XpertScientific由科学家为科学家设立。 该业务由科学家100%拥有和运营,我们所有团队成员都是经验丰富的学者,拥有各种学科的博士学位。

Dr Oliver Ross (Principal Scientist - Founder of XpertScientific)
- MSc in physics
- PhD in physical oceanography/ biological-physical interactions (NOCS/Univ. Southampton)
- subject areas: aquatic sciences, earth sciences, oceanography, marine biology, marine optics, atmospheric science, biogeochemistry, climatology, geophysics, global change, limnology, meteorology
- Regular reviewer for several journals including:
- Aquatic Biology
- Continental Shelf Research
- Deep-Sea Research
- Environmental Fluid Mechanics
- Global Change Biology
- Harmful Algae
- Hydrobiologia
- ICES J Marine Science
- J Geophysical Research
- J Marine Systems
- J Plankton Research
- Limnology & Oceanography
- L&O: Fluids and Environments
- Marine Ecology Progress Series
- Progress in Oceanography
- Reviewer for UK NERC and US NSF research grant proposals
- Has obtained two Marie Curie fellowships and several research grants
- Member of the GEOHAB core research project "HABs in stratified systems"
- Recent projects include:
- Analyses of oceanographic data (ship based, gliders, floats, AUVs, moorings, remote sensing, time series, spatial analyses, etc.)
- Lagrangian modelling of phytoplankton
- 1D vertical turbulence modelling of lakes, estuaries and shelf seas
- modelling of parasite infectivity on dinoflagellates
- modelling the DMS cycle
- 3D modelling of shelf seas and coastal embayments
- HAB modelling

Dr Gabriela Aguileta (Managing Editor - Life Sciences)
- MSc in biology
- PhD in genomics/bioinformatics (UCL)
- Author of several popular science books
- subject areas: life sciences, genomics, bioinformatics, biology, evolutionary biology, agricultural science, plant science
- Regular reviewer for several journals including:
- Bioinformatics
- BMC Evolutionary Biology
- Evolution
- Genetica
- Genome Biology and Evolution
- Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Journal of Molecular Evolution
- Methods in Ecology and Evolution
- Molecular Biology and Evolution
- Molecular Ecology
- PLoS One
- PLoS Genetics
- Has obtained one Marie Curie fellowship and several research grants
- Recent projects include:
- Phylogenetic and Phylogenomic analysis: phylogeny reconstruction, including large scale and genomic datasets. Prediction of optimal phylogenetic markers and barcoding. Molecular dating and ancestral state reconstruction.
- Development of Phylo-MCOA: a method based on multiple co-inertia analysis for the identification of outlier genes and species in phylogenomic studies.
- Functional genomics: gene family expansion and functional specialisation analysis; ortholog and paralog prediction.
- Structural genomics: analysis of the evolution of the genomic content (e.g., transposable elements, repeats, genes) and organisation (e.g., study of gene and genomic region rearrangements).
- Ecological genomics: identification of rapidly-evolving genes involved in fungal pathogenicity, host specialisation and speciation processes; hybridisation analysis; sexual chromosome evolution in fungi.

Dr Ildem Akerman
- MSc in biochemistry
- PhD in molecular biology (Univ. Oxford)
- Member of the Beta Cell Biology consortium
- subject areas: biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, computational biology, microarray analysis

Dr Justin Cates
- BSc in biology
- MD plus PhD in cell-, developmental-, and molecular biology (Tufts U)
- Professor of Pathology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Tennesse, USA
- Experienced editor and member of several editorial boards with >20y clinical and research experience in anatomic pathology and clinical oncology
- subject areas: biostatistics, clinical studies, evidence-based medicine, medical sciences, oncology, outcome studies, pathology

Dr Maria Martínez García
- MD plus PhD in medical oncology focused on predictive molecular markers of response in patients with advanced solid tumors treated with MEK and RAF inhibitors in phase I studies (UB)
- Associate Professor of Oncology at UPF, Barcelona, Spain
- Head of the Neuro Oncology section and Clinical Research Unit of the Medical Oncology service at Hospital del Mar (Barcelona, Spain), appointed President of the Spanish Neuro-oncology Research Group (GEINO)
- subject areas: neuro-oncology, molecular therapies, phase I clinical trials, innovative drugs, translational research in gliomas and breast cancer

Dr Joseph Caruso
- BSc in genetics
- MD plus PhD in experimental medicine focused on cancer biology (crosstalk between estrogen receptor and dioxin receptor signaling pathways) (McGill U)
- Former Research Assistant Professor at Wayne State University (MI, USA) and Associate Director of the KCI Proteomics Facility Core
- Experienced editor and author of peer-reviewed research articles
- subject areas: apoptosis / autophagy / cell death, bioinformatics, cancer biology, cell signalling, environmental health, protein expression, processing & modification, proteomics / mass spectrometry, toxicology

Dr Diane Gal
- MSc in public health (London SHTM)
- PhD in cardiovascular health (KU Leuven)
- Former project manager at FIP and WHO and lecturer at U Portsmouth
- subject areas: Biomarkers, Cardiovascular Disease, Non-communicable diseases, Environment and Health, Epidemiology, Evidence-Based Medicine, Infectious Disease, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Activity and Health, Public Health, Bibliometrics, Scientometrics

Dr Stephanie Gardham
- BSc hons in biology (U Nottingham)
- MSc in aquatic resource management (King's College London)
- PhD in environmental science (ecotoxicology) (Macquarie University, Australia)
- Member of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Intermediate Member of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders
- subject areas: ecotoxicology, risk assessment, pollution and remediation, aquatic ecology, water quality, environmental microbiology and environmental management, climate modelling, conservation biology, marine ecology, plant ecology, plant pathology, and general ecology and biology

Dr Tod van Gunten
- MA in humanities & social thought (NYU)
- PhD in sociology (U Wisconsin-Madison)
- subject areas: economic and political sociology, sociological theory, social networks, sociology of knowledge, globalization, Latin America and Southern Europe, human/ urban geography

Dr Jaime Huerta Cepas
- MSc in biology
- PhD in genomics (UCM)
- subject areas: phylogenomics, orthology, gene duplication, metagenomics, databases, numerical tool development for bioinformatics

Dr Malcolm Keeping
- BSc hons in zoology/entomology
- PhD in entomology (U. Witwatersrand)
- National Research Foundation (South Africa) rated researcher, grant holder and peer reviewer
- Registered natural scientist - South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions
- subject areas: agriculture, integrated pest management, plant science, plant pathology, host plant resistance, silicon in plants and soils, insect behaviour and chemical ecology, behavioural ecology, entomology, soil science

Dr Silvija Kipson
- MSc in biology/ecology
- MSc in environmental science and policy
- PhD in marine biology (Univ. Zagreb)
- Appointed national coral expert in Croatia
- subject areas: aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity, marine biology, marine ecology, climate change, conservation

Dr Joel Montane
- MSc in biochemistry and molecular biology
- PhD in gene therapy and diabetes (UAB)
- Several years of experience as science editor associated with the Centre of Excellence for Medicine
- subject areas: diabetes, immunology, transplantation, infection diseases, biochemistry, gene therapy, molecular biology, genetics, clinical studies

Dr Charlotte Pierrat
- MSc in geography
- PhD in geography (Sorbonne)
- subject areas: biogeography, epidemiology, environmental management, environmental policy, physical/urban/human geography, remote sensing, GIS

Dr Sara Ricardo
- BSc in biology
- PhD in Developmental Biology (UCL)
- subject areas: cell biology, developmental biology, molecular biology, genetics, neuroscience, stem cells, model organisms, drosophila

Dr Steve Sims
- BSc in entomology
- PhD in entomology (UC Davis)
- Affil. Prof. Auburn University, Alabama
- Experienced editor with >30 years research experience as entomologist/toxicologist with focus on agronomy, pest control, and resistance management
- subject areas: entomology, toxicology, botany, taxonomy, geology, conservation, habitat remediation

Dr Colin Smith
- BSc hons in geology
- PhD in geosciences/petrology (Imperial College)
- subject areas: geology, sedimentology, petrology, paleontology, physical geography, geodesy
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