr
- Progress in Oceanography
- Prog Org Coat
- Progress in Organic Coatings
- Prog Pap Recycl
- Progress in Paper Recycling
- Prog Part Nucl Phys
- Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
- Prog Photovoltaics Res Appl
- Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
- Prog Phys Geogr
- Progress in Physical Geography
- Prog Phys Geogr: Earth Environ
- Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment
- Prog Polym Sci
- Progress in Polymer Science
- Prog Quantum Electron
- Progress in Quantum Electronics
- Prog React Kinet
- Progress in Reaction Kinetics
- Prog Rep Inst Limnol Dr Raul A Ringuelet
- Progress Report Instituto de Limnologia Dr Raul A Ringuelet
- Prog Rep Limnol Inst Amst
- Progress Report Limnological Institute, Amsterdam
- Prog Rep US Nav Ocean Res Dev Act
- Progress Report US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity
- Prog Rubber Plast Recycl Technol
- Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology
- Prog Solid State Chem
- Progress in Solid State Chemistry
- Prog Struct Mater Eng
- Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials
- Prog Surf Sci
- Progress in Surface Science
- Prog Theor Exp Phys
- Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
- Proj Apprais
- Project Appraisal
- Proj Rep Dep Primary Ind (Qld)
- Project Report Department of Primary Industries (Queensland)
- Proj Rep Lake Kariba Fish Res Inst
- Project Report Lake Kariba Fisheries Research Institute
- Proj Res Dev Act Aust Inst Mar Sci
- Projected Research and Development Activities Australian Institute of Marine Science
- Propellants Explos Pyrotech
- Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics
- Propul Power Res
- Propulsion and Power Research
- Prot Met
- Protection of Metals
- Prot Met Phys Chem
- Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces
- Protein Eng
- Protein Engineering
- Protein Eng Des Sel
- Protein Engineering, Design & Selection
- Protein Expression Purif
- Protein Expression and Purification
- Protein J
- Protein Journal
- Protein Pept Lett
- Protein & Peptide Letters
- Protein Sci
- Protein Science
- Proteins Struct Funct Bioinf
- Proteins: Structure, FUnction, and Bioinformatics
- Proteome Sci
- Proteome Science
- Proteomics Clin Appl
- Proteomics - Clinical Applications
- Protok Fischtech
- Protokolle zur Fischereitechnik
- Protoplasma
- Protoplasma
- Provis Index List Titles Sci Counc Meet Doc NAFO
- Provisional Index and List of Titles of Scientific Council Meeting Documents Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
- PRX Quantum
- PRX Quantum
- Przegl Zool
- Przeglad Zoologiczny
- Przem Chem
- Przemysl Chemiczny
- Psychol Med
- Psychological Medicine
- Psychopharmacol Bull
- Psychopharmacology Bulletin
- PSZNI: Mar Ecol
- Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli I: Marine Ecology
- Pubbl Ist Sper Talassogr, Messina
- Pubblicazioni Istituto Sperimentale Talassografico - Messina
- Pubbl Ist Talassogr Trieste
- Pubblicazioni Istituto Talassografico di Trieste
- Publ Amakusa Mar Biol Lab
- Publications from the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory
- Publ Assoc Dev Aquac, Cestas
- Publication de l'Association pour le Developpement de l'Aquaculture, Cestas
- Publ Astron Soc Aust
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
- Publ Astron Soc Jpn
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
- Publ Astron Soc Pac
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- Publ Australas Inst Min Metall
- Publications of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- Publ Avulsas Inst Port Invest Marit
- Publicacoes Avulsas Instituto Portugues de Investigacao Maritima
- Publ Chesap Res Consort
- Publications Chesapeake Research Consortium
- Publ Delft Hydraul Lab
- Publication Delft Hydraulics Laboratory
- Publ Dep Halieut Ec Natl Super Agron Rennes
- Publications du Departement d'Halieutique, Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique de Rennes
- Publ Espec Cent Cienc Mar Limnol Univ Nac Autonon Mex
- Publicaciones Especiales Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
- Publ Espec Inst Esp Oceanogr
- Publicaciones Especiales Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia
- Publ Espec Inst Oceanogr Sao Paulo
- Publicacao Especial do Instituto Oceanografico Sao Paulo
- Publ Fla Inst Phosphate Res
- Publications Florida Institute of Phosphate Research
- Publ Galvest Bay Natl Estuary Program
- Publications Galveston Bay National Estuary Program
- Publ Inst Biol Apl
- Publicaciones del Instituto de Biologia Aplicada
- Publ Inst Pesqui Mar Rio J
- Publicacao Instituto de Pesquisas de Marinha, Rio de Janeiro
- Publ Inst R Meteorol Belg, A
- Publications Institut Royal Meteorologique de Belgique Serie A
- Publ Inst Zool Dr Augusto Nobre
- Publicacao Instituto de Zoologia "Dr Augusto Nobre"
- Publ Mar Adivs Serv RI Univ Sea Grant Program
- Publications Marine Advisory Service, Rhode Island University Sea Grant Program
- Publ Md Univ Sea Grant Program
- Publications Maryland University Sea Grant Program
- Publ Nat Sci
- Publications in Natural Sciences
- Publ Ocas Inst Oceanol Univ Valpso
- Publicaciones Ocasionales Instituto de Oceanologia, Universidad de Valparaiso
- Publ Ocas Mus Nac Hist Nat (Chile)
- Publicacion Ocasional Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile)
- Publ Ocas Soc Port Malacol
- Publicacoes Ocasionais de Sociedade Portuguesa de Malacologia
- Publ Ont Fish Res Lab
- Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory
- Publ Or State Univ Sea Grant Coll Program
- Publications Oregon State University Sea Grant College Program
- Publ R I Univ Sea Grant Coll Program
- Publications Rhode Island University Sea Grant College Program
- Publ Ser C Nat Environ Res Counc (UK)
- Publications Series 'C' Natural Environment Research Council (UK)
- Publ Ser D Nat Environ Res Counc (UK)
- Publications Series 'D' Natural Environment Research Council (UK)
- Publ Ser Neth Inst Sea Res
- Publication Series Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
- Publ Seto Mar Biol Lab
- Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory
- Publ Seto Mar Biol Lab Spec Publ Ser
- Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory Special Publication Series
- Publ Tec Fac Cienc Biol Univ Auton Nuevo Leon
- Publicaciones Tecnicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
- Publ Tenn Vall Auth
- Publications Tennessee Valley Authority
- Publ Va Sea Grant Consort
- Publications Virginia Sea Grant Consortium
- Publ Water Environ Res Inst
- Publications Water and Environment Research Institute
- Public Health Nutr
- Public Health Nutrition
- Public Health Rep
- Public Health Reports
- Pulm Pharmacol Ther
- Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Pure Appl Chem
- Pure and Applied Chemistry
- Pure Appl Geophys
- Pure and Applied Geophysics
- Pure Appl Math
- Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Pure Appl Math Q
- Pure and Applied Mathematical Quarterly
- Pure Appl Opt
- Pure and Applied Optics
- Pure Appl Phys
- Pure and Applied Physics
- Q Appl Math
- Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
- Q J Appl Meteorol
- Quarterly Journal of Applied Meteorology
- Q J Chem Soc
- Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society
- Q J Eng Geol
- Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology
- Q J Eng Geol Hydrogeol
- Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
- Q J Geol Soc London
- Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London
- Q J Int Agric
- Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture
- Q J Math
- Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
- Q J Mech Appl Math
- Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics
- Q J Microsc Sci
- Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science
- Q J R Astron Soc
- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Q J R Meteorol Soc
- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
- Q J R Meteorolog Soc
- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
- Q J Sci Lit Arts
- Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts
- Q J Stud Alcohol
- Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol
- Q Magn Reson Biol Med
- Quarterly of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine
- Q Rev Biol
- Quarterly Review of Biology
- Q Rev Biophys
- Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics
- Q Rev Chem Soc
- Quarterly Reviews, Chemical Society
- Qld Fisherman
- Queensland Fisherman
- QRB Discovery
- QRB Discovery
- QSAR Comb Sci
- QSAR & Combinatorial Science
- Quad Ente Tutela Pesca Udine, S
- Quaderni del'Ente Tutela Pesca, Udine Serie S
- Quad ICRAM
- Quaderni ICRAM
- Quad Ist Idrobiol Acquacolt 'G Brunelli'
- Quaderni dell' Istituto di Idriobiologia e Acquacoltura 'G Brunelli'
- Quad Ist Ric Pesca Maritt
- Quaderni dell' Istituto Ricerche Pesca Marittima
- Quad Ist Ric Pesca Maritt Suppl
- Quaderni dell' Istituto Ricerche Pesca Marittima Supplemento
- Quad Lab Tecnol Pesca
- Quaderni del Laboratorio di Tecnologia della Pesca
- Quad Tec Acquacolt
- Quaderni Tecnici di Acquacoltura
- Qual Assur Saf Crops Food
- Quality Assurance & Safety of Crops and Food
- Qual Eng
- Quality Engineering
- Qual Reliab Eng Int
- Quality and Reliability Engineering International
- Quant Microbiol
- Quantitative Microbiology
- Quant Sci Stud
- Quantitative Science Studies
- Quant Struct-Act Relat
- Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships
- Quantum Electron
- Quantum Electronics
- Quantum Eng
- Quantum Engineering
- Quantum Inf Comput
- Quantum Information and Computation
- Quantum Inf Process
- Quantum Information Processing
- Quantum Mach Intell
- Quantum Machine Intelligence
- Quantum Opt
- Quantum Optics
- Quantum Sci Technol
- Quantum Science and Technology
- Quantum Semiclassical Opt
- Quantum and Semiclassical Optics
- Quat Geochronol
- Quaternary Geochronology
- Quat Int
- Quaternary International
- Quat Res
- Quaternary Research
- Quat Sci Rev
- Quaternary Science Reviews
- Quick Frozen Foods Int
- Quick Frozen Foods International
- Quim Anal (Barcelona)
- Quimica Analitica
- Quim Bras
- Quimica no Brasil
- Quim Nova
- Quimica Nova
- Quintessence
- Quintessence
- R Inst Chem Lect Monogr Rep
- Royal Institute of Chemistry, Lectures, Monographs, and Reports
- R Inst Chem Lect Ser
- Royal Institute of Chemistry, Lecture Series
- R Inst Chem Rev
- Royal Institute of Chemistry, Reviews
- R Soc Open Sci
- Royal Society Open Science
- Radiat Biol
- Radiation Biology
- Radiat Biol Radioekol
- Radiatsionnaia Biologiia, Radioekologii
- Radiat Detect Technol Methods
- Radiation Detection Technology and Methods
- Radiat Eff Defects Solids
- Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
- Radiat Environ Biophys
- Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
- Radiat Meas
- Radiation Measurements
- Radiat Phys Chem
- Radiation Physics and Chemistry
- Radiat Prot Dosim
- Radiation Protection Dosimetry
- Radiat Res
- Radiation Research
- Radio Electron Eng
- Radio and Electronic Engineer
- Radio Sci
- Radio Science
- Radiobiol Radiother
- Radiobiologia, Radiotherapia
- Radiochim Acta
- Radiochimica Acta
- Radiol Artif Intell
- Radiology: Artifical Intelligence
- Radiol Cardiothorac Imaging
- Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging
- Radiol Imaging Cancer
- Radiology: Imaging Cancer
- Radiol Infect Dis
- Radiology of Infectious Diseases
- Radiophys Quantum Electron
- Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics
- Random Struct Algorithms
- Random Structures and Algorithms
- Rangeland Ecol Manage
- Rangeland Ecology & Management
- Rangeland J
- Rangeland Journal
- Rap FAO Prod
- Rapport de la FAO sur les Produits
- Rap Tech
- Rapport Technique
- RAPA Publ
- RAPA Publication
- RAPA Rep
- RAPA Report
- Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom
- Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
- Rapp Act Programmes Rech Act Cent Natl Rech Oceanogr Peches (Mauritania)
- Rapport d'Activite, Programmes de Recherche et d'Activite Centre National de Recherches Oceanographiques et des Peches (Mauritania)
- Rapp Act Sci Mer Oceanogr Cent Noumea ORSTOM
- Rapports d'Activite Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Rapp Annu Cent Tech For Trop Nogent-sur-Marne
- Rapport Annuel Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Nogent-sur-Marne
- Rapp Annu GIROQ Univ Laval/Univ McGill
- Rapport Annuel Groupe Interuniversitaire de Recherches Oceanographiques du Quebec
- Rapp Annu INRS-Oceanol
- Rapport Annuel INRS-Oceanologie
- Rapp Annu Prod Peches Marit Cult Mar FIOM
- Rapport Annuel de Production des Peches Maritimes et des Cultures Marines FIOM
- Rapp CICTA
- Rapport Commission Internationale pour la Conservation des Thonides de l'Atlantique
- Rapp Comm Int Prot Eaux Leman Contre Pollut
- Rapports Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Eaux du Leman contre la Pollution
- Rapp Congr CIESM
- Rapports du Congres de la CIESM
- Rapp Lab Hydrobiol Bamako ORSTOM
- Rapp Laboratoire d'Hydrobiologie, Bamako, ORSTOM
- Rapp Meld Fiskeridir (Norw)
- Rapporter og Meldinger Fiskeridirektoratet (Norway)
- Rapp Missions Sci Mer Biol Mar Cent Noumea ORSTOM
- Rapports de Missions Sciences de la Mer Biologie Marine Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Rapp Missions Sci Mer Oceanogr Phys Cent Noumea ORSTOM
- Rapports de Missions Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Physique Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Rapp p-v Reun (Dan)
- Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions (Danemark)
- Rapp p-v Reun (Monaco)
- Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions (Monaco)
- Rapp Sci Antenne ORSTOM Seychelles
- Rapport Scientifique Antenne ORSTOM aux Seychelles
- Rapp Sci Techn
- Rapports Scientifiques et Techniques
- Rapp Sci Techn Sci Mer Biol Mar Cent Noumea ORSTOM
- Rapports Scientifiques et Techniques Sciences de la Mer Biologie marine Centre de Noumea ORSTOM
- Rapp Sci Techn Sci Mer Oceanogr Phys Cent Noumea ORSTOM
- Rapports Scientifiques et Techniques Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Physique Centre de Noumea ORSTOM
- Rapp Sci Techn Sci Vie Pharmacol Cent Noumea ORSTOM
- Rapports Scientifiques et Techniques Sciences de la Vie Pharmacologie Centre de Noumea ORSTOM
- Rapp Sent Fiskerioekon Bergen
- Rapport Senter for Fiskerioekonomi, Bergen
- Rapp Tec
- Rapporto Tecnico
- Rapp Trienn Dep Oceanogr Univ Que Rimouski
- Rapport Triennal Department d'Oceanographie, Universite du Quebec a Rimouski
- Rapporti
- Rapporti
- Rapra Rev Rep
- RAPRA Review Reports
- Rare Met
- Rare Metals
- Rare Met Mater Eng
- Rare Metals Materials And Engineering
- Rasain
- Rasain
- Rasayan J Chem
- Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
- REACH Rev Hum Space Explor
- REACH - Reviews in Human Space Exploration
- React Chem Eng
- Reaction Chemistry & Engineering
- React Funct Polym
- Reactive and Functional Polymers
- React Kinet Catal Lett
- Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters
- React Polym
- Reactive Polymers
- Rec Aust Mus
- Records of the Australian Museum
- Rec Aust Mus Suppl
- Records of the Australian Museum Supplement
- Rec Nat Prod
- Records of Natural Products
- Rec Oceanogr Work Jpn New Ser
- Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan New Series
- Rec Oceanogr Work Jpn Spec Number New Ser
- Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan Special Number (New Series)
- Recent Adv DNA Gene Sequences
- Recent Advances in DNA & Gene Sequences
- Recent Pat CNS Drug Discovery
- Recent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery
- Recent Prog Nat Sci Jpn
- Recent Progress of Natural Sciences in Japan
- Recherche
- La Recherche
- Recl Trav Chim Pays-Bas
- Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas
- Recurs Hidric
- Recursos Hidricos
- Recurs Pesca Ser Divulg Gab Estud Plan Pescas (Port)
- Recursos de Pesca Serie Divulgacao Gabinete de Estudose Planeamento das Pescas (Portugal)
- Recurs Pesca Ser Estat Gab Estud Plan Pescas (Port)
- Recursos de Pesca Serie Estatistica Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento das Pescas (Portugal)
- Recurs Pesq Asturias
- Recursos Pesqueros de Asturias
- Redox Biol
- Redox Biology
- Reef Res
- Reef Research
- Ref Methods Mar Pollut Stud
- Reference Methods for Marine Pollution Studies
- Ref Woods-Hole Oceanogr Inst
- Reference Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Refract Ind Ceram
- Refractories and Industrial Ceramics
- Reg Environ Change
- Regional Environmental Change
- Reg Tuna Bull Ocean Fish Programme S Pac Comm
- Regional Tuna Bulletin Oceanic Fisheries Programme, South Pacific Commission
- Regener Biomater
- Regenerative Biomaterials
- Regener Eng Transl Med
- Regenerative Engineering and Translational Medicine
- Regener Med Res
- Regenerative Medicine Research
- Regul Pept
- Regulatory Peptides
- Regul Rivers Res Manage
- Regulated Rivers: Research and Management
- Regul Toxicol Pharm
- Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
- Reinf Plast
- Reinforced Plastics
- Reinf Plast Compos World
- Reinforced Plastics and Composites World
- Rejuvenation Res
- Rejuvenation Research
- Relat Cient Tec Inst Port Invest Marit
- Relatorios Cientificos e Tecnicos Instituto Portugues de Investigacao Maritima
- Relat Cruzeiros Inst Oceanogr Univ Sao Paulo Ser N/Oc Prof W Besnard
- Relatorios de Cruzeiros, Ser "N/Oc Prof w Bernard" Instituto Oceanografico Universidade de Sao Paulo
- Relat Interno Inst Oceanogr Univ Sao Paulo
- Relatorio Interno do Instituto Oceanografico Universidade de Sao Paulo
- Reliab Eng
- Reliability Engineering
- Reliab Eng Syst Saf
- Reliability Engineering & System Safety
- Rem J
- Remediation Journal
- Remote Sens Appl: Soc Environ
- Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
- Remote Sens Ecol Conserv
- Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
- Remote Sens Environ
- Remote Sensing of Environment
- Remote Sens Environ (China
- Remote Sensing of Environment (China)
- Renew Energy News Digest
- Renewable Energy News Digest
- Renewable Agric Food Syst
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
- Renewable Energy
- Renewable Energy
- Renewable Resour J
- Renewable Resources Journal
- Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
- Rep Acc Severn-Trent Water
- Report and Accounts Severn-Trent Water
- Rep Acc Southern Water
- Report and Accounts Southern Water
- Rep Acc Welsh Water
- Report and Accounts Welsh Water
- Rep Acc Wessex Water
- Report and Accounts Wessex Water
- Rep Act Oslo Paris Comm
- Report on the Activities of the Oslo and Paris Commissions
- Rep Advis Comm Meet Network Aquacult Cent Asia
- Report Advisory Committee Meeting of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia
- Rep Alsk Miner Manage Serv
- Report Alaska Minerals Management Service
- Rep Aquacult Dep Southeast Asian Fish Dev Cent
- Report Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
- Rep Argonne Natl Lab
- Report Argonne National Laboratory
- Rep Br Antartct Surv
- Report of the British Antarctic Survey
- Rep Bur Resour Sci (Aust)
- Report Bureau of Resource Sciences (Australia)
- Rep Calif Inst Technol WM Keck Lab Hydraul Water Resour
- Report California Institute of Technolgoy, WM Keck Laboratory for Hydraulics and Water Resources
- Report of California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations
- Rep CIRIA Underwat Eng Group
- Report CIRIA Underwater Engineering Group
- Rep Clerk Chief Fish Off N West N Wales Sea Fish Comm
- Report of the Clerk and Chief Fishery Officer North Western and North Wales Sea Fisheries Committee
- Rep Counc Nat Environ Res Counc (UK)
- Report of the Council Natural Environment Research Council (UK)
- Rep CSIRO Mar Lab
- Report CSIRO Marine Laboratories
- Rep David Taylor Res Cent
- Report David Taylor Research Center
- Rep Dunstaffnage Mar Lab Scott Assoc Mar Sci
- Reports of the Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory and the Scottish Association for Marine Science
- Rep Environ Res Inst Mich
- Report Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
- Rep Environ Stud Res Funds
- Report Environmental Studies Research Funds
- Rep Fish Dep (Vanuatu)
- Report Fisheries Department (Vanuatu)
- Rep Fish Lab Miyazaki Univ
- Report of the Fisheries Laboratory, Miyazaki University
- Rep Fish Res Inst Wash Univ
- Report Fisheries Research Institute, Washington University
- Rep Fish Res Lab Kyushu Univ
- Report of Fishery Research Laboratory, Kyushu University
- Rep Fish Res Lab Mie Univ
- Report of the Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University
- Rep Fish Resour Invest Sci Fish Agency Jap Gov
- Report of Fisheries Resources Investigations by the Scientists of the Fisheries Agency, Japanese Government
- Rep Fla Sea Grant (Coll) Program
- Report Florida Sea Grant (College) Program
- Rep Fukaura Mar Biol Lab Hirosaki Univ
- Report of the Fukaura Marine Biological Laboratory, Hirosaki University
- Rep Geophys Inst Univ Bergen
- Report Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen
- Rep GFCM
- Report General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean
- Rep Hydraul Res Stn Wallingford
- Report Hydraulics Research Station, Wallingford
- Rep Hydrol Eng Cent Davis Calif
- Report Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, Calif
- Report Internaional Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
- Rep Ill Environ Prot Agency Div Water Pollut Control
- Report Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Water Pollution Control
- Rep Ill-Indiana Sea Grant Program
- Report Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program
- Rep Inland Fish Comm (Tasman)
- Report Inland Fisheries Commission (Tasmania)
- Rep Inst Freshw Ecol UK
- Report of the Institute of Freshwater Ecology, UK
- Rep Inst Hydrol Wallingford
- Report of the Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford
- Rep Inst Oceanogr Sci Deacon Lab
- Report of the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory
- Rep Inst Terr Ecol UK
- Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, UK
- Rep Invest Inst Bot Acad Cienc Cuba
- Reporte de Investigacion del Instituto de Botanica, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba
- Rep Invest Inst Ecol Sist Acad Cienc Cuba
- Reporte de Investigacion del Instituto de Ecologia y Sistematica, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba
- Rep Invest Inst Oceanol Acad Cienc Cuba
- Reporte de Investigacion del Instituto de Oceanologia, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba
- Rep Invest Inst Zool Acad Cienc Cuba
- Reporte de Investigacion del Instituto de Zoologia, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba
- Rep Iowa Inst Hydraul Res
- Report Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research
- Rep Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab
- Report Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Rep Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
- Report Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Rep Los Alamos Natl Lab
- Report Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Rep Maine-NH Sea Grant Coll Program
- Report Maine-New Hampshire Sea Grant College Program
- Rep Mar Sci Aff
- Reports on Marine Science Affairs
- Rep Mass Inst Technol Dep Earth Atmos Planet Phys
- Report Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Physics
- Rep Mass Inst Technol Ocean Eng Dep
- Report Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ocean Engineering Department
- Rep Mass Inst Technol Sea Grant Program
- Report Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant Program
- Rep Math Phys
- Reports on Mathematical Physics
- Rep Md Univ Chesapeake Biol Lab
- Report Maryland University, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
- Rep Md Univ Nat Resour Inst
- Report Maryland University, Natural Resources Institute
- Rep Meet Counc Southeast Asian Fish Dev Cent
- Report of the Meeting of the Council of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
- Rep Meet Program Comm Southeast Asian Fish Dev Cent
- Report of the Meeting of the Program Committee of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
- Rep Meet SC-CAMLR
- Report of the Meeting of the Scientific Committee Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
- Rep Mens Inst Invest Oceanol Univ Auton Baja Calif
- Reporte Mensual Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanologicas, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
- Rep Miss-Ala Sea Grant Consort
- Reports Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium
- Rep Natl Transp Saf Board (US)
- Report National Transportation Safety Board (US)
- Rep NC Univ Water Resour Res Inst
- Report North Carolina University, Water Resources Institute
- Rep NH Univ Sea Grant Program
- Report New Hampshire University Sea Grant Program
- Rep NM Water Resour Inst
- Report New Mexico Water Resources Institute
- Rep NZ Fish Ind Board
- Report of the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board
- Rep Oak Ridge Natl Lab
- Report Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Rep Off Res Dev US Coast Guard
- Report Office of Research and Development, US Coast Guard
- Rep Pap USDA For Serv Instermt Res Stn
- Research Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station
- Rep Pap USDA For Serv Southeast Instermt Res Stn
- Research Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeast Intermountain Research Station
- Rep Plymouth Mar Lab
- Report of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory
- Rep Port Harbour Res Isnt Yokosuka
- Report of Port and Harbour Research Institute, Yokosuka
- Rep Prog Phys
- Reports on Progress in Physics
- Rep Proudman Oceanogr Lab Bidston
- Report of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Bidston
- Rep Reg Tech Meet Fish S Pac Comm
- Report Regional Technical Meeting of Fisheries South Pacific Commission
- Rep Res Woods Hole Oceanogr Inst
- Reports on Research Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Rep S Pac Albacore Res Workshop
- Report South Pacific Albacore Research Workshop
- Rep Sado Mar Biol Stn Niigata Univ
- Report of the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University
- Rep Sandia Natl Lab
- Report Sandia National Laboratories
- Rep Scripps Inst Oceanogr Mar Phys Lab
- Report Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Physics Laboratory
- Rep Sea Mamm Res Unit Camb
- Report of the Sea Mammal Research Unit, Cambridge
- Rep Ser Calif Sea Grant Coll Program
- Report Series California Sea Grant College Program
- Rep Ser NY Sea Grant Inst
- Report Series New York Sea Grant Institute
- Rep Ser Salm Genet Res Program (Can)
- Report Series Salmon Genetics Research Program (Canada)
- Rep South Calif Univ Sea Grant Program
- Report Southern California University Sea Grant Program
- Rep Standing Comm Tuna Billfish S Pac Comm
- Report Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish, South Pacific Commission
- Rep Stevens Inst Technol Davidson Lab
- Report Stevens Institute of Technology, Davidson Laboratory
- Rep StudGESAMP
- Reports and Studies IMO/FAO/Unesco/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution
- Rep Tec Inst Invest Oceanol Univ Auton Baja Calif
- Reporte Tecnico Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanologicas, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
- Rep Tenn Valley Auth
- Report Tennessee Valley Authority
- Rep Tex A&M Univ Sea Grant Program
- Report Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University Sea Grant Program
- Rep Tex Univ Appl Res Lab
- Report Texas University, Applied Research Laboratories
- Rep Tokyo Univ Fish
- Report of the Tokyo University of Fisheries
- Rep Torry Res Stn Norwich Food Sci Lab
- Report Torry Research Station and Norwich Food Science Laboratory
- Rep Univ DC Water Resour Res Cent
- Report University of the District of Columbia, Water Resources Research Center
- Rep US Air Force Inst Technol
- Report US Air Force Institute of Technology
- Rep US Army Coast Eng Res Cent
- Report US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center
- Rep US Army Cold Reg Res Eng Lab
- Report US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
- Rep US Army Eng Waterways Exp Stn Geotech Lab
- Report US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Geotechnical Laboratory
- Rep US Bur Reclam Eng Res Cent
- Report US Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering and Research Center
- Rep US Coast Guard
- Report US Coast Guard
- Rep US Coast Guard Oceanogr Unit
- Report US Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit
- Rep US Dep Energy
- Report US Department of Energy
- Rep US Environ Prot Agency
- Report US Environmental Protection Agency
- Rep US Geol Surv
- Report US Geological Survey
- Rep US Geol Surv Water Resour Div
- Report US Geological Survey, Water Resources Division
- Rep US Marit Adm Off Res Dev
- Report US Maritime Administration Office of Research and Development
- Rep US Nav Biodyn Lab
- Report US Naval Biodynamics Laboratory
- Rep US Nav Civ Eng Lab
- Report US Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility
- Rep US Nav Exp Diving Unit
- Report US Navy Experimental Diving Unit
- Rep US Nav Facil Eng Command Chesapeake Div
- Report US Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Chesapeake Division
- Rep US Nav Health Res Cent
- Report US Naval Health Research Center
- Rep US Nav Med Res Inst
- Report US Naval Medical Research Institute
- Rep US Nav Ocean Res Dev Act
- Report US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity
- Rep US Nav Ocean Syst Cent
- Report US Naval Ocean Systems Center
- Rep US Nav Oceanogr Atmos Res Lab
- Report US Naval Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratory
- Rep US Nav Postgrad Sch
- Report US Naval Postgraduate School
- Rep US Nav Res Lab
- Report US Naval Research Laboratory
- Rep US Nav Submar Med Res Lab
- Report US Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory
- Rep Wash Univ Appl Phys Lab
- Report Washington University, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Rep Wis Sea Grant Advis Serv
- Report Wisconsin Sea Grant Advisory Service
- Rep Wis Sea Grant Inst
- Report Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute
- Rep Wis Univ Sea Grant Coll Program
- Report Wisconsin University Sea Grant College Program
- Rep Woods Hole Oceanogr Inst
- Report Woods Hole Oceanographic Isntitute
- Rep World Data Cent A-Oceanogr
- Report World Data Center A - Oceanography
- Reperes Ocean
- Reperes Ocean
- Repos Trab Lab Nac Invest Vet (Port)
- Repositorio de Trabalhos do Laboratorio Nacional de Investigacao Veterinaria (Portugal)
- Repp Sci Dir Rech Prod Halieut Inst Senegal Agric
- Rapport Scientifique Direction des Recherches sur les Productions Halieutiques, Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles
- Reprod Domest Anim
- Reproduction in Domestic Animals
- Reprod Toxicol
- Reproductive Toxicology
- RepUniv South Calif Inst Mar Coast Stud
- Report University of Southern California, Institue of Marine and Coastal Studies
- Res Astron Astrophys
- Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Res Biomed Eng
- Research on Biomedical Engineering
- Res Bull Phuket Mar Biol Cent
- Research Bulletin Phuket Marine Biological Centre
- Res Chem Intermed
- Research on Chemical Intermediates
- Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol
- Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology
- Res Commun Subst Abuse
- Research Communications in Substances of Abuse
- Res Eng Des
- Research in Engineering Design
- Res Environ Sci
- Research on Environmental Sciences
- Res Eval
- Research Evaluation
- Res Fish Annu Rep Sch Fish
- Research in Fisheries Annual Report of the School of Fisheries
- Res Fish Mar Environ Dir Fish Res (GB)
- Research into Fisheries and the Marine Environment Directorate of Fisheries Research (Gt Brit)
- Res Highl
- Research Highlights
- Res Ideas Outcomes
- Research Ideas & Outcomes
- Res Ind
- Research and Industry
- Res Integrity Peer Rev
- Research Integrity and Peer Review
- Res J Chem Environ
- Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment
- Res J Environ Sci
- Research Journal of Environmental Sciences
- Res J Text Apparel
- Research Journal of Textile and Apparel
- Res Math Sci
- Research in the Mathematical Sciences
- Res Microbiol
- Research in Microbiology
- Res Nondestr Eval
- Research in Nondestructive Evaluation
- Res Note USDA For Serv Intermt Res Stn
- Research Note US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station
- Res Note USDA For Serv Pac Northwest Res Stn
- Research Note US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
- Res Notes AAS
- Research Notes of the AAS
- Res Pap Argonne Natl Lab
- Research Paper Argonne National Laboratory
- Res Pap Ser Train Dep Southeast Asian Fish Dev Cent
- Research Paper Series Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
- Res Pap USDA For Serv Northeast Res Stn
- Research Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station
- Res Pap USDA For Serv Pac Northwest Exp Stn
- Research Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Experiment Station
- Res Pap USDA For Serv Pac Southwest Range Exp Stn
- Research Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Range Experiment Station
- Res Pap USDA For Serv Pc Mt For Range Exp Stn
- Research Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Mountain Forest Range Experiment Station
- Res Popul Ecol
- Reseraches on Population Ecology
- Res Rep CSIRO Div Fish
- Research Report CSIRO Division of Fisheries
- Res Rep CSIRO Div Oceanogr
- Research Report CSIRO Division of Oceanography
- Res Rep Ill Univ Water Resour Cent
- Research Report Illinois University, Water Resources Center
- Res Rep Ky Univ Water Resour Res Inst
- Research Report Kentucky University, Water Resources Research Institute
- Res Rep Minn Sea Grant Program
- Research Report Minnesota Sea Grant Program
- Res Rep Superv Sci Alligator Rivers Reg (Aust)
- Research Report Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region
- Res Rep Zool Dep
- Research Report from the Zoology Department
- Res Results Pharmacol
- Research Results in Pharmacology
- Res Rev Polym
- Research & Reviews in Polymer
- Res Synth Methods
- Research Synthesis Methods
- Res Vet Sci
- Research in Veterinary Science
- Res/Resour Manage Rep US Natl Park Serv
- Research/Resource Management Report US National Park Service
- Residue Rev
- Residue Reviews
- Resoc Rilev Mare
- Resoconti dei Rilevamenti in Mare
- Resour Conserv
- Resource Conservation
- Resour Conserv Recycl
- Resources, Conservation and Recycling
- Resour Conserv Recycl: X
- Resources, Conservation and Recycling: X
- Resour Eng Technol Sustainable World
- Resource Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World
- Resour Geol
- Resource Geology
- Resour Policy
- Resources Policy
- Resour Recovery Conserv
- Resource Recovery and Conservation
- Resource
- Resource
- Resour-Effic Technol
- Resource-Efficient Technologies
- Respir Physiol Neurobiol
- Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology
- Restor Ecol
- Restoration Ecology
- Restor Neurol Neurosci
- Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
- Result Exped Cient
- Resultados Expediciones Cientificas
- Result Gen Peche Marit Senegal
- Resultats Generaux de la Peche Maritime Senegalaise
- Result Wiss Erforsch Balatonsees
- Resultate der Wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees
- Results Appl Math
- Results in Applied Mathematics
- Results Chem
- Results in Chemistry
- Results Eng
- Results in Engineering
- Results Mar Meteorol Oceanogr Osb
- The Results of Marine Meteorological and Oceanographical Observations
- Results Mater
- Results in Materials
- Results Phys
- Results in Physics
- Results Sea Fish Surv Mot Vessels
- Results of the Sea Fishery Survey by Motor Vessels
- Resumes Anal Pech Mond
- Resumes analytiques des Peches Mondiales
- Resumes Trav Oceanogr Cent Noumea ORSTOM
- Resumes des Travaux Oceanographie Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM
- Rev Accel Sci Technol
- Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology
- Rev Act Metallges AG
- Review of the Activities Metallgesellschaft AG
- Rev Anal Chem
- Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
- Rev Aquacult
- Reviews in Aquaculture
- Rev Asoc Cienc Nat Litor St Tome
- Revista de la Asociacion de Ciencias Naturales del Litoral, Santo Tome
- Rev Automot Eng
- Review of Automotive Engineering
- Rev Biol Mar
- Revista de Biologia Marina
- Rev Biol Trop
- Revista de Biologia Tropical
- Rev Biol Univ Aveiro
- Revista de Biologia Universidade de Aveiro
- Rev Boliv Quim
- Revista Boliviana de Quimica
- Rev Bras Apl Vacuo
- Revista Brasileira de Aplicacoes de Vacuo
- Rev Bras Biol
- Revista Brasileira de Biologia
- Rev Bras Ensino Quim
- Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Quimica
- Rev Bras Estat
- Revista Brasileira de Estatistica
- Rev Bras Fis
- Revista Brasileira de Fisica
- Rev Bras Geofis
- Revista Brasileira de Geofisica
- Rev Bras Oceangr
- Revista Brasileira de Oceanografia
- Rev Chem Eng
- Reviews in Chemical Engineering
- Rev Chil Hist Nat
- Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
- Rev Chim
- Revista de Chimie
- Rev Cienc Biol Cent Nac Invest Cient (Cuba)
- Revista de Ciencias Biologicas Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas (Cuba)
- Rev Cienc Biol Ser A
- Revista de Ciencias Biologicas Serie A
- Rev Cienc Biol Ser B
- Revista de Ciencias Biologicas Serie B
- Rev Colomb Entomol
- Revista Colombiana de Entomologia
- Rev Colomb Quim
- Revista Colombiana de Quimica
- Rev Com Perm Pac Sur
- Revista de la Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur
- Rev Compos Mater Av
- Revue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances
- Rev Comput Chem
- Reviews in Computational Chemistry
- Rev Conserv
- Reviews in Conservation
- Rev Cub Investig Pesq
- Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Pesqueras
- Rev Ecol Terre & Vie
- Revie d'Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie)
- Rev Electr Electron
- Revue de l'Electricite et de l'Electronique
- Rev Environ Contam Toxicol
- Reviews of Environment Contamination and Toxicology
- Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol
- Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology
- Rev Environ Toxicol
- Reviews in Environmental Toxicology
- Rev Fac Agron Univ Zulia
- Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad del Zulia
- Rev Fish Biol Fish
- Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries
- Rev Fish Sci Aquacult
- Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture
- Rev Fr Geotech
- Revue Francaise de Geotechnique
- Rev Fr Oenol
- Revue Francaise d'Oenologie
- Rev Gen Caoutch Plast
- Revue Generale des Caoutchoucs & Plastiques
- Rev Gen Froid
- Revue Generale du Froid
- Rev Gen Therm
- Revue Generale de Thermique
- Rev Geofis
- Revista Geofisica
- Rev Geofis (Mex)
- Revista Geofisica (Mexico)
- Rev Geogr Pyrenees Sud-Ouest
- Revue Geographique des Pyrenees et du Sud-Ouest
- Rev Geol Chile
- Revista Geologica de Chile
- Rev Geophys
- Reviews of Geophysics
- Rev Geophys Space Phys
- Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics
- Rev Hydrobiol Trop
- Revue d'Hydrobiologie Tropicale
- Rev Hydrogr
- Revue Hydrographique
- Rev Iberoam Autom Inf Ind
- RIAI Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial
- Rev Ictiol
- Revista de Ictiologia
- Rev IEEE Am Lat
- Revista IEEE America Latina
- Rev Ing Univ Medellin
- Revista Ingenierias Univsidad de Medellin
- Rev Inst Fr Pet
- Revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole
- Rev Inst Geol Univ Nac Auton Mex
- Revista Instituto de Geologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
- Rev Inst Mex Ing Chim
- Revista del Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Quimicos
- Rev Inst Mex Pet
- Revista del Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo
- Rev Int Contam Ambient
- Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental
- Rev Int Oceanogr Med
- Revue Internationale d'Oceanographie Medicale
- Rev Invest
- Revista de Investigaciones
- Rev Invest Cient Univ Auton Baja Calif Sur (Ser Cienc Mar)
- Revista de Investigacion Cientifica de la Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur Serie Ciencias del Mar
- Rev Invest Desarr Pesq
- Revista de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero
- Rev Invest Mar
- Revista de Investigaciones Marinas
- Rev Invest Pesq (Maputo)
- Revista de Investigacao Pesqueira (Maputo)
- Rev Latinoam Acuicult
- Revista Latinoamericana de Acuicultura
- Rev Latinoam Ing Quim Quim Apl
- Revista Latinoamericana de Ingenieria Quimica y Quimica Aplicada
- Rev Latinoam Quim
- Revista Latinoamericana de Quimica
- Rev Mar
- Revista de Marinha
- Rev Marit
- Revue Maritime
- Rev Marit Transp
- Review of Maritime Transport
- Rev Math Phys
- Reviews in Mathematical Physics
- Rev Metal
- Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid, Spain)
- Rev Metall / Cah Inf Tech
- Revue de Metallurgie / Cahiers d'Informations Techniques
- Rev Mex Astron Astrofis
- Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica
- Rev Mex Cienc Farm
- Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Farmaceuticas
- Rev Mex Fis
- Revista Mexicana de Fisica
- Rev Mex Ing Chim
- Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Quimica
- Rev Micropaleontol
- Revue de Micropaleontologie
- Rev Mineral Geochem
- Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry
- Rev Mod Phys
- Reviews of Modern Physics
- Rev Mod Plasma Phys
- Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics
- Rev Mol Biotechnol
- Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology
- Rev Mus Argent Cienc Nat Bernardino Rivadavia Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent), Bot
- Revista del Museo Argentino de cienicas Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Botanica
- Rev Mus Argent Cienc Nat Bernardino Rivadavia Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent), Ecol
- Revista del Museo Argentino de cienicas Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Ecologia
- Rev Mus Argent Cienc Nat Bernardino Rivadavia Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent), Hidrobiol
- Revista del Museo Argentino de cienicas Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Hidrobiologia
- Rev Mus Argent Cienc Nat Bernardino Rivadavia Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent), Zool
- Revista del Museo Argentino de cienicas Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Zoologia
- Rev Mus La Plata Nueva Ser Secc Bot
- Revista del Museo de la Plata Nueva Serie Seccion Botanica
- Rev Mus La Plata Nueva Ser Secc Geol
- Revista del Museo de la Plata Nueva Serie Seccion Geologia
- Rev Mus La Plata Nueva Ser Secc Zool
- Revista del Museo de la Plata Nueva Serie Seccion Zologia
- Rev Nordestina Biol
- Revista Nordestina de Biologia
- Rev Palaeobot Palynol
- Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
- Rev Paleobiol
- Revue de Paleobiologie
- Rev Phys
- Reviews in Physics
- Rev Phys Chem Jpn
- Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan
- Rev Phys Technol
- Review of Physics in Technology
- Rev Physiol, Biochem Pharmacol
- Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
- Rev Plast Mod
- Revista de Plasticos Modernos
- Rev Port Cienc Vet
- Revista Portuguesa de Ciencias Veterinarias
- Rev Prog Color Relat Top
- Review of Progress in Coloration and Related Topics
- Rev Quim Text
- Revista de Quimica Textil
- Rev Roum Biol Biol Anim
- Revue Roumaine de Biologie Serie Biologie Animale
- Rev Roum Chim
- Revue Roumaine de Chimie
- Rev Roum Geophys
- Revue Roumaine de Geophysique
- Rev Saude Publica Sao Paulo
- Revista de Saude Publica, Sao Paulo
- Rev Sci Eau
- Revue des Sciences de l'Eau
- Rev Sci Instrum
- Review of Scientific Instruments
- Rev Soc Mex Hist Nat
- Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural
- Rev Soc Quim Mex
- Revista de la Sociedad Quimica de Mexico
- Rev Soc Quim Peru
- Revista de la Sociedad Quimica del Peru
- Rev Suisse Zool
- Revue Suisse de Zoologie
- Rev Tech Serv Phares Balises
- Revue Technique du Service des Phares et Balises
- Rev Toxicol
- Reviews in Toxicology
- Rev Trav Inst Pech Marit
- Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Peches Maritimes
- Rev Trav Off Pech Marit
- Revue des Travaux de l'Office des Peches Maritimes
- Rev Trav Off Sci Tech Pech Marit
- Revue des Travaux de l'Office Scientifique et Technique des Peches Maritimes
- Revista UNIMAR
- Rev Zool (Iztacala)
- Revista de Zoologia (Iztacala)
- Rheol Acta
- Rheologica Acta
- Rhodora
- Rhodora
- Ribarstvo
- Ribarstvo
- RIC Rev
- RIC Reviews
- Ric Sci
- Ricerca Scientifica
- Rice Sci
- Rice Science
- Rice Univ Stud
- Rice University Studies
- Ridna Prir
- Ridna Priroda
- Rijkswaterstaat Commun
- Rijkswaterstaat Communications
- Risal Perikan Bilangan
- Risalah Perikanan Bilangan
- Risk Anal
- Risk Analysis
- Riv Biol
- Rivista di Biologia
- Riv Combust Ind Chim
- Rivista dei Combustibili e dell'Industia Chimica
- Riv Idrobiol
- Rivista di Idrobiologia
- Riv Ital Acquacolt
- Rivista Italiana di Acquacoltura
- Riv Parassitol
- Rivista di Parassitologia
- Riv Sci Aliment
- Rivista di Scienza dell'Alimentazione
- River Res Appl
- River Research and Applications
- Rob Auton Syst
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Rob Comput Integr Manuf
- Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
- Rock Mech Rock Eng
- Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
- Rocks Miner
- Rocks and Minerals
- Rocky Mt Geol
- Rocky Mountain Geology
- RoFo Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Nuklearmed
- RoFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin
- Rom Biotechnol Lett
- Romanian Biotechnology Letters
- Rom J Biochem
- Romanian Journal of Biochemistry
- Rom J Chem
- Romanian Journal of Chemistry
- Rom J Legal Med
- Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine
- Rom J Phys
- Romanian Journal of Physics
- Rostock Meeresbiol Beitr
- Rostocker Meeresbiologische Beitraege
- Roux's Arch Dev Biol
- Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology
- RSC Adv
- RSC Advances
- RSC Chem Biol
- RSC Chemical Biology
- Rubber Chem Technol
- Rubber Chemistry and Technology
- Rural Res
- Rural Research
- Russ Acad Sci Oceanol
- Russian Academy of Sciences Oceanology
- Russ Chem Bull
- Russian Chemical Bulletin
- Russ Chem Rev
- Russian Chemical Reviews
- Russ Eng Res
- Russian Engineering Research
- Russ Geol Geophys
- Russian Geology and Geophysics
- Russ J Appl Chem
- Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry
- Russ J Bioorg Chem
- Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry
- Russ J Coord Chem
- Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry
- Russ J Earth Sci
- Russian Journal of Earth Sciences
- Russ J Ecol
- Russian Journal of Ecology
- Russ J Electrochem
- Russian Journal of Electrochemistry
- Russ J Gen Chem
- Russian Journal of General Chemistry
- Russ J Genet
- Russian Journal of Genetics
- Russ J Herpetol
- Russian Journal of Herpetology
- Russ J Inorg Chem
- Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
- Russ J Mar Biol
- Russian Journal of Marine Biology
- Russ J Math Phys
- Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics
- Russ J Nondestr Test
- Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing
- Russ J Org Chem
- Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Russ J Phys Chem
- Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry
- Russ J Phys Chem A
- Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A
- Russ J Phys Chem B
- Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Focus on Physics
- Russ Math Surv
- Russian Mathematical Surveys
- Russ Metall
- Russian Metallurgy
- Russ Meteorol Hydrol
- Russian Meteorology and Hydrology
- Russ Microlectron
- Russian Microelectronics
- Russ Phys J
- Russian Physics Journal
- Rybn Khoz (Mosc)
- Rybnoe Khozyajstvo (Moscow)
- Rybokhoz Izuch Vnutr Vodoemov
- Rybokhozyajstvennye Izucheniya Vnutrennikh Vodoemov
- Rybolov
- Rybolov
- Rybovod Rybolov
- Rybovodstvo i Rybolovstvo
- S Afr J Antarct Res
- South African Journal ofAntarctic Research
- S Afr J Aquat Sci
- Southern African Journal of Aquatic Sciences
- S Afr J Bot
- South African Journal of Botany
- S Afr J Chem
- South African Journal of Chemistry
- S Afr J Chem Eng
- South African Journal of Chemical Engineering
- S Afr J Enol Vitic
- South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture
- S Afr J Geol
- South African Journal of Geology
- S Afr J Ind Eng
- South African Journal of Industrial Engineering
- S Afr J Ind Psychol
- South African Journal of Industrial Psychology
- S Afr J Mar Sci
- South African Journal of Marine Science
- S Afr J Plant Soil
- South African Journal of Plant and Soil
- S Afr J Sci
- South African Journal of Science
- S Afr J Wildl Res
- South African Journal of Wildlife Research
- S Afr J Zool
- South African Journal of Zoology
- S Afr Natl Sci Programmes Rep
- South African National Scientific Programmes Report
- S Afr Shipp News Fish Ind Rev
- South African Shipping News and Fishing Industry Review
- S Diego Law Rev
- San Diego Law Review
- Saclanteen Conf Proc
- Saclanteen Conference Proceedings
- Saclanteen Memo
- Saclanteen Memorandum
- Saclanteen Tech Memo
- Saclanteen Technical Memorandum
- SAE Int J Aerosp
- SAE International Journal of Aerospace
- SAE Int J Commer Veh
- SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles
- SAE Int J Engines
- SAE International Journal of Engines
- SAE Int J Fuels Lubr
- SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants
- SAE Int J Manuf Mater
- SAE International Journal of Manufacturing & Materials
- SAE Int J Passenger Cars Electron Electr Syst
- SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems
- SAE Int J Passenger Cars Mech Syst
- SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems
- SAE Journal
- SAE Q Trans
- SAE Quarterly Transactions
- SAE Trans
- SAE Transactions
- Saf Sci
- Safety Science
- Saf Sea Int
- Safety at Sea International
- Sage Open Eng
- Sage Open Engineering
- Sagittarius
- Sagittarius
- Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- Salmon Freshw Fish Stat Engl Wales
- Salmonid and Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England and Wales
- Salmon Net
- Salmon Net
- SAMPE Journal
- SAMUDRA: Dossier
- SAMUDRA Report
- SAR QSAR Environ Res
- SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research
- Sarsia
- Sarsia
- Satell Navig
- Satellite Navigation
- Satmer
- Satmer
- Sb Nauchn Tr AtlantNIRO
- Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Atlanticheskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Rybnogo Khozyajstva i Okeanografii
- Sb Nauchn Tr GosNIORKh
- Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Gosudarstvennyu Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Institut Ozernogo i Rechnogo Rybnogo Khozyajstva
- Sb Nauchn Tr MMBI
- Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Murmanskogo Morskogo Biologicheskogo Instituta
- Sb Nauchn Tr NIIGA
- Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'-skogo Instituta Geologii Arktiki
- Sb Nauchn Tr PINRO
- Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Polyarnogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Rybnogo Khozyajstva i Okeanografii
- Sb Nauchn Tr VNIIPRKh
- Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vserossijskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Prudovogo Rybnogo Khozyajstva
- Sb Nauchn Tr VNIRO
- Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vserossijskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Morskogo Rybnogo Khozyajstva i Okeanografii
- Sb Rab IBM
- Sbornik Rabot Instituta Biologii Morya
- Sb Tr Zool Muz MGU
- Sbornik Trudov Zoologicheskogo Muzeya, Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta
- Sb Vys Sk Chem-Technol
- Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko - Technologicke v Praze
- Scand J Clin Lab Invest
- Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation
- Scand J For Res
- Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
- Scand J Immunol
- Scandinavian Journal of Immunology
- Scand J Med Sci Sports
- Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
- Scand J Metall
- Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy
- Scand J Stat
- Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
- Scand J Work Environ Health
- Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
- Sch Sci Math
- School Science and Mathematics
- Sch Sci Rev
- School Science Review
- Schiff Hafen
- Schiff und Hafen
- Schmalenbachs Z betriebswirtsch Forsch
- Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
- Schr Bundesforschanst Fisch Hambg
- Schriften der Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Fischerei Hamburg
- Schr Koenigsb Gelehrten Ges, Naturwiss Kl
- Schriften der Koenigsberger Gelehrten Gesellschaft, Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse
- Schr Konigsb Gelehrten Ges
- Schriften der Konigsberger Gelehrten Gesellschaft
- Schr Naturwissen Verbr Naturwissen Kennt Wien
- Schriften des Vereines zur Verbreitung Naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse in Wien
- Schr natwiss Ver Schlesw-Holst
- Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fuer Schleswig-Holsten
- Schriftenr Geol Wissen
- Schriftenreihe für Geologische Wissenschaften
- Schrreihe Schuetzgem Dtsch Nordseekueste Wilhelmshav
- Schriftenreihe der Schuetzgemeinschaft Deutsche Nordseekueste eV Wilhelmshaven
- Schrreihe Umw Fisch
- Schriftenreihe Umwelt Fischerei
- Schrreihe Ver Wasser- Boden- Lufthyg
- Schriftenreihe des Vereins fuer Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene
- Schrreihe Verb Dtsch Fischverwaltbeamter Fischwiss Offenb
- Schriftenreihe des Verbandes Deutscher Fischereiverwaltungsbeamter und Fischereiwissenschafler Offenbach
- Schweiss Prueftech
- Schweiss- und Prueftechnik
- Schweiz Fisch-Ztg
- Schweizerische Fischerei-Zeitung
- Schweiz Lab Z
- Schweizerische Laboratoriums Zeitschrift
- Schweiz Mineral Petrogr Mitt
- Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen
- Schweiz Wochenschr Chem Pharm
- Schweizerische Wochenschrift für Chemie und Pharmacie
- Sci Adv
- Science Advances
- Sci Adv Mater
- Science of Advanced Materials
- Sci Afr
- Scientific African
- Sci Am
- Scientific American
- Sci Ann Fac Phys Math (Greece)
- Scientific Annals of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (Greece)
- Sci Arts Lith
- Science and Arts of Lithuania
- Sci Atmos Sin
- Scientia Atmospherica Sinica
- Sci China B Chem Life Sci Earth Sci
- Science in China Series B Chemistry, Life Sciences and Earth Sciences
- Sci China Mater
- Science China Materials
- Sci China Ser E: Technol Sci
- Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences
- Sci China, Ser A Math
- Science in China, Series A: Mathematics
- Sci China, Ser B Chem
- Science in China, Series B: Chemistry
- Sci China, Ser C Life Sci
- Science in China, Series C: Life Sciences
- Sci China, Ser D Earth Sci
- Science in China, Series D: Earth Sciences
- Sci China, Ser E Eng Mater Sci
- Science in China, Series E: Engineering & Materials Science
- Sci China, Ser G
- Science in China, Series G: Physics Mechanics and Astronomy
- Sci Context
- Science in Context
- Sci Counc Rep NAFO
- Scientific Council Reports Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
- Sci Counc Stud NAFO
- Scientific Council Studies Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
- Sci Cult
- Science and Culture
- Sci Data
- Scientific Data
- Sci Drill
- Scientific Drilling
- Sci Educ
- Science & Education
- Sci Eng Ethics
- Science and Engineering Ethics
- Sci Environ
- Science and Environment
- Sci Found China
- Science Foundation in China
- Sci Geogr Sin
- Scientia Geographcia Sinica
- Sci Hortic
- Scientia Horticulturae
- Sci Immunol
- Science Immunology
- Sci Invest
- Scientific Investigations
- Sci Justice
- Science & Justice
- Sci Mar
- Scientia Marina
- Sci Model Simul
- Scientific Modeling and Simulation
- Sci Nat
- Science of Nature
- Sci Pap Inst Algol Res Fac Sci Hokkaido Univ
- Scientific Papers of the Institute of Algolocial Research, Faculty of Science Hokkaido University
- Sci Pech
- Science et Peche
- Sci Pharm
- Scientia Pharmaceutica
- Sci Prog
- Science Progress
- Sci Program
- Scientific Programming
- Sci Publ Freshw Biol Assoc
- Scientific Publications Freshwater Biological Association
- Sci Rep
- Scientific Reports
- Sci Rep (New Delhi)
- Science Reporter (New Delhi)
- Sci Rep Br Antarct Surv
- Scientific Reports British Antarctic Survey
- Sci Rep Cetacean Res
- Scientific Reports of Cetacean Research
- Sci Rep Hirosaki Univ
- Science Reports Hirosaki University
- Sci Rep Hokkaido Fish Exp Stn
- Scientific Reports of the Hokkaido Fisheries Experiment Station
- Sci Rep Hokkaido Fish Hatch
- Scientific Reports of the Hokkaido Fish Hatchery
- Sci Rep Hokkaido Salmon Hatch
- Scientific Repors of the Hokkaido Salmon Hatchery
- Sci Rep IPHC
- Scientific Report International Pacific Halibut Commission
- Sci Rep Tohoku Univ 4 Ser Biol
- Science Reports of Tohoku University Fourth Series Biology
- Sci Rep Whales Res Inst
- The Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute
- Sci Rev Pac Reg Dep Fish Oceans (Can)
- Science Review Pacific Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada)
- Sci Rev Scotia-Fundy Reg Dep Fish Oceans (Can)
- Science Review Scotia-Fundy Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada)
- Sci Rob
- Science Robotics
- Sci Ser
- Scientific Series
- Sci Signaling
- Science Signaling
- Sci Sports
- Science & Sports
- Sci Tech Eau
- Sciences et Techniques de l'Eau
- Sci Technol Archaeolog Res
- Science and Technology of Archaeological Research
- Sci Technol Adv Mater
- Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
- Sci Technol Energetic Mater
- Science and Technology of Energetic Materials
- Sci Technol Mater
- Science and Technology of Materials
- Sci Technol Nucl Install
- Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations
- Sci Technol Weld Joining
- Science and Technology of Welding and Joining
- Sci Total Environ
- Science of the Total Environment
- Sci Transl Med
- Science Translational Medicine
- Sci World J
- Scientific World Journal
- Science (Wash)
- Science (Washington)
- ScienceOpen Res
- ScienceOpen Research
- Scott Aquac Res Rep
- Scottish Aquaculture Research Report
- Scott Fish Inf Pam
- Scottish Fisheries Information Pamphlet
- Scott Fish Res Rep
- Scottish Fisheries Research Report
- Scott Geogr Mag
- The Scottish Geographical Magazine
- Scott J Geol
- Scottish Journal of Geology
- Scott Sea Fish Stat Tables
- Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables
- Scr Mater
- Scripta Materialia
- Scr Metall
- Scripta Metallurgica
- Scr Metall Mater
- Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia
- Sea Fish Stat Tables Minist Agric Fish Food (G B)
- Sea Fisheries Statistical tables Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Gr Brit)
- Sea Front
- Sea Frontiers
- Sea Grant Advis Rep Hawaii Univ Sea Grant Program
- Sea Grant Advisory Report Hawaii University Sea Grant Program
- Sea Grant Coop Rep Hawaii Univ
- Sea Grant Cooperative Report Hawaii Unversity
- Sea Grant Ext Bull Fla Sea Grant Coll Program
- Sea Grant Extension Bulletin Florida Sea Grant College Program
- Sea Grant Ext Publ Fla Sea Grant Coll Program
- Sea Grant Extension Publication Florida Sea Grant College Program
- Sea Grant Mar Econ Rep Hawaii Univ
- Sea Grant Marine Economics Report Hawaii University
- Sea Grant Misc Rep Hawaii Univ
- Sea Grant Miscellaneous Report Hawaii University
- Sea Grant Program Rep Alsk Univ Inst Mar Sci
- Sea Grant Program Report Alaska University Institute of Marine Sciences
- Sea Grant Proj Pap Va Polytech Inst State Univ
- Sea Grant Project Paper Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Sea Grant Publ Calif Univ S Diego Inst Mar Resour
- Sea Grant Publication California University, San Diego, Institute of Marine Resources
- Sea Grant Publ La State Univ Cent Wetl Res
- Sea Grant Publication Louisiana State University, Center for etland Research
- Sea Grant Publ Maine Univ
- Sea Grant Publication Maine University
- Sea Grant Publ N C Univ Sea Grant Program
- Sea Grant Publication North Carolina University, Sea Grant Program
- Sea Grant Rep Del Univ Coll Mar Stud
- Sea Grant Report Delaware University College of Marine Studies
- Sea Grant Rep P R Univ Sea Grant Program
- Sea Grant Report Puerto Rico University Sea Grant Program
- Sea Grant Rep R I Univ
- Sea Grant Report Rhode Island University
- Sea Grant Spec Rep Miami Univ
- Sea Grant Special Report Miami University
- Sea Grant Tech Bull Miami Univ
- Sea Grant Technical Bulletin Miami University
- Sea Grant Tech Rep Hawaii Univ
- Sea Grant Technical Report Hawaii University
- Sea Grant Tech Rep Wis Univ Sea Grant Inst
- Sea Grant Technical Report Wisconsin University Sea Grant Institute
- Sea Technol
- Sea Technology
- Seaf Export J
- Seafood Export Journal
- Seaf Int
- Seafood International
- SEAFDEC Asian Aquac
- SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture
- SEAFDEC Newsletter
- Sealing Technol
- Sealing Technology
- SEAPOL Newsl
- SEAPOL Newsletter
- Search (Syd)
- Search (Sydney)
- Seaways
- Seaways
- Secur Commun Netw
- Security and Communication Networks
- Sediment Geol
- Sedimentary Geology
- Sedimentology
- Sedimentology
- Seed Sci Res
- Seed Science Research
- Seevoegel
- Seevoegel
- Seismol Res Lett
- Seismological Research Letters
- Sel Annu Rev Anal Sci
- Selected Annual Reviews of the Analytical Sciences
- Sel Electrode Rev
- Selective Electrode Reviews
- Semiann Rep Iowa Coop Fish Wildl Res Unit
- Semiannual Report Iowa Cooperative Fish adn Wildlife Research Unit
- Semicond Sci Technol
- Semiconductor Science and Technology
- Semin Cancer Biol
- Seminars in Cancer Biology
- Semin Cell Biol
- Seminars in Cell Biology
- Semin Cell Dev Biol
- Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology
- Semin Immunol
- Seminars in Immunology
- Semin Nucl Med
- Seminars in Nuclear Medicine
- Semina Cienc Agrar
- Semina: Ciencias Agrarias
- Senckenb Biol
- Senckenbergiana Biologica
- Senckenb Lethaea
- Senckenbergiana Lethaea
- Senckenb Marit
- Senckenbergiana Maritima
- Senckenbergiana Biol
- Senckenbergiana Biologie
- Senri Ethnol Stud
- Senri Ethnological Studies
- Sens Actuators Rep
- Sensors and Actuators Reports
- Sens Actuators, A
- Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
- Sens Actuators, B
- Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
- Sens Bio-Sens Res
- Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research
- Sens Instrum Food Qual Saf
- Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety
- Sens Lett
- Sensor Letters
- Sens Mater
- Sensors and Materials
- Sep Purif Methods
- Separation and Purification Methods
- Sep Purif Rev
- Separation and Purification Reviews
- Sep Purif Technol
- Separation and Purification Technology
- Sep Sci Plus
- Separation Science Plus
- Sep Sci Technol
- Separation Science and Technology
- Sep Technol
- Separations Technology
- Ser Cient Inst Antart Chil
- Serie Cientifica Instituto Antartico Chileno
- Ser Cient Univ Auton Baja Calif Sur
- Serie Cientifica Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur
- Ser Inf Espec Inst Mar Peru
- Serie de Informes Especiales Instituto del Mar del Peru
- Seychelles Tuna Bull
- Seychelles Tuna Bulletin
- Shandong Fish
- Shandong Fisheries
- Sherkin Comment
- Sherkin Comment
- Ship Boat Int
- Ship and Boat International
- Shipcare Marit Manage
- Shipcare and Maritime Management
- Shipp World Shipbuild
- Shipping World and Shipbuilder
- Shock Vib
- Shock and Vibration
- Shore Beach
- Shore and Beach
- SIAM J Appl Dyn Syst
- SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
- SIAM J Appl Math
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
- SIAM J Comput
- SIAM Journal on Computing
- SIAM J Control Optim
- SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
- SIAM J Discrete Math
- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
- SIAM J Imag Sci
- SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
- SIAM J Math Anal
- SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
- SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl
- SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
- SIAM J Numer Anal
- SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
- SIAM J Optim
- SIAM Journal on Optimization
- SIAM J Sci Comput
- SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing
- SIAM Rev
- SIAM Review
- SID Symp Dig Tech Pap
- SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers
- Siemens Rev
- Siemens Review
- Signal Process
- Signal Processing
- Signal Process Image Commun
- Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Signal Transduction Targeted Ther
- Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy
- Silic Indus
- Silicates Industriels
- Silicon Chem
- Silicon Chemistry
- Simul Modell Pract Theory
- Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
- Simul Pract Theory
- Simulation Practice and Theory
- Singapore J Trop Geogr
- Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
- Sinozoologia
- Sinozoologia
- SIO Ref Ser
- SIO Reference Series
- SIO Rep Ser
- SIO Report Series
- Sitzungsber Akad Wiss DDR, Math, Naturwiss, Tech
- Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik
- Sitzungsber Bayer Akad Wiss Math Naturwiss Kl
- Sitzungsberichte Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematische - Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse
- Sitzungsber Heidelb Akad Wiss Math Naturwiss Kl
- Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematische - Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse
- Sitzungsber K Preuss Akad Wiss
- Sitzungsberichte der Koniglichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Skeletal Radiol
- Skeletal Radiology
- Sleep Disord
- Sleep Disorders
- Sleep Med: X
- Sleep Medicine: X
- Sleep Sci
- Sleep Science
- Sleep Vigilance
- Sleep and Vigilance
- Small Adv Healthcare Mater
- Small and Advanced Healthcare Materials
- Small Methods
- Small Methods
- Small Mol
- Small Molecules
- Small Sci
- Small Science
- Smart Infrastruct Constr
- Smart Infrastructure and Construction
- Smart Mater Struct
- Smart Materials and Structures
- Smart Sci
- Smart Science
- Smart Sustainable Manuf Syst
- Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems
- Smithson Contrib Bot
- Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
- Smithson Contrib Earth Sci
- Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences
- Smithson Contrib Mar Sci
- Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences
- Smithson Contrib Paleobiol
- Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology
- Smithson Contrib Zool
- Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
- Smithson Ser
- Smithsonian Series
- SN Appl Sci
- SN Applied Sciences
- SN Compr Clin Med
- SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine
- SN Comput Sci
- SN Computer Science
- SN Oper Res Forum
- SN Operations Research Forum
- Soc Econ Pap Inst Soc Econ Res Mem Univ Nfld
- Social and Economic Papers Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Soc Nat Resour
- Society and Natural Resources
- Social Indic Res
- Social Indicators Research
- Social Neurosci
- Social Neuroscience
- Soft Mater
- Soft Materials
- Soft Matter
- Soft Matter
- Soft Rob
- Soft Robotics
- Soil Biol Biochem
- Soil Biology and Biochemistry
- Soil Discuss
- Soil Discussions
- Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng
- Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- Soil Mech Found Eng
- Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
- Soil Res
- Soil Research
- Soil Sci
- Soil Science
- Soil Sci Plant Nutr
- Soil Science & Plant Nutrition
- Soil Sci Soc Am J
- Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Soil Sediment Contam
- Soil and Sediment Contamination
- Soil Tillage Res
- Soil and Tillage Research
- Soil Use Manage
- Soil Use and Management
- Sol Energy
- Solar Energy
- Sol Energy Mater Sol Cells
- Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
- Sol Phys
- Solar Physics
- Sol Syst Res
- Solar System Research
- Solar RRL
- Solar RRL
- Solid Earth
- Solid Earth
- Solid Earth Discuss
- Solid Earth Discussions
- Solid Earth Sci
- Solid Earth Science
- Solid Fuel Chem
- Solid Fuel Chemistry
- Solid State Commun
- Solid State Communications
- Solid State Electron
- Solid State Electronics
- Solid State Electron Lett
- Solid State Electronics Letters
- Solid State Ionics
- Solid State Ionics
- Solid State Nucl Magn Reson
- Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Solid State Sci
- Solid State Sciences
- Solid-State Electron
- Solid-State Electronics
- Solvent Extr Ion Exch
- Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange
- Source Code Biol Med
- Source Code for Biology and Medicine
- South Am J Herpetol
- South American Journal of Herpetology
- South Fish
- Southern Fisheries
- South J Appl For
- Southern Journal of Applied Forestry
- South Med J
- Southern Medical Journal
- South Pac J Nat Appl Sci
- South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences
- Sov J Mar Biol
- The Soviet Journal of Marine Biology
- Sov J Quantum Electron
- Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Space Commun
- Space Communications
- Space Res Today
- Space Research Today
- Space Sci Rev
- Space Science Reviews
- Spatial Stat
- Spatial Statistics
- SPC Fish Newsl
- South Pacific Commission Fisheries Newsletter
- SPE Drill Complet
- SPE Drilling & Completion
- SPE Form Eval
- SPE Formation Evaluation
- SPE Journal
- SPE Prod Eng
- SPE Production Engineering
- SPE Prod Facil
- SPE Production & Facilities
- SPE Reservoir Eng
- SPE Reservoir Engineering
- SPE Reservoir Eval Eng
- SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering
- Spec Discuss Faraday Soc
- Special Discussions of the Faraday Society
- Spec Pap US Nav Ocean Res Dev Act
- Special Paper US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity
- Spec Publ Am Fish Soc
- Special Publication American Fisheries Society
- Spec Publ Asian Fish Soc
- Special Publication Asian Fisheries Society
- Spec Publ Asian Fish Soc Indian Branch
- Special Publication Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch
- Spec Publ Eur Aquac Soc
- Special Publication European Aquaculture Society
- Spec Publ Eur Maric Soc
- Special Publication European Mariculture Society
- Spec Publ GLFC
- Special Publication Great Lakes Fishery Commission
- Spec Publ JLB Smith Inst Ichthyol
- Special Publications JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology
- Spec Publ Natl Cent Mar Res (Greece)
- Special Publication National Centre for Marine Research (Greece)
- Spec Publ Phuket Mar Biol Cent
- Special Publication Phuket Marine Biological Center
- Spec Publ Sado Mar Biol Stn Niigata Univ
- Special Publication from the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University
- Spec Publ Ser Atl Salmon Fed
- Special Publication Series Atlantic Salmon Federation
- Spec Publ Ser Great Barrier Reef Mar Park Auth
- Special Publication Series Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
- Spec Publ Southeast Asian Fish Dev Cent
- Special Publication Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
- Spec Rep Appl Sci Ocean Eng
- Special Report in Applied Science and Ocean Engineering
- Spec Rep Hydrol Eng Cent Davis Calif
- Special Report Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, Calif
- Spec Rep I-ATTC
- Special Report Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
- Spec Rep Sea Fish Res Inst Cape Town
- Special Report Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Cape Town
- Spec Rep US Army Coast Eng Res Cent
- Special Report US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center
- Spec Rep US Army Cold Reg Res Eng Lab
- Special Report US Army Cold Regions Reserach Engineering Laboratory
- Spec Rep US Army Construct Eng Res Lab
- Special Report US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
- Spec Rep US Nav Ocean Res Dev Act
- Special Report US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity
- Spec Sci Rep Fish
- Special Scientific Report : Fisheries
- Spec Sea Grant Rep Va Polytech Inst State Univ
- Special Sea Grant Report Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Spectra Anal
- Spectra Analyse
- Spectra Biol
- Spectra Biologie
- Spectrochim Acta
- Spectrochimica Acta
- Spectrochim Acta, Part A
- Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
- Spectrochim Acta, Part B
- Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
- Spectrosc Asia
- Spectroscopy Asia
- Spectrosc Eur
- Spectroscopy Europe
- Spectrosc Lett
- Spectroscopy Letters
- Spectrosc Prop Inorg Organomet Compd
- Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds
- Specul Sci Technol
- Speculations in Science and Technology
- Speculations Sci Technol
- Speculations in Science and Technology
- SPIE Rev
- SPIE Reviews
- Spill Sci Technol Bull
- Spill Science and Technology Bulletin
- Spixiana
- Spixiana
- Spolia Zeylan Bull Natl Mus Ceylon Geol Zool Anthropol
- Spolia Zeylanica : Bulletin of the National Museum of Ceylon Geology, Zoology, Anthropology
- Spolia Zeylan Bull Natl Mus Sri Lanka Geol Zool Anthropol
- Spolia Zeylanica : Bulletin of the National Museums of Sri Lanka Geology, Zoology, Anthropology
- Sport Exercise Perform Psychol
- Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology
- Sport Fish Abstr
- Sport Fisheries Abstracts
- Sports Eng
- Sports Engineering
- Sports Med Health Sci
- Sports Medicine and Health Science
- SPREP Topic Rev
- SPREP Topic Review
- Springer Ser Chem Phys
- Springer Series in Chemical Physics
- Springer Ser Mater Sci
- Springer Series in Materials Science
- Springer Ser Opt Sci
- Springer Series in Optical Sciences
- Springer Ser Solid-State Sci
- Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences
- Stand Genomic Sci
- Standards in Genomic Sciences
- Stanf Law Rev
- Stanford Law Review
- Stat Anal Data Min
- Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
- Stat Bull ICCAT
- Statistical Bulletin International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
- Stat Bull NAFO
- Statistical Bulletin Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
- Stat Dig
- Statistical Digest
- Stat Fish Fact Dep Fish (Thail)
- Statistics of Fisheries Factory Department of Fisheries (Thailand)
- Stat J IAOS
- Statistical Journal of the IAOS
- Stat Med
- Statistics in Medicine
- Stat Methods Med Res
- Statistical Methods in Medical Research
- Stat Neerl
- Statistica Neerlandica
- Stat Shrimp Cult Dep Fish (Thail)
- Statistics of Shrimp Culture Department of Fisheries (Thailand)
- Stat Yearb Agric For Fish (Seoul)
- Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Seoul)
- Stat Yearb INPFC
- Statistical Yearbook International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
- Steel Constr Des Res
- Steel Construction - Design and Research
- Steel Res Int
- Steel Research International
- Steenstrupia
- Steenstrupia
- Stem Cell Rep
- Stem Cell Reports
- Stem Cell Res
- Stem Cell Research
- Stem Cell Res Ther
- Stem Cell Research & Therapy
- Stem Cells Dev
- Stem Cells and Development
- Stem Cells Transl Med
- Stem Cells Translational Medicine
- Stephan Mueller Spec Publ Ser
- Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series
- Stochastic Environ Res Risk Assess
- Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
- Stochastic Processes Appl
- Stochastic Processes and their Applications
- Stochastics Dyn
- Stochastics and Dynamics
- Stockh Contrib Geol
- Stockholm Contributions in Geology
- Strain
- Strain
- Stratigr Geol Correl
- Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation
- Strength Fract Complexity
- Strength, Fracture and Complexity
- Strength Mater
- Strength of Materials
- Struct Bond
- Structure and Bonding
- Struct Chem
- Structural Chemistry
- Struct Concr
- Structural Concrete
- Struct Des Tall Special Build
- Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings
- Struct Dyn
- Structural Dynamics
- Struct Eng
- Structural Engineer
- Struct Infrastruct Eng
- Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
- Struct Multidiscip Optim
- Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
- Struct Saf
- Structural Safety
- Stud Appl Math
- Studies in Applied Mathematics
- Stud Conserv
- Studies in Conservation
- Stud Geophys Geod
- Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica
- Stud Mar Sin
- Studia Marina Sinica
- Stud Mater Oceanol
- Studia i Materialy Oceanologizczne
- Stud Nat Prod Chem
- Studies in Natural Products Chemistry
- Stud Nonlinear Dyn Econom
- Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
- Stud Prakt
- Student und Praktikant
- Stud Quat
- Studia Quaternaria
- Stud Surf Sci Catal
- Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
- Stud Wyzsza Sk Morsk Szczecin
- Studia Wyzsza Skola Morska w Szczecinie
- Study Tour Rep Dep Primary Ind (Qld)
- Study Tour Report Department of Primary Industries (Queensland)
- Sturgeon Q
- Sturgeon Quarterly
- Stuttg Beitr Natkd A Biol
- Stuttgarter Beitraege zur Naturkunde Serie A Biologie
- Stuttg Beitr Natkd B Geol Palaeontol
- Stuttgarter Beitraege zur Naturkunde Serie B Geologie und Palaeontologie
- Subst Use Misuse
- Substance Use & Misuse
- Sudene Bol Estud Pesca
- Sudene : Boletim de Estudos de Pesca
- Suisan Kenkyu Sosho
- Suisan Kenkyu Sosho
- Suisan Zoyoshoku Sosho
- Suisan Zoyozhoku Sosho
- Suom Kalatalous
- Suomen Kalatalous
- Supercond Sci Technol
- Superconductor Science and Technology
- Superlattices Microstruct
- Superlattices and Microstructures
- Supramol Chem
- Supramolecular Chemistry
- Supramol Photosensit Electroact Mater
- Supramolecular Photosensitive and Electroactive Materials
- Supramol Sci
- Supramolecular Science
- Surf Coat Int
- Surface Coatings International
- Surf Coat Technol
- Surface and Coatings Technology
- Surf Eng
- Surface Engineering
- Surf Eng Appl Electrochem
- Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry
- Surf Innovations
- Surface Innovations
- Surf Interface Anal
- Surface and Interface Analysis
- Surf Interfaces
- Surfaces and Interfaces
- Surf Rev Lett
- Surface Review and Letters
- Surf Sci
- Surface Science
- Surf Sci Lett
- Surface Science Letters
- Surf Sci Rep
- Surface Science Reports
- Surf Sci Spectra
- Surface Science Spectra
- Surf Topogr Metrol Prop
- Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties
- Surg Med Technol
- Surgery and Medical Technologies
- Surv Geophys
- Surveys in Geophysics
- Sustainability Sci
- Sustainability Science
- Sustainability Water Qual Ecol
- Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology
- Sustainable Chem Pharm
- Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy
- Sustainable Chem Processes
- Sustainable Chemical Processes
- Sustainable Comput Inf Syst
- Sustainable Computing Informatics & Systems
- Sustainable Earth
- Sustainable Earth
- Sustainable Energy Fuels
- Sustainable Energy & Fuels
- Sustainable Energy Grids Networks
- Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
- Sustainable Energy Technol Assess
- Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
- Sustainable Environ Res
- Sustainable Environment Research
- Sustainable MaterTechnol
- Sustainable Materials and Technologies
- Sustainable Prod Consumption
- Sustainable Production and Consumption
- Sven Bot Tidskr
- Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift
- Sven Hydrograf-Biol KommSkr NY Ser Biol
- Svenska Hydrografisk-Biologiska Kommissionens Skrifter NY Serie: Biologi
- Swarm Evol Comput
- Swarm and Evolutionary Computation
- Swarm Intell
- Swarm Intelligence
- SWIO Fish Bull
- SWIO Fisheries Bulletin
- Swiss J Geosci
- Swiss Journal of Geosciences
- Swiss J Palaeontol
- Swiss Journal of Palaeontology
- Syllogeus
- Syllogeus
- Symbiosis
- Symbiosis
- Symp (Int) Combust
- Symposium (International) on Combustion
- Symp Am Fish Soc
- Symposium American Fisheries Society
- Symp Faraday Soc
- Symposium of the Faraday Society
- Synop Br Fauna new ser
- Synopses of the British Fauna New Series
- Synth Biol
- Synthetic Biology
- Synth Commun
- Synthetic Communications
- Synth Fibres
- Synthetic Fibers
- Synth Met
- Synthetic Metals
- Synth React Inorg Met-Org Chem
- Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry
- Synth Syst Biotechnol
- Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology
- Syracuse Law Rev
- Syracuse Law Review
- Syst Appl Microbiol
- Systematic and Applied Microbiology
- Syst Biodivers
- Systematics and Biodiversity
- Syst Biol
- Systematic Biology
- Syst Bot
- Systematics Botany
- Syst Control Lett
- System & Control Letters
- Syst Ecol Contrib
- Systematics Ecology Contributions
- Syst Eng
- Systems Engineering
- Syst Eng Procedia
- Systems Engineering Procedia
- Syst Eng Theory Pract
- Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice
- Syst Entomol
- Systematic Entomology
- Syst Parasitol
- Systematics Parasitology
- Tablas Marea Cent Invest Cient Educ Super Ensenada
- Tablas de Marea Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada
- Tablas Marea Inst Oceanol Acad Cienc Cuba
- Tablas de Marea Instituto de Oceanologia, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba
- Taetigkber bayer Landesanst Wasserforsch
- Taetigkeitsbericht der Bayerischen Landesanstalt fuer Wasserforschung
- Taetigkber Int Komm Schutze Rheins Verunreinig
- Taetigkeitsbericht Internationale Kommission zum Schutze des Rheins gegen Verunreinigung
- Tag Tech Note
- Tag Technical Note
- Taiwania
- Taiwania
- Talanta
- Talanata
- Tane
- Tane
- Tappi J
- Tappi Journal
- Taxon
- Taxon
- Teach Math Appl
- Teaching Mathematics and its Applications
- Teach Stat
- Teaching Statistics
- Tech Bull Pac Tuna Dev Found
- Technical Bulletin Pacific Tuna Development Foundation
- Tech Circ Dir Fish (Bahrain)
- Technical Circular Directorate of Fisheries (Bahrain)
- Tech Complet Rep Mont Inst Water Resour Res Cent
- Technical Completion Report Montana Institute of Water Resources Research Center
- Tech Complet Rep NM Water Resour Res Cent
- Technical Completion Report New Mexico Water Resources Research Center
- Tech Doc Hydrol Eng Cent Davis Calif
- Technical Document Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, Calif
- Tech Doc Inshore Fish Res Proj S Pac Comm
- Technical Document Inshore Fisheries Research Project, South Pacific Commission
- Tech Doc South Calif Univ Inst Mar Coast Stud
- Technical Document Southern California University, Institute of Marine and Coastal Studies
- Tech Doc US Nav Ocean Res Dev Act
- Technical Document US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity
- Tech Doc US Nav Ocean Syst Cent
- Technical Document US Naval Ocean Systems Center
- Tech Doc US Nav Underw Syst Cent
- Technical Document US Naval Underwater Systems Center
- Tech Ing Constantes Phys Chim
- Techniques de l'Ingenieur, Constantes Physico-Chimiques
- Tech Ing Environ
- Techniques de l'Ingenieur, Environnement
- Tech Ing Genie Nucl
- Techniques de l'Ingenieur, Genie Nuclear
- Tech Ing Genie Procedes
- Techniques de l'Ingenieur, Genie des Procede
- Tech Ing Mater Fond
- Techniques de l'Ingenieur, Materiaux Fonctionnels
- Tech Ing Mater Met
- Techniques de l'Ingenieur, Materiaux Metalliques
- Tech Ing Plast Compos
- Techniques de l'Ingenieur, Plastiques et Composites
- Tech Ing Sci Fondam Math Ing
- Techniques de l'Ingenieur, Sciences Fondamentales: Mathematiques pour l'Ingenieur
- Tech Ing Sci Fondam Phys Chim
- Techniques de l'Ingenieur, Sciences Fondamentales: Physique, Chemie
- Tech Memo Argonne Natl Lab
- Technical Memorandum Argonne National Laboratory
- Tech Memo CSIRO Div Water Resour
- Technical Memorandum CSIRO Division of Water Resources
- Tech Memo Environ Res Inst Mich
- Technical Memorandum Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
- Tech Memo Oak Ridge Natl Lab
- Technical Memorandum Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Tech Memo Scripps Inst Oceanogr Mar Phys Lab
- Technical Memorandum Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Physics Laboratory
- Tech Memo Superv Sci Alligator Rivers Reg (Aust)
- Technical Memorandum Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region (Australia)
- Tech Memo US Nav Coast Syst Cent
- Technical Memorandum US Naval Coastal Systems Center
- Tech Mess
- Technisches Messen
- Tech Mitt
- Technische Mitteilungen
- Tech Note Natl Cent Atmos Res (US)
- Technical Note National Center for Atmospheric Research (US)
- Tech Note US Nav Coast Syst Cent
- Technical Note US Naval Coastal Systems Center
- Tech Note US Nav Ocean Res Dev Act
- Technical Note US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity
- Tech Note US Nav Oceanogr Atmos Res Lab
- Technical Note US Oceanographic and Atmospheric Reseasrch Laboratory
- Tech Note US Navy Civ Eng Lab
- Technical Note US Navy Civil Engineering Laboratories
- Tech Pap Afr Reg Aquac Cent
- Technical Paper African Regional Aquaculture Centre
- Tech Pap U S Fish Wildl Serv
- Technical Papers of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service
- Tech Phys
- Technical Physics
- Tech Phys Lett
- Technical Physics Letters
- Tech Q Master Brew Assoc Am
- Technical Quarterly - Master Brewers Association of the Americas
- Tech Q MBAA Commun
- Technical Quarterly & the MBAA Communicator
- Tech Rep Ser Arthur Rylah Inst Environ Res
- Technical Report Series Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research
- Tech Rep Ser Resour Plan Branch Aust
- Technical Report Series Resources and Planning Branch Australia
- Tech Rep Univ Ioannina Sch Phys Math (Greece)
- Technical Report University of Ioannina School of Physics and Mathematics (Greece)
- Tech Uberwach
- Technische Uberwachung
- Technol Cancer Res Treat
- Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment
- Technol Forecasting Social Change
- Technological Forecasting and Social Change
- Technol Health Care
- Technology and Health Care
- Technol Mind Behav
- Technology, Mind, and Behavior
- Tellus B: Chem Phys Meteorol
- Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology
- Tellus Ser A
- Tellus Series A
- Tellus Ser B
- Tellus Series B
- Teratog, Carcinog, Mutagen
- Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis
- Terr Magn
- Terrestrial Magnetism
- Terr Magn Atmos Electr
- Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity
- Tethys
- Tethys
- Tetrahedron Lett
- Tetrahedron Letters
- Tetrahedron: Asymmetry
- Tetrahedron: Asymmetry
- Tex J Sci
- The Texas Journal of Science
- Text Chem Color
- Textile Chemist and Colorist
- Text Chem Color Am Dyest Rep
- Textile Chemist and Colorist & American Dyestuff Reporter
- Text Prog
- Textile Progress
- Text Res J
- Textile Research Journal
- Text Sci Tech
- Textile Science and Technology
- Text World
- Textile World
- Thai J Pharm Sci
- Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Thalassia Jugosl
- Thalassia Jugoslavica
- Thalassia Salentina
- Thalassia Salentina
- The Auk: Ornithol Adv
- The Auk: Ornithological Advances
- The Condor: Ornithol Appl
- The Condor: Ornithological Applications
- THEOCHEM Journal of Molecular Structure
- Theor Appl Climatol
- Theoretical and Applied Climatology
- Theor Appl Fract Mech
- Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
- Theor Appl Genet
- Theoretical and Applied Genetics
- Theor Appl Mech Lett
- Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters
- Theor Biol Med Modell
- Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling
- Theor Chem Acc
- Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
- Theor Chim Acta
- Theoretica Chimica Acta
- Theor Comput Fluid Dyn
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Theor Ecol
- Theoretical Ecology
- Theor Exp Chem
- Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry
- Theor Exp Plant Physiol
- Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology
- Theor Found Chem Eng
- Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering
- Theor Math Phys
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- Theor Popul Biol
- Theoretical Population Biology
- Theory Pract Logic Program
- Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
- Ther Drug Monit
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
- Therm Eng
- Thermal Engineering
- Thermochim Acta
- Thermochimica Acta
- Thermophys Aeromech
- Thermophysics and Aeromechanics
- Thin Solid Films
- Thin Solid Films
- Thin Walled Struct
- Thin Walled Structures
- Ticks Tick-borne Dis
- Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
- Tidsskr Kjemi Bergv Metall
- Tidsskrift for Kjemi, Bergvesen, og Metallurgi
- Tidsskr Skogbruk
- Tidsskrift for Skogbruk
- Tiedonantoja
- Tiedonantoja
- Tijd Klei Glas Keram
- Tijdschrift vor Klei, Glas en Keramiek
- Tire Sci Technol
- Tire Science and Technology
- Tissue Eng
- Tissue Engineering
- Tissue Eng Part A
- Tissue Engineering Part A
- Tissue Eng Part B
- Tissue Engineering Part B
- Tissue Eng Part C
- Tissue Engineering Part C
- Tokai J Exp Clin Med
- Tokai Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
- Top Appl Phys
- Topics in Applied Physics
- Top Biol Inorg Chem
- Topics in Biological and Inorganic Chemistry
- Top Catal
- Topics in Catalysis
- Top Curr Chem
- Topics in Current Chemistry
- Top Fluoresc Spectrosc
- Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Top Inorg Chem
- Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
- Top Organomet Chem
- Topics in Organometallic Chemistry
- Toxicol Anal Clin
- Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique
- Toxicol Appl Pharmacol
- Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
- Toxicol Environ Chem
- Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry
- Toxicol in Vitro
- Toxicology in Vitro
- Toxicol Ind Health
- Toxicology and Industrial Health
- Toxicol Lett
- Toxicology Letters
- Toxicol Mech Methods
- Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods
- Toxicol Pathol
- Toxicologic Pathology
- Toxicol Rep
- Toxicology Reports
- Toxicol Res
- Toxicology Research
- Toxicol Res Appl
- Toxicology Research and Application
- Toxicol Sci
- Toxicological Sciences
- Tr Gos Okeanogr Inst
- Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Okeanograficeskogo Instituta
- Tr Inst Okeanol NM PP Sirsova
- Trudy Instituta Okeanologii NM PP Sirsova
- Trudy VNIRO
- Trab Inst Esp Oceanogr
- Trabajos Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia
- TrAC, Trends Anal Chem
- TRAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
- Trace Elem Electrolytes
- Trace Elements and Electrolytes
- Traffic Inj Prev
- Traffic Injury Prevention
- Trans Am Fish Soc
- Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
- Trans Am Geophys Union
- Transactions, American Geophysical Union
- Trans Am Inst Electr Eng
- Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers
- Trans Am Inst Electr Eng Part 1
- Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Part 1: Communication and Electronics
- Trans Am Inst Electr Eng Part 2
- Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Part 2: Applications and Industry
- Trans Am Inst Electr Eng Part 3
- Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Part 3: Power Apparatus and Systems
- Trans Am Inst Met
- Transactions of the American Institute of Metals
- Trans Am Inst Min Metall Pet Eng
- Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers
- Trans Am Inst Min Metall Pet Eng Soc Min Eng AIME
- Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Society of Mining Engineers of AIME
- Trans Am Microsc Soc
- Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
- Trans Am Nucl Soc
- Transactions of the American Nuclear Society
- Trans ASABE
- Transactions of the ASABE
- Trans Can Inst
- Transactions of the Canadian Institute
- Trans Can Soc Mech Eng
- Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering
- Trans Egypt Soc Chem Eng
- Transactions of the Egyptian Society of Chemical Engineers
- Trans Electr Electron Mater
- Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
- Trans Emerging Telecommun Technol
- Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
- Trans Faraday Soc
- Transactions of the Faraday Society
- Trans Indian Inst Met
- Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals
- Trans Indian Natl Acad Eng
- Transactions of Indian National Academy of Engineering
- Trans Inst Br Geogr
- Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
- Trans Inst Meas Control
- Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
- Trans Inst Met Finish
- Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing
- Trans Inst Min Metall, Sect A
- Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section A
- Trans Inst Min Metall, Sect B
- Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B
- Trans Inst Min Metall, Sect C
- Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section C: Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy
- Trans Jpn Inst Electron Packag
- Transactions of the Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging
- Trans Korean Inst Electr Eng
- Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
- Trans Korean Soc Mech Eng A
- Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, A
- Trans Korean Soc Mech Eng B
- Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, B
- Trans Linn Soc London
- Transactions of the Linnean Society of London
- Trans London Math Soc
- Transactions of the London Mathematical Society
- Trans Mater Res Soc Jpn
- Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan
- Trans Math Appl
- Transactions of Mathematics and its Applications
- Trans Natl Res Counc Am Geophys Union
- Transactions National Research Council American Geophysical Union
- Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China
- Transactions of the Nonferrous Metals Society of China
- Trans NY Acad Sci
- Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Trans Opt Soc
- Transactions of the Optical Society
- Trans R Soc Can
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada
- Trans R Soc Can Fourth Ser
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada Fourth Series
- Trans R Soc Can Third Ser
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada Third Series
- Trans R Soc Edinburgh: Earth Sci
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Earth Science
- Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
- Trans SAEST
- Transactions of the SAEST
- Trans Soc Adv Electrochem Sci Technol
- Transactions of the Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology
- Trans Soc Min Eng
- Transactions of Society of Mining Engineers
- Trans Soc Min Eng AIME
- Transactions of the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME
- Trans Soc Min Metall Explor
- Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
- Trans South Afr Inst Electr Eng
- Transactions of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineering
- Trans Zool Soc Lond
- Transactions of the Zoological Society of London
- Transition Met Chem
- Transition Metal Chemistry
- Transl Psychiatry
- Translational Psychiatry
- Transl Anim Sci
- Translational Animal Science
- Transl J Am Coll Sports Med
- Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
- Transl Mater Res
- Translational Materials Research
- Transl Oncol
- Translational Oncology
- Transl Proteomics
- Translational Proteomics
- Transl Sports Med
- Translational Sports Medicine
- Transp Cybersecur Privacy
- Transportation Cybersecurity and Privacy
- Transp Eng
- Transportation Engineering
- Transp Geotech
- Transportation Geotechnics
- Transp Porous Media
- Transport in Porous Media
- Transp Res
- Transportation Research
- Transp Res Interdiscip Perspect
- Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- Transp Res Procedia
- Transportation Research Procedia
- Transp Res Rec
- Transportation Research Record
- Transp Theory Stat Phys
- Transport Theory and Statistical Physics
- Trav Cent Rech Etud Oceanogr
- Travaux du Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Oceanographiques
- Trav Mus Hist Nat "Grigore Antipa"
- Travaux Du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa"
- Trav Pech Que
- Travaux sur les Pecheries du Quebec
- Trav St Biol Marit Lisb
- Travaux de la Station de Biologie Maritime de Lisbonne
- Trav St Mar Villefranche-sur-Mer
- Travaux de la Station Marine de Villefranche-sur-Mer
- Trav St Zool Villefranche-sur-Mer
- Travaux de la Station Zoologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer
- Travel Med Infect Dis
- Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
- Treb Mus Zool
- Treballs del Museu de Zoologia
- Tree Genet Genomes
- Tree Genetics & Genomes
- Tree Physiol
- Tree Physiology
- Trends Biochem Sci
- Trends in Biochemical Sciences
- Trends Biomater Artif Organs
- Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs
- Trends Biosci
- Trends in Biosciences
- Trends Biotechnol
- Trends in Biotechnology
- Trends Cell Biol
- Trends in Cell Biology
- Trends Chem
- Trends in Chemistry
- Trends Ecol Evol
- Trends in Ecology & Evolution
- Trends Endocrinol Metab
- Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Trends Environ Anal Chem
- Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry
- Trends Food Sci Technol
- Trends in Food Science and Technology
- Trends Genet
- Trends in Genetics
- Trends Microbiol
- Trends in Microbiology
- Trends Mol Med
- Trends in Molecular Medicine
- Trends Neurosci
- Trends in Neurosciences
- Trends Pharmacol Sci
- Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
- Trends Plant Sci
- Trends in Plant Science
- Treubia Suppl
- Treubia Supplement
- Treubia: J Zool Hydrobiol Indo-Austr Archipel
- Treubia: A Journal on Zoology and Hydrobiology of the Indo- Australian Archipelago
- Tribol Int
- Tribology International
- Tribol Interface Eng Ser
- Tribology and Interface Engineering Series
- Tribol Lett
- Tribology Letters
- Tribol Mater Surf Interfaces
- Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces
- Tribol Schmierungstech
- Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik
- Tribol Trans
- Tribology Transactions
- Trienn Rev Res Freshw Fish Lab Pitlochry
- Triennial Review of Research Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory Pitlochry
- Trienn Rev Res Mar Lab Aberd
- Triennial Review of Research Marine Laboratory Aberdeen
- Trop Biomed
- Tropical Biomedicine
- Trop Conserv Sci
- Tropical Conservation Science
- Trop Cyclone Res Rev
- Tropical Cyclone Research and Review
- Trop Ecol
- Tropical Ecology
- Trop J Pharm Res
- Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
- Trop Life Sci Res
- Tropical Life Sciences Research
- Trop Med Int Health
- Tropical Medicine and International Health
- Trop Plant Biol
- Tropical Plant Biology
- Tsinghua Sci Technol
- Tsinghua Science and Technology
- Tsvetn Met (Moscow)
- Tsvetnaya Metally
- Tunnelling Underground Space Technol
- Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
- Turk J Agric For
- Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
- Turk J Bot
- Turkish Journal of Botany
- Turk J Chem
- Turkish Journal of Chemistry
- Turk J Earth Sci
- Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
- Turk J Eng Environ Sci
- Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Science
- Turk J Zool
- Turkish Journal of Zoology
- Twin Res Hum Genet
- Twin Research and Human Genetics
- UAR J Bot
- United Arab Republic Journal of Botany
- Ubersich Tierernahr
- Ubersichten zur Tierernahrung
- UCL Open
- UCL Open
- Ukr Fiz Zh
- Ukrainskii Fizicheskii Zhurnal
- Ukr Khim Zh
- Ukrainskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal
- Ultrason Sonochem
- Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
- Ultrasound J
- Ultrasound Journal
- Ultrasound Med Biol
- Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
- Umweltmed Forsch Prax
- Umweltmedizine in Forschung und Praxis
- Umweltwiss Schadst Forsch
- Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung
- Underground Space
- Underground Space
- Underw J Inf Bull
- Underwater Journal and Information Bulletin
- Underw Nat Bull Am Littoral Soc
- Underwater Naturalist Bulletin of the American Littoral Society
- UNDP Hum Dev Rep
- UNDP Human Development Report
- UNEP MAP Inf Doc
- United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan Information Documents
- UNESCO Rep Mar Sci
- UNESCO Reports in Marine Science
- UNESCO Tech Pap Mar Sci
- UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Science
- Univ Chem Educ
- University Chemistry Education
- Univ Wash Publ Oceanogr
- University of Washington Publications in Oceanography
- Urban Clim
- Urban Climate
- Urban Ecol
- Urban Ecology
- Urban For Urban Greening
- Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
- Urban Water J
- Urban Water Journal
- Urol Res
- Urological Research
- US Geol Surv Bull
- US Geological Survey Bulletin
- US Geol Surv Prof Pap
- US Geological Survey Professional Paper
- US GOFS Plan Rep
- US GOFS Planning Report
- Usp Khim
- Uspekhi Khimii
- Vadose Zone J
- Vadose Zone Journal
- Vak Forsch Prax
- Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis
- Vasc Biol
- Vascular Biology
- VascPharmacol
- Vascular Pharmacology
- Vecteur Environ
- Vecteur Environnement
- Veg Crops Res Bull
- Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin
- Veg Hist Archaeobot
- Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
- Veh Commun
- Vehicular Communications
- Veh Syst Dyn
- Vehicle System Dynamics
- Verh Dtsch Phys Ges
- Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
- Verh Int Ver Theor Angew Limnol
- Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie
- Verh Scweiz Natforsch Ges
- Verhandlungen der Scweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft
- Veroeff Inst Meeresforsch Bremerhav
- Veroeffentlichungen des Instituts fuer Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven
- Veroeff Inst Meeresforsch Bremerhav Suppl
- Veroeffentlichungen des Instituts fuer Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven Supplement
- Veroeff Zool Staatssamml Muench
- Veroeffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung Muenchen
- Vertebr Anat Morphol Paleontol
- Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology
- Vet Anaesth Analg
- Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
- Vet Clin Pathol
- Veterinary Clinical Pathology
- Vet Comp Oncol
- Veterinary and Comparative Oncology
- Vet Hum Toxicol
- Veterinary and Human Toxicology
- Vet Med
- Veterinarni Medicina
- Vet Med Int
- Veterinary Medicine International
- Vet Med Sci
- Veterinary Medicine and Science
- Vet Radiol Ultrasound
- Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound
- Vet Rec
- Veterinary Record
- Vet Rec Case Rep
- Veterinary Record Case Reports
- Vet Res
- Veterinary Research
- Vib Spectrosc
- Vibrational Spectroscopy
- Vida Silv
- Vida Silvestre
- Vidensk Medd Dan Nathist Foren
- Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening
- Vie Milieu Period Ecol Generale
- Vie et Milieu Periodique d'Ecologie Generale
- Vie Milieu Ser A Biol Mar
- Vie et Milieu Serie A Biologie Marine
- Vie Milieu Ser AB Biol Mar Oceanogr
- Vie et Milieu Serie AB Biologie Marine et Oceanographie
- Vie Milieu Ser B Oceanogr
- Vie et Milieu Serie B Oceanographie
- Vie Milieu Ser C Biol
- Vie et Milieu Serie C Biologie
- Vietnam J Chem
- Vietnam Journal of Chemistry
- Virchows Arch
- Virchows Archiv
- Virol Rep
- Virology Reports
- Virtual J At Quantum Fluids
- Virtual Journal of Atomic Quantum Fluids
- Virus Evol
- Virus Evolution
- Vision Res
- Vision Research
- Vision Syst Des
- Vision Systems Design
- Vistas in Astron
- Vistas in Astronomy
- Visual Neurosci
- Visual Neuroscience
- Vitic Data J
- Viticulture Data Journal
- Vopr Ihtiol
- Voprosy Ihtiologii
- Vopr Mikropaleontol
- Voprosy Mikropaleontologii
- Vox Sang
- Vox Sanguinis
- Wash Sea Grant Publ
- Washington Sea Grant Publication
- Wash Sea Grant Rep
- Washington Sea Grant Report
- Wash Sea Grant Tech Rep
- Washington Sea Grant Technical Report
- Wasser Boden
- Wasser und Boden
- Wasserguetedaten Elbe Schnackenb See
- Wasserguetedaten der Elbe von Schnackenburg zur See
- Wasserwirtsch Wassertech
- Wasserwirtschaft und Wassertechnik
- Waste Biomass Valorization
- Waste and Biomass Valorization
- Waste Manage (Oxford)
- Waste Management
- Waste Manage Res
- Waste Management and Research
- Water Air Soil Pollut
- Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
- Water Air Soil Pollut Focus
- Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus
- Water Altern
- Water Alternatives
- Water Asset Manage Int
- Water Asset Management International
- Water Energy Int
- Water and Energy International
- Water Environ J
- Water and Environment Journal
- Water Environ Manage
- Water and Environmental Management
- Water Environ Res
- Water Environment Research
- Water Environ Technol
- Water Environment and Technology
- Water Int
- Water International
- Water Intell Online
- Water Intelligence Online
- Water J
- Water Journal
- Water Policy
- Water Policy
- Water Pollut Res J Can
- Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada
- Water Pract Technol
- Water Practice Technology
- Water Qual Annu Rep Welsh Water
- Water Quality Annual Report Welsh Water
- Water Qual Ecosyst Model
- Water Quality and Ecosystems Modeling
- Water Qual Exposure Health
- Water Quality, Exposure and Health
- Water Qual Res J Can
- Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
- Water Qual Ser Natl Rivers Auth (GB)
- Water Quality Series National Revers Authority (Gr Brit)
- Water Qual Yorksh Water
- Water Quality Yorkshire Water
- Water Res
- Water Research
- Water Resour
- Water Resources
- Water Resour Bulletin
- Water Resour Bull
- Water Resour Econ
- Water Resources and Economics
- Water Resour Ind
- Water Resources and Industry
- Water Resour Invest Rep US Geol Surv
- Water Resources Investigations Report (united States Geological Survey)
- Water Resour J Niger Assoc Hydrogeol
- Water Resources: Journal of the Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists
- Water Resour Manage
- Water Resources Management
- Water Resour Res
- Water Resources Research
- Water Resour Rural Dev
- Water Resources and Rural Development
- Water SA
- Water SA
- Water Sci
- Water Science
- Water Sci Eng
- Water Science and Engineering
- Water Sci Technol
- Water Science and Technology
- Water Sci Technol Lib
- Water Science and Technology Library
- Water Sci Technol Water Supply
- Water Science and Technology Water Supply
- Water Secur
- Water Security
- Water Sewage Effluent
- Water Sewage and Effluent
- Water Supply Pap US Geol Surv
- Water Supply Paper US Geological Survey
- Water Util Manage Int
- Water Utilities Management International
- Water Waves
- Water Waves
- Water-Data Rep US Geol Surv
- Water-Data Report US Geological Survey
- Water-Energy Nexus
- Water-Energy Nexus
- Water-Resour Invest US Geol Surv
- Water-Resources Investigations US Geological Survey
- Watershed Ecol Environ
- Watershed Ecology and the Environment
- Watsonia J Bot Soc Br Isles
- Watsonia: Journal of the Botanical Society of the British Isles
- Wave Motion
- Wave Motion
- Waves Random Complex Medium
- Waves in Random and Complex Media
- Waves Wavelets Fractals
- Waves, Wavelets and Fractals
- Wayne Law Rev
- Wayne Law Review
- Weather
- Weather
- Weather Clim Dyn
- Weather and Climate Dynamics
- Weather Clim Extremes
- Weather and Climate Extremes
- Weather Clim Soc
- Weather, Climate, and Society
- Weather Forecasting
- Weather and Forecasting
- Web Ecol
- Web Ecology
- Weed Biol Manage
- Weed Biology and Management
- Weed Res
- Weed Research
- Weed Sci
- Weed Science
- Weed Technol
- Weed Technology
- Wein Wiss
- Wein Wissenschaft
- Weinwirtsch Tech
- Weinwirtschaft Technik
- Weld Int
- Welding International
- Weld World
- Welding in the World
- Werkst Korros
- Werkstoffe und Korrosion
- West Afr J Pharmacol Drug Res
- West African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research
- West Fish
- Western Fisheries
- West J Appl For
- Western Journal of Applied Forestry
- Wetland Sci
- Wetland Science
- Wetlands
- Wetlands
- Wetlands Ecol Manage
- Wetlands Ecology and Management
- Wildl Aust
- Wildlife Australia
- Wildl Res
- Wildlife Research
- Wildl Soc Bull
- Wildlife Society Bulletin
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev Clim Change
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev Cognit Sci
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev Comput Stat
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev: Comput Mol Sci
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev: Data Min Knowl Discovery
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev: Dev Biol
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev: Energy Environ
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev: Forensic Sci
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Forensic Science
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev: RNA
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA
- Wiley Interdiscip Rev: Water
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water
- Wilson Bull
- Wilson Bulletin
- Wilson J Ornith
- Wilson Journal Of Ornithology
- Wind Energy
- Wind Energy
- Wind Energy Sci
- Wind Energy Science
- Wind Eng
- Wind Engineering
- Wine Econ Policy
- Wine Economics and Policy
- Wireless Commun Mobile Comput
- Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
- Wireless Power Transfer
- Wireless Power Transfer
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews
- WIREs Clim Change
- WIREs Climate Change
- WIREs Cognit Sci
- WIREs Cognitive Science
- WIREs Comput Mol Sci
- WIREs Computational Molecular Science
- WIREs Comput Stat
- WIREs Computational Statistics
- WIREs Data Min Knowl Discovery
- WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- WIREs Dev Biol
- WIREs Developmental Biology
- WIREs Energy Environ
- WIREs Energy and Environment
- WIREs Membr Transport Signaling
- WIREs Membrane Transport and Signaling
- WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol
- WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology
- WIREs Syst Biol Med
- WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine
- WIREs Water
- WIREs Water
- Wiss Meeresunter
- Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen
- Wiss Tech Ber
- Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte
- WIT Trans Built Environ
- WIT Transactions on the Built Environment
- WIT Trans Ecol Environ
- WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment
- WIT Trans Eng Sci
- WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences
- WMO Bull
- WMO Bulletin
- Wochenbl Papierfabr
- Wochenblatt für Papierfabrikation
- Wochenschr Brau
- Wochenschrift für Brauerei
- Wood Fiber Sci
- Wood and Fiber Science
- Wood Mater Sci Eng
- Wood Material Science & Engineering
- Wood Sci Technol
- Wood Science and Technology
- Work Pap Bur Rural Resour (Aust)
- Working Paper Bureau of Rural Resources (Australia)
- Work Pap Calif Sea Grant Coll Program
- Working Paper Californai Sea Grant College Program
- Work Pap Coast Zone Manage
- Working Papers in Coastal Zone Management
- Work Pap NC Univ Sea Grant Program
- Working Paper North Carolina University Sea Grant Program
- Workshop Ser Gt Barrier Reef Mar Park Auth
- Workshop Series Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
- Workshop Wash Sea Grant
- Workshop Washington Sea Grant
- World Allergy Organ J
- World Allergy Organization Journal
- World Aquac
- World Aquaculture
- World Bank Tech Pap
- World Bank Technical Paper
- World Dredg Min Constr
- World Dredging - Mining and Construction
- World Fish
- World Fishing
- World Fish Abstr
- World Fisheries Abstracts
- World J Biol Psychiatry
- World Journal of Biological Psychiatry
- World J Microbiol Biotechnol
- World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
- World J Pharm Res
- World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
- World Min Surf Underground
- World of Mining: Surface and Underground
- World Oil
- World Oil
- World Shells
- World Shells
- Worldfish Rep
- Worldfish Report
- World's Poult Sci J
- World's Poultry Science Journal
- X-Ray Spectrom
- X-Ray Spectrometry
- Yearb Int Hydrogr Organ
- Yearbook International Hydrographic Organization
- Z Anal Chem
- Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie
- Z Angew Entomol
- Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie
- Z Angew Geol
- Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie
- Z Angew Math Mech
- Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
- Z Angew Math Phys
- Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
- Z Angew Photogr Wiss Tech
- Zeitschrift für Angewandte Photographie in Wissenschaft und Technik
- Z Angew Phys
- Zeitschrift für Physik
- Z Angew Zool
- Zeitschfirt fuer Angewandte Zoologie
- Z Anorg Allg Chem
- Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie
- Z Anorg Chem
- Zeitschrift für Anorganische Chemie
- Z Arznei Gewurzpflanzen
- Zeitschrift für Arznei und Gewurzpflanzen
- Z arztl Fortbild
- Zeitschrift für Ärztliche Fortbildung
- Z Bienenforsch
- Zeitschrift für Bienenforschung
- Z Binnenfisch DDR
- Zeitschrift fuer die Binnenfischerei der DDR
- Z Dtsch Geol Ges
- Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft
- Z Elektrochem Angew Phys Chem
- Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physik und Chemie
- Z Erzbergbau MetallhuttenWes
- Zeitschrift für Erzbergbau und Metallhuttenwesen
- Z Fischkd
- Zeitschrift fuer Fischkunde
- Z Flugwiss Weltraumforsch
- Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung
- Z Geol Wiss
- Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften
- Z Geomorphol
- Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie
- Z Geomorphol Suppl
- Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementband
- Z Geophys
- Zeitschrift für Geophysik
- Z Gesamte Schiess Sprengstoffwes
- Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Schiess und Sprengstoffwesen
- Z Geschiebeforsch
- Zeitschrift für Geschiebeforschung
- Z Gletscherkd Glazialgeol
- Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie
- Z Hochfrequenztech
- Zeitschrift für Hochfrequenztechnik
- Z Hyg
- Zeitschrift für Hygiene
- Z Hyg Infektionskrankh
- Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten
- Z Immunitatsforsch Exp Ther
- Zeitschrift für Immunitatsforschung und Experimentalle Therapie
- Z Instrumentenkd
- Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde
- Z Klin Chem Klin Biochem
- Zeitschrift für Klinische Chemie und Klinische Biochemie
- Z Klin Med
- Zeitschrift für Klinische Medicin
- Z Kristallogr
- Zeitschrift für Kristallographie
- Z Kristallogr - New Cryst Struct
- Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystral Stuctures
- Z Kristallogr Kristallgeom Kristallphys Kristallchem
- Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie
- Z Lebensm-Unters-Forsch
- Zeitschrift fuer Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung
- Z Med Isotopenforsch Deren Grenzgeb
- Zeitschrift für Medizinische Isotopenforschung und Deren Grenzgebiete
- Z Med Laboratoriumsdiagn
- Zeitschrift für Medizinische Laboratoriumsdiagnostik
- Z Med Labortech
- Zeitschrift für Medizinische Labortechnik
- Z Med Phys
- Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik
- Z MetaIlkd
- Zeitschrift für MetaIlkunde
- Z Mikrosk-Anat Forsch
- Zeitschrift fuer Mikroskopisch-Anatomsiche Forschung
- Z Natforsch C Biosci
- Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung Section C Biosciences
- Z Naturforsch, A: Phys Sci
- Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A: Journal of Physical Sciences
- Z Naturforsch, B: Chem Sci
- Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B: Journal of Chemical Sciences
- Z Naturforsch, C: Biosci
- Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C: Journal of Biosciences
- Z Ostpreuss Meschkinnes Forsch
- Zeitschrift für Ostpreussische Meschkinnes Forschung
- Z Pflanzenernahr Bodenkd
- Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde
- Z Pflanzenernahr Dung Bodenkd
- Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernahrung Dungung Bodenkunde
- Z Pflanzenkrankh Pflanzenschutz
- Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz
- Z Pflanzenphysiol
- Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie
- Z Phys A: At Nucl
- Zeitschrift für Physik A: Atomes and Nuclei
- Z Phys A: Hadrons Nucl
- Zeitschrift für Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei
- Z Phys B: Condens Matter
- Zeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter
- Z Phys B: Condens Matter Quanta
- Zeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter and Quanta
- Z Phys C: Part Fields
- Zeitschrift für Physik C: Particle Fields
- Z Phys Chem
- Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie
- Z Phys Chem Abt A:
- Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung A
- Z Phys Chem Abt B:
- Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B
- Z Phys Chem Stoechiom Verwandtschafts
- Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Stoeechiometrie und Verwandschaftslehre
- Z Phys D: At Mol Clusters
- Zeitschrift für Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters
- Z Physiol Chem
- Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie
- Z Rechtsmed
- Zeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin
- Z Tech Phys
- Zeitschrift für Technische Physik
- Z Unfug Ges
- Zeitschrift der Unfug Gesellschaft
- Z Ver Dtsch Ing
- Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure
- Z Ver Dtsch Zucker Ind
- Zeitschrift des Vereines der Deutschen Zucker Industrie
- Z Vererbungsl
- Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre
- Z Wasser Abwasser-Forsch
- Zeitschrift für Wasser- und Abwasserforschung
- Z Wiss Mikrosk Mikrosk Tech
- Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und für Mikroskopische Technik
- Z Wiss Photogr Photophys Photochem
- Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Photographie Photophysik und Photochemie
- Z Zool Syst Evolforsch
- Zeitschrift fuer Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung
- Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie
- Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
- Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
- Zb Rad Inst Oceanogr Ribar
- Zbornik Radova Institut za Oceanografiju i Ribarstvo
- Zellst Papier
- Zellstoff und Papier
- Zem Kalk Gips
- Zement Kalk Gips
- Zentralbl Arbeitsmed Arbeitsschutz Ergon
- Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie
- Zentralbl Bauverwaltung
- Zentralblatt für Bauverwaltung
- Zentralbl Biochem Biophys
- Zentralblatt für Biochemie und Biophysik
- Zentralbl Geol Palaeontol Teil 1
- Zentralblatt für Geologie und Palaeontologie Teil 1: Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale, und Historische Geologie
- Zentralbl Geol Palaeontol Teil 2
- Zentralblatt für Geologie und Palaeontologie Teil 2: Palaeontologie
- Zentralbl Hyg Umweltmed
- Zentralblatt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin
- Zentralbl Mikrobiol
- Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie
- Zentralbl Mineral Geol Palaeontol
- Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie
- Zentralbl Mineral Teil 1
- Zentralblatt für Mineralogie Teil 1: Kristallographie und Mineralogie
- Zentralbl Mineral Teil 2
- Zentralblatt für Mineralogie Teil 2: Petrographie, Technische Mineralogie, Geochemie und Lagerstattenkunde
- Zentralbl Pharm
- Zentralblatt für Pharmazie
- Zentralbl Pharm Pharmakother Laboratoriumsdiagn
- Zentralblatt für Pharmazie, Pharmakotherapie und Laboratoriumsdiagnostik
- Zent-Ztg Opt Mech
- Zentral-Zeitung für Optik und Mechanik
- Zh Fiz Khim
- Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii
- Zh Neorg Khim
- Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii
- Zh Obshch Biol
- Zhurnal Obshchej Biologii
- Zh Obshch Khim
- Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii
- Zh Org Khim
- Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii
- Zh Prikl Khim
- Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii
- Zimb Agric J
- Zimbabwe Agricultural Journal
- Zoo Biol
- Zoo Biology
- Zool Anal Complex Syst
- Zoology - Analysis of Complex Systems
- Zool Anz
- Zoologischer Anzeiger
- Zool Baetica
- Zoologica Baetica
- Zool Bijdr
- Zoologische Bijdragen
- Zool Garten
- Zoologische Garten
- Zool J Linn Soc
- Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
- Zool Jahrb Abt Syst Oekol Geogr Tiere
- Zoologische Jahrbuecher Abteilung fuer Systematic Oekologie und Geographie der Tiere
- Zool Lett
- Zoological Letters
- Zool Meded
- Zoologische Mededelingen
- Zool Sci
- Zoological Science
- Zool Sci Contrib NY Zool Soc
- Zoologica : Scientific Contributions of the New York Zoological Society
- Zool Scr
- Zoologica Scripta
- Zool Stud
- Zoological Studies
- Zool Verh
- Zoologische Verhandelingen
- Zool Zh
- Zoologicheskij Zhurnal
- Zoolog Anz Suppl
- Zoologischer Anzeiger Suppl
- Zoomorphology
- Zoomorphology
- Zoophysiology
- Zoophysiology
- Zoosyst Evol
- Zoosystematics and Evolution
- Zusetsu Gyogyo Hakusho
- Zusetsu Gyogyo Hakusho
- Zweijahresber Alfred-Wegener-Inst Polar- Meeresforsch
- Zweijahresbericht Alfred-Wegener-Institut fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung
- Zweijahresber Biol Anst Helgol
- Zweijahresbericht Biologische Anstalt Helgoland